

487 Uppsatser om Soil masses - Sida 17 av 33

Metodik för bestämning av åkerdikens status : fallstudie av ett dike i Munktorps socken

Agricultural drainage ditches are links between fields, lakes and oceans, having the potential to transport e.g. sediment and nutrients. When in a good condition, drainage ditches can act as sinks for e.g. phosphorus and sediments and prevent eutrophication downstream. The aim of this study was to determine the condition of one agricultural drainage ditch and to come up with suggestions for appropriate measures. The aim was also to determine which of the ditch?s properties that were possible to evaluate visually, which processes they represented as well as which properties required complementary physical analysis. This in order to contribute to the work of developing a method for determining the status/condition of agricultural drainage ditches.

Brand equity in the industrial purchase decision : a case study of the Swedish market for agricultural machinery

High brand equity is a great asset for companies that operate their business in a free and competitive market. Brand equity can arise from both product-related and non-product related attributes and may be viewed from many different perspectives. This study examines which different attributes that contribute to enhance brand equity from customers point of view at the Swedish market for agricultural machinery. The study have been developed using a comprehensive literature search in order to investigate the field regarding brand equity and brand image. The literature review results in one product specific and one non-product specific approach in order to examine factors that contribute to enhanced brand equity. This takes the form as one survey-based approach regarding the non-product related attributes which is examined by interpreting the extra value added by different attributes.

Biological control of Fusarium wilt on tomatoes : use of Bacillus subtilis and interactions with the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus in a Kenyan highland soil

It is important to investigate the potential of biological control measures in agricul-ture, especially where economic issues restrict the use of expensive inputs or when there are environmental concerns about toxicity of agrochemicals. The bacterium Bacillus subtilis has proved promising as a biocontrol agent (BCA) in suppressing various plant diseases and it has also been shown to promote plant growth in certain cases. During this study, the effect of B. subtilis on Fusarium wilt (caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum) on tomatoes, as well as its effect on the earthworm species Pontoscolex corethrurus was investigated. Furthermore, the combined ef-fect of the BCA with P.

Reaktionskrafter i dragarmarna på en traktors trepunktslyft : Teori och praktik

Tractors of today come equipped with a CAN-system. A CAN-system sends information from sensors to electronic control units who process the signals. The sensors measure several interesting parameters such as force, pressure and speed for various components of the tractor. This thesis discuss a force sensor which is placed in the pivot of the tractors three point linkage, the sensor measure the horizontal reaction force from the load that the tractor is exposed to. Signals from this sensor can be used to measure the force from any implement that the tractor is exposed to during an operation.

Kvantifiering och kartering av föroreningstransport inom ett avrinningsområde

The aim with my master thesis is to develop and test the applicability of methods to quantify and map solute advective travel times and pollutant transport at the catchment scale. Such quantification and mapping can increase the understanding of catchment-scale pollutant transport in general and contribute to the identification of the main sources of water pollution and the most efficient measures to reduce such pollution. The study area is the catchment of Oxundaån, about 20 km north of Stockholm. For detailed GIS modeling of water flow and catchment-scale contaminant transport in water, I´ve used new high-resolution elevation maps, land cover maps and soil maps combined with other available relevant data..

Järnets förekomst i grundvattnet i isälvsavlagringar i Dalarna : Bakgrundshalter och rörmaterialets inverkan vid grundvattenprovtagning

A study has been performed that investigates the variation of iron content in groundwater.The study was initiated by Midvatten AB, which noticed that the iron content in groundwater samples can vary greatly over small distances. The purpose of this study was to geochemically and geohydrologically determine the factors that influence the content of iron and manganese in groundwater from a selection of eskers in Dalarna, and determine how to best sample groundwater with the method used by Midvatten AB. An evaluation was made of how the vertical variation in soil material, water composition, pumping time and pipe material affects the content of iron in groundwater. Piper diagrams were used to study the relationship between the chemical composition of the groundwater and the content of iron and manganese in groundwater samples from the studied areas. The groundwater from the studied areas was then classified in the Piper diagrams, according to the content of the major ions.

Koldioxidutsläpp vid vägbyggnad - en fallstudie med jämförelse av alternativa byggnadssätt

Abstract This degree project examines how much carbon dioxide that emits during the construction phase of a road project. This is to make it possible to compare how the amount of carbon dioxide differentiates between traditional road construction and Swepave construction, which is PEAB?s alternative way to design roads. To make the comparison a calculation tool has been produced. To compare the amount of carbon dioxide emissions a reference project was needed.

Döden till mötes : kriterier för att lokalisera avrättningsplatser på Gotland

The aim of this thesis is to investigate which criteria that can be used to locate execution sites on the island of Gotland, Sweden. The execution sites, which are used to test the criteria against, range in date from early medieval period to 1876 when the last public execution in Sweden took place. Why these criteria can be used will be discussed along with attempts to explain why they have been used frequently or not so frequent. The results show that the execution sites are most commonly located in clear view, near roads, on heights and on unfertile soil. Other criteria that appears less frequent, but that still can be used in the process of locating execution sites, are graves, crossroads and boarders..

