

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 58 av 275

Webbpublicering av elevaktiviteter : en deskriptiv studie av gymnasieelevernas upplevelser

The aim of the present study is to describe the experiences of high school students as regards the effects of their activities, in and out of lessons, being published on the web. In addition, a further purpose is to acquire knowledge about whether a website could be used as means of increasing the students level of attention, and focus, to their activities in school; and, furthermore, how such a website should be designed to correspond with the students requests.The implemented methods are interviews with students, school administrators and teachers. A survey was conducted covering the student?s personal experiences and opinions. Furthermore, an interface test of the website was performed.

Redovisningsprincipers påverkan på investeringar: En studie av ett svenskt industribolags nya styrmodell och dess implikationer

Recent studies show that manufacturing companies to a larger extent use historical cost accounting in their internal accounts, at the expense of calculated costs. The explanation behind this is claimed to be that firms are subject to careful scrutiny by the stock market. Consequently, top management stresses the need of evaluating all parts of the firm from external accounting. However, lower management levels express a general concern that the incentive to invest in machines will decrease. This master thesis aims to investigate whether or not there is an objective reason behind this concern.

Ekonomiska styrmedel för förpackningsavfall : En studie om vad som påverkar återvinningen i EU

In 1994 the EU directive of packaging waste was adopted. The result was that all EU member states developed different systems to manage packaging waste and recycling. This paper examines the various systems and the factors that affect the level of recycling. This is done by a cross-sectional study between countries. The results of my study suggest that take-back system generates less recycling than other systems, the mandatory deposit system can affect the recycling in a positive way.

Bestämning av vattenytor med hjälp av Nätverks-RTK och totalstation : Inmätning av Karlbergsån i Grums kommun

This report is presenting an approach that can be used to measure water surfaces in difficult conditions caused by dense vegetation and lack of nearby known points. The objective was to make a contribution to necessary measures for adaptation against floods in Grums Municipality along the stream Karlbergsån, which may occur when persistent rain raises the level of the stream. Along the river there are low-lying areas prone to flooding. According to Grums Municipality, the stream may widen where the water level differences are large, to create a better flow path and to counteract flooding. Grums Municipality was also interested in survey stormwater discharges which may affect the water level in the stream.

Val och kompensation : En studie av lärares arbetssätt med materialet ABC-klubben

This study, based on the socio-cultural theory of the book as a mediating tool, examines how four teachers say they work with the reader ABC-klubben. This is done with a focus on how they reason about choosing the level of readers for the pupils and about what compensation, if any, they make for pupils who read the simpler book and therefore miss the more difficult words and expressions. The result shows that all the teachers say that they take the pupils? motivation for and pleasure in reading as an important ground for the decision as to which reader a pupil should use, and that this decision is taken with a focus on the individual. When it comes to compensation for the pupils who read the simpler book, the teachers do not describe consistently focused work on this, but they describe a similar way of working whereby they nevertheless acquaint these pupils with the more difficult book and the harder words and expressions.

Mobbning och kränkande behandling : En undersökning om skolors förebyggande arbete mot mobbning och kränkande behandling

The purpose of the work is to highlight schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment, find out about schools work to prevent bullying and abusive treatment follow what is written in the governing documents and how schools can work preventively against the same. The questions have been investigated through qualitative interviews and analysis of documents or in the theoretical background. The interviewees and partially schools were selected through an arbitrarily selection. In each plan against abusive treatment states that the monitoring and evaluation should be conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the responses from leisure educator 1, 2 and 3. School B's plan does not contain an overview of the measures needed to prevent and stop abusive treatment of children.

Undersökning av förskolan Temmelburken certifierad enligt Miljöbyggnad : Termiskt klimat, energianvändning och höjning av certifieringsnivån

WSP building physics in Stockholm has certified the preschool Temmelburken in Bromma with the system of certification Miljöbyggnad. The rating of the building became BRONZE. In this thesis the preschool has been investigated with respect to the three areas: thermal climate, use of energy and improving of the level of certification. The thermal climate at the preschool has been investigated by a questionnaire survey and by measurements in order to do comparisons between the results from the two investigations as well as with the results of the simulations that WSP has done at the certification of the preschool. The differences between the results from the simulations and the questionnaire survey for winter as well as from the measurement performed with a comfort meter the 19th of March are concidered to be reasonably small since they give rise to the same rating according to Miljöbyggnad.   Operational data for the use of energy for the preschool have been obtained in order to do comparisons with simulations performed by WSP and Svenska Besiktningar AB. The comparison shows that the simulated values for the specific use of energy are lower than what the real specific use of energy would be for the preschool, since just the operational data for the heat energy is higher than the simulated values. At the investigation of the possibility of improving the level of certification it was found that the rating of the preschool can be raised from BRONZE to SILVER by improving the ratings of the ?thermal climate summer? and the ?daylight?.

Landstingens sjukvård som en del i den svenska modellen : Exemplet Värmlands landsting 1945-1955

After World War II a rapid expansion of the Swedish health care took place. Theexpansion was realised chiefly as a development of the hospitals and was bothproduced and financed mainly within the public sector. The financing consisted to ahigh degree of government grants from the state to the county councils.During the period for this examination (1945-1955) the public responsibility for thehealth care was expanded. This was expressed in the publicly financed system forhealth insurance and the cut down in the charges that the patients had to pay for thehospital care. These changes led to some discussions on the national level but reformscould on the whole, with exception for the suggested reform of the open health care,be implemented.This case-study performed on the county council in Värmland shows that the degreeof consensus was enhanced on the regional level.

