

4996 Uppsatser om Sociology of literature - Sida 16 av 334

Religiös teater eller erotisk skulptur? : En studie av hur skulpturgruppen Heliga Teresas extas och Cornarokapellet beskrivits och använts i konsthistorisk litteratur

Religious theater or erotic sculpture? A study of how the sculpture group Ecstasy of Saint Teresaand the Cornaro chapel have been described and used in literature of art history.This study aims to investigate how the sculpture group Ecstasy of Saint Teresa and the Cornarochapel has been written about and presented in literature about art history. The method has been tostudy literature, to visit the Cornaro chapel, and to make comparisons between pictures, texts andown experiences.The questions set out to be answered was; How has the Cornaro chapel and the Ecstasy of SaintTeresa been described and interpreted in literature of art history? What kind of pictures are beingused to illustrate the chapel? What is in focus and what is withheld in the presentation of the chapel,in text and in pictures? Is it possible to see a change, in how art historians write about the Cornarochapel, over time?Reading and comparing the texts and pictures that illustrates the literature, makes visible how thebaroque period, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Teresa av Avila and the Cornaro chapel has been presented inthe chosen literature, and answered the questions.The similarities between the Cornaro chapel and a theater stage, Bernini's interest in the theaterand his devout Catholicism, as well as the Counter-reformation's use of art to reach their goal ofmaking people more devout to Catholicism, is in focus. The erotic overtones in the sculpture groupare being withheld as well as Bernini's personality.

"Vill mycket men hinner inte" : en studie om hur det senaste årets omstruktureringar och nedskärningar har påverkat vårdarna på kriminalanstalten i Kristianstad/Vä

Kriminalvårdsanstalten i Kristianstad/Vä har under det senaste året drabbats av omfattande besparingskrav. Detta har i sin tur inneburit genomgripande omstruktureringar och förändringar i verksamheten, framförallt i form av nerskärningar i personalstyrkan. Syftet med studien är att synliggöra och analysera konsekvenserna av det gångna årets besparingsåtgärder. Utifrån detta syfte har jag också formulerat min frågeställning: Hur har vårdarnas arbete och inställning till arbetet påverkats till följd av de nedskärningar och omstruktureringar som, under det senaste året, ägt rum på kriminalvårdsanstalten i Kristianstad/Vä? I min studie har jag använt mig av kvalitativa intervjuer.

Estetiska läroprocesser i de svenska och norska läroplanerna för förskolan

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Första avstampet för att konstruera en digital stadskarta för personer med nedsatt syn

The physical map that has been used until now can in the modern days be replaced with digital maps available in smart phones and tablets. One disadvantage of both is that the digital maps require the user to have a fully functional sight. The problem with the research done so far is that it provides little explanation as to why developers have decided to design the maps in a specific way. This thesis has been designed to address this problem.In order to provide the knowledge needed, a literature study was done to construct interview questions to an employee from SG Access AB. These answers and the literature study were used to construct interview questions to members and employees from Synskadades Riksförbund  (SRF).

Det blyga ägget och den utåtriktade spermien : En språksociologisk studie av hur gällande könsnormer påverkar högstadieungdomars upplevelser av kränkande språkbruk

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Donaldson på Hellsingska: en komparativ fallstudie : Julia Donaldsons engelska bilderböcker i svensk översättning av Lennart Hellsing

I denna magisteruppsats undersöks Julia Donaldsons engelska bilderböcker i svensk översättning av barnboksförfattaren Lennart Hellsing. Huvudsyftet med denna studie är att avgöra om de svenska måltexterna även bär drag av Hellsings egen författarstil. För att kunna undersöka detta har Kårelands tidigare forskning (2002) om Hellsings litterära produktion använts för att ta fram stilvariabler. Dessa stilvariabler har sedan applicerats på måltexterna i denna fallstudie. Det teoretiska ramverket orienterar sig inom deskriptiv översättningsvetenskap och Tourys (1995) modell för rekonstruktion av översättningsnormer används.

Fröken Sverige och Magister Tutnäsa : En studie om fyra lärare i barnlitteratur ur ett genusperspektiv

This study has been conducted as a literary analysis of four chapter books for children in the early years of compulsory school: Magister Tutnäsa, Vilken fullträff, Astrakan, Sune och tjejhatarligan, and Alva och Dum-Julia. The aim has been to analyse four teacher characters from a gender perspective. The study has focused on the teachers? personal characteristics and whether these are typically female or male. Another aim has been to study how the character reinforces or runs against stereotyped gender patterns.

