

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 57 av 275

Adderande tillverkning för metall

The Swedish automotive industry has since way back been struggling with bankruptcy, abroad buy outs and staff cuts. Competition and pressure on prices are two factors that affect the automotive industry. Because of this, the companies are pressured to continuously developing their work in addition to be able to compete on the market. The aircraft industry has successfully managed to implement additive manufacturing (AM) and for motorsport has several components manufactured with AM been used. When AM is used as a manufacturing method, there are a number of advantagesthat follows.

Välfärdsstad i förändring-Idéburna organisationers roll i dagens socialpolitik

The Swedish society and welfare model are under constant changes anddevelopment. One of the core areas in this welfare model is the social policy. By analysing the changing role of the organizations in the civil society on a local level with a theoretical typology changes in the roles can be noted. These changes can with a model for ideal types raice questions about bigger changes concerning issues of legitimacy and accountablility. I uses qualitative method including interviews with actors on the local level, earlier reseach in the field and public documents.

Seroprevalence and risk factors for bovine brucellosis, salmonellosis and bovine viral diarrhea in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala, Uganda

Africa is expected to go through a rapid urbanization over the next four decades and the demand for food is increasing in the rapidly growing urban and peri-urban (UPU) areas. Keeping livestock in urban areas is in particular associated with health hazards. This is due to close interaction between humans and animals, and it has been shown that zoonotic diseases are increasing in urban areas. The benefits of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) are related to improved food security, in particular among low-income groups. Apart from the negative public health impact of zoonotic diseases, animal disease could have a devastating impact on the economy and food security of many households in these areas. In the present study, three important endemic diseases, including brucellosis, salmonellosis and Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD), were analyzed in regard to seroprevalence and risk factors.

Implementering av balanserad styrning i Arvika kommun : Faktorer som underlättar eller försvårar implementeringen

In conjunction with an overview of the organizational structure of the municipality of Arvika the Balanced Scorecard was introduced as a management model. After the Balanced Scorecard has been in use over a period of years the conception of it varies throughout the organization.The purpose of this study is identifying which factors are facilitating and which factors are obstructing when implementing the Balanced Scorecard in the municipality of Arvika. This is a case study of the staff organization of the municipality of Arvika. The study is explanatory as our objective is to describe why the current situation appears as it does today. A qualitative method has been applied during this study.

(Bort)förklaringar till varför reflexer inte används : Ålder, kön och Construal Level Theory

Genom att använda reflex kan gångtrafikanten i mörkret upptäckas 100 meter tidigare av bilisten. Ändå används de inte. CLT rör hur mentala konstruktioner formas och hur individen rör sig mellan psykologiska distanser på abstrakta eller konkreta nivåer. Kognitiv dissonans innebär att beteenden ligger i konflikt vilket leder till obehag som behöver reduceras. En enkätundersökning med 120 deltagare genomfördes med syftet att se om individer inomhus i dagsljus förklarade sin frånvaro av reflexer abstrakt medan individer utomhus i mörker förklarade konkret.

Konsumenters uppfattning av hållbarhetsredovisningar i livsmedelsbranschen

Sustainability reports are drawn up for the company's stakeholders and declare the company?s corporate social responsibility. Consumers are one of the companies' most important stakeholders for food companies. This study is aimed to describe how consumers perceive sustainability reporting in the food industry and if the application level of the GRI framework has an impact on how consumers perceive sustainability reports. Consumer perception is described in the GRI principles and the basis is the ICA and Coop's sustainability reports, which are two of Sweden's largest food company.

Produktkvalitet som drivkraft för kundnöjdhet : Kund- och partnererfarenheter gällande Microsofts CRM-system - Microsoft Dynamics CRM

What is customer satisfaction and when does it occur? Microsoft?s customers and partners state that product quality is the strongest driver for customer satisfaction. To be able to increase customer satisfaction Microsoft must know how their partners and customers define product quality. This study investigates product quality in general terms but also in the context of the product Microsoft Dynamics CRM in addition to experience from some of Microsoft?s customers and partners.

Schweiz integration på den inre marknaden. En undersökning av Schweiz övertagande av acquin.

