

4104 Uppsatser om Socially constructed gender roles - Sida 37 av 274

Vad betyder Gud och livet för tonåringar?

The aim of our thesis was to gain greater knowledge of how young people relate to religion, religiosity and life, and this behavior might show influences of a gender perspective. Part of the aim was also to have greater awareness of how our education should include a gender perspective. To get to this goal, we have assumed the qualitative investigation method which we discussed with a number of students who read last year of high school. First, the interviews were aimed to let students talk about matters concerning religion and life. The next step was to examine their thoughts with a gender perspective as a starting point.

Människohandel : en modern form av slaveri - Exemplet Bosnien- och Hercegovina

This qualitative study focuses on the investigation of different actor?s ideas concerning gender and womanhood in a post-socialist nation Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study is to try to provide experiences and attitudes of one not a new, but definitely one constantly changing phenomenon, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation. The qualitative data is mainly collected through nine interviews with people from Bosnian Governments, International organizations and NGOs during my stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The causes to trafficking are complex and intertwined but it directly relates to gender discrimination and attitudes on sexual relationships between women and men.

Konstruktioner av kvinnor med utländsk bakgrund : En intersektionell studie av debatten om äldreomsorg och etnicitet i populärvetenskapliga tidskrifter 1995-2008

This paper aims to examine how the construction of women with foreign background is visible in the Swedish debate on elder care and ethnicity. The subject is interesting with regard to the existing discriminating conceptions about ethnicity and how the living conditions of immigrant women are med scarce in the Swedish research field. It is also a relevant topic in light of the incipient crisis of the Swedish eldery care. The examining of how several axes of power interplay to construct the women is rendered possible through an intersectional perspective. This requires of the study to relate to the concept of category, and in this paper I have chosen an intercategorical approach.

För det är så vi lärt oss livet, typ

We, the authors of this essay are both students at the Bachelor Programme in Social Work at Malmö Högskola. During our education we have been reflecting on the gender perspective that is suppose to permeate the education. This essay aim to examine how some students at the Bachelor Programme in Social Work at Malmö Högskola, who identify themselves as GLBT , experience how questions regarding sex/gender and sexuality are spoken about during their education. We have a discursive perspective on how we understand norms and power of words and language. From a queerteorethic point of view we explain sex/gender and sexuality.

Barnperspektiv, betyder barnrelaterat? : En kritisk diskursanalys av barnperspektivet i tjugosex kulturmyndigheters och -institutioners strategier fo?r barn- och ungaverksamhet (2012-2014)

Today the right of the child to participate freely in cultural life and the arts is a goal on the political agenda. As a consequence, in 2011, twenty-six government agencies and institutions of culture were assigned to formulate strategies for activities for children and young people. These strategies are the empirical basis of this thesis. The aim of the study is to elaborate and problematize three issues concerning children?s culture from the viewpoint of a social constructionist understanding of childhood as constructed in various, often political, practices.

Konstruktionen av kön : En studie om socialtjänstens yttranden i 3 § LVU (lagen om vård av unga)

The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Swedish care of young persons act) produce ideas about gender. We have taken an interest in the production of both boys and girls and their mothers and fathers because there are clear differences in the description of these. From a historical perspective, the differences between gender in social assessments occurred despite the fact that discrimination is prohibited by law and despite the fact that social service shall work on the basis of an gender equality perspective. In the analysis and interpretation of the rulings we have been inspired by a critical discourse analysis. 30 social-judgements have been analyzed where of 15 concerns girls and 15 involve boys.

Sida ur ett lilberalfeministiskt perspektiv : Finns jämställdhetsidéer av liberalfeministiskt slag i Sidas bistånds - och utvecklingspolitik?

AbstractEssay in Political Science, C ? level, by Ylva Björkegren, spring semester 2008. Tutor: Anna Spånning. ?Sida from a liberal feministic perspective.

Den reproduktiva heterosexualitetens maskulina man och feminina kvinna : En queerteoretisk normstudie av fyra biologi-/naturkunskapsläroböcker producerade 1957-2008 för grundskolans år (3) 4-6

Though still well used in Swedish schools, textbooks are no longer under any governmental control or inspection. It is now responsibilities of the teacher, thus, knowledge is considered crucial. Therefore, the aim of this study was firstly to investigate if and how four biology/natural science textbooks, produced 1957-2008 for primary school years (3) 4-6, expressed any sex, gender and/or sexuality norms. Moreover, due to thoughts of queer theoretic Judith Butler, the study also investigated if and how these three norms interacted. By examining what the textbooks mediated, the purpose was finally to find out if and how the norms differed or not.

