2518 Uppsatser om Sound technology - Sida 53 av 168
Kim Jong Il - Docka eller dockmakare?
This paper has bearing on the subject of foreign policy analysis and decision-making,but is nonetheless important to peace and conflict studies due to its emphasis onnuclear weapons and deterrence.I have constructed a theoretical framework for the analysis of foreign policydecision-making that I set out to test on a crucial case. The framework iscrosscutting, and takes into consideration four levels of analysis: the system-,regional-, state-, and individual level. It is centred on a key decision maker, andapplies a cognitive approach for determining his or hers belief system through whichthe inputs from the other levels are filtered in order for the decision maker toconstruct a perception of reality, from which the decision is then formulated within.The framework is applied to North Korean and its leader Kim Jong Il. It sets outto explain his behaviour in the matter of their claimed nuclear weapons program, andhis decision to conduct a nuclear weapons-test, getting inside his head trying to figureout why he chose to do it and for what reasons.The conclusion indicates that the basic structure of the framework and its generalapplicability is sound, but that it needs further testing in order to make it perfectly solid..
Vargolyckan på Kolmårdens djurpark : En studie av Kolmårdens kriskommunikation vs medias berättande
With the rise of the internet especially and information- and communication technology in general, the opportunities for fast and effective communication and sharing of information have proliferated. In relation to the new technologies, the citizens? demands on organizations? communicative efforts have increased. Today?s citizens have high standards regarding transparency, the opportunity to dialogue and have hopes to influence the public sector.
E-tidningens attraktionskraft på annonsörerna : En flört eller början på ett varaktigt förhållande?
The technical development is advancing at high speed and now the turn has come for the traditional paper to digitalize into the so called e-paper. The newspaper industry has started to investigate the future possibilities of publishing the traditional newspapers on e-paper. Today?s newspapers are mostly financed by advertisement incomes, which makes the advertisers important players, who must be taken into consideration at an introduction of the e-paper. Since the e-paper does not exist as a finished product in the market today, in this essay we look into what kind of functions or services that can attract advertisers to the e-paper on the basis of the experiences made with the breakthrough of the web-newspapers.
Programmeringsstruktur med dyslektiskt tänkande
During the period of this project I have programed a web site in php4, and also
built the database in MySQL. The purpose with the projekt is to create a common
web site for the various activities in the different churches located in the
area of Örnsköldsvik.
In my project I have chosen to try to find a structure of programming that fits
my needs as a dyslexic. In the essay you can find a more thorough description
of my procedure and the structure that I have chosen to use. .
Androidvetenskapen och den kusliga dalen: Japanska robotar som forskningsplattformar och filosofiska leksaker
The primary aim of this essay is to analyse, contextualise and problematise the scientific and technological goals of android science. The starting point of this investigation is the history of automata and man?s attempts to recreate himself by technological means. Drawing on the no-tion of boundary work this essay also analyses the efforts of the proponents of android science to establish and demarcate a new interdisciplinary field. A secondary aim of the essay is to evaluate the scientific support for the uncanny valley hypothesis and to investigate how this hypothesis contributes to android science.
Rolighetens politik : en studie av politisk humor i TV4:s Parlamentet
Words like pirates and anti-pirates are becoming common features in the cultural political debate of today, and the file-sharing phenomenon has become a more and more delicate and disputed subject. The fact that people are organizing in networks to swap computerfiles with each other has, among other things, led film and music companies from all over the world to initiate a number of anti-piracy organizations, assigned to protect the right to culture and information. The industrial organization Antipiratbyrån (the Anti-pirate Bureau) and the network Piratbyrån (the Pirate Bureau) have on several occasions been used to represent the prevailing conflict in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to apply a sociological perspective to the collective act of file sharing. Additionally, the purpose is to argue that the activity can be understood as a social movement, although it is rarely referred to as such.
To derive quality from quantity
The purpose of this master thesis is to present a model that illuminates the important factors when deriving technical information from market data within a company. For companies to be able to become and stay competitive in the market, product quality is an important factor. Whilst good product quality leads to customer satisfaction and loyalty, lack of quality brings costs in service and replacements. To improve product quality, the developers need information and knowledge about what quality issues affect existing products. Most companies gather data from market about known issues, but in order eliminate known quality issues in new products; this data has to be transformed into information and knowledge.
För säkerhets skull : En säkerhetsteoretisk analys av debatten om kristna samkönade äktenskaps vara eller icke vara
The Swedish government ratified on May 1 2009 an amendment of marital law, resulting in same-sex marriage becoming legalized. With the rights of the Christian Swedish state church to officiate weddings originating from the same law, the church was thereby faced with two options: Either officially include same-sex couples in the Christian concept of holy matrimony and keep the right to officiate weddings; or give up the right to officiate weddings altogether. An official decision to accept the terms was reached on October 22 2009, but not without being preceded by an agitated medial debate.This research attempts to analyze the arguments of the debate in three stages: In the first stage the arguments are categorized according to their respective ideological standpoint. In the second stage these categories are examined from post-modern, social constructivist and socialization theory perspectives. Based on this, the third stage sees the arguments analyzed from a viewpoint based in the Copenhagen school concept of securization.The research concludes that the debate does not only simply feature two sides with differences of opinion; but rather that the arguments of the two opposing sides are founded in a common view of the other side as a fundamental threat to ones conception of a sound society..
