

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 39 av 95

Elevers rätt : Elevinflytandets utveckling i gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this study is to examinehowdemocracy andstudent participation hasbeen developed inthethree curricula for upper secondary school. To find this out, I have used the following questions:?Howare the conceptsof democracy and student participationformulated in the various curricula Lgy70, Lpf94 and Gy11? ?What changes with regard to these formulations have been made between the curricula Lgy70, Lpf94 and Gy11?The essay is written so that I have interpreted my empirical material to make a discourse analysis in which I analysethe three curricula of upper secondaryschool with the intention to highlight how the ideal of student participation was supposed to look like. The source material that I use in the essay arethe three curricula;Lgy70 , Lpf94 and Gy11 .Student participationhas had a major role in allthecurricula,but ithas changed in how it was madeand how it would be implemented. Lgy70stresses thatformal and collective participation is important, but there are indications of ashift to a more personal and informal participation forthe students.

Livet mellan husen : ett utvecklingsförslag för Disagården

The open air museum of Disagården is situated in the Old Uppsala parish, Uppsala municipality, are projected to portray a double row village, before the land enclosure, on the Uppsala plain during the 1860s and 1870s. Disagården operates under the County Museum of Uppland and serves as an exhibit of Uppland's farming culture during the late 19th century. However, an open-air museum is a complex institution where many interests are linked together. Disagården aims to simultaneously portray an historical environment while offering broad public appeal. The Disagården open air museum was inaugurated in 1931 and consists of relocated buildings that together form three farm complexes "Gränbygården", "Skuttungegården" and "Bärbygården". The thesis explores how the close surroundings of a typical farm in Uppland looked during the 1860s and 1870s. This historical depiction has then been applied to Disagården in a development suggestion creating a foundation from which Disagården can structure the close cultivation of the different farms. The basis of the development program has primarily been compiled through archival and literary studies but also through on-site visits and interviews. How did the concept of open air museums start and what were the ideas behind the concept? Which external influences affected the situating of cultivations and buildings? Which crops and species were present on the farms in Uppland during the specified time period? What was the relation of the different structures to each other? Which organizations had influences on the farmer's household of the Uppland plain? The thesis attempts to clarify the answers to these questions. The influences affecting on the farmer's household in Uppland were probably numerous.

Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects

This thesis describes a system for dealing with free surface fluid simulations, and the components needed in order to construct such a system. It builds upon recent research, but in a computer graphics context the amount of available literature is limited and difficult to implement. Because of this, the text aims at providing a solid foundation of the mathematics needed, at explaining in greater detail the steps needed to solve the problem, and lastly at improving some aspects of the animation process as it has been described in earlier works. The aim of the system itself is to provide visually plausible renditions of animated fluids in three dimensions in a manner that allows it to be usable in a visual effects production context. The novel features described include a generalized interaction layer providing greater control to artists, a new way of dealing with moving objects that interact with the fluid and a method for adding source and drain capabilities..

Informationskompetensen i användarundervisningen

This master thesis investigates the user education. Christine Bruce has presented a theory of information literacy in her research which has resulted in seven different aspects of information literacy. In this study I wanted to investigate what aspects there were and what they looked like in a practical educational situation. The methods used for this study were observation and a questionnaire. I analysed the observations by using Bruces aspects of information literacy to group the observed activities into the different aspects.

Vilsna tankar ? en studie i relationen mellan abstrakt och figurativ illustration

The reason for, and objective of, this project has been to research the relation between abstract and figurative illustration and how, if at all possible, one can bring them together and make them act as a whole.As a starting point for this project I used fragments from texts I?ve written during the past years. The texts deal with the thoughts and emotions that describe the state of melancholy or mania, two psychological conditions that are widely spread in our society. By illustrating these text passages in pencil drawings I?ve been given the possibility to investigate how to combine figurative illustration with the abstract alike.

Klubba och Boll är allt som behövs för att ha skoj : En studie om kommunikationens och kommunikationskulturensbetydelse i ett elitsatsande ungdomsinnebandylag

Abstract: When playing in teams, communication is important, not just communication with words but also non-verbal communication such as gestures and body languish. The purpose with this study is to see how there is a co-op among communicating players , between leaders and players and to examine what meaning communication and culture got  in a youth team. The ambition with this study was to increase our knowledge about communication and communicationculture in the youth floorball team. This study is qualitative and was inspired by an ethnographical method so we got the information from observations of a youth floorball team, totally we made four observations. The result were analyzed and categorized from our observation papers.

Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa

In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.

Det svenska spionaget i Baltikum 1943-1957 : En studie av ett fiasko?

