

4112 Uppsatser om Sound level monitoring - Sida 20 av 275

Att implementra integration En diskussion kring integrationsbegrepp och integrationspolitik med frontlinjebyråkrater som utgångspunkt

The aim of this study is to discuss the implementation of Swedish integration policy from the perspective that public officials, so called front-line bureaucrats, are the real creators of this policy. The concept of integration is far from unambigous; it can have different meanings depending on the theoretical perspective applied. This give topical interest to the question of how the concept is conceived on the national level versus the implementation level. I also aim to uncover how these front-line bureaucrats look upon their role as creators of integration policy. My material consists mainly of interviews with front-line bureauctrats.

Captain Osprey and The Wings of Fate - En spelproduktion

I den här slutreflektionen kommer ni att kunna läsa om vårt kandidatarbete i sin helhet. Ni får ta del av det koncept vi arbetade fram och strävade efter att realisera. Ni kommer att få följa med i arbetsprocessen där vi låter er få inblick i hur vi gick från idé till färdig produkt inom de tre avdelningarna programmering, grafik och ljud. Avslutningsvis kommer vi att reflektera över kandidatarbetstiden, både som grupp och på individnivå. Några av de frågeställningar vi tar upp handlar om hur vi har lyckats genomföra projektet trots bristande planering och utan någon hierarkisk ordning samt hur det har varit att arbeta i en grupp där majoriteten av medlemmarna har haft en ny roll för första gången i ett projekt. Throughout this final reflection you'll be able to read about our graduation project as a whole.

Kan grad av degenerativ hjärnsjukdom prediceras med hjälp av mått på kognitiv försämring?

Can degree of degenerative brain disease be predicted with the help of measurements of cognitive deterioration?Alzheimer?s disease progresses through nerve cell break down in the brain and the simultaneous deterioration of the individual?s cognitive function. This disease is common among elderly persons. This thesis examines if the level of deterioration of cognitive function is associated with different biochemical and clinical markers for degenerative brain diseases. In addition, this thesis examines if the level of decline in cognitive functions vary between groups with different levels of degenerative brain disease.

Naturljud inomhus - En pilotstudie i tre fall

It's an everyday experience shared by many that nature can be of help in relieving pain, reducing stress, support mental recovery etc. In the last three decades or so this experience has also found support in a large number of scientific investigations. Among other things the experience of nature has been shown to reduce stress and pain in patients and to boost concentration and reduce impulsive behavior in children. Most of this research however has mainly been concerned with the visual modality. In this thesis the aim has been to focus on the auditory modality in this context by trying to reveal some effects on people from the exposure of nature sounds played indoors in three different environments: a grammar school class room, a kindergarten play room and a post-surgery wake up room at an intensive care unit.

Skillnader mellan katalogiseringsregler för ljudupptagningar: En fråga om syften och principer?

The aim of this thesis is to describe and compare the cataloguing rules for sound recordings: the rules used by a specialised archive and common libraries respectively. We will put the rules in relation to purposes (the objectives of a bibliographic system) and principles (directives that guide the construction of a bibliographic language). The first question to be answered is in which way the set of rules used by a specialised archive differ from the one used by common libraries. The second question examines if and how the differences can be derived from purposes and principles. The sets of rules studied are KRS (chapter 6) and the Swedish version of the IASA Cataloguing Rules (1999), worked out by the National Archive of Sound and Moving Images (SLBA).

Leder ökat individuellt inflytande till minskad stress? : Undersökning av tjänstemän inom Karlstad kommun.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine whether the individual influence at the working place leads to the perception of decreased stress. Also I looked at whether stress and individual influence is affected by the employees age, sex or employment years. Previous research shows that individual influence decreases stress but strangely enough do the research show that individual influence seem to decrease in today?s work environment. This research is quantitative with questionnaires, answered by 74 civil servants working in a department in the municipality of Karlstad.

The Trivial Pursuit: Den modererande effekten av kunskap och engagemang på utvärderingen av produkter med triviala attribut.

Research has concluded that meaningless differentiation with trivial attributes sometimes can be a successful strategy. However, the effect varies with respect to certain aspects such as the price of the product and the decision context. How the characteristics of the consumer influence the effect of trivial attributes has until now been unknown. This thesis investigates how the consumer?s level of knowledge and personal involvement influence the effects of trivial attributes on product preferences and product attitudes.

