

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 16 av 44

"Bra jobbat!" : En undersökning av gymnasieelevers skriftliga kamratrespons

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

?Här ska det stå nåt smart, typ på riktig svenska? : Om att vara flerspråkig ungdom i en mångkulturell skola i förorten

This research shows and analyses how pupils in ninth grade in the nine-year compulsory school look at being multilingual, at the Swedish language and at Swedish as a second language. I also want to know if language and culture knowledge are taken care of in school as it says in official documents for the Swedish school and as it also is desired in an intercultural education. For my research I do eight interviews in a suburb school south of Stockholm.My work includes a limited account for the current research about being multilingual, Swedish as a second language and about the close relationship between language and culture. The applied theory is a social constructivist theory which in short can be explained like that we construct social structures that have consequences on the individual as well as on the society.I show in my research how the view of the world around the pupils influences their view on their languages, their school and their neighbourhood. I also draw conclusions from my interviews that language knowledge is little appreciated in school and that Swedish as a second language has a low status..

Cross-sectional study of bovine anaplamosis in South-western Uganda : the impact of wildlife-livestock interface

The tick-borne disease bovine anaplasmosis is primarily caused by Anaplasma marginale. A variety of wild animals act as reservoirs for A. marginale, but the understanding of their role in the epidemiology of A. marginale is yet poor. This cross-sectional study was conducted to establish if proximity of wildlife affect the prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis in cattle.

Mission och mänskliga rättigheter : Svenska Missionsförbundets missionsverksamhet i Kongo-Brazzaville 1909-1961 ur ett ma?nniskora?ttsperspektiv

This paper?s purpose is to examine a Swedish missionary activity from a human rights perspective. As a scope I have chosen the Swedish evangelical mission to Congo-Brazzaville, from its establishment in 1909 to the congolese church's self-determination in 1961. I consider certain elements of the missionary activity that affect human rights, to discover wether the activity was in order with modern day human rights standards or not. During these years, Congo was part of the French colony Equatorial Africa, so the missionaries? part in the colonial discourse is taken into consideration.

Utvärdering av Auroraverksamheten - vid en Kvinnoklinik i södra Sverige

The main purpose of this stydy was to evaluate the Aurora clinic (for women afraid of birth/delivery) in the south of Sweden. Questionnaires were sent to 197 women who had contact with the Aurora clinic during 2007 and 2008. The group of participants contained both pregnant women and women who have given birth. A total of 136 women replied. The results showed that both the average age and the level of education of the women were high.

Platsutveckling genom kultur på landsbygden : En fallstudie av verksamheten Gula Huset i Uddebo

Urbanization and the flight of the creative class drains the countryside when it comes to creativity and talent. Especially the young leave sleepy societies. Richard Florida claims that the city attracts the creative class and enables for economic growth to flourish. Robert Putnam adds to the picture by saying social capital might be equally effective as nourishment for growth. In Uddebo, a rural village in the south of Sweden one combines the two creating a vivid society where creativity flies high and ideas fertilize each other?s.

Att leva med HIV i Europa respektive Afrika

Individer som smittas av Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) och utvecklar Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) ställs inte bara inför en livshotande sjukdom utan drabbas dessutom av stigma som är relaterat till fruktan för HIV/AIDS. Stigmatisering är ett globalt problem som kan leda till diskriminering och försämrad livskvalitet för personen i såväl den privata som den offentliga sfären. Orsaken till stigmatiseringen är komplex och problematiken existentiell. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att jämföra påverkan på individen vid sjukdomen HIV i Europa respektive Afrika söder om Sahara. Resultaten i studien baseras på 17 vetenskapliga artiklar där fokus ligger på anledningar till att berätta om eller dölja sin HIV-status och vilka konsekvenser detta val kan få för individens liv.

Mannens och kvinnans copingstrategier vid infertilitet : En systematisk litteraturstudie

The main purpose of this stydy was to evaluate the Aurora clinic (for women afraid of birth/delivery) in the south of Sweden. Questionnaires were sent to 197 women who had contact with the Aurora clinic during 2007 and 2008. The group of participants contained both pregnant women and women who have given birth. A total of 136 women replied. The results showed that both the average age and the level of education of the women were high.

