

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 44 av 1470

?What is going on??: En studie av internationella studenters informationsbehov på Högskolan i Borås

The purpose of this Bachelor?s thesis was to examine the information needs of the international students at the University of Borås. A further aim was to examine the types of information sources the international students was using to satisfy their information needs and the environmental factors keeping them from achieving this. This was done through focus group interviews with international students from four different countries ranging from the ages 20 ? 35.

Agens i matematikundervisning : En jämförande studie av elevers agens och makt i lärandesituationer där IKT används

The purpose of this study is to investigate how power is distributed in the mathematics classroom and how students achieve agency when ICT (Information and communication technology) is used as a teaching tool. Three learning situations, structured by mathematics, are analysed: in the first situation mathematics is taught in a traditional way, in the second mathematics is taught in interdisciplinary projects, and in the third mathematics is taught using ICT as a pedagogical tool. The theoretical concepts of power and agency are used as analytical tools within a socio-political framework. The concept of power is used to assess the students? ability to influence their learning and degree of inclusion in the three learning situations.

Balans i arbetet, balans i livet : En kvantitativ studie om arbetslivets inverkan på privatlivet

This study focuses on work related factors which have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life. Commonly discussed in the daily debate is the so called ?livspusslet?, the time puzzle. The question is: How do you balance the demands from work, family and society? A lot of peoples health and family relations suffers from a stressful situation at work.It?s not hard to figure out that the possible factors which could have an effect on the balance between peoples work and private/social life are many.

En socialpsykologisk studie om organisationsvisionens betydelse för sociala relationer i arbetsvardagen

In this study, we have considered the impact the organization`s implementation of its vision of the psychosocial work enviroment has been for the relations between the employees. We have primarily relied on a hermeneutic approach to understand our empirical data, and when we have interpreted and made a socialpsycological analysis on our collected empirical data. We have used Smith´s Institutional Ethnography, Sheff`s Social bonds and Asplund`s theory of Social responsivity. To collect the empirical data we have combined quantitative and qualtitative methods and a textanalysis at a visiondocument in the aim of capture both the depht and the breadth of our chosen fields of study. The results we have found shows that the psycosocial work environment within the organization can be seen as interplay between individual and enviroment and between individuals as well and that this interaction is influenced by the organizational culture that is created by the organization`s political vision.

Forskningsbiblioteket som mötesplats : En ny sida av forskningsbibliotekets uppdrag?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the research library of Linnæus University is used by students as a meeting place. Building upon Putnam's theory of bonding and bridging social capital and Audunson's conception of high and low intensive meeting places, it aims to explore the research library's potential for creating social capital and thus strengthening both learning and democracy in a university context. Borrowing part of the survey design from a study conducted as part of the Norwegian PLACE project, this study collects responses from 134 students as to their use of the library as a meeting place. The results show that the Linnæus University library is used for a variety of meetings of both high and low intensity, why it should provide a good setting for the creation of social capital. There seems to be a connection between how often one visits the library, as well as to which department one belongs, and how one uses the library as a meeting place.

Pekplattan leksak eller didaktiskt verktyg?

The information technique is developing at a fast pace and almost all new technique is being welcomed with opened arms. The newest on the market is the tablet device, it´s a device used for surfing the web, sending email, watching movies and playing games. It is now also being used in some schools for educational purposes. My research goal has been to find out how the teachers feel about using the tablet device for educational purposes. I have conducted interviews to find the answers to my questions.

Studentföreningen Spartakus i Linköping 1969-71 : en kvalitativ studie av dess politiska verksamhet och relationer

The aim of this thesis is to examine the politics and activities of the Social Democratic students´ association Spartakus. Their relationships and political and ideological differences towards the Swedish Social Democratic Party (SAP) and the remaining parts of the Social Democratic youth organisation (SSU) in Linköping during 1969-1971 are examined. To fulfil this aim I have studied relevant literature and interviewed people who were active in Spartakus, as well as people from SSU and SAP in the municipal during the period. I have also studied written material produced by the students´ association itself during the period. The theoretical frame of reference consists of Dahl´s theory on a democratic political order, and party theories like the mass party theory of Duverger, theories from Sjöblom, Panebianco, Lipset and Tingsten and also Gidlund&Möller´s theory about different kinds of party members.