Standing outside the EU and the EES, Switzerland is a unique state characterized by federalism, direct democracy and neutrality. Though always focused on preserving these features and its sovereignty, Switzerland has managed to gain access to some sectors of the single market through bilateral agreements with the EU. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what level of integration Switzerland has reached in those bilaterally regulated sectors of the single market. As integration cannot easily be assessed, the extent of the Swiss adoption of the acquis is seen as an indicator of the level of integration and is thus examined. The conclusion is that Switzerland, mostly due to the economic interest of common rules, but partly due to pressure from the EU, almost completely adopts the acquis in the bilaterally regulated sectors, including the interpretation of the ECJ.

Länkanalys: En undersökning av ett biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapligt delfält

The aim of this study is to analyse and investigate a rather new field of LIS studies, i.e. link analysis which is a part of webometrics. Webometrics has been described as the quantitative study of web based phenomena drawing on bibliometric or informetric methods. Link analysis has its counterpart in citation analysis within the field of bibliometrics. The questions the study investigates are if webometrics can provide LIS with new knowledge and if there is a place for webometric studies in LIS research.

Status - Musikstil - Attityd : en enkätundersökning bland studenter och lärare på Kungl. Musikhögskolan och några utvalda grund- och gymnasieskolor i Stockholm

This study aims to determine whether pupils, students and teachers at various music schools feel that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres, and if this has an impact on the individual level. The survey was conducted with a digital survey that was e-mailed to junior/high schools with music profile in the Stockholm area and to all the teachers and students at the Royal College of music in Stockholm (KMH). Due to low participation by students and teachers from the junior/high schools the students and teachers of KMH became the main object of the study. The results shows that a majority of the main group of this study feels that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres. The study also shows that half of the participants believe that the difference in status affects them on an individual level.

How streaming media can be used in commercial mass

Mass distribution with techniques as multicast and peer-to-peer are becoming increasingly important in the Internet. Today the distribution of sound and video over Internet, so called streaming media, is static due to the unicast method. This results in a linear increase of distribution costs and therefore no conditions for commercial scalability. This thesis describes why multicast may be the only scalable alternative for commercial mass distribution of streaming media over Internet. Mass distribution through peer-to-peer technology promises a lot but is fronting a couple of great challenges, for example asymmetric bandwidth, locality and legalization.

Beslutsprocessen kring offentlig konst. En undersökning av Borås kommun.

The purpose of this Master's thesis is to examine the decision-process concerning public art in Borås municipality. My questions have been from where the initiatives come, who the decision-makers are, how the decisions are taken and which questions are discussed. I have examined this through partly interviews with the members of the deciding organ in Borås municipality, partly through literary studies. I have also analysed texts such as debates and protocols from the Swedish parliament. I have also been present at two of the committees meetings.

Läroplanen och nationen : En kritisk diskursanalys av nationalismen i svenskla läroplaner 1878-1994

The essay explores nationalism in the curriculum of the swedish school from 1878 to 1994. The text has been undertaken an analysis in three levels of discourse based on Norman Faircloughs critical language analysis. The first level is the text, the second is types of discourses and the third is order of discourse.The nationalism in the curriculum has been related to three nationalistic types of discourses, derived from earlier studies on Swedish nationalism. They are conservative nationalism, ?folkhemsnationalism? and contemporary nationalism.

Mindre erfarna veterinärers subjektiva bedömning av hältor hos hästar som longeras i trav

The purpose of this study was to compare less experienced veterinarians? subjective assessments of lameness in horses on the lunge. Previous studies on subjective lameness evaluation have mainly focused on horses trotting in a straight line and the results have shown generally low compliance. With a web-based questionnaire, 43 veterinarians assessed 60 recordings that showed both fore- and hindlimb lameness, interspersed with sound horses that were trotting on the lunge in one direction. The horses showed mild to moderate lameness.

Gender mainstreaming på polska? Om normspridningsprocesser i EU

By the same time as the recent enlargement of the European Union, where Poland became a member, it was officially stated that the gender mainstreaming-policy was to be integrated into every area of EU. NGO:s working as entrepreneurs for the gender mainstreaming norm in Poland supported the accession largely because they believed it would help spreading the norm also on a national level. Qualitatively analyzing the Polish case and the difficulties gender mainstreaming as a norm candidate meets with I contrast expectations with what could actually be EU:s role in this matter.Arguing that EU is a context with room for spreading norms by both bargaining and socialization, this paper takes a social constructivist approach. Gender mainstreaming as a norm is difficult for EU to apply on their members, and thus was not widely discussed during accession negotiations. In the same time.

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