Hur görs nyhetsgrafik i svensk public service?
This paper is a thorough review of my internship, during which I designed
infographics at Grafiskt Center,
SVT, Stockholm. The purpose has been to find out what guidelines and policies
SVT has regarding infographics
while producing infographics in a professional environment. In addition, I
present the daily routine
at SVT and the tools used during the work process.
Furthermore, the paper contains a reflection of my work effort during the
internship as well as thoughts on
how I adjusted to the guidelines in question. Finally, the essay treats some
examples of infographics which I
produced during my time at SVT..
Marknadsföring : Att som artist nå framgång
AbstractThe object of this study has been to analyze how companies within the music industry can successfully market their artists, this due to the complexity of today?s marketing environment, where technology has rapidly changed the way of communicating, and therefore contributed to a highly competitive market. The vast change of technology has resulted in several possibilities as well as difficulties breaking through, what could be seen as, a media sorl. Our purpose has been to outdo how companies market, as well as which factors that are vital, for a successful promotion of their artists. To be able to carry out our aim, we have created one key question; How can companies within the music industry market their artist to make them reach success?We have used a qualitative research approach for this study, this to be able to generate more depth concerning the chosen topic.
Allmänlärares specialpedagogiska uppdrag
Projektbeskrivning: Bakgrund: Vid valsning av tunna band med hög hållfasthet används reversibla mångvalsarsverk. Kundkraven är höga vad gäller bandens planhet. Planheten kan styras genom de planhetsställdon som valsverket är utrustat med. Syfte: Förvärva kunskap om hur de olika ställdonen inverkar på planheten. Varje enskilt ställdons inverkan på planheten kan undersökas genom att genomföra en föreskriven förändring av ställdonets läge och därefter utvärdera planhetsförändringen som uppkom.
Design av försöksanläggning för trycksatt rökgasrening vid oxy-fuelförbränning
Reducing the CO2-pollution, resulting from the combustion of fossil coal for energyproduction, is important to affect environmental changes. One way to achieve a reductionis to use the oxy-fuel technology. The technology uses O2 and re-circulated flue gasduring the combustion which results in a flue gas mainly consisting of CO2. The flue gascould then be compressed and stored without environmental effects. A problem thatfollows from the compression is the risk of acidification in sensitive parts of the process.Acidification can occur because of reactions following from the contact of condensedwater and sulphur- and nitrogen-oxides which are also present in the flue gas.This report compiles and evaluates the basis of a scientific unit with the purpose ofexploring the possibilities of extracting impurities of SOx and NOx from the flue gases.The dimensions of the unit are based on basic conditions, defined for an existing oxy-fuelprocess at Chalmers, and on the results of computer modelling.
Från organisationsteori till MTO-analys? : -en fallstudie om fyra chefers arbetssituation
The background to this report is the author?s ambition to understand individuals? work situation, how it?s formed in interaction between the individual and factors in the work-setting. Such an ambition is well in line with the concept of Human-Technology-Organization (HTO), a cross-scientific approach that puts a system-oriented perspective on how human, technolog-ical and organizational factors interact within work systems.The aim of this report was to explore managers? work-situation and generate an understanding of it from an HTO-perspective by using an organizational model as a framework for an interview guide and to analyze the work situation from an HTO-perspective following the ques-tions at issue:1. How does the managers experience their work situation?2.
Moulousqous Synthesizer
Vi har byggt ett digitalt musikinstrument, en synthesizer med samplebaserad
trummaskin. Synthesizern och trummaskinen är mjukvarubaserad medan gränssnittet
är hårdvarubaserat. Operativsystemet som används är Linux och
synthesizermjukvaran är utvecklad i ljudprogrammeringsspråket Pure Data. Syftet
med denna rapport är att kunna ge utomstående personer en inblick i hur detta
arbete har gått till och hur resultatet blev..
CAD-visualisering av användarinstruktioner för en balpress
I detta kandidatarbete skapas en animation för att visualisera användarinstruktioner för en balpress. Förberedelser utförs i 3D-CADprogramvaran Geomagic Design 2014 innan arbetet med animeringen påbörjas i programmet SimLab Composer Animation. I förberedelserna rensas modellerna och modifieras. Modeller som saknas skapas. I detta förslag på visualisering av ett moment i användning av balpressen är i syfte att underlätta för brukaren hur den snabbt kan använda maskinen.