Modersmålsundervisningens existens och förutsättningar : Om samarbetet mellan SO-lärare och modersmålslärare på en skola i södra Stockholm

This paper aims to examine the mother tongue subject and it´s existence and condition in a school located in the south of Stockholm. I have performed interviews with four teachers about their opinions and attitudes regarding the mother tongue subject in the school were they work. Two of the teachers are teachers in social studies and two of them are teachers in the mother tongue subject. My aim is also to examine whether an interest exists among the teachers to collaborate in between the subjects and what possibilities and conditions such collaboration would have in effect. I have applied a qualitative method based on personal interviews with semi-structured questions as my data acquisition method.

Den värdefulla insidan : en fallstudie av Swedbank Stadion

The purpose of this essay is to look at the Swedbank Stadion, which is a modern stadium in the south of Sweden. Swedbank Stadion is the home ground of Malmö FF, one of the largest football team in Sweden, and the goal is to create value for the team. The stadium owners have to get companies to hire premises inside of the stadium so they can pay for the home ground of Malmö FF. Therefore we have focused on the servicescape in the stadium and how it can create value for the companies that act on Swedbank Stadion on a daily basis.This study of the Swedbank Stadion is based on a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach is chosen because we wanted to establish deeper understanding for the case itself.

Cotonouavtalet - egenskaper och orsaker. En studie utifrån liberalistiskt och protektionistiskt perspektiv

The EU has for a long time had a special relationship with its former colonies in Africa Caribbean and the Pacific, called the ACP?countries. This relationship is about to change radically with the new partnership agreement signed in June 2000 in Cotonou. This essay aims to study the EU ?ACP Partnership Agreement from the perspectives of two different theories: The liberalist, free-trade policy theory and the nationalist/regionalist, protectionist theory.

Könsstympade kvinnors möte med västerländsk vård : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: Female circumcision or female genital mutilation is a tradition that is carried out mainly in Africa. The intervention refers to that part of- or all of the girl?s external genital organs are removed. Aim: The study's purpose was to highlight the consequences of female circumcision in the encounter with western health care.Method: A systematic literature reviews was performed as a method. Twelve articles were selected for the study and these were sought in Chinal, PubMed and PsycINFO. Analysis and interpretation was done according to qualitative content analysis, inspired by Lundman and Granheim.

Föroreningsspridning via ledningsgravar : en fältstudie på Köpmanholmens industriområde

Sewer trenches usually contain material with a higher hydraulic conductivity then the adjacent soil. Thus they can serve as paths of preferential flow in a polluted area. Wastewater from factories can also leak from wastewater pipes and pollute the soil in the sewer trenches.The purpose of this project was to investigate pollutions in sewer trenches and in sewer pipes in the industrial area of Köpmanholmen, 20 km south of Örnsköldsvik in the north of Sweden. To make an estimation concerning the potential of transport of pollutions in sewer trenches, hydrological calculations were performed.Leakage to any greater extent did not seem to be a problem in the area. This is the case both for the concrete and the wooden pipes that have served as factory wastewater pipes.

Mobbning i skolan ? uppmärksamma, förebygga, motverkaBullying in school - to attend, prevent, counteract

Previous studies have shown that teachers in school are having an insufficientknowledge about the bullying at their own school. These studies are based from pupils point of view at the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. Based on this literature we became critical and wanted to examine this closer.The purpose of this essay was to find out and to examine how the staff in two different senior level of compulsory school notice, prevent and counteract bullying in their daily line of work. With this essay we hope to get the schools attention and understanding about this existing problem. We have done a qualitative study using qualitative method for collection of data.

Handledande samtal i förskolan : -kompetensutveckling eller akut problemlösning?

Preschool is a place that is continually undergoing change at a rapid pace and developing the skills of our educators is essential for their ability to keep up with these changes. Guidance conversations can be used as a vital tool for the educators competence development.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how educators, special educators and preschool principals think and reason about the use of guidance conversations in preschool.A qualitative method has been used in the shape of interviews with educators, special educators and preschool principals working within different districts of a medium sized city in the south of Sweden.These interviews revealed that the use of guidance conversations is often controlled by specific needs and is used when a problem arises amongst the children. There are many expectations on the special educators role in these conversations, one of which is the role of conversation leader with the purpose of guiding the conversation amongst involved parties and give them the tools they need to resolve problems by themselves instead of delivering packaged solutions..

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