

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 3 av 95

Fria och öppna programvaror inom kommunal verksamhet : Vägen mot öppna standarder?

This report deals with the attitudes within municipalities of open source software and open standards and if open source software may be an option to gain open standards. The aim has been to find out if open source software and open standards would be able to solve the lock-in problems that municipalities have against proprietary software. The study is conducted as an exploratory, inductive and qualitative study with depth interviews of subjectively selected informants as data collection method. A literature review has also been implemented by the relevant books and articles. Some economic determinants of municipalities to make use of open source software have not been considered in this study.

Patienters upplevelser och attityder till tandhygienistbehandling, samt ett reliabilitetstest av mätinstrumenten Corah Dental Anxiety Scale och Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey

The aim of the study was to examine experiences and attitudes to dental hygienist treatment in a group of patients by using the assessment tools Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (DAS) and Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey (DHBS) at the dental hygienist clinic, the university of Kristianstad. Another aim of the study was to test the reliability of the assessment tools. Methods: Fifteen respondents answered the two questionnaires at two different occasions before dental hygienist treatment. The results showed that nine respondents reported that they are absolutely calm when their dental hygienist is going to remove tartar, while six are a little bit worried or tensed. The categories ethics, communication, trust and control in DHBS had a positive agreement (mean value 1.1 and 1.2).

Hur tillförlitlig är värderingen av förvaltningsfastigheter?: En studie av tillämpningen av IAS 40

This thesis studies the way valuation of investment properties is conducted in accordance with IAS 40 and how reliable these valuations are. This has been conducted by studying ten Swedish real estate companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX, during the period 2005-2008. The study shows that all companies use valuation models to determine the fair value of investment properties. Two different types of models have been identified. Companies that use the cash flow model show inconsistencies in time horizon, and how they determine the horizon value.

Representativa testnät försvenska eldistributionsnät

This project was started within the Market-Design programme of Elforsk, with the aim of developing representative test systems of Swedish distribution networks. Using such test systems as a basis for reliability and customer interruption cost calculations makes it feasible to analyse the network tariff regulation of Swedish power  istribution companies. In particular, it enables studies of the incentives for companies to invest in system reliability. Until now, the available test systems are either not representative of Swedish conditions, or too small in scale and limited in function.Within this project we have created two test systems. In order to represent the diversity of actual Swedish distribution networks, we have created one test system for urban environments and another for rural environments.

Påverkas röstkällans egenskaper av förändrad stående kroppshållning? En experimentell studie av otränade mansröster

The aim of this study was to investigate whether a direct shift inpostural alignment results in changes in voice source characteristics. Ninemales with untrained voices were recorded standing in ideal posturalalignment and in the deviant postures swayback and kyphosis characterizedby extended hips and a slump back respectively. The voice source wasderived from the audio signal by inverse filtering. The parameters pulseamplitude, maximal flow declination rate, level difference between the firstand second voice source partials, closed quotient and the normalizedamplitude quotient in relation to subglottal pressure were compared betweenideal postural alignment and swayback and kyphosis respectively. Resultsindicate an impact of changed postural alignment on the voice source.Swayback posture gave significantly less pulse amplitude and maximal flowdeclination rate and significantly higher subglottal pressures thus resulting ina less effective phonation.

Border Gateway Protocol : Implementationer på stubnätverk

Arbetet tar upp BGP-multihoming för mindre organisationer. Den jämför ett kommersiell alternativ mot open source-alternativ. Detta är för att se vad som krävs en av open source-lösning för ge konkurrens på routermarknaden, samt besparingar för organisationer som ska använda denna lösning.Praktiska och teoretiska jämförelser görs där Cisco-lösningar jämförs med OpenBGPD. Datan utifrån dessa tester används för att svara på problemfrågan. Sammanfattningsvis har open source produkter en fördel hårdvarumässigt på grund av lägre kostnader medan kommersiella har stora fördelar då de förlitar sig på nyare standarder..

Utveckling och psychometrisk testning av "Pain Impact Inventory" - en jämförelse mellan två olika ansatser

The aim of this study was to develop and psychometrically evaluate an instrument for measuring the impact from chronic pain on daily life. Traditionally psychometric evaluation is done with parametric methods even if the items are ordinal data. In this study the instrument to be developed is solely based on ordinal data, and the psychometrically evaluation is done with both traditional methods (i.e. parametric statistics) as well as with non-parametric methods. These two different ways of psychometrically evaluation are then compared with each other.

När kritiska elever är målet. Att undervisa i källkritik på gymnasiet

This essay examines teaching in source criticism in upper secondary school history education. Two questions are to be answered: 1. What are the conditions like for teaching source criticism? 2. What opportunities for further development in teaching source criticism are there? In order to set a standard for what knowledge and skills in source criticism the students need, I design a four step model for good source criticism based on the historical science.

