12519 Uppsatser om Social worlds - Sida 53 av 835
Man är bättre? : - En kvalitativ studie om manliga socialsekreterare i minoritet
During the emergence of social work, women have been considered to hold greater competence in social relations. Approximately 80% of social workers in Sweden are women, which leaves men in a minority. Men are considered to have advantages in female-dominated professions because of their unique and desirable abilities. This paper aims to adress men's underpresentation in the female-dominated social work profession. The purpose is to explore the attitudes and experiences of men working in a minority group.
Sociala medier : När kunden själv får välja
In recent years, more and more people have started to live double lives. Blogs, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have created conditions so that we increasingly live virtual lives on the Internet. The gathering of people in this way entails both risks and opportunities for businesses. This study aims to explain how the phenomenon of social media has affected trade and service companies in a marketing and communication perspective. The idea for the essay came to us after we had observed how different behaviors in companies? concerning social media could vary a lot, and how we felt that this affected our personal view of the brands.
"Ingen människa är bara en diagnos" : ADHD-diagnosens betydelse inom familjehemsvård ur socialsekreterares perspektiv.
The aim of this study is to examine social workers? experiences of how the ADHD-diagnosis affects their work with children and youths living in foster care and how it affects the individuals and families themselves. The study is built upon five qualitative interviews and the results are analyzed through a theoretical framework that constitutes ADHD as not only the symptoms and the medical disorder but also as a social phenomenon where the disorder is socially constructed by the current society, norms, and knowledge. The study shows that the social workers? do not rely on the sole ADHD-diagnosis in the understanding and guidance of the children and their foster parents, but rather see the individual needs of each children.
Saving the young; Social workers' Perception of Juvenile Crime Prevention in Sweden
This study sought to explore the juvenile crime prevention in Sweden which for the purpose of this report is seen as efforts towards preventing youth criminality and all forms of anti social behaviour by young people.In the study, interviews with six social workers working directly or indirectly with young offenders were conducted. The interview results were analyzed and subjected to transnational comparison with the practice in Kenya. The report explores existing literature on situational crime prevention, restorative justice, the link between drugs and crime, attachment to parents, peers and involvement in convectional activities, gender differences in criminality, partnerships in crime prevention and the juvenile justice system. It uses control, strain, feminist and social disorganization theories to explain the causes of delinquency, analyzes the perceptions of social workers and discusses what works in juvenile crime prevention. The report identifies the causes of delinquency in Kenya and in Sweden as well as the prevention programs that social workers perceive as effective in addressing youth crime.
Riskfri marknad? : En kvalitativ studie av bostadsköpares attityder i Umeå
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Barnfattigdom i Sverige : En studie om hur socialsekreterare uppfattar barnfattigdom samt hur de kan arbeta förebyggande.
The aim with this study is to understand how social workers at the individual- and family sector think about child poverty and how they work with and reason about the preventive and facilitate work they do for financial vulnerable families. We have in our study used qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with social workers at the individual- and family sector to answer our purpose. The results showed that child poverty is a concept hard to define and not well established. The social workers have divided views on child poverty but still at the same time mean that it exists amongst the families they meet. There is also a big difference between municipalities and their reasoning on what a reasonable standard of living is for a financial vulnerable family and how they work with preventing child poverty.
"Det är deras uppgift att göra revolt mot oss vuxna" : En studie om socialarbetares föreställningar i det dagliga arbetet med ungdomar som missbrukar alkohol och droger i Kalmar
This study examines social workers' perceptions of their daily work with young people who abuse alcohol and drugs. The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers' perceptions are affected by gender and main drug of choice of activities for young people who abuse. Methodically the study was conducted with qualitative interviews with social workers active in youth substance abuse treatment. The study was carried out a review of previous research in relation to empirical data for the reason to have a discussion of possible explanations of social workers' perceptions and their daily work with young people who abuse alcohol and drugs. The results showed that social workers' perceptions of their daily work with young people are about attitude, reflection and development opportunities in the practical session with the youth.
Vems Hållbarhet? Ett kandidatarbete om social hållbarhet i planeringen och relationen mellan marknaden, medborgarna och offentligheten.
Syftet med arbetet är att redovisa och diskutera planeringsprocessens
förhållande till begreppet social hållbarhet, samt beskriva olika
demokratimodeller och dimensioner av social hållbarhet. Vidare är syftet att
undersöka hur olika aktörer i projektet Fjordbyen i Oslo arbetar med och tar
hänsyn till olika aspekt av hållbarhetsdimensionen.
Arbetet bygger på en forskningsöversikt över relevant planeringsvetenskaplig
litteratur kombinerat med en fallstudie över Fjordbyen i Oslo där metoderna
innehållsanalys och intervju användes. Den teoretiska översikten gjordes för
att skapa ett underlagsmaterial för analys av fallstudiens empiri, genom
skapandet av analyskriterier.
