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Stjälpa eller hjälpa? : En undersökning om yrkesverksamma lärares inställning till läxor

Purpose: The purpose of this work is to investigate teachers' professional attitude to homework as a method. The study will also provide answers to the purpose for which the homeworks are used in teaching and if the individual circumstances and needs are met by this method.Method: Qualitative research was conducted through interviews with four teachers from three different schools. In addition, published surveys were used in support of reasoning.Results: Neither the curriculum or the syllabus mentions homework. There are no directives for how much time should be dispensed with and the extent of a homework should be. In teacher training literature the homework is not discussed.

Integrationsarbetet i Helsingborgs stad

This essay is about the integration work in Helsingborg. It's main focus bases on the collaboration concerning the integration work, between the immigrant's organisations in Helsingborg and the municipality. It's also focusing on the results of the survey, Integrationsbarometer 2003, which was carried out in Helsingborg.We wanted to know if the results altered the integration work in the community. The results of the Integrationsbaometer 2003, proved, among other things, that the inhibitants of Helsingborg, regarded dwelling areas whith a large number of immigrants, as negatively, when they choose where to live. Finally, we wanted the politicians perspective of the integration work as well.We interviewed 6 informants in Helsingborg.

Utveckling av ergonomiskt mikroskopstativ för produktion av optoelektronik : Development of ergonomic microscope stand for production of optoelectronics

Students at Jönköping School of Engineering were given an assignment from Jönköping municipality, to evaluate their decision support system, QlikView. The students have also developed proposals for improvement with focus on usability.The Jönköpings municipality has currently got 11000 employees and consists of nine different administrations. The target group for QlikView is approximately 600 first-line managers.The intention of QlikView is that the users can get an overall picture of their business by having all information in just one system.The purpose of the thesis is to obtain a picture of what the users think about the system today and present relevant suggestions for improvement, which the Jönköping municipality can use when the introduction of the new version of QlikView takes place. The research questions that the study aims to answer are:? Has QlikView got a user friendly interface?? How can the interface be improved to become more user friendly?Theories that this work is based on is Jacob Nielsens ten usability principles and Ben Schneidermans eight golden rules.

Klickers ur ett studentperspektiv : Studenters uppfattning av klickers vid Uppsala universitet

Audience responese technology (ART) often called clickers are becoming more common, not only internationally but also at Swedish universities. No direct Swedish research has been identified, this is however a major area of research internationally. There is both research on clickers positive effect on study results and how students feel about using clickers. This study has taken a Swedish translated version of Cheesman, Winograd, and Wehrman?s (2010) survey to investigate how perception of clickers differ between students in Disciplinary Domain of Medicine and Pharmacy and Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.

Prototyp för skolapp

The consultancy firm Knowit sought a smartphone application for communication between schools and pupils. Together with the students, it was decided to create the app both for Android and for iPhone. The project would produce a prototype app with limited functionality usable as a proof-of-concept in communication with potential customers.The questions that have characterized the work are; what features would be demanded in a school app, how to program user-friendly functionality and how to use object-orientation to design such an app. A question has also mentioned the differences between development for iOS and Android. The work was done in an iterative process in which the students worked together with planning, programming and testing.

Bibliotekariestudenters attityd till marknadsföring på bibliotek

: This bachelor thesis explores library students? attitudes towards marketing in libraries. The aim is to find out if they are interested in working whit marketing questions in their future workplaces. To perform the study the author used a questionnaire survey and 48 students completed the survey. The answers where converted into present form and 10 charts were created to show the result.

En studie om vilkenundervisningsmetod som ger störst inlärningseffekt hos barn : En jämförelse av kunskapstest före respektive efter undervisning

The aim of this thesis is to study the teaching methods that provide the greatest learning effect for children in grades 6 in the subject of physics. One class was divided into three equal groups, each group was educated in a specific way. The three teaching methods that have been investigated are: film with reflection, laboratory work and traditional lecture- teaching. The research question of the study is: "Which method of three selected, causes the greatest understanding of the properties of air??.

Bedömning av teori och praktik : En jämförelse mellan teoretiska prov och nationella kursmål i ämnet idrott och hälsa A

A significant amount of a teacher?s work consists of evaluation and marking of the students, which involves a great responsibility. This essay put the teacher?s evaluation of the students in focus. Today?s course Idrott och hälsa A, at the upper secondary school level, consists of 100 points and all students take this course apart from students attending apprentice programs.