Supra-National Origin Marking Schemes

Abstract The growth of supra-national organizations, such as the European Union, has been a recent trend in today?s global environment, which has challenged traditional marketing concepts and product cues. One such cue that is significantly challenged is the 'origin cue'. An origin cue is conceived to be a socially constructed notion that consumers use to discern where goods come from and to accordingly evaluate products with. The origin cue is often predominantly materialized in the public sphere by a 'made in' labelling scheme.

"Prata högre! Jag hör inte vad du säger" : En kvalitativ studie om elevers och pedagogers upplevelser av Södertäljes nya skolmodell

"Speak up! I can?t hear you"This qualitative study is built on an investigation of a newly instated model that is used when building or renovating schools. The principles of the model are based on building schools with an open plan design where the walls are made of glass and the classrooms are not shut closed by walls, instead the classrooms are completely open except from screens that are used to indicate the ambit of the rooms. This model has been well debated and that is the reason why we chose to do this study.The purpose of this study is to find out how students and teachers experience this model. To do this we have done interviews and observations.

Böndernas vägar till Bryssel, många och långa men värda att gå. En studie om svenska jordbruksintressens möjligheter att påverka den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken

In this essay, I investigate Swedish possibilities to influence the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP). After having summarized my findings, I try to explain the structure of influence by using Multi-level governance theory.Ten years have passed since Sweden joined the Union, and many changes have followed in the agricultural sector. By investigating the small country of Sweden's possibilities to influence CAP, I hope to be able to get a notion of the possibilities to influence the EU in general. The essay examines four possible paths for agricultural interests to influence the policy process in Brussels:* Through elected representatives of Sweden in the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and in the Swedish Parliament* Through subnational institutions, such as the local authorities and regional representatives.* Through the Swedish Agricultural Office* Through the Swedish pressure group within the agricultural area, LRFThese four groups all have very different channels to the policy process on agricultural issues. The differences are mostly in terms of decisive power or advisory power and institutional contacts or lobby contacts.

Arbetslöshetens bestämningsfaktorer i ekonomisk-historisk belysning - En analys av lönebildning, totalfaktorproduktivitet och löneutrymme under perioden 1911-1960.

This paper analyzes the Swedish labor market during the interwar and early postwar period within the framework of modern labor market theory. The development of unemployment during this period - according to the commonly cited source of labor union reports - represents a conundrum for research. The unemployment rate rose after the initial diverse shock of 1921 and stayed at a permanently higher level for the rest of the interwar period. This development was reversed after World War Two when the unemployment rate decreased and stayed permanently low for the rest of the postwar period until the oil price chock of the 1970s.In a first step the available sources of unemployment statistics is investigated and compared. The general conclusion is that the labor union reports overestimate the level of economy wide unemployment while being a reasonably good indicator of movements in the rate.

Den indiska tigern - En studie av implementeringen av Indiens ekonomiska reformer

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and examine India's economic reforms which the country introduced on the government's own initiative in the early 1990s after decades of practicing isolationism. The analysis entails a thorough systematic examination of possible factors that determined the decision to implement the reforms. These factors are derived from two models developed by scholars within the field of foreign policy.The research is performed through an examination where the possible factors for the reforms have been examined on a three-level basis; system-, state- and individual level. It is a qualitative case study that seeks to explain not only why the Indian government implemented the reforms but also to evaluate the validity of the models to the extent that they stand in accordance with the case of India.The conclusion presented in this thesis is that one model works better for explaining the case of India. The model lie emphasis on structural changes, a crisis and political entrepreneurs committed to a certain type of reforms as a prerequisite for policy change to take place.

En implementeringsstudie om samhällsorientering i Sverige : Preliminära erfarenheter från tre län

The aim of this essay is to investigate the implementation of The Social Orientation inSweden. The Social Orientation is a part of the new, one year old, establishment law and isaimed at all newly arrived refugees and immigrants. The aim of the law is to help establish allnew arrivals into the Swedish society by providing knowledge about life in Sweden. Theeducational program is at least sixty hours long and covers: the public authorities in Sweden,laws and regulations, work and education, healthcare, children and family issues in a person?smother tongue.In order to achieve my aim I have chosen two questions: How has the law been implementedin Swedens three counties: Stockholm, Sörmland and Uppsala? What conditions are there fora successful implementation?In order to answer these questions I have used the traditional, ?street-level bureaucrats? andnetwork perspectives and issues for my study of implementation.

Verksamhetsförändring : Sociologiska perspektiv på implementeringen av barnkonventionen inom BVC

This study aims to create an understanding of how employees relate to directives that come from a level above them in the hierarchy and is to be implemented in their working activities. This is studied by examining a case where a work group has tried to implement orders, given to them by the government and through a work group in the level above them in the organizations, concerning how employees working with child health care is to educate parents regarding the child convention. The method that have been use in this study is group interviews with 19 child health care nurses and the two main questions that are asked is why has it been difficult to implement the orders and how have the child health care nurses expressed their resistance to the changes, this since only five of the nurses had begun working with the child convention. The theories that have been used focus on how resistance towards change is expressed, organizational incapability and reluctance towards change, as well as how grass root bureaucrats relates to change. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is that it is important to let the concerned parties participate from the beginning of the process, to minimize their reluctance to the changing process.

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