

12653 Uppsatser om Social-contract - Sida 7 av 844

Kontraktsstyrning och kvalitetsindikatorers utformning vid kommunal upphandling : En flerfallsstudie

Management by contract is nowadays a common method within the public sector since the NPM overtook as paradigm with its mechanisms of control inspired by the private sector. The public agency is foremost a service provider where they interact with citizens in the service process. Swedish eldercare has significantly increased its expose to competition which means that eldercare can be executed not only by the municipalities own provider. Such an adaption increases the requirements to inspect quality and how the purchasers assure goal achievement by control. The outmost liability stays with the municipality to ensure that the service produces god care since their position as the service purchaser implies the responsibility to plan, precise and evaluate the required work that the executor has to accomplish.

Konstsamlares agerande

Until recently, the art market has expanded for several consecutive years. The primary art market is characterized by an unclear pricing mechanism and an infinite as well as limited supply. Previous business studies have so far primarily focused either on art as an investment or on the gallery?s activities. This thesis takes an explorative approach and aims to shed a light on the art collector?s behavior on the Swedish market for contemporary art.

Den ömma vilden : -En studie av pedagogens syn på den fysiska kontakten mellan barnen i den vilda leken i förskolan

The Purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge on and to make the preschool teachers views visible about physical contact between children in wild play in the preschool. I decide to use interview of preschool teachers in a group setting as a mean to investigate this. The group interview is a non-structured interview with open questions where the preschool teachers only received guidance with pre made questions when needed.The result shows what kind of view the preschool teachers have on physical contact and they share concreate examples on how they work in situations like these.By reading this study I hope to contribute better knowledge of the physical contract between children and that the study generates futher reflections on one´s attitude in the matter..

DISPUTERAD OCH KLAR- ÄNDÅ INTE ANSTÄLLNINGSBAR. Personalens upplevelser av anställningstrygghet och karriärmöjligheter vid ett svenskt universitet

This study examines university employees? perception of their employment situation and career opportunities. By tradition, fixed term contracts are used in the Swedish research community due to dependency on insecure funding. There is a current debate that questions this use of insecure employments. The employments are said to negatively affect the university?s societal role and international competitiveness.

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

Tidsbegränsade anställningar : En internt komparativ undersökning av gällande rätt och dess faktiska tillämpning 

The Employment Protection Act (1982:80; LAS) is one of the cornerstones of the labour law that regulates the relationship between employer and employee. The central rule as stated in 4 § LAS is valid for an indefinite term. LAS is a semi-optional law in accordance with 2 § LAS which facilitates deviation from the central rule.Temporary employment is dealt with in 5 and 6 §§ LAS, regulations and collective bargaining agreements. The purpose of the legislative change on July 12007 was to simplify the use of temporary employment and to make the law more predictable and easier to interpret. The previous law was unnecessarily difficult for the employer to know when to put into practice.

Ramavtalets civilrättsliga verkan. Frågor om avtalstrohet och osund strategisk anbudsgivning

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the nature of framework agreements in public procurement in Sweden. The main question is whether a contracting authority is obligated to place orders under a framework agreement when purchasing a product or service that is covered in that agreement and to what extent a contractor is obligated to accept such orders. If the answer to that first question is that an obligation does exist the next question to arise is what kind of consequences to expect when either party fails to meet that obligation. Of great importance is whether a contracting authority that hasn?t used an existing framework agreement is liable to pay damages to the contractor who according to the agreement had a right to deliver.

Folkbiblioteket är demokratins grundpelare: Dagspressens debatt med anledning av moderaternas Kulturen 2.0

This master?s thesis attends to a debate in the Swedish daily press concerning the public library which arose after the Swedish Moderate Party?s publication of their cultural political document Kulturen 2.0. This document contains a number of standpoints, of which three directly concern the public library: charges on book loans, libraries on contract and politically balanced purchase policy. In all, 28 articles are examined by means of an idea and ideological analysis. The purpose is to find out what is behind the conflicts surrounding attitudes about the public library's mission and activity in an era of needs for change.

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Ekonomisk styrning och kostnadskontroll vid IT-outsourcing

Background: Many companies have outsourced their IT-operations and their expectations of what this IT-outsourcing will contribute to the business are high. Cost cuts are not always a natural outcome of IT-outsourcing. Many companies that have outsourced their IT-operations consider it to be problematic and complex to exercise management control and reach cost control which was the purpose of the IT-outsourcing. Purpose: To describe and analyze what affect IT-outsourcing has on a company?s management control system and a company?s possibility to exercise cost control.

Kapitaltäckningsgarantier : Krav på avrop eller automatiskt utlösande?

If an enterprise lacks capital it might be in desperate need of capital contribution to avoid liquidation. One solution to restore the economic balance, is to construct a contract in which the enterprise ensures that capital contribution will be made on given conditions. The purpose with this thesis is to analyze different ways to establish such agreements.A capital contribution can be triggered by a call-off from the board of directors to the contributor, or automatically, when the shareholders? equity falls below 50 percent of the registered capital stock. In the literature, the latter is represented as the most adaptable.

Kan aktieägaravtal som saknar aktiebolagsrättslig relevans leda till obligationsrättslig bundenhet och skadeståndsskyldighet? : De lege lata och de lege ferenda

Bestämmelsen om tvångsinlösen i 22 kap. 1 § ABL är tvingande, vilket innebär att avsteg från vad som föreskrivs inte får göras genom bolagsordningen. Mot bakgrund av Högsta domstolens avgörande i NJA 2011 s. 429, synes bestämmelsens tvingande natur vara än mer vidsträckt. I förevarande fall ansågs nämligen ett aktieägaravtal, varigenom en majoritetsägare avstått från sin rätt att påkalla tvångsinlösen, sakna aktiebolagsrättslig relevans.

Vaddå socialt arbete? : socialarbetare och den vetenskapliga diskursen om begreppet och praktiken socialt arbete

Social work is a social phenomenon, existing in most societies, that has given rise to a multitude of special organizations and professions. For that reason social work is dealing with a complex identity. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social workers and the scientific discourse interpret the concept of social work. In addition to that the study intends to show similarities and differencies. The research process containes two studies, one based on qualitative interviews with five social workers and the other consisting a surway of academic litterature.

Social upphandling : Ett uttryck för public-private partnership?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social procurement can be a further development of public-private partnership. This is done with interviews and a case study of the social procurement Mitt Gröna Kvarter and its labor effort Boendebyggarna. The theoretical framework used in the thesis consists of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. It tries to answer the following questions:What does this social procurement mean by the concept of public-private partnership?What does this social procurement mean for the participants involved?How can social procurement be seen as a further development of public-private partnership?The thesis uses the theory development around the concepts of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility and shows that social procurement does indeed have similarities to public-private partnership and could very well be a further development of it..

Entreprenörernas åsikter om Sydveds samarbetsförmåga :

This report is the result of a questionnaire survey done in cooperation with the company Sydved and their contractors. The investigation concerned all their ordinary contractors. The main goal with the study was to find out the contractors opinion about the current cooperation conditions with Sydved, their opinion about the future and how to improve the cooperation. All contractors got a questionnaire to fill in and return within a given date. The percentage of answers was 48 % at the first stage and further 11 % answered after reminder. The result of the investigation indicated that the contractors in general have a positive attitude to Sydved and the way that the company acts.

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