

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 33 av 1470

"...att kunna studsa in när det händer någonting..." Kuratorers arbete med och samverkan kring elever med ADHD

The purpose of this essay is to study seven different school counsellors? way of working and collaborating with students with an ADHD diagnosis. The informants we met come from different high schools in southern Sweden. The study is based on a qualitative approach and the primary knowledge was established through semi-structured interviews. The secondary knowledge is accounted for the form of previous research and theories.

"Folk kan ju påstå vad fan som helst" : En studie om elevers källkritiska förmåga och skolbibliotekets roll

Purpose: This thesis aims to study how students in upper secondary school evaluate sources in their everyday school work and how the role of the school library and librarian officiate in this context.Methodology: A web questionnaire was conducted and 155 students from different schools, with or without school library and school librarian, participated. We coded and aggregated the questionnaires according to the strategies that are used when evaluating sources, identified by Francke, Sundin and Limberg. Cognitive authority, a theory by Patrick Wilson, was also a part of our analysis. Conclusions: The study shows that students use different strategies, separately or combined, as a way to evaluate sources. The teacher is regarded as a cognitive authority and is the main influence concerning source evaluation. It also shows that the role of school libraries and school librarians, in this context, seem to be non-existent.

"Allt jag gör lär jag mig ju av". En studie om kunskapskrav och kunnande i anslutning till audionomstudenters praktiska utbildning

The audiologists´ knowledge-domain is generally described as a unique combination of medical, technical, social and behavioural sciences. It gives prominence to the importance of an adequate education relating to the knowledge-demands the students´encounter during their trainee-period. However, an important question is if the educational content corresponds to the knowledge-demands during the training? Aim: This study aimed to identify the knowledge-demands of students during their trainee-period. Furthermore, to identify how the students´ actual knowledge was related to the encountered knowledge-demands.

Kakie i Potjemu : En studie av vilka elever som väljer att läs aryska på gymnasienivå och de motiv de anger för sitt språkval

This essay investigates the pupils, in Swedish upper secondary school in the greater Stockholm area, who choose to study the Russian language as a foreign language. The essay asks; who are these students, and what is motivation behind their language choice? In order to answer these two questions the essay uses both interviews and paper survey. The theoretical background ofth is essay is based on the works and theories of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, and thus the question; who are these students is aimed at the students' social and economical background in lines with Bourdieu's theories. The essay also uses the earlier study of Swedish sociologist Mikael Palme, in which he maps the different schools and programs in the greater Stockholm area, in a socio-economical context based on habitus.

En högskola för alla?En studie om hur studenter med funktionshinder upplever sin studiesituation på Högskolan Kristianstad

AbstractThe purpose of our study was to get a deeper understanding and a better knowledge about the study situation students with disabilities experience at the University of Kristianstad. Our choice was to focus on their experience of the supporting measures, the accessibility and how they felt they were met by both students and teachers. It was a qualitative study and it was based on interviews with eight students with disabilities at the University in Kristianstad. In the study we have used the theoretical concept of empowerment as an analysis tool. The different kinds of support the students with disabilities were using were in common described as positive and the students thought that the supporting measures helped them getting more independent.

Att röra sig i staden som HBTQ-person

The purpose of this study is to search and analyze different logics that operators use in the work of helping juvenile delinquents to break their criminal behavior. New institutional theory is used in this study to analyze the results. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews of six professionals in two municipalities which work with juvenile delinquency. There are two questions that we want to address in this study. The first one is what methods the social workers are using in two middle large municipalities to help youth to brake there criminal behavior.

Det är svårt att vara mig? : Om skolelever som kategoriserar sig som högkänsliga

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.

"Det är deras uppgift att göra revolt mot oss vuxna" : En studie om socialarbetares föreställningar i det dagliga arbetet med ungdomar som missbrukar alkohol och droger i Kalmar

This study examines social workers' perceptions of their daily work with young people who abuse alcohol and drugs. The purpose of this study was to examine how social workers' perceptions are affected by gender and main drug of choice of activities for young people who abuse. Methodically the study was conducted with qualitative interviews with social workers active in youth substance abuse treatment. The study was carried out a review of previous research in relation to empirical data for the reason to have a discussion of possible explanations of social workers' perceptions and their daily work with young people who abuse alcohol and drugs. The results showed that social workers' perceptions of their daily work with young people are about attitude, reflection and development opportunities in the practical session with the youth.

Får idrottande elever högre betyg? : en fallstudie på tre samhällsvetenskapliga program för att visa eventuella samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och höga betyg

Abstract AimThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the possible differences in grades and attitudes towards further studies that can be explained by the student?s level of physical activity. The questions we wanted answers to were:- Does students in more sports-oriented programs have better grades than students in more theoretical programs?- Is there a relationship between physical activity and study-results?- Are there any differences in attitudes towards further studies for students at the different programs?- Which other variables could be affecting the students grades?Method The extent of this study has included 3 municipal schools and 6 classes (2 from each school) ? in all 119 students and 6 teachers. 3 different social sciences programs have participated ? two sports-oriented and one without any sports-