Opportunities for improved environmental sustainability of a wine producer in South Africa : natural resource management and climate change adaptation and mitigation

South Africa has been among the top ten wine producing countries for at least 20 years. Even though the land under grapevines is decreasing globally it is still increasing in Africa. The awareness of environment has strengthen the last years and South African producers experience a high demand of environmentally friendly produced wine, especially from the European market. This demand was the driving force behind the development of the world unique sustainability certification, Integrated Production of Wine (IPW), which is inscribed in the South African legislation. What makes this certification unique is that consumers can trace their product all the way back to the farming practices owing to the identity number specified on the IPW Integrity & Sustainability seal on certified products.

Nitrogen flow in Scania : substance flow analysis on a regional level

In this thesis, the flows of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in Scania were investigated and quantified. The thesis was also intended to form a basis for comparison between the urban nitrogen flow and other flows of nitrogen within Scania. The management of nitrogen in society has disturbed the natural nitrogen cycle. This is linked to a series of environmental problems such as eutrophication, acidification, global warming and smog. The method used was Substance Flow Analysis (SFA) for Nr. For calculation and flow charts Scania was divided into three subsystems; air, water and society.

Växter och jord i urban miljö : en fallstudie vid Västergatan i Eslöv

Detta arbete består av två delar. En litteraturstudie med stort fokus på jorden och en praktisk undersökning av trädraden vid Västergatan i Eslöv där vegetationen består av Acer platanoides och Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa'. Litteraturstudien omfattar: ? egenskaper man kan förvänta sig i en urban jord ? markpackningens betydelse för jordens vattenhållande förmåga samt för växterna ? vikten av lufttillgång för växternas rötter ? hur markporförekomsten påverkar dräneringsförhållandena i jorden ? kort om pH och näringsämnen ? hur vägsaltning påverkar marken och växterna ? vikten av etableringsskötsel, åtgärder vid slitage/sabotage ? kort om ohyra och rotskador vid anläggningsarbete Fallstudien omfattar: ? undersökning av träden genom ? omkretsmätning av samtliga träd på den aktuella sträckan ? årsringsmätning med hjälp av borrkärnsprover hos fem slumpmässigt valda träd ? okulär analys ? undersökning av marken genom ? enkla jordanalyser med hjälp av agronomkäpp ? att känna på marken med penetrometerkäpp ? analys av en 94 cm djup provgrop, med dess fyra horisonter ? bedömning av rotförekomst I min undersökning har träden varit svåra att analysera, eftersom de saknat bladmassa och grenverket sitter mycket högt. Jag tog borrkärnsprover ur veden för att bedöma årsringstillväxten, men dessa är för få för att jag ska kunna dra några pålitliga slutsatser ur dem och jag har enbart hittat borrkärnemätning på en lönn i litteraturen. Min slutsats är att marken är kompakterad till kraftigt kompakterad, beroende på djup.

Miljöpåverkan av Cu från mjölkkors klövbad

Klövsjukdomen digital dermatit hos kor ger upphov till smärta hos djuren samt störningar i produktionen. För att förebygga och behandla klövsjukdomen används olika preparat, däribland CuSO4-lösning.Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i så fall i vilken omfattning spridande av kopparförorenad gödsel påverkar Cu-halten i jordbruksmark.Studien genomfördes med provtagning av två oberoende jordbruksmarker där ett av områdena gödslas med kopparförorenad gödsel. Resultaten visar att jordbruksmark där förbrukad CuSO4 spridits med stallgödseln ger upphov till en signifikant ökad Cu-halt i markens översta lager, 0-25 cm.  .

Att rekonstruera förhistoriska odlingsförutsättningar : första steget i en metodutveckling.

The aim of this work is to take the first step into a development process, with the intention to find a way of making prehistoric soil fertility a variable in archaeological landscape analysis. A pilot study is performed on the Mälar basin area, where four topographical and geological factors are reclassified and then combined, resulting in a map which expresses a relative indication of agriculture potential. The map is then compared to the distribution of Migration Period graves and gold finds. This, however, does not mean that the technique is tied to a certain prehistoric period. Because the work is intrinsically experimental, the technique as a whole is finally discussed and evaluated, and suggestions of improvements and further studies are made..

Modell och analysverktyg för beräkningav frekvensförlopp

The power system modelled in this thesis work has been developed for simulationwhen e.g. the production in some part of the power system is changed. The powersystem has been modelled according to the swing mass of the system, the frequencydependency of the load and the turbine governor. The model determines the systemfrequency, the period of regulation and the power exchange between the differentsubsystems in the Nordic synchronized system.In this model the system frequency is assumed to be the same in all different parts ofthe power system and the voltage conditions in the power system are neglected. Forthat reason power swings does not occur between different subsystems in the powersystem, which usually occur as a result of the swinging connection between thetransmissions line.

Flygplansavisningens miljöpåverkan vid svenska flygplatser

The aim of this thesis was to answer a number of questions about the environmental consequences of aircraft de-icing. A further aim was to suggest how the environmental consequences due to the release of de-icing fluids can be measured and reduced.The main impact of the aircraft de-icing on the environment is due to the large oxygen demand for the degradation of glycol based de-icing fluids which are released in the environment. The effect of the increase in oxygen demand depends on where the degradation occurs in the ecosystem. In a sensitive ecosystem, the large demand of oxygen could provide an anaerobic environment which would be harmful for many types of organisms.In order to reduce the negative effects of the applied de-icing fluid, there is some type of collection system at every regular airport in Sweden. The methods of collection can be divided into two general groups, hydrological isolation or vacuum sweeper trucks.

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