Informationssökning i elektroniska informationskällor Valmöjligheternas vånda

The purpose of this thesis is to examine which factors influence librarians selection of electronic information sources, and to investigate whether librarians use of search strategies and search tactics changes depending on which information source they use. The electronic information sources are: online databases, Online Public Access Catalogues OPAC, World Wide Web, and CD-ROM databases. The theoretical framework is based on step 3 Select a source and step 4 Formulate a Query in Marchioninis information seeking model. The search strategies are divided into two categories: analytical and browsing strategies. In order to supplement the theoretical framework with empirical facts, 8 librarians were interviewed.

Vattenskydd och krisberedskap hos allmän dricksvattenproduktion : Skydd av täkter, tillgång till reservvattentäkter och andra nödvattenlösningar hos svenska vattenproducenter

The objective of this report was to analyse and compare vulnerability and preparation in Swedish municipal drinking water production, in case the commonly used water sources were inoperative. Methods used were a questionnaire and a less extensive study of regulations for water protection areas. The questionnaire was answered by 41 Swedish municipalities. A handful of them were companies co-owned by a few municipalities. Only one out of four municipalities had source protection areas to all their water sources and for many sources the protection was not satisfactory.

Fornstora dagar och framtidens risker : Historiemedvetande och historiebruk kopplat till Sverigedemokraternas principprogram från 2005 och 2011

The subject for this thesis is to analyze the Swedish political the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) through the use of history theories. The purpose is to examine the following two questions:1. what types of history consciousness is present in the source material2. the use of history (historiebruk) shown in the source materialThe source material has consisted two official party publications, Sverigedemokraternas principprogram from 2005 and 2011.The main theoretical frameworks for the analysis has consisted of the typology for use of history as presented by professor Klas-Göran Karlsson together with selected theories connected to history consciousness, not the least the model presented by Bernard Eric Jensen.The result of the analysis shows frequent examples where the use of history and history consciousness is present in the rhetoric used in the source material. By tracing the use back to the theories selected Sverigedemokraterna?s deployment of use of history and history consciousness is interpreted and discussed..

En studie om införandet av expected loss model : - En mer tillförlitlig och relevant metod för nedskrivning av finansiella tillgångar?

Accounting has been critized for being one of the leading factors in the latest financial crisis. One of the primary problem areas was identified as delayed recogonition of losses on financial instruments. Consequently, a new impairment model is being developed and is to be namned expected loss model. The difference from the present model, incurred loss model, is that it takes losses into consideration on an much earlier level. Even though the model may be theoretically feasible, in practice it may implicate a number of issues.

Application lifecycle management utvärdering av komponenter

Uppsatsen ger en överblick av vad synsättet Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) innebär. Enutvärderingsmodell beskriver de analyserade verktygens duglighet gällande ett antal funktionellaoch icke-funktionella krav. Modellen jämför kommersiella verktyg och uppsättningar med enmotsvarande uppsättning av Open Source verktyg. De huvudsakliga problemen idag är att de somnyttjar ALM-synsättet ofta blir begränsade till en kommersiell plattform, vilket får till följd att deinte kan bearbeta sådan data som inte stöds i plattformen. Ett annat stort problem är verktygenskostnad.

Deltagande inom open source: Icke-utvecklarens deltagande i utvecklingsprocessen

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur riktlinjer inom traditionella open source-projekt beskriver att användare utan programmeringskunskaper, icke-utvecklare, kan delta i utvecklingsprocessen. Undersökningen har gjorts i form av en fallstudie av projektet Freeplane, ett projekt som har för avsikt att göra alla röster hörda i utvecklingsprocessen samt öka användbarheten hos den mjukvara projektet utvecklar. Den metod som valts är kvalitativ textanalys av projektets wiki.Studien kommer fram till att projektet har för avsikt att göra icke-utvecklarna delaktiga i utvecklingsprocessen och att öka användbarheten i projektets mjukvara, men att det i projektet finns ett utvecklarperspektiv där utvecklaren ges större utrymme i utvecklingsprocessen. Inom traditionell open source-utveckling har utvecklaren ofta varit central och de mjukvaror som utvecklats påbörjats som lösningar av utvecklarnas egna problem. Studien föreslår därför att icke-utvecklarna inkluderas tidigare i utvecklingsprocessen..

Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt i svenskämnet: En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares arbetsmetoder

This study has examined how teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools work to foster a critical perspective through the education in the subject of Swedish. The study is based on qualitative interviews conducted with three teachers, who have given their views on the role of source criticism and critical analysis of literature in the subject of Swedish. Furthermore, they have described how they incorporate these views into their own teaching.The study has shown that the teachers find that source criticism and literary analysis are interconnected, since both depend on a general critical approach, which they both help foster. The main question the study examined was how Swedish education could help foster a critical perspective. The interviewed teachers' ways of working point out a way: teacher C has integrated source criticism and referencing into most of their education, which makes them central to the education in Swedish.

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