

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 29 av 44

Konflikter på arbetsplatsen och deras hantering inom socialtjänsten

The purpose of this essay was to inquire how workplace conflicts are managed at a number of public social services offices in south-western Skåne. This essay's main research questions were: What organizational factors determine how conflicts arise and are managed in a work environment? To what extent are such factors prevalent at the above-mentioned social services offices? Are certain conflicts typically prevalent in the public social services? If so, what are they? How does the workplace in question manage the conflicts that arise? The inquiry was conducted among the staff of three public social services offices, applying the vignette method. According to previous research, certain system conflicts are typically prevalent in public sector organizations, which adversely affect the work conditions of social workers at the organization's professional level. Two examples each of this conflict type and of interpersonal conflict were included in the inquiry.

Slitundersökning för jordbearbetning och sådd :

In this study we try to focus on the costs for wear parts on different type of soil tillage machines and at Väderstad Rapid drilling machine. We have studied some of the leading types of cultivators and disk harrows. Among the cultivators we have investigated Väderstad Cultus, Dalbo Dinkomax, Horsch Tiger and Terrano. At disk harrow we have looked at Amazone Catros and Väderstad Carrier. We have made more detailed study on costs for wear parts, working depth, driving speed and diesel consumption.

Parasitering på en expanderande art : har kartfjärilen undkommit sina naturliga fiender?

Warmer climate is a driving factor to species expansion northwards. Expansion to new areas can result in escape from natural enemies, resulting in reduced levels of mortality and thereby potentially increasing the rate of expansion. The most important parasitoid species attacking butterfly larvae belong to the families Tachinidae, Ichneumonidae and Braconidae. The aim of this thesis was to investigate parasitism and difference between populations in established area and newly colonized area for the European map butterfly, Araschnia levana, in order to examine if the butterfly has escaped from some natural enemies. In 1982 the first European map butterfly was observed in Sweden and has now established up to middle Småland.

Den blåögde lille reportern : En kvalitativ studie i hur Hergés Tintin skildrar en västeuropés attityd till omvärlden under 46 år

The objective of this study was to investigate differences in the portrayal of Western European citizens and non Western European citizens in Hergé?s graphic novels about the young journalist Tintin. We wanted to see if the globalization during the mid 1900?s had an effect on Hergé?s way of portraying the world. We started off by selecting nine novels from three different periods of time, though we read all of the novels in The Adventures of Tintin.

Fyra pedagogers tankar om synen på förskolans uppdrag

The purpose of my essay has been to illustrate any possible differences between pre-school teachers? and parents' views on the mission of the pre-school put in relation to the pre-school curriculum. In my study I have taken a starting point in the following questions:How do pre-school teachers understand the mission of the pre-school?Do pre-school teachers recognize the term baby-sitting from their profession?How do pre-school teachers perceive the parents' view on the mission of the pre-school?How concerned are the parents according to the pre-school teachers about the pedagogical activities of the pre-school?What do the pre-school teachers do to inform the parents about the pre-school curriculum and how aware do they think that the parents are of the curriculum?What are the plans of the pre-schools to fulfill the new part of the revised curriculum that comes into effect July 1 2011?I chose to utilize the qualitative method with the hermeneutics as a theoretical framework in my study and through interviews study my questions. The interviews were made with four pre-school teachers from different pre-schools in the south of Stockholm.

En etnisk secession : Varför Biafra beslutade sig föra att bryta sig loss och hur lärare kan göra det tydligare i historieämnet

The aim of the analysis in this essay will be divided into two cases. In the first, I will study the formation of a new State and why a geographic area of a country decides to make an secession. The focus will be on the secession of Biafra from Nigeria in 1967 and how the causes and explanations behind this secession, get in the Swedish literature as well as the international literature. In Case 2, I will use a explanation games, as a means to give pupils more understanding and to make it more clear, why a geographical area chooses to make a secession, and where I will use the secession of the Biafra from Nigeria as my example (Case 1). To more easily understand and answer  the question, why the geographical area of Biafra in south-eastern Nigeria chose to do an secession, I have chosen to study my Case 1 from a social and political context.

