

1401 Uppsatser om Sociocultural processes - Sida 27 av 94

Sociala medier för Knowledge management : Företags användning av webb 2.0 baserade kollaborationsverktyg för kunskapshantering

Knowledge is today one of the most important resources for an organization to handle. But knowledge can also be difficult for organizations to manage. The internet is still growing and new tools take form that allows users to effectively share information. The purpose of this report was to describe how organizations can make use out of internal social media to facilitate knowledge management processes. Three issues involving mapping, coding and dissemination of knowledge to were produced to answer the thesis. The study was limited to examining the identification, coding and dissemination of knowledge through the internal social media plattformen, IBM Connections. The theoretical framework emphasizes how social networks can promote knowledge sharing, how a knowledge mapping can promote knowledge dissemination and sharing, how knowledge can be stored in data sources and how important interaction is to spread awareness. The theory has been supplemented by descriptions of how the system IBM Connections works. Surveys were conducted on four companies that use IBM Connections as an internal communication plattformen. The four companies were selected to illustrate how they use the plattformen of knowledge management processes and we chose to interview the people who were responsible for the introduction of the plattformen. The study identified several similarities between the different companies and that although there were some technical and cultural recalcitrant units against this new type of system within the organization so favored IBM Connections knowledge in several ways. The built-in search automatic created a map of knowledge through the plattform's user profiles. Saved files and documents could be found even after the employees left the company, which encodes knowledge into the company knowledge resources. The opportunity to interact with one another, often over great distances, favored the sharing of knowledge. A comparison with the theoretical framework provided us with the conclusion that internal social media can be used in several ways to Knowledge management through automated knowledge maps, the ability to store knowledge within the company and to communicate knowledge across functional and geographical boundaries in interactive discussions..

Medarbetarsamtalssystemet - forum för delaktighet, kommunikation och lärande?

The purpose of this study is to describe how the employee appraisal is perceived by managers, employees and representatives from human resources departments. The empirical material con-sists of 15 interviews: respondents were two representatives of the human resources departments, four unit managers and nine employees who work at a state institution or municipal management. In the study, I adopt a sociocultural perspective, with the communicative relational perspective. The latter is a special education perspective in which the interpenetration of participation, com-munication and learning emphasized.The result shows that the majority of employees would like to see that the talks will be held more frequently than once a year. One of the managers has in cooperation with his co-workers devel-oped a model based on that each year, in addition to salary talks, have an individual conversation, a conversation with each group and individual follow-up talks.

Varför spelar de? : En intervjustudie om olika drivkrafters betydelse i valet av musik och instrument.

Detta examensarbete handlar om förebilders och idolers påverkan när det gäller val av instrument och musik, med fokus på elgitarren, samt vilka andra drivkrafter som påverkar detta. Syftet med arbetet är att få kunskap om olika drivkrafter som påverkar viljan att spela ett instrument. Teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien är den sociokulturella teorin. Tidigare forskning inom området behandlar exempelvis sociala normer, förebilders påverkan på människor samt ramfaktorer inom undervisning. Jag har använt mig av den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun som metod, och mina informanter är elgitarrister med varierande ålder och musikalisk bakgrund.

BI M i förvaltningsskedet med avseende på konstruktion.

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Förskolans estetik : Pedagogers syn på estetik i förskolan

This examination paper defines how educators work with esthetic, and esthetic learning in pre-school. I have done research by interviewing four pedagogues. The result shows that the pedagogues does work with esthetic and practice esthetic learning processes, but their work shift. Some pedagoues practice strong esthetic and some practice more modest esthetic. Some of the pedagogues are more aware than other of the esthetics influens of the childrens life long learning.

Stöd, reflektion och hjälp att inkludera : Lärares syn på specialpedagogisk handledning

The purpose of this study was to gain deeper knowledge about the special needs of guidance significance as an aid to students based on teachers' views and perceptions.Eight teachers from three different municipalities, active in primary school and middle school have been interviewed since all have participated in and have experience with special needs tutoring. Their responses were compiled and answered the three research questions: What experiences have teachers of special education counseling? How do teachers the guidance they received from a special teacher? What effect has the special educational guidance given for the inclusive education? The result shows that the special educational tutorial helps teachers gain a deeper understanding of students in need of special support and guidance to the mission vary in scope and content. The special educational tutorial that is aimed directly at the teachers seem to have a positive effect on inclusion and a critical/dilemma perspective while the consultative guidance primarily directed towards the adaptation of educational material and allows students to walk out of the classroom to receive special education promotes exclusion and ability grouping and a compensatory perspectives. From a sociocultural perspective pointing results of the study that teachers with special education tutoring experience to students in an inclusive education contribute to each other's learning,creating meaningful for everyone involved..

Att stärka barnens sociala förmåga i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med barn i svårigheter i socialt samspel och hjälpmedel i arbetet.

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers? approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior.