Att ligga fint - en diskursanalys av sexualupplysning på internet utifrån ett queerteoretiskt perspektiv

This is a discourse analysis of three WebPages which topic is sexual information. Our purpose is to examine the WebPages RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights), RFSU (The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) and UMO (Reception for young people) from a queer theoretical perspective and illustrate how they discuss the subjects? gender, sexual preference and sexual limits. Our questions are; what information about gender, sexual preference and sexual limits are presented on the WebPages RFSU, RFSL and UMO, and what similarities and differences can be identified and how can these be analyzed from a queer perspective? Our material was collected from the three WebPages and categorized according to three topics of interest; gender, sexual preference and sexual limits.

Det medeltida Fårö - en studie av en ödegård utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The aim of this study was through applying a new perspective reach the people who during medieval time lived and worked on the farm. On the basis of my previously study and a gender perspective this study have compared general literature with local and then interpreted the farm from a local context. The questions raised here concerns division of work and spatial distribution on the farm as well as local impact on gender constructions.This study resulted in interesting problems within the archaeology itself but also in significant details about the farm. No gender restrictions could be seen in the houses except in Hus 1 were a smaller space, which probably used as storage or a workshop had been restricted tomales. Instead the buildings social space mainly consisted of a mixed gender environment.

Psalmen - en väg till enkelhet och skönhet. En studie av psalmers betydelse idag

Title: Hymns - a way to simplicity and beauty. The purpose of this paper is to study what makes hymns appreciated. In a questionnaire, 42 individuals responded to questions concerning lyrics, music, the hymn as a whole, their personal relationship to hymns and their church commitment. They also stated their gender and age. My aim has been to discover whether there are similarities and differences in the given responses and to study the influence of church connections and gender.

Mamma, pappa, barn : En studie om flickor och pojkars lek i docvkrån på fritidshemmet

In this essay, I interview six users from the website darkside.se, which is an internet community for BDSM practitioners. I?m using Judith Butlers theorys about performativity and heteronormativity, Gayle Rubins model the charmed circle; of which sexualities is regarded as approved and which is not, and Fanny Ambjörnssons explenation of queer theory. With the interviews as my material, I investigate how sex and gender is produced and used in BDSM and at Darkside. I discuss trans, heteronormativity, sexism and hierarchies of power related to sex and gender, in BDSM and at Darkside.

En jämställd värld? : Innehållsanalys av The Times, Svenska Dagbladet och Iran Times International

This study examined by content analysis and semiotic picture analysis how gender equal the UK newspaper The Times, the U.S/Iranian nespaper Iran Times International and Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet were May 1st 2009 and May 8th 2009. The study had a foundation of feminist theory about patriarchy and gender theory with a contribution of research about race and its impact on patriarchy.None of the three papers were fully gender equal. Even though Svenska Dagbladet was found to be the most gender equal when it came to the number of women represented all of the newspapers examined showed patriachal structures since women more often than men were described as victimes, trivialized, incompetent and inferior.  People with a race other than white were in minority but patriarchy seems to be a stronger form of oppression than racism. White men were in majority and were less opressed than other groups and were because of that most in favour of the newspapers symbolic powers..

ISIT-modellen - Vägledning för att realisera en verksamhets informationssäkerhetsmål

The ISO standard ISO/IEC 17799/SS-627799-2 is a guidance for organizations to realize their information security goals. In spite of this standard, studies show flaws regarding information security in organizations. In particular flaws regarding overall view, knowledge and clear roles and responsibilities have been observed. The ISIT (Information Security Integrated Three level) model and its guidelines, developed in this thesis, help organizations to identify the required processes and procedures as well as the logical process flow. The thesis is based on theoretical studies and a case study within a multinational company.

"I don't wanna hear about your band!" : tre feminister om musik, feminism och motstånd

This thesis sets out to examine how feminist struggle can be negotiated, defined and motivated. By using Oral history as a theoretical and methodological framework, three persons narrative are being constructed, explored and discussed throughout the thesis. All the interviewees define themselves as women and feminists and have all practised music in different separatist rock and pop-groups from 1970 to present. Themes as music as political action, and separatism for persons who define themselves as women are discussed. The tree informants agree about some feministic goals such as equality and the right to be able to play and perform music regardless of gender identity, although the means to reach these goals are formulated differently. .

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