Läsa för livet: Bibliotekschefers syn på litteraturförmedling för vuxna

The aim of this Master´s thesis is to examine how public library managers reflect on readers´ advisory and promotion of adult literature, and how they view and discuss the governmental proposition Läsa för livet (prop. 2013/14:3). Questions posed in this study are: What matters do public library managers think fiction have on adults? How do public library managers reflect on promotion of adult literature? What are public library managers´ views on the governmental proposition Läsa för livet and how it will affect the public library?The theoretical starting-points used in this study are views on literature by Magnus Persson and Gitte Balling, and views on literature promotion by Rasmus Grøn. Method chosen was semi-structured interviews with six library managers in public libraries.

Elektroniskt publicerad litteratur: Beskrivningen av dess för- och nackdelar i svensk bibliotekspress 2000-2004.

During the changes of time, the stipulations for the existence of books and libraries also change. With technical advances come new possibilities, and the option to publish literature electronically is one of them. The purpose of this Master's thesis is to answer the question how the advantages and disadvantages of electronically published literature is described and constructed. To further deepen the analysis these questions were asked: What aims are the electronically published literature said to achieve? Why are the electronically published literature said to achieve these aims? And who are favoured/disfavoured by electronically published literature? The analyzed publications are four Swedish library related publications: Biblioteksbladet, Dik-forum, Ikoner and Nya Ciceron.

"När författare slutar nämnas i skolan glöms de bort? : om värmländsk litteraturhistoria i undervisningen

Thavenius (2009:23-122) and Dahl (1999:49-82) explains that literary education in school has gone from, in the 1800s, barely existed on receiving the fairly central location it has today. Fredriksson (2010:2-3) points out that there are several threats to the ancient writers and writings in danger of being forgotten. The purpose with this essay was to examine how to work with literary history in school, and whether and how to work with regional literature history. To fulfill the purpose of this paper three high school teacher in Swedish were interviewed.The survey shows that respondents working in various ways with the history of literature, either in the eras, themes or projects. The perception of what literature and the authors to be affected varies between respondents, particularly the perception of the work about authors from Värmland.

Uppfattning om förhistoria En närbild av hur två mellanstadieklasser uppfattar sin förhistoria

I wanted to look at school-children's perspective of prehistory. I also wanted to look at the literature at their disposal, provided by the schools.In this essay I am looking at a school-class in the fourth grade from a school in Malmö and a fifth grade-class at a school in Klågerup just outside Malmö. I am trying to determine the student's view of what prehistory is all about, as well as how their own school-literature is connected to that knowledge. Six books in all were examined. The essay is concentrated on prehistory and only at those two schools.

Vem predisponerar för ätstörningar? En litteraturstudie om olika grupper i samhället som är i riskzonen för ätstörningar

The purpose of this literature review was to find common factors for the persons who predispose to eating disorders. These factors shall help the nurse to recognise early signs of eating disorder behaviors. The literature review is directed to the nurse and will answer the issue: Which groups in the community run the risk of developing eating disorders? Furthermore, this knowledge shall lead to a better understanding of persons having eating disorders and be used as an aid in his/her encounter with these patients. The method was a literature review based on eight scientific articles, which were interpreted on the basis of the competence of the nurse.

Kto-to, vyidya iz doma, popadet pod mashinu : om översättningen av gerundier i rysk skönlitteratur till svenska.

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how gerunds in Russian literature are translated into Swedish, and to discuss how this is described in different grammar publications and articles.Syftet med denna uppsats är att se hur ryska gerundier översätts till svenska i skönlitteratur, och att diskutera hur detta beskrivs i olika grammatikor och artiklar..

Nyhetens behag: En textanalytisk studie av litteratur som bygger på nyhetshändelser

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to examine literature on current media events. We see a close relationship between this literature and the media society where we relate Manuel Castells theory of the network society. In this thesis we have chosen books which give different views on three major media events in Sweden: 1 the assassination of Anna Lindh, the former Swedish Minister for foreign Affairs; 2 the Knutby murder and; 3 the Tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia. These books combine fact and fiction in their writing which in media science is called faction. This form of writing has similarities to genres like new journalism and documentarism and can be problematic for the reader in terms of genre expectations because of the mix of fact and fiction.

Kvalitetsmodeller och dess potentiella användning i ett bostadsföretag

Aim: The purpose of this study is to show models from the literature which can underlie appraisal and development in the real estate business of Gavlegårdarna.1. Gavlegårdarna should be able to use the study in their work with quality assurance off their services.2. Company?s in real estate business and other students should be able to use the study for an overview of quality models.Method: To collect data I chose to use a qualitative method based on the hermeneutic research method. The collected data was a result of literature and interviews.Result & Conclusion: From the literature there are two models that are suited for analyses of quality, that is the Housing quality model and the Gap model.

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