

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 4 av 44

Trattbägarkeramiken och dess ritualer : En studie av keramikhanteringen vid megalitgravar i Sydskandinavien under neolitikum

This essay studies the funnel-beaker ceramic in connection with the megalith graves in South Scandinavia. In my work I have described the nature of ceramics and looked on the crockery types and ornamentation and then discussed the use of the material in a ritual perspective. In the first part I have focused on the critical aspects you have to think about when you do a study like this one. In the second part of this essay I have done a case study, with the ceramic material, in three passages graves in the area of Falbygden, Western Sweden and studied the ceramic material and the nature of it in South Scandinavia as well. Then in the third I discussed the potential use, there is two, of the ceramic material in general of South Scandinavia and looked at it in a ritual perspective..

Mellan Nouakchott och Antananarivo : Afrika och demokratin

The purpose of this essay is on the one hand to study Sub-Saharan Africa from a comparative perspective to analyze different explanations to democratization and on the other hand to compare the democratization of the most interesting cases found. To fulfil the purpose, the essay is divided into a quantitative and a qualitative part. The quantitative part starts from four different theories of democratization and thus has a deductive theory testing approach. We intend to use four theories: the modernization theory, the theory of stable institutions as a prerequisite for democratization, political culture and ethnic diversity as an obstacle for democratization, to test how they correspond with the democratic situation in Africa, and at the same time find deviant cases. The second part of the study takes its start from an inductive perspective and examines institutions and citizens of the deviant cases.

Traditionella institutioner i Afrika - Ett hot mot den moderna staten?

The function of traditional leaders in the modern states of Africa has been under debate for decades. The dominant research discourse suggests that these institutions should be integrated into the state in order to minimize the amount of parallel political spheres, since the latters are considered to affect state legitimacy negatively. But are the states in a situation where they need to compete with the traditional institutions in order to gain more legitimacy? If so, is the struggle for legitimacy a zero-sum game where there can only be one winner? Or is it possible for these institutions to co-exist or even benefit from each other? The aim of this bachelor?s thesis is to research if, and to what extent, African citizens? confidence in traditional institutions has an effect on state legitimacy. This has been done by statistically analyzing the data from the latest completed round of the Afrobarometer survey, a study that has been conducted in 20 different countries across West- and Northeast Africa.

Detta är inte Afrika - Västafrikanska undervisningsmetoder i Sverige

Title: This is not Africa - West African teaching methods in Sweden. This is a work of "translation". The study started with a musical journey to Guinea, West Africa. It was a field study where I had the opportunity to open my senses towards another culture and another kind of music. I found another learning tradition and decided to try to bring it with me back to Sweden, into the Swedish school system.

Rörelse i en sydafrikansk skola : En studie om lärares syn och tillämpning

AbstractAccording to a lot of people, movement contributes with a whole lot of positive things such as, learning, a better bodyknowledge, fellowship and koncentration. Movement has also proved to support many things regarding childrens development. According to Gun Sandborg-Holmdahl who is a teacher in pedagogic and Birgitta Stening who is an physical education teacher, movement and games commits many of the human senses wich contributes childrens ability to use their amagination and also spontanity. Games and movements have also shown to have good effects when it comes to childrens increased feeling to learn things. I have in this study, studied the South african school and their wiew on movement in school.

En bland 60 : Individuellt lärande i det sydafrikanska skolväsendet

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om det sydafrikanska skolväsendet bygger på teorierom det individuella lärandet. Undersökningen genomförs med tre metoder, en textanalys avläroplanen, intervjuer av lärare i Sydafrika och observationer av undervisning i ensydafrikansk skola. Resultatet är att det finns vissa spår av individuellt lärande i läroplanen,hos lärarnas svar och i viss undervisning. I diskussionen kommer jag fram till att även om detfinns frön av individuellt lärande i den sydafrikanska skolan så är det inte tillräckligt för attsäga att hela det sydafrikanska skolväsendet bygger på tankar om det individuella lärandet.Nyckelord: Individuellt lärande, Lärstilar, Revised National Curriculum StatementGrades R-9, Sydafrika..

Partnerskap och paternalism : En studie av Sida och Afrikagruppernas utvecklingssamarbete i Sydafrika med fokus på hiv och aids.

Syftet med studien är att undersöka och problematisera hur Sida och Afrikagrupperna arbetar med hiv och aids i Sydafrika utifrån den postkoloniala kritik som riktats mot denna typ av arbete. Fokus ligger på de problem och dilemman som finns i utvecklingssamarbetet med Sydafrika. För att få en djupare förståelse och ytterligare ett perspektiv sammanför vi den postkoloniala teorin med teorier om hälsa. I det postkoloniala kapitlet behandlas bland andra Maria Eriksson Baaz och Pal Ahluwalias teorier om hur kolonialismen har skapat strukturer som påverkar Afrikabilden både i västvärlden och i Afrika idag. I teorin om hälsa utgår vi ifrån bland andra Deborah Lupton som menar att folkhälsa har en stark inverkan på politiska och sociala strukturer som fungerar som ett moraliserande system och påverkar hur vi ser på oss själva.

