

660 Uppsatser om South africa - Sida 15 av 44

?Att slänga bensin där det redan brinner? : En studie av expansionen i Åre by och turismens påverkan på Åres samhällsutveckling

This essay is about children in grief. This subject is very wide, therefore I have chosen to focus on childrens questions in relation to losing someone close to them. I got the idée for this study in 2004 when the tsunami hit south Asia.The result in this study reflects three different pedagogues experiences about how they have experienced childrens questions when they have lost a person near to them. During this study I have reached the knowledge that as an adult you should answer childrens questions straight and honestly. It is important that children get information about what has happened, they must get a chance to participate.

Ridningens pedagogik

The purpose of this study has been to look how pedagogic process interacts in horse riding lessons. In order to research this problem I have used an ethnographic approach and during a week I observed ten riding lessons in two separate Riding house in the south of Sweden. In my theoretical frame I have used Michel Foucault ?Discipline and punish? as a toll to make clear how dominance and submission is present and active in the horse riding education. The conclusion shows how dominant power rules by its presence and creates submission, stability and feeling of security. The discipline is used to create a feeling that will bring the riders to new experience and develop their talent.

Varm klimatutbildning för blivande officerare

Försvarsmakten genomför skarpa uppdrag på flera platser i världen, både i extrem kyla och hetta för att lyckas lösa påfrestande uppgifter krävs både kunskap och erfarenhet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om Militärhögskolan Karlberg bör utbilda sina kadetter i varmt klimat, så att de innehar kunskapen innan de kommer ut på sina förband. Syftet har brutits ned i följande frågeställningar. Huvudfrågeställning: Bör kadetter på militärhögskolan utbildas i varmt klimat?Delfrågor: Definiera vad varmt klimat är, Hur påverkar värmen människan och vilka risker finns? Vilka utbildningar bedriver Försvarsmakten idag över varmt klimat?Varför utbildar inte Militärhögskolan Karlberg sina kadetter i varmt klimat? Jag har använt mig av metoden induktion vilket innebär att jag gjort empiriska iakttagelser i form av intervjuer samt litteratursökning och sedan dragit slutsatser utifrån dessa.

Konsumtion i rörelse : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av politiska konsumenter

The purpose of the study is to examine eight individuals? experiences and conceptions of political consumerism. Main notions in the study are concepts like reshaping of the politics, morality and individualization. The method of choice is qualitative interview and grounded theory. Theories that deal with consumer society, subpolitics and individualization constitute the theoretical framework.

Kiselalgernas missbildningar under toxiska förhållanden

A research of 14 toxic affected study sites in Sweden showed a significant increased proportion of deformed diatoms. The six metal polluted study sites in the region of Dalarna showed a 4, 2% average of deformed Fragilaria (deformed diatoms reference sites, 0, 1%). The results also indicate a significant increased proportions of deformed diatoms in the eight pesticide polluted sites in the south and middle of Sweden, compared to the reference sites, howsoever the toxic content was low. The results indicate that there are no lager differences in neither teratological forms nor variations that segregate metal polluted and pesticide polluted shells. One of the reasons may be that both heavy metals and pesticides can affect the development of the diatom shell..

Taylor-regelns aktualitet och tillämpbarhet : En jämförelse av Taylor-skattningar i Brasilien, Kanada, Polen, Sverige och Sydafrika för åren 2000-2013

John B. Taylor, professor i nationalekonomi vid Stanford University, presenterade år 1993 en penningpolitisk regel som syftade till att vara ett hjälpmedel för centralbanker vid räntebeslut. Taylor-regeln är mycket enkel i sitt uförande och baseras på att styrräntan bör sättas efter två variabler: BNP-gapet och inflationsavvikelsen. Denna styrränteregel fick genomslag inom den vetenskapliga världen men spreds även till makroekonomisk praktik och medförde stora förändringar för penningpolitiken.Flera empriska studier har publicerats sedan Taylor-regeln tillkom och det råder det delade meningar om hur väl Taylor-regeln presterar för olika typer av ekonomier och hur användbar den är idag. Det har även uppkomit nya teorier angående trögheten i effekterna av styrränteförändringar och vid vilken tidpunkt dessa får en inverkan på inflationstakten.Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra hur väl den ursprungliga Taylor-modellen och en tidslaggad modell förklarar centralbankernas historiska styrräntesättning i fem länder med inflationsmål under tidsperioden 2000-2013.

Klimatanpassning av Ljungby stad mot översvämningar

Climate changing is a growing problem for many countries and communities over the world. The cities has a huge work to deal with in their reforcements of their cities to be resilient ones. This thesis makes an effort to investigate and illuminate some of the problem the cities has to solve related to flooding, hazards, erosions, rising sea levels and crotches. This thesis will help to find solutions that international and national efforts has produced and handed out to each other. A lot of communities are charing their excellent tools that works for them.

