374 Uppsatser om Solar thermal - Sida 18 av 25
Tilla?mpning och simulering av naturlig ventilation : Potential fo?r utnyttjande i kontorsrum
Mechanical ventilation is the most common type ofventilation in newly constructed office buildings. Therehas been an interest to utilize natural ventilationinstead of mechanical ventilation among architects andHVAC consultants in recent years. This is due to thesize of mechanical ventilation systems, which arespace consuming. The mechanical ventilation system isalso complex and requires maintenance. Furthermore,the fan uses a considerable amount of energy.
Lönsam energieffektivisering : En beskrivning av energieffektiva åtgärder i flerbostadshus och dess lönsamhet
Environmental impact and management of energy is a highly topical issue in today's society. Climate impact must be reduced. The Government has set a target to reduce energy consumption in buildings by 20 % by 2020 and 50 % by 2050 compared to the energy use in 1995.With this in mind, we chose to examine how property owners can work on improving energy efficiency in existing apartment buildings. We also wanted to investigate profitability of different increasing energy efficiency measures and the calculation methods and the risk assessment performed by such investments. To tie in with government objectives, we also saw the possibilities of achieving these goals.20 companies were interviewed, of which 14 were property owners and 6 were consulting firms that works with energy efficiency.
Marine heatwaves (MHW) have become increasingly common in recent decades due to greenhouse gas emissions that have caused climate change. A marine heatwave is when the sea surface temperature rises, which damage many different ecosystems in the sea. One ecosystem that is sensitive to temperature changes is tropical coral reefs, which are at risk of bleaching during marine heatwaves. Coral bleaching is when its symbionts leave the coral and they lose their color, while also starving to death as they lose their food source. The purpose of this report was therefore to investigate what the connection between marine heatwaves and coral bleaching looks like, and to see if there are any geographical differences.
H2 För racing
AbstractMotor sports have been around as long as motor vehicles have been. Sports are often seen as costly polluter but in the same time the motor sports have encourages a large part of development, both for vehicles and other industries. Inventions like rear mirror and ABS brakes come from motor sports. One way to once again drive development forward while making motor sports carbon-neutral is to run the race cars on hydrogen. In this thesis, the goal is to convert a spark ignition engine for hydrogen operation.
Tillverkning av mikronålar för medicinsk tillämpning
Transdermal drug delivery, besides painfulinjections with syringes, has long been associatedwith small size particle pharmaceuticals, which candiffuse through the skin. This method of drugadministration has only been applicable on a smallnumber of drugs, where active molecules are smalland delivery time should or can be long.Other drug delivery options are oral administrationand injection with hypodermic needles (ordinaryhospital syringes). In oral administration thestomach and liver tend to dissolve the drug and theeffect becomes more difficult to anticipate, anddrug delivery rates difficult to control. Hypodermicneedles are used as a mean of drug injectiondirectly into the bloodstream. This method ispainful and risks infection due to tissue damageand skin penetration.One way to get a painless non-damaging techniquewith high delivery rate that still can delivery largemolecules is to manufacture an array of microscopichollow needles and equip them with a pumping unitthat delivers the correct amount of drugs.This thesis shows the technique and possibility ofmanufacture micromachined needles using low costtechniques of Ion Track Technology (radiation ofheavy ions creates porous materials), electrolessdeposition (non-current activated wet chemistrymethod of depositing metal) and electroplating.
Textil fotokatalytisk vattenreningsreaktor: Optimering av beredningsparametrar för titandioxidbeläggning på polyestersubstrat ämnad för vattenrening
I denna kandidatuppsats avlägsnas organiska föroreningar från vatten genom användning av textilier, vars yta belagts med nanopartiklar utav ämnet titandioxid. När titandioxid belyses med UV-strålning sker en fotokatalytisk reaktion, vilket i sin tur bryter ned bland annat bakterier och organiska färgämnen. I hopp om att finna ultimat vidhäftning mot textil passande titandioxid har olika typer av beläggningar studerats; akrylbaserade, sol-gel och slutligen en hybrid. Dessutom har fem olika konstruktioner av textila bindningar jämförts i syfte att undersöka dess påverkan på den fotokatalytiska effekten. Förorenade vatten är ett stort problem, både i utvecklingsländer och i industriella sammanhang.
Solceller pa? Uppsalahems fastigheter : Ekonomisk potential fram till 2030
Uppsalahem is the leading housing corporation in Uppsala with its over 160 real estate properties. Uppsalahem is owned by the municipality of Uppsala, which has a climate and energy goal that aims for 100 MW of solar energy to be installed in Uppsala by 2030. The 100 MW goal, combined with Uppsalahem?s environmental policy, is a strong incentive to investigate the possibility of installing PV modules on the many available roof areas that Uppsalahem possesses. The objective of this thesis is to create a foundation for future decisions regarding PV systems for Uppsalahem.