Warden i småskaliga krig : Luftoperationer under Sydafrikanska gränskriget

Konflikterna i södra Afrika under 1900-talets andra hälft är något som idag är främmande för många och som direkt för tankarna till apartheid regimen. Hårt pressat av omvärlden på grund av deras raspolitik kämpade Sydafrika i många år en oftast anonym konflikt mot kommunistiska styrkor som hade stöd från Kuba och Sovjetunionen.Under vissa perioder, speciellt mot krigsslutet, eskalerades stridigheterna och stora konventionella operationer bedrevs långt in i Angola för att hindra framfarten av fientliga styrkor.  Sydafrikas användandet av stridsflyg kopplas i denna studie till John A. Warden III:s teorier om hur luftmakt bör användas.Warden är mest känd från perspektivet att hans teorier var grundläggande i planerandet av Gulfkriget i Irak och andra amerikanska luftoffensiver under 1990- och 2000-talet. I detta arbete undersöks i hur stor utsträckning det är möjligt att finna spår av Wardens luftmakts-teorier i Sydafrikas gränskrig.Resultatet av studien visar, genom en analys, hur enskilda händelser och operationer korrelerar med utvalda begrepp ur Wardens teorier. Däremot finns det inga indikationer som pekar på att det större strategiska perspektivet överensstämmer med Wardens större konceptuella idéer..

Fågelskådare och lantbrukare i samarbete : kommunikation och naturvård i jordbrukslandskapet

In the spring of 2006 a pilot project was initiated by The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies of Sweden together with The Swedish Ornithological Society in order to increase collaboration between bird watchers and farmers. The project as a whole comprised 11 farms in South-Central Sweden. The aim was to benefit the decreasing populations of bird species related to the agricultural landscape. The purpose of this master thesis was to study how similarities and differences between bird watchers and farmers regarding opinions about nature, landscape, agriculture, birds and nature conservation have influenced the collaboration. Four of the farmers and five of the bird watchers that participated in the project were included in this study.

Barnens säkerhet utifrån ett lärarperspektiv : En studie om rådande resursskillnader i en låg- respektive högstatusskola

That the Swedish society looks different depending on the location is a fact and that in turn means different schools with different conditions and resources depending on the localization. We have in this study interviewed four teachers in a high-status school and four teachers at a low-status school in a municipality south of Stockholm. The purpose of our study is to find out how teachers / educators perceive children's physical and psychological safety in their workplaces, and if there is a difference between the schools in resource allocation.In order to answer our purpose of the study, we chose to interview teachers about how the school looks for the kids in order of enough resources such as books for all, enough facilities and competent and even skilled teachers. To take into account and consider people´s backgrounds, experiences, and cultural frames of reference is a way to interact within a respectful world, and as a good approach to educating children from all parts of the world and with all the different mental and physical difficulties. The two schools in our study show lack of resources but of different kinds.

Motiv och motivation bakom volonta?rism i extrema situationer. : En kvalitativ studie om Volunteer Function Inventory och dess beha?llning som analysverktyg.

This study is based on the notion that the most widely cited and used instrument for assessing volunteer motivations, the Volunteer Function Inventory (VFI), might not be sufficient in its aspiration to aid, streamline and benefit the recruitment and retention process within volunteer organizations. Understanding volunteers? motivation is a crucial component in the process of securing future volunteer engagement in a world where their efforts are desperately needed.This study aims to explain motives and motivation behind volunteer efforts in extreme situations as well as to examine the dependability of the theoretical framework in relation to the forthcoming result, based on the following research questions:What motivated Swedish medical personnel to volunteer during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa?How could the motives and motivation of Swedish medical personnel be categorized in accordance with the Volunteer Function Inventory (VFI)?Is the Volunteer Function Inventory (VFI) a sufficient tool for analyzing the motives and motivation of Swedish medical personnel in the given case?The presented research questions will be answer through a qualitative theory-consuming study, based mainly on interviews. The interviews are, however, complimented by various written sources in the field of research.The result and subsequent analysis confirms the authors? notion on the VFI and highlights certain deficits in the tool?s execution and its succeeding result.