During and after World War II Sweden was spying in the occupied Baltic countries which had been occupied, from 1943 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 by the Soviet Union. It began in 1943, with the Germans still occupying the Baltic countries, when Sweden and its intelligence service ?C-byrån? recruited volunteers among the Baltic refugees in Sweden and sent them back to the countries they had fled from. Many of the Baltic refugees to Sweden were men aged 25-45 so the Swedish intelligence service had a good recruiting source. This started the first period of intelligence operations in the three Baltic countries.

Analys av datakommunikationssäkerhet för VoIP-protokoll

Voice over IP (VoIP) is a relatively new technology that enables voice calls over data networks.With VoIP it is possible to lower expenses, and increase functionality and flexibility. FromSwedish Armed Forces point of view, the security issue is of great importance, why the focus inthis report is on the security aspect of the two most common open-source VoIP-protocols H.323and SIP, some of the most common attacks, and counter-measures for those attacks.Because of the level of complexity with a network running H.323 or SIP, and the fact that it hasyet to stand the same level of trial as of traditional telephony, a VoIP-system includes manyknown security-issues, and probably at present many unknown security flaws.The conclusion is that it takes great knowledge and insight about a VoIP-network based onH.323 or SIP to make the network satisfyingly safe as it is today, and is therefore perhaps not asuitable solution for the Swedish Armed Forces today for their more sensitive communications..

Användarundervisning på webben design för lättillgänglighet och användbarhet

The aim of this thesis was twofold, on the one hand to compile a set of usability and accessibility guidelines in order to establish the characteristics of a user friendly website, and on the other to test these guidelines on eight library webcourses with user education to see how well they adhered to the guidelines. The methods used were literature survey and source studies. The guidelines found in the literature survey were divided into four different categories: document properties, structure and navigability, visual characteristics and accessibility. In order to establish the adequacy of the guidelines, I examined reference sources, mostly on the web. To a certain extent this examination has been based on HCI Human-Computer interaction theories.

Från luddig verklighet till strikt formalism : Utveckling av en metod för den semantiska webben

Internet is the world?s largest source of information, and it is expanding every day. It is possible to find all kind of information as long as you know how and where to look for it, but still it is only the words itself that are searched for. We have with this essay tried to find an approach that makes it possible to give the word a meaning or a context.We have, as a starting point used the Socrates method, which is a method that breaks down texts into its smallest elements and forms activities. We have redone these activities to ontologies by forming general and specific descriptions of the activities.

WEBBSERVRAR : En jämförelsestudie mellan proprietär och Open source webbservrar

Nuförtiden är det mycket vanligt att människor och företag använder en hemsida för att synas. Hemsidor kan vara uppbyggda på olika sätt och av olika datorspråk, men de måste i grund och botten köras på en webbserver för att kunna fungera som en webbplats.Det här examenarbete undersöker prestandan för proprietär webbserver och webbserver som är av typen öppen källkod. Webbservrarna prestandatestades på hur väl de klarar av att distribuera olika sorters material som är vanligt förekommande i dagens webbsidor. Resultaten ifrån prestandamätningarna visar att webbservern av typen öppen källkod presterar i regel bättre än de proprietära webbservarna. En litteraturstudie genomfördes även för att se hur funktionaliteten för webbservern av typen öppen källkod kunde utvidgas.

Bilder av konflikternas Sydafrika : Två svenska lokaltidningars rapporteringar om Sowetoupproret i Sydafrika 1976

In the year of 2006 I moved to South Africa for a year, a land that has fascinated me because of its history. During the time of my stay I became very surprised how strongly apartheid permeates the community where the white South Africans today are building walls around themselves. Through media we get surrounded with pictures that media creates and to find information regarding what?s happening in the world this is, most often, the primary source. Therefore I believe it?s interesting to explore how two different local newspapers from the county of Kalmar, with two different ideologies, present pictures of the same event, namely the revolt of Soweto in 1976 and how these two newspapers relates to racial policies.

Ingmar Bergman och musiken : En audiovisuell analys av Såsom i en spegel, Tystnaden, Persona och Vargtimmen

The research on Ingmar Bergman is comprehensive, however, there is one aspect of his artistry that has been regrettably neglected ? his use of music. Music always played a huge part in Bergman?s life, and it was also a great source of inspiration. The music was a structural component in the creating process and he often referred to his films as pieces of music and his actors as musical instruments.

Politecast : ett nytt kommunikationsprimitiv för trådlösa sensornätverk

Wireless sensor networks have the potential for becoming a huge market. Ericsson predicts 50 billion devices interconnected to the Internet by the year 2020. Before that, the devices must be made to be able to withstand years of usage without having to change power source as that would be too costly. These devices are typically small, inexpensive and severally resource constrained. Communication is mainly wireless, and the wireless transceiver on the node is typically the most power hungry component.

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