

1419 Uppsatser om Source reliability - Sida 13 av 95

Patienters livssituation och vårdkostnad

The purpose of this paper is to test a procedure that would be useful for a certain, more final purpose. Assume that you want to know if the differences in the result of a certain effort in health care have any connection with differences between the life situations of the patients. This would be easier to investigate if the life situations of the patients had connection to the easily available variable Health Care Cost (in Swedish VK). In that case the searching for connections between VK of patient groups and the result of health care efforts would be sufficient to gain knowledge of possible connection between health care efforts and life situations. Thus that is the final purpose.

Dolls 4R: Ett mått på kunskapsutveckling? : En studie om bedömning av studentens kunskapsutveckling

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine a way to measure students? knowledge development by using a self-made measure instrument based on William Doll?s postmodern curriculum.Question: Is it suitable to use an self-made measure instrument based on William Doll?s post-modern curriculum theory to measure development of knowledge?Methods: The study was based on process-hermeneutics and was focused on analysingcollege students? written and oral reflective thoughts. The data was collected over three lessons, where six students? written reflective thoughts were handed in. An observation was carried out each lesson for an extra control of validity.

Content Management System i intranät : Open Source CMS som intranät

Idag har de flesta företag och organisationer någon form för intranät-lösning. Dessa lösningar kan vara både mer och mindre sofistikerade, men har oftast det samma syfte; att distribuera organisationens information till dess medlemmar.Denna uppsats ägnar sig åt intranät och fördjupar sig i ett begrepp som vuxit starkt de senaste åren, nämligen Content Management System (CMS). Jag fokuserar särskilt på val av Open Source CMS, för implementation i mindre organisationers intranät.Uppsatsen är ett resultat av omfattande litteraturstudier inom sitt område och bygger främst på vetenskapliga artiklar av ledande experter. Ytterligare en källa är resultatet av en enkätundersökning, som också redovisas i uppsatsen. Denna enkät hade som ändamål, att kartlägga användares attityder till deras CMS-intranät.Uppsatsens kanske viktigaste resultat är en redogörelse för hur ett moduliserad CMS-intranät skulle kunna utformas, baserad på bl.a.

BREAM : Domänanpassning av olycksanalysmetod till sjöfarten

Syftet med följande studie var att undersöka hur olycksanalysmetoderna CREAM och DREAM kan anpassas till sjöfartsdomänen, samt hur begreppet den mänskliga faktorn kan beskrivas och hur kan den analyseras. Teoristudier samt intervjuer med anställda vid sjöfartsinspektionen och domänexperter har genomförts. Ett förslag på hur en anpassad analysmetod skulle kunna se ut redovisas som BREAM (Bridge Reliability and Error Analysis Method). Den anpassade metoden har utvärderats med hjälp av experter inom domänen. Utvärderingen visar på att metoden fungerar bra men att ytterligare specificering av metoden till domänen är önskvärt..

Det ständigt närvarande svenskämnet : Om högstadieelevers attityder till det språk de använder i andra ämnen än svenska

Film is a tool frequently used by teachers, but it is often limited to showing students how historical time periods looked like, or as a way for students to search for historical inaccuracies. The aim of this essay is to study whether it is possible to use two films based on the legend of Robin Hood as a way to teach students how to contextualize gender history. Through the use of film analysis and gender analysis of two different versions of Robin Hood, The adventures of Robin Hood and Robin Hood: Prince of thieves were analyzed. The study has shown that it is indeed possible to use film as a source material for the study of gender history, and that film can tell us a lot about the contemporary view of gender, masculinity and femininity. The didactical analysis concluded that there was no theoretical objection of using film as a source material; however, there are some things that a teacher should be aware of. Although film may be a good way to create a varied study environment and benefit students with reading- and writing disabilities, there is a risk that time-constraints and lack of knowledge of film and its methodology on, behalf of both teachers and students, may make it hard to implement.

Borta bra eller hemma bäst? : Ålderns påverkan på platsuppfattningen mellan Alperna och Svenska fjällen

We travel more to day than we have ever done before and there is an abundance of destinations to choose from. All -destinations have vantages and disadvantages and the things that are favourable for one traveller can be the opposite for another. So the questions are, why do we have different opinions about the same destination and what is it that makes us choose one destination before another?The purpose with this thesis is to investigate if the demographic factor age has an influence on the Swedish traveller?s opinion about winter destinations. The thesis also investigates if there is a link between the traveller?s demography and their opinion of a destination.

Våga surfa längre än vad radiovågorna tar er : En undersökning om P4 Kalmars Facebook-sida och dess medlemmar

The rise of social media has created an endless source of possibilities for companies to interact and connect with their target audiences. As it is a new channel, companies may experience uncertainty on how to use it to its fullest potential.The purpose of this study is to describe how the Public Service radio channel, P4 Kalmar, use its Facebook page and how its members perceive the communication on this platform. We have also presented recommendations on how P4 Kalmar can improve the relationship with its members. To reach our conclusions we have combined theoretical references with a quantitative content analyze, a survey and qualitative depth interviews.By analyzing our findings we came to the conclusion that P4 Kalmar have to develop a strategy for communicating on social media. But since no general communication strategy for the organization exists they have to develop one before developing one for social media.