Framtidens Hus
The company Sol & Energiteknik wanted to examine the possibility to make a standardhouse totally energy independent. Based upon this I have, during the spring of 2007,examined the possibilities available at the market today through litterature studies, contactwith several companies and reading reports at the internet.The first thing to examine has been to determine the energy consumption for a standardhouse, and find out if there are better technologies to be used for energy conservation.My conclusion in this matter is that there are possibilities today for building a house moreenergy efficient.When I had reached the point at which my design for the house was decided, I also hadto choose the different products to use to produce energy as well as to store that energy.To produce heat and electricity to the house I decided to use a wind turbine and a solarwater heater.The most difficult part of designing a house that is energy independent is that theproduced energy must be stored somehow. Storing the heat is relatively easy beacuse theheat can be stored in a large water tank. The electricity is a bigger problem beacuse itmust be stored in batteries, which today are too expensive to be used in a standard house.In the future producing and storing hydrogen might be used to produce electricity, buttoday that technology is both expensive and not tested enough.My final conclusion is that a standard house can not be built to be totally energyindependent today, unless it is very expensive to connect the house to the electricitynetwork. As an alternative solution I came up with a proposal for a house which isconnected to the electricity network and have some amount of own produced energy.This house prooved to be a good investment if you choose to build it today, and it couldbe a very good investment in the long run beacuse energy prices increase every year..
Alternativa stråbränslen i växtföljden :
The purpose of this report is to find out which crops, that are good for strawfuel, and can be grown i the area around the city of Lund. The background of this report it that Lunds energy is planning to bild a biofuelheated thermal power station in Örtofta outside of Lund.
I have in the report limited me to the crops hemp, whole crop (triticale), reed canary
grass, elephant grass and jerusalem artichoke. I have through a documentary research
checked the crops, cultivabillity in the south of Sweden, and how they should fit, in the
Scanian crop sequence.
Hemp is an annual crop which probably could manage in the Scanian crop sequence.
Whole crop often triticale because of it´s high yield and low rate of shed seed. Could
also fit into the crop sequence of crop in Scanian. Triticale is annual, and could be
grown at the same kind of fields as used to wheat, whith is why it would be possible to
grow it in Scania.
Reed canary grass is a reedlike grass that is easy grown at most soils.
Analys och organisering av ö-drift för en samförbränningsstation vid Åmotsfors bruk
Åmotfors Bruk AB (ÅBAB) has today an inefficient production of steam for the
manufacturing of paper. Unpredictable energy prices and modernisation of the current
equipment has been the underlying factors to invest in a thermal power plant, mainly
driven by garbage. This facility will not only use the steam for paper production, it will
also generate electricity through a steam turbine. Today, when a fault on the supplying
line occurs which leads to disconnection of the external grid, all the support of electricity
to Åmotfors Bruk (ÅB) will disappear. This will lead to major interruptions in the paper
production, which will cause severe economical losses.
Funktionell validering av mutation i PUS-1 i en patient med mitokondriell sjukdom
With the climate change issues growing in importance on the social agenda, the field of urban masterplanning is of no exception when it comes to minimizing the carbon footprint in a variety of projects. The aim of this thesis has been to prepare the Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool, a software plugin for carbon dioxide emissions assessment developed by Atkins, to be used in Swedish conditions. The main targets were to improve the areas of the tool associated with energy conversion and renewable energy sources, and to test the tool in a real case. A planned construction of a new campus in Albano, Stockholm was chosen for the pilot study. A 3D model was built in the tool and the carbon footprint was calculated for a variety of combinations for energy supply to the future area.
Geotermisk fjärrvärme i Gunsta
Gunsta is situated about 10 km east of Uppsala. Today there are plans to establish 1000 new households in Gunsta before year 2030. The required energy for heating houses and water would be distributed via a district heating system, which also includes 200 existing residences. The annual required energy, according to this study, would be 16.2 GWh with a maximal peak effect of 6.9 MW.
To meet this need, the study suggests a system with heat pumps to upgrade the 31?C water from a 1.8 kilometre deep borehole.
Stadsklimat/Gatuklimat :
The purpose of this paper is to understand the climate of the street and how it can be modified to better meet the needs of the street and the user groups. At the same time the conditions of the street and its surroundings also has to be taken into account. To accomplish this it is necessary to have a broad knowledge of the climate conditions in the city. Therefore an overview of the climate elements and how these are modified in the built-up areas are given. The part of the paper which deals with the city climate has a global approach to be able to give an as complete picture as possible.
Utvärdering av miljönytta för olika miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader : En jämförande fallstudie på Swecos kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö
This thesis examines the environmental benefits resulting from the choice of environmental certification scheme, with focus on energy. This was carried out by studying the measures that were implemented as a result of the certification of Sweco's three largest office buildings in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The office property in Stockholm has been certified with the Swedish Environmental Building, Gothenburg with the British BREEAM and Malmö with the U.S system LEED.The results from the study indicate that an environmental certification can reduce the energy consumption by up to 59 percent and the water consumption by 20 to 66 percent. However; the interviews, literature study and simulations in MATLAB indicate that the size and scope of these environmental benefits depend on several identified factors: the type of building and its conditions, system selection, grade level, the choice of indicators, the ambition of those involved and when in time the certification process begins. The comparison between Environmental Building, LEED and BREEAM showed that Environmental Building for the office property in Stockholm gave the largest environmental benefit in terms of reduced energy consumption thanks to several large measures.
Energimässig jämföelse med investeringskalkyl av två förskolor
This thesis includes an energy survey of the Herrgården pre-school, which has a modern heating- and ventilation system, and a comparison with Östers pre-school which has an older system. An energy survey of Östers pre-school has already been done by a group of three students and all the calculations and values have been collected from that survey. As of today, both pre-schools are heated thru district heating. It will be much easier to make smart and feasible energy-saving-measures by first conducting the energy survey.Herrgården pre-school in Gävle houses 81 children, therteen teachers, one cleaner and one cook. It was finished in the middle of 2009 and the staff has been very pleased with the in-door climate.