Hur skiljer sig kunskapssynen och examinationer i Kenya och Sverige?

This paper is about how the perception of knowledge and examinations differs in two different countries, Sweden and Kenya. The purpose of the paper is to examine similarities and differences in the two countries school systems, and to study the teachers? role in students? development. In the literature study I find out what different authors explains different types of knowledge and how important the teachers? role is for students? development.

Inkludering ? : För elever med särskilda behov och funktionshinder, ur ett historiskt perspektiv

This present study is a result of a research that I made . My purpose is to find out how the debate about inclusion looked like back in the history. My research was about the view we had absolut inclusion in the history, I also made some interviewes among teachers and students in the schools of today. I wanted to se their views about inclusion today and I wanted to know their opinions about inclusion. Did the students and the teachers have prejudice against other students with functional disabilities as Down syndrom and blindness? What was their thoughts about inclusion of students with differents functional disabilities?One more task I had with this study I made was to raise another debate about inclusion .! Keywords: Inclusion and funtional disabilities.

Modersmålets betydelse för lärande och identitet : En kvalitativ undersökning av arabisktalande elevers uppfattning om modersmålets betydelse

The Swedish School Board reported in 2007 that students with a foreign background to a larger extent than Swedish students leave school without grades in one or more subjects in the ninth grade. The report also reveals that during the year 2007/2008 17 percent of elementary school pupils had the right to home language instruction. Students with an other mother tongue than Swedish are considered a separate group that doesn?t perform as well in school.My study investigates how eleven Arabic-speaking ninth-graders at age 15-16 perceive the importance of their mother tongue for learning and identity development. To this purpose I have conducted semi-structured interviews ? one comprising six students in group and five individual ? in a school in one of the suburbs of Stockholms.

Vad har känsla av sammanhang och upplevt socialt stöd för samband med individens sinnestämning

The aim of this study was to examine the relations between sense of coherence (SOC), perceived social support and mood, the study also included gender and civil status in the analysis. In the analysis mood was the dependent variable. The study included 81 respondents, all students from Växjö university, who answered a survey with three parts: SOC 13, Mood Adjective Checklist (MACL), and an own constructed instrument that measured perceived social support. The result showed that those with a high SOC tended to have a greater mood. High scores on perceived social support also were related to a greater mood.

Formandet av yrkesidentiteten: socionomen i en hälsofrämjande skola ur ett professionsperspektiv

As a school welfare officer you are often alone of having your perspective and must struggle to preserve that perspective. At the same time, there are very little defined what role a social worker should have in a school. This makes it nessesary to form and develop your role of profession independently. According to the Swedish school law, the schools are not required to employ a welfare officer. This makes the school welfare officer inferior to the other branches of occupation in school.

Är förpackningen viktigare än innehållet? : en studie av ett alkoholföretags kommunikativa Corporate Social Responsibility arbete och hur dess intressenter upplever det

Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the work of an alcohol company?s (Pernod Ricard) corporate social responsibility and how this work is being communicated to the company?s stakeholders. Furthermore I aim to describe the profile of the specific company, in other words how they wish their stakeholders to experience the company. I will then compare this profile with the image of how the interviewed stakeholders actually perceive the corporate social responsibility activities. Are there any differences?Material/Method: Together with literature and document studies, a qualitative method has been used and four focus group interviews with a total of 16 stakeholders have been conducted.Main results: The main results from the focus group interviews showed that the stakeholders appreciated corporate social responsibility work that focuses on the protection of young people.

Rektors systematiska kvalitetsarbete ur ett helhetsperspektiv

A systematic quality work is essential for anyone working in preschool, school,kindergarten and adult education to give children and students an equal education.Skollagen (2010:800) indicates that quality work should be focused on the nationalgoals of education. According to Skolverkets allmänna råd med kommentarer omsystematiskt kvalitetsarbete - för skolväsendet (2012) is the work to develop quality acontinuous process. Everyone's involvement and participation is therefore essential.Systematic quality work means to systematically and continuously monitor theactivities, analyze performance against national targets and based on that plan anddevelop. Although the work has been driven outside governmental policy documentssince 1997 shows, among others, Skolinspektionens audits of municipalities andschools that there is major deficiencies in the obligation to conduct a systematicquality work. It appears that more than half of the surveyed schools had deficienciesin its system quality work.This is the starting position this study takes on to and through literature review,document studies and interviews of principals is the subject problematized.

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