Undersökning av elkvalitet i distributionsnät med omfattande vindkraftselproduktion

The goal for this master thesis project has been to investigate the power quality in adistribution grid, which has a high fraction of dispersed power production due towindmills. The study has been done on a grid in Laholm South of Halmstad, whereapproximately 45 windmills are connected to the distribution grid owned by SHKEnergi. The investigation has been focused on to two radialy fed 20 kV lines, wheretwelve windmills are connected.Voltage variations have been studied by creating a model of the grid in the simulationprogram SIMPOW. The largest deviation that has been found in any point of the gridis ±1.9 % of the nominal voltage. This deviation is a result of varying powergeneration from the windmills and the voltage regulation at the connection point ofthe line.

?? man får vara lite uppfinnare på något sätt? - Om referenssamtalets problem och hinder med fokus på kommunikationssvårigheter

The purpose of this thesis is to study how some librarians working at a public library experience problems that can occur at the reference interview, slightly focusing on communication difficulties. Therefore I interviewed three librarians working at the reference desk on a daily basis. I chose to limit the study to public libraries and to the south of Sweden. My main question is: what difficulties can a librarian encounter during a reference interview and what can he/she do to treat these? In support of my main question I have three subordinated questions:What reasons can there be to a librarian not understanding a user?s information need?What methods are useful for a librarian to enhance the condition of the reference interview? What attitudes and qualities can be of use for the librarian at a difficult reference interview?For the collection of empirical data I chose to use semi-structured interviews.

Om arbetslaget och lärares lärande : En fallstudie av arbetslagets betydelse för pedagogers lärande om undervisning och lärande

The aim of this essay is to study the importance of team organisation of teachers? learning of teaching and learning and to find out different obstacles and possibilities.I carried out the study at a schooldistrict in a community in the south of Sweden. Data was collected by group interviews and document studies. To get all kinds of teachers, from pre-school to year six, in the groups the sample was made by the headmaster of the schooldistrict. Since it is a case study the findings can not be considered as general, but they can hopefully contribute the pedagogical discussion and future research.The findings show that there exists a difference between the expectations on policy level on the one hand and on the team level on the other hand.

Johannishusparken : historia, nutid, framtid

Summary The estate of Johannishus is situated in the south of Sweden and in the province of Blekinge, about 8 kilometres from the city of Ronneby. The main building together with the park represents the province´s only example of a well preserved estate environment from the early 1800th Century, and was declared as a historic monument in 1982 because of its unique role in the province. Johannishus Park has during 300 years developed in close relation to the main building, the landscape and the surrounding infrastructure. Each century and owner has had an influence on the park, which has resulted in an interesting visible cross-section of 300 years of Swedish garden history. Most noticeable today are the traces from late 19th Century, but in its oldest parts the park contains structures from the early 18th Century.

Djurvälfärd i relation till socioekonomiska förhållanden i utvecklingsländer

Lantbruksdjurens välfärd påverkas i stor utsträckning av människors sociala och ekonomiska förutsättningar. Brister i djurvälfärd skiljer sig således åt i olika länder beroende på bland annat djurhållningssystem, klimatförhållanden och utfodringsmöjligheter. Denna variation mellan länder medför behov av skiftande anpassningar och insatser för ökad djurvälfärd beroende på samhällets grundförutsättningar. Det finns tendenser till att industriländer försöker applicera sina forskningsresultat och kunskaper direkt på andra länder när de skall genomföra ett biståndsprojekt, något som sällan ger framgångsrika resultat om viktiga faktorer som kultur, tradition, miljö och religion ej tas med i beaktandet. I utvecklingsländer, där människor plågas av svält, fattigdom och arbetslöshet finns det ytterst begränsade ekonomiska tillgångar att investera djurvälfärdsfrågor. Detta ökar behovet av ett ?människofokuserat? djurvälfärdsarbete, där insatser för djurens välfärd samtidigt bidrar till ett ökat välbefinnande hos människor, antingen ekonomiskt eller hälsomässigt.

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