Att arbeta språkutvecklande : En kvalitativ intervjustudie på en mångkulturell gymnasieskola i en av Stockholms förorter

This essay presents and discusses a study that was performed in a multicultural school, where the teachers, since August 2004, have obtained internal training in how to work with language development. The objective with this essay is to investigate how the connection between language development and the development of knowledge can be understood and apprehended by teachers working in this school, and furthermore, to show how a language developing way of work can be accomplished in the teachers daily work.Moreover, I have studied which objectives and strategies, the three language developers in charge of the training of the teachers, have concerning this work, furthermore I have looked into if these objectives and strategies differ from what the teachers understand and practically perform.Pauline Gibbons book, Stärk språket, stärk lärandet (2006), has become a base for this school?s work when it comes to language development. Gibbons presents theories and practical exercises which have their origin from Vygotskij, Halliday and Cummins. Their theories have also become my theoretical base in this study.I have made qualitative interviews with four teachers working in this school, and with one of the language developers.

Doktorander i fysik söker information : en intervjuundersökning av forskarens första tid som informationssökare

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine difficulties concerning information acquisition, use, and management experienced by graduate students in physics during their first years of research work. Semi-structured, qualitative interviews were carried out with nine doctoral students. The theoretical background for analysis of the material is based on the work of Patrick Wilson, with particular focus on the concept of cognitive authority, and on that of Lars Seldén, who has proposed the idea of an information seeking career running parallel to the academic career of the researcher. Results from the interviews indicate that most of the students, in the early stages of their information seeking careers, rely to a great extent on supervisors and more experienced colleagues when identifying material needed for the research project. In a situation where information of potential relevance is abundant and where experience and focus are not yet fully developed, senior researchers function as cognitive authorities and as guides to other cognitive authorities.

Sara skolkar: Ett mobilt frånvarorapporteringssystem

This bachelor thesis portray a project where the main task were to develop a computer based system prototype for handling of absence report at the upper secondary school af Chapman in Karlskrona. The project has been conducted in cooperation with students from the university programs software engineering and information economy at Blekinge Institute of Technology. Our task as MDA-students have been to survey the process of absence report of today through field studies and give a proposal of a graphical user interface which later were developed by the software engineers. The thesis also handles the cooperation with other students from other university programs..

Konflikter på arbetsplatsen och deras hantering inom socialtjänsten

The purpose of this essay was to inquire how workplace conflicts are managed at a number of public social services offices in south-western Skåne. This essay's main research questions were: What organizational factors determine how conflicts arise and are managed in a work environment? To what extent are such factors prevalent at the above-mentioned social services offices? Are certain conflicts typically prevalent in the public social services? If so, what are they? How does the workplace in question manage the conflicts that arise? The inquiry was conducted among the staff of three public social services offices, applying the vignette method. According to previous research, certain system conflicts are typically prevalent in public sector organizations, which adversely affect the work conditions of social workers at the organization's professional level. Two examples each of this conflict type and of interpersonal conflict were included in the inquiry.

Teknologistudenter och informationshantering en studie om informationskompetens vid Linköpings Tekniska högskola influerad av grounded theory

The main purpose of this study is to investigate and understand how technology students handle information especially when they are working with their Masters thesis. A further purpose is to examine how technology students use library resources of the Linköping University. The research method used is grounded theory, where description of the method is an integral part of the study. Twelve qualitative interviews were made with newly qualified graduates from the engineering programs of Linköping Institute of Technology. The respondents were divided into two groups, A and B, with six in each group.

Demokrati, diktatur eller demokratur? : En kvalitativ studie av den demokratiska tillbakagången i Vitryssland

Social medias impact recent years has been huge and an increasing number of companies have started using the services. The benefits for companies to be available thru social media are many and the costs are low. Social media makes it easier for companies to get in touch with their customers and at the same time they reach out to a lot of people since the number of frequent user?s constantly increase. A major part of the information that is available is seen from a company?s perspective and what benefits they can take advantage of thru social media.

Utveckling på höga höjder : en fallstudie av Åres destinationsutveckling över tiden

The aim of this paper is exploring questions regarding the problem of absenteeism among high-school students in Sweden. Fifteen students attending an urban high-school have been interviewed about their views and experiences of absenteeism. The author analyzes the students? answers by taking into account two different sociological approaches which give two different explanations about the way young people experience and estimate education. The French sociologist Bourdieu theorized that differences in cultural capital influence the permanent internalization of patterns of thought and behavior.

PROKRASTINERING : gapet mellan avsikt och handling Studenter på högre utbildningar

The definition of procrastination can be described as a behavior with deliberate postponement of tasks or commitments despite expected negative consequences for the individual and his or her environment. This study examined how widespread this behavior is among students in higher education in Sweden. Using a web-based survey, data was collected for analysis. A statistical program, SPSS, was used for evaluation of the collected data. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in the degree of procrastination between students located on campus versus students who do their education at distance.

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