Analysen visar att social hållbarhet spelar en viktig roll både för kommunen
och privata aktörer, men att det finns svårigheter med deltagandet som
samsvarar med vad som beskrivs i forskningsöversikten. Analysen visar också på
en stark kommun som har initiativet över planeringen och styr efter sin vision,
något som båda har positiva och negativa sidor..
Språk, klass och utbildning - en teoretisk studie om sambandet mellan ursprungsklass, språk och utbildningskarriär
Arbetets strävan är att ge en sammanhållen bild av den sociala snedrekryteringen som en process vilken tar sin början redan under grundskolans första år och vilken till del är språkligt betingad. Uppsatsen inleds med en beskrivning av den sociala snedrekryteringens process och omfattning, vilket följs av en överblick av språksociologiska förklaringsmodeller till fenomenet. Därpå presenteras och diskuteras material från det svenska forskningsfältet. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka och redogöra för på vilket sätt socialt betingade språkskillnader bidrar till den sociala snedrekryteringen till högre studier. För att åstadkomma detta har en teoretisk studie gjorts där så väl empiriska som teoretiska studier granskats och sammanförts.
Gemenskap i kris: En studie av socialt kapital och krisberedskap i G?teborg
This thesis explores how the city of Gothenburg integrates and use social capital, defined through factors such as trust and cooperative networks, in its crisis preparedness strategies and how this can enhance the city's collective resilience. The study aims to contribute to the understanding of how social capital can be leveraged to strengthen crisis management and resilience in urban environments. The research analyzes existing quantitative data from the SOM-Institute regarding residents perceptions and self-reported preparedness actions and reviews Gothenburg's official civil defense plan for 2024?2027. By examining various aspects of social capital, including levels of trust and cooperative networks across different city districts and age groups, the analysis focuses on how social bonds and community contexts are considered in planning for handling and recovering from potential crises.
Segregerad eller integrerad undervisning : ett specialpedagogiskt dilemma?
Vårt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur personalrekryterare ser på begreppet Social Kompetens i samband med rekrytering, framförallt vid rekrytering av människor som i sitt yrke arbetar för människor, tillika serviceyrken. Innan vi påbörjade uppsatsen antog vi att den Sociala Kompetensen var viktig för att kunna få anställning. Vi har i studie 2, som är vår huvudsakliga studie, genomfört sju intervjuer med människor som i sitt yrke rekryterar och genomför anställningsintervjuer. Då det existerar liten forskning kring förekomsten av Social Kompetens i platsannonser valde vi även att göra en sådan undersökning, studie 1, som till viss del även låg till grund för urvalet av intervjupersoner till studie 2. I platsannonser efterfrågas Social Kompetens främst för tjänster där man arbetar för människor, vård/omsorg/läraryrken, men även inom serviceyrken.
Socialt stöd vid bröstcancer. En litteraturstudie om kvinnors med bröstcancer upplevelser av socialt stöd
Social support is an important part of handling the troubles of life. The purpose of this literature review is to investigate what forms the social support for adult women with breast cancer with the aim to be used in the nursing care. By system-atical reading of scientific articles nine qualitative articles were found which the result is based on. The theoretical framework was Antonovsky´s health focused theory with the central issue KASAM, the feeling of life connection. The study resulted in three themes emotional support, practical support and informational support, which describe the balanced content of social support.
Social rekrytering ur arbetssökandes perspektiv ? en känslomässig upplevelse.
Ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv visar tidigare forskning en alltigenom positiv bild av rekrytering via sociala medier, vilket kan förklara dess ökade popularitet. För en arbetssökande däremot kan social rekrytering upplevas som ett hot mot integriteten, eftersom personlig information exponeras för arbetsgivaren. Syftet med denna enkätstudie var därför att öka kunskapen om arbetssökandes inställning till och emotionella upplevelse av social rekrytering utifrån demografiska aspekter. Resultatet från de icke-parametriska testerna visade på en något ambivalent inställning, men med positiva förtecken. Ett samband framkom mellan upplevd nytta och den generella inställningen, men även ålder hade en inverkan på attityden.
Lika barn leka bäst : En jämförande studie av Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas partiprogram 1990-2013
C-essay in political science by Dennis Callejas Gidlund, ht-14. Supervisor: FreddyKjellström.?Great minds think alike. An comparativa study of the Social Democrats and theModerates parties programme 1990-2013.?The purpose with the essay is to examine if the Social Democrats and the Moderates havegotten closer within labor market policies, education policies and also within the view ofmigration and integration.
Förlåtelse : Begrepp och metod inom socialt arbete
AbstractAim: this paper is a report of a concept analysis of forgiveness and its practice within the social work area. Background: worldwide interest in and funding for forgiveness research has brought about a body of knowledge from many disciplines that could be clinically useful to social work. At this time forgiveness interventions are used in social work in other countries, primary in the USA. The social workers in the Scandinavian countries need to focus on this important area of inquiry. Method: forgiveness was explored from a philosophical perspective and from forgiveness interventions from a variety of areas suitable for social work.