Två år efter restaurering:Vad har förändrats i bottenfaunan?

The aim of the study was to examine if the benthos in a restored portion of a small lowland stream south of Linkoping differed from two non restored reference areas two years after restoration. The reference areas were one stretch downstream and one upstream stretches of the restored stream. The benthic invertebrates were collected using standardized kick sampling. In order to classify the communities and estimate any differences, three different indices were exercised. In addition rank-abundance curves and checklists were used to get a picture of species composition.

Att bygga konkurrenskraft : en fallstudie på tre små- och medelstora byggföretag

This essay is about children in grief. This subject is very wide, therefore I have chosen to focus on childrens questions in relation to losing someone close to them. I got the idée for this study in 2004 when the tsunami hit south Asia.The result in this study reflects three different pedagogues experiences about how they have experienced childrens questions when they have lost a person near to them. During this study I have reached the knowledge that as an adult you should answer childrens questions straight and honestly. It is important that children get information about what has happened, they must get a chance to participate.

I döda kungars sällskap : Historiebruk och historiemedvetande kopplat till Sverigedemokratisk ungdom på Facebook mellan 2010-2014

The chief aim of this study is to investigate the impact of context on written peer response. A second aim is to explore students? attitudes towards peer response. The investigation has taken place at an upper secondary school in the south-east of Sweden, involving 20 students in grade 2 and 3 in the course Swedish C. The investigation is based on the students? comments on their peers? speech drafts and six qualitative interviews.

BLOD, SKATT OCH JORDEB?CKER. En j?mf?rande fallstudie om informationskapacitet i det postkoloniala Latinamerika

Tax revenue is crucial in order for states to survive. States vary a lot in terms of tax revenue however, and different explanations are frequently debated among political scientists. Recently, scholars have argued that the variations in tax revenue among European states today can largely be explained by their ability to collect information about the citizens and their belongings during the early modern period (1450-1800). States that were early in acquiring this information in so called cadasters, could use it in order to collect tax. This fiscal capacity thereafter sustained in a path dependent manner.

Regler och normer i fängelser: ur ett utifrånperspektiv

The purpose with this study was to investigate the rules and norms there is in a prison. The rules in a meaning of the one that the prison have that the interns must follow and the norms and values. This study is from an outside perspective, which is in this case between the prison warders and the interns and the relation between the interns. The essay is based on nine interviews with prison warders from four different prisons in south of Sweden. Habermas theory about systems and lifeworld and prior research by Donald Clemmer and Ricard Nilssons B-essay in law of sociology is used to support the results.

Att skildra sin historia - En diskursanalys av franska politikers bild av Frankrikes roll som kolonisatör sett ur ett postkolonialteoretiskt och mångkulturellt perspektiv

The aftermath of colonization, culture diversity and the recognition of the ownidentity - living in a country which has the role of a former colonizer has got consequences in the multicultural French society. These consequences can be seen studying the politics, the education and the history of that country. In this bachelorthesis I discuss the aftermath of French colonization with a focus on how the French cultural identity can be explained in defining colonialism in French lawmaking. The aim is to understand the definition of the own cultural identity from a postcolonial perspective and what meaning the multicultural society has for this definition. This is an issue which can be seen in politics as well as ineveryday life, and to make an understanding of it, I study how French politicians are representing their country's role as a former colonizer in a postcolonial era.

Ishockeyns sommarskolor : En studie om föräldrars intresse för sommarhockeyskolor

To take part in a summer hockey camp during the summer vacation is something that is very popular. This study is carried out through parents of ice-hockey active children in the south of Sweden. The main purpose of this study is to investigate for which reasons parents might let their children participate in a summer hockey camp. It is also studied which parts of the contents in a camp that is considered important by the parents and how much they are willing to pay for a week. To answer this, were an inquiry send out to 86 respondents.

En studie i brott : kvinnlig brottslighet i Askeryds Socken, Småland 1825-30

This essay focuses on crime history and gender. It is a study of female crimes in the beginning of the 19th century in a small parish (Askeryd Socken) in Småland in the south part of Sweden. The method I have used is to study the records of Municipal Court regarding the citizens of the parish of Askeryd. I have then tried to find out whether the female offenders have been treated different than the male offenders, if there is a certain kind of gender-related crimes and in those cases where comparison is possible, I have examined if the females are treated in a lighter way. (?female discount?), or if they were treated as mentally unstable.The essay shows that in this particular parish during the years 1825 to 1830, female offenders were not treated in a lighter manner.

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