Risk- och skyddsfaktorer, attityder och cannabisbruk : En enkätundersökning med gymnasieungdomar från en kommun i Mellansverige

Ungdomar lever inom en social kontext vilken direkt samt indirekt påverkar deras ställningstaganden gentemot cannabis. För att motverka att bruket ska öka i framtiden bör man se över vilka risk- samt skyddsfaktorer som påverkar deras attityder samt bruk av drogen. Idag råder en oro över att legaliseringsdebatten runt om i världen kan resultera i en negativ följd i form av allt mer liberala attityder bland den yngre generationen. Syftet med denna studie är därav att undersöka relationen mellan ungdomars attityder, eventuella bruk och de risk- samt skyddsfaktorer vilka finns i deras sociala omvärld. Resultatet från föreliggande studie visar att ungdomarna i den berörda kommunen har en restriktiv inställning gentemot cannabis dock visas en liberalare attityd bland de som testat substansen.

Förbättrad vakuumtätning mot kabeln under plastextruderingsprocessen

This thesis is about developing a design that provides improved vacuum seal between a lead coating and a plastic coating during plastic extrusion processes of cables. This report is a part of the course MSGC 17 for Bachelor Engineers in mechanical engineering.The work is performed at Nexans Norway AS in Halden where they have a production of high voltage cables for sea-, and offshore industry. A problem they face is that they do not get enough good seal at the attachment to the plastic extrusion machine. They want to achieve a vacuum between a lead coating on the cable and a plastic coating of the cable for plastic extrusion, which is something they do not achieve today. The thesis is thus to come up with a design that provides better sealing against the cable.The work involves a construction part with the phases of product development processes.

"Genus är inskränkt!" : En komparativt inriktad studie av genuspedagogik på förskolor i New York och Stockholm

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how teachers work and reflects on gender education in preschools. We also want to take part of how teacher?s thoughts are reflected in the physical indoor environment and how the environment is designed by reviewing the rooms furnishing and the selected materials. We will do this by visiting a number of preschools located in Stockholm and New York. We have chosen three questions to get the answers on our purpose.How teachers reflect around gender pedagogy are, and how the thoughts are expressed in the practical work.How the teachers communicate with their co-workers about gender pedagogy.How the teachers own thoughts and reflections on gender pedagogy have been expressed in the physical indoor environment where the children stay during the day. We have used interviews and observations as a method to gather the information that we needed to answer our questions of the thesis.

Musikaliska uttryck ? redskap, hinder och möjligheter : En kvalitativ studie om instrumentallärares syn på hantering av elevers internalisering av musikaliska uttryck

Syftet är att studera instrumentallärares syn på hantering av elevers internalisering av musikaliska uttryck. Det sociokulturella perspektivet med fokus på hur redskap påverkar internaliseringen är utgångspunkt för studien. Metoden utgörs av semistrukturerad intervju där fyra formellt och reellt utbildade instrumentallärare som arbetar på musik- eller kulturskola har intervjuats om vilka musikaliska uttryck de har i fokus i undervisningen och deras syn på hur elever lär sig musikaliska uttryck. Resultatet visar att det finns flertalet olika redskap för att nå musikaliska uttryck, bland annat eleven själv, musiken som sådan och den sociala omgivningen. Det viktigaste musikaliska uttrycksmedlet är rytm i förhållande till tempo.

?Utredning av fosfatets inverkan vid pressning av rullar i LRQ MEDIUM BEARINGS

Phosphate is a used as a surface treatment method which is used for various purposes in the industry. In this case, phosphate coated wire is used in the processes to achieve a desirable outcome. The reason to why phosphate coated wire is used in the production process is because phosphate acts as an accumulator, where it stabilizes the lubricant on the surface of the wire. Lubrication is important because it plays a major role in the roll quality and characterizes important benefits regarding the outcome.Currently, SKF has to wash away all phosphates residues after extrusion process in an operation called tumbling. The main reason for this is simply because the surface has to be completely free from lubricants and coatings till the next step of process.

Fukthalt i GROT - påverkande faktorer :

This study was carried out at the request of the bio energy company Naturbränsle. The company handles annually 750 000 m3 of chips from logging residues from a large area, from Östergötland in the south to Härjedalen in the north. In that area, about 50 bio fuel plants are customers. When Naturbränsle deliver chips from logging residues to their customers, the moisture content varies from 30 % to 60 %. The aim of the study was to sort out the affecting factors on the moisture content in the chips during handling and storage processes.

Bloggar som kommunikation : inom förskolan, skolan och fritidshem

Parents today can be very stressed at the drop off and pick up of their children, this leads to that they sometimes miss important information that is pinned to the walls for example. Papers has the ability to disappear, a blog collects all in one place. Today, almost everything is digitized.This study has examined what a blog is and how schools and preschools can use it. The blog is used as a communication site for the preschools and school. This exam graduate work is made of three blog analysis, the analysis is made to see if the blogs can help the preschool and school to communicate wiht the parents.The theory I have decided to use in this study is the sociocultural theory.

Jag eller Vi : Behavioristisk Eller Sociokulturell Undevisningsmetod

I rapporten undersöks om det på kort sikt blir någon skillnad i elevers kunskapsutveckling beroende på om de arbetar utifrån ett behavioristiskt kontra sociokulturellt inlärningsteoretiskt perspektiv. Dessutom belyses positiva och negativa sidor med de olika arbetsmetoderna. Studien genomfördes i parallellklasser i årskurs 5 där den ena klassen arbetade sociokulturellt, den andra behavioristiskt, under ett lektionstillfälle. Elevernas kunskapsutveckling synliggjordes och jämfördes genom att låta dem göra en för- och efterhandsdiagnos. Efteråt genomfördes också intervjuer för att få fram elevernas syn på arbetssätten.

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