To achieve a sustainable development, three aspects have to take equal place in the society; environmental, economical and social. To reduce the impact on the environment and the amount of greenhouse gases supplied to the atmosphere, industrialized countries and less developed countries must start cooperating. Also the use of renewable energy sources, like solar, hydro and wind power, have to increase.Wind power has great potential as a future energy supply. It is cost efficient, quickly developed and the resource is abundant and available worldwide.Examinations made in Sweden, indicates that there are difficulties establishing wind power at the same pace as the environmental goals, set by the Swedish government, requires. Mainly because people living nearby potential areas for wind power farms, appeal against the decision.This study aims to investigate differences between how people in Sweden and Brazil look at wind power as a future energy source and at the establishing process.

Män i tights och kvinnor i byxor : En kritisk undersökning av hur film kan användas i historieundervisningen för att lära eleverna studera förändringar i genus och hur dessa kan relateras till sin samtidskontext

Film is a tool frequently used by teachers, but it is often limited to showing students how historical time periods looked like, or as a way for students to search for historical inaccuracies. The aim of this essay is to study whether it is possible to use two films based on the legend of Robin Hood as a way to teach students how to contextualize gender history. Through the use of film analysis and gender analysis of two different versions of Robin Hood, The adventures of Robin Hood and Robin Hood: Prince of thieves were analyzed. The study has shown that it is indeed possible to use film as a source material for the study of gender history, and that film can tell us a lot about the contemporary view of gender, masculinity and femininity. The didactical analysis concluded that there was no theoretical objection of using film as a source material; however, there are some things that a teacher should be aware of. Although film may be a good way to create a varied study environment and benefit students with reading- and writing disabilities, there is a risk that time-constraints and lack of knowledge of film and its methodology on, behalf of both teachers and students, may make it hard to implement.

?Det sade bara klick?: en studie om 15-åriga tjejers Internetanvändning utifrån ett källkritiskt perspektiv

This Masters thesis aims at investigating how 15-year old girls use the Internet, particularly on their free time, taking a source critical perspective. It includes group interviews. The main question of this thesis was whether there is a need for specific user education. The following four questions were asked: What do they do on the Internet during their free time? In what way do the girls learn how to interact with each other on the Internet? How do they relate to different types of web pages and materials from a source critical aspect? What content do they consider to be relevant in a user education? The study is mainly focused on information use and information behaviour in different contexts.

Ingenting är sant, allt är tillåtet : En kvalitativ studie om historiska datorspel som Assassin?s Creeds påverkan för det oavsiktliga lärandet och dess pedagogiska möjligheter

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the unintentional learning that happens during the use of computer games. With the use of interviews with students in the ages 13-15 who all have played the game series Assassin?s Creed, and then compared them with students who does not play the game, we have been able to identify that some learning is taking place, but that the student?s attitude towards the subject, and their maturity, also is vital for the learning. Even tough, the students who didn?t really enjoy history as a subject showed better knowledge after playing the game, than the students who hadn?t played at all, which indicates that computer games can be a good source for learning.

Energieffektivisering i ett verkstadsföretag : En analys av energibesparande åtgärder samt uppvärmnings- och kylsystems driftkostnader och koldioxidutsläpp

The energy use in a workshop company has been examined in this work in order to find areas for energy efficiency improvement. The combined oil and electricity heating in the company were compared with other alternative heating systems including cooling of the premises in following combinations:Ground source heat pump for heating and coolingDistrict heating and absorption coolingDistrict heating and low temperate surface water coolingEnergy use, operation costs and carbon dioxide emissions were calculated for the current heating systems and the three alternatives including cooling. The ground source heat pump for heating and cooling decreases bought energy with 34 MWh annually compared to current heating only. The district heating and low temperate surface water cooling has the largest reduction of operation cost and carbon dioxide. The operation cost decreases with 42 kSEK and the carbon dioxide with 43 metric ton CO2 annually.


A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

Kvinnligt eller manligt - En studie av könsbedömningsmetodernas utveckling för humant material

This study focuses on the development of methods for sexual determination of human skeletal remains, mainly between the years 1981 to 2007. By comparing an older analysis from 1983 (Persson and Persson) with my own on the same material, a difference of 40% was shown, which indicates that the methods has changed through time, and that these should not be used for newer conclusions about a population if the method is not throughoutly described.The main cause of the difference was identified as a change in the reliability of the sexual indicators, rather than a total change of method. Any general tendencies did not show, it is however considered that the pelvic bones are able to make a better conformity between the analyses as opposed to using the cranium..

Utformning av sättverktyg

A clean and affordable energy source for cooking is deficient in developing countries. People rely on fuels that contribute to environmental, social and health problems.Biogas is an alternative energy source and an increased investment in small-scale biogas production can in several developing countries be found. Several projects have started to use the technology in developing countries because of the benefits with biogas. Some cases in the establishment of biogas plants have succeeded and some have not. The study is a literature review supplemented by two field studies.

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