Aspektorienterade vittringsprocesser : En studie i ett nordiskt klimat

Weathering on rocks is an important component of the world?s geomorphology. One way to measure weathering on rocks is to analyse rock hardness. This is a study conducted in the northern hemisphere on granite rocks in Uppsala, Sweden. A Schmidt hammer is used to create a correlation analysis between the aspects on three glacial erratic boulders and rock weathering.

Små ingrepp med stora steg mot förändring : ett utvecklingsförslag i Durban, Sydafrika

Durban, South africa?s third-largest city is a socially segregated post apartheid society, struggling with high unemployment and AIDS. The city becomes even more complex with a changing climate, creating an influx of people to the city, putting scarce resources under further stress. Warwick Junction, an important transport hub in the centre of Durban, holds a large site of informal trading alongside the formal markets. This informal sector generates large financial flows and provides for a rapidly growing population. The aim of this thesis is to develop an approach that is realistic and relevant to planning and design of an urban context in South africa.

Kulturens makt: En postkolonial analys av Sidas kulturbistånd

The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyse the ideology behind Sida's cultural aid by using postcolonial theory. We want to analyse the discourse on cultural aid that is found mainly in Sida's publications. The interpretation of the sources is made with a hermeneutic base and by using postcolonial theory in combination with Paul Ricoeur's theories on the function of ideology: 1. ideology as distortion, 2. ideology as legitimation, and 3.

Överlevnad och tillväxt för Douglasgran i södra Sverige

After the two big hurricanes called ?Gudrun? (2005) and ?Per? (2007) in the south of Sweden, some landowners planted Douglas fir instead of the traditional Norway spruce and Scots pine. They did it for different reasons. Some of them spreading their "risk", others because they wanted better growth or to obtain a more storm-resistant stand and trees more protected against rot. In this study, survival and growth were examined on Douglas fir in 21 different locations, owned by private landowners in southern Sweden.

Biologin hos svenska Lilioceris arter och åtgärder för att begränsa deras skadeverkningar :

Summary The leaf beetles, Lilioceris lilii and L. merdigera have existed in Asia, Europe and in North Africa for a long time, but have become much more abundant the last twenty-five years. Even North America has been affected during the last years. The purpose of this investigation of Lilioceris species in Sweden, is to give advice to gardeners, which type of control measures is the most effective in order to restrict their damage to lilies. Lilioceris species overwinter normally as pupae in the soil under the host or close by. Literature and contact with advisors have described the life cycle and spreading of Lilioceris. Under favourable conditions these leaf beetles have two generations/year in the south of Sweden. Both the adults and the larva eat the foliage, and by strong attacks even flowers can be eaten and only the stem is remaining. My own observations include different treatments of both lily foliage and of the leaf beetle.

Höjdtillväxt, överlevnad och skador i praktiska etableringar av hybridaspbestånd i södra Norrland, anlagda 2004-2011

Hybrid aspen is a crossbreed between European and North American aspen. It is a fast growing tree species that has shown strong growth in the South of Sweden. The follow-ups that have been made on hybrid aspen stands, have mainly been done on plant material in the South of Sweden. In the North of Sweden, only occasional studies have been made, and the knowledge of Northern hybrid aspen stands is, thus, unsatisfactory.In the South of Norrland, land owners have planted hybrid aspen, but what kind of plants it is, and how well these stands have established, is not ascertained, since data has not been compiled on the subject.The objective of this study is to evaluate practical plantations of hybrid aspen in the South of Norrland regarding height growth, survival and damages. The ambition is to increase the knowledge about practical plantations regarding height growth, survival and damages, and from the conclusions thereof, give recommendations for future establishments of hybrid aspen in the area.For the study, eight hybrid aspen stands in the South of Norrland were localised.

Icke -västerländsk konst : En exotisk föreställning eller en fabrikation/konstruktion? En analys av Africa Remix i ljuset av den postkoloniala teoribildningen

AbstraktLiksom skolan utgör en arena för alltmer pluralistiska elevgrupper med vitt skilda erfarenheter strävar konstmuseer idag efter att vara en representativ arena för en alltmer globaliserad konstvärld. Den problematik de står inför, samt hur de hanterar den då de arbetar för att inte reproducera en normerad maktrelation mellan västerlandet och resten av världen är kärnan i mitt arbete. Med postkoloniala frågeställningar om makt och diskurser försöker jag belysa vilken identitet vi i den västerländska kulturen ger både dem vi beskriver, samt oss själva, när vi definierar "icke-västerländsk" konst på ett specifikt sätt. För att kanalisera de postkoloniala frågeställningar jag undersöker tittar jag närmare på utställningen Africa Remix, (Moderna Museet i Stockholm 2006 ? 2007) eftersom den var en utställning som medvetet förhöll sig till den representationsproblematik som jag undersöker.

Internationellt erkännande : En studie utifrån Syd Sudan och Somalilands självständighetssökande

The intention of this study is to investigate why some regions, which choose to secede from their parent country, are internationally recognized and others are not. The case studies of this study are South Sudan and Somaliland. South Sudan is as of now the world?s newest state, and Somaliland is a break-away state that is considered a part of Somalia by the International community. There are conditions that have to be fulfilled, before existing nations recognize the break-away state, such as an agreement between the seceded state and the parent country, which was the case for South Sudan and Sudan.

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