Solcellsdrivning av distribuerade inbyggda system

The high level of energy consumption that the industrialised countries have reached and thepollution that this brings has long been a cause for analysis and debate, development and usageof so called renewable energy sources is therefore more important than ever. The energy in theelectromagnetic radiation from the sun is an interesting alternative. One way of harvesting thisenergy is by using solar cells, devices that generate DC current when exposed to electromagneticradiation.The goal of this master?s thesis was to design a solar powered power supply to Syntronic AB?sMidrange platform. The envisioned application is a stand-alone distributed embedded system,for example a node-based temperature monitoring system.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Alla företag har ett klimatavtryck, det är bäst vi lägger oss ner och dör!

Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.

Att avstå från folkbibliotek: En kvalitativ studie av informations- och kulturvanor samt distansen till folkbibliotek hos icke-användare

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to develop an understanding of why non-users do not use public libraries by studying their information and culture habits and their relationship to public libraries. One of the motivating factors behind this choice is the lack of earlier research on the subject, particularly qualitative research. The theoretical framework is stratified into three associated levels with Brenda Dervin?s sense-making theory on an individual level, Marianne Andersson?s and Dorte Skot-Hansen?s model of the roles of public libraries on an institutional level and Pierre Bourdieu?s theoretical apparatus on a social level.

Lyssna, Tala, Tänka. Övningsteknik ? en huvudfråga?

This thesis is about practising on a different level to get an insight to what techniques might work for me as a double bass player. It is about discovering how to use your brain into playing at your best level. I practised both talking and singing to myself and read a lot about thinking and hearing not only the music but every note before playing. The thesis idea came from not having a technique that worked for me while practising alone. I wondered why it is such a difference between what we do at the lessons and what I do when practising by myself..

Faktorer som bidrar till att kursmålen nås för elever med matematiksvårigheter

During my practice as a teacher trainee at an upper secondary school it became clear to me that many pupils had difficulties with mathematics. I was surprised to find that many pupils seemed to get stuck on the level of attainment for the senior level of the nine-year compulsory school. As I have not studied anything about difficulties in Mathematics during my training to become a qualified teacher, I would like to get to know more about this.After studying research done on this subject I made the following approach to the problem:? What fields regarding Mathematics do the pupils themselves find most difficult?? What factors have been contributory causes to these problems?? What are the factors that have helped pupils with difficulties in Mathematics to reach the goals for the syllabuses in Mathematics?The answers to my questionnaire and interviews resulted in the following conclusions:? Pupils find theory of equation and conversion of units as most difficult at senior level of the nine-year compulsory school.? Teaching should be done in special instruction groups to give the pupil the opportunity to develop his/her skills on an individual level.? Pupils find it hard to deal with all moments in Mathematics during the time given for each course.? The pace for teaching Mathematics is too high according to the pupils.? Pupils wish for instructions on a lower level.? There is often a lack of contact between teacher and pupil.? The teacher should use more time to help the pupil receive good self-confidence and increase the motivation for instructions in Mathematics..

Utveckling och implementering av ett audiopejlsystem baserat på tidsdifferensmätning

The use of spread spectrum signals has increased dramatically in military applications. Finding methods for detecting and positioning of these signals have become interesting research areas for signal intelligence purposes. One method is to measure the time difference of arrival (TDOA) that occurs when two receivers are synchronous and spatially separated. Based on the TDOA-technique an audio-demonstrator has been developed and implemented. This report describes the theory for how sound received in microphones can be used to extract information about the transmitter?s position from the measured time difference.

Hur återförsäljare kan arbeta med sitt varumärke : En fallstudie bland klädåterförsäljare i Halmstad

The study has shown that retailers in the mid-price segment differentiate their brand through developing a strong company identity around the brand. The personality involves store atmosphere, merchandise and advertising. Larger companies have chosen to lay the responsibility on management level, which facilitates on store level. By controlling the strategies on a central level the company can make sure that the stores are steered in the direction that the company wants them to be steered in, and also that they follow the positioning-concept. The company can also devote its efforts to working with its core value, which is service.

Physiological (heart rate and cortisol concentration in saliva) and behavioural responses in horses to four reactivity tests compared to the trainer's opinion about the horses? temperament

When performing studies that test the reactions of horses in different situations, important information may be available about the horse?s reactivity level. With information from these tests, accidents and dangerous situations may be prevented. When the behaviours from tests are compared with race performance it may be possible to evaluate if some behaviours are more desirable at the race track than others. The aim of this study was to see if behavioural responses correlated with physiological parameters (heart rate, cortisol), the trainer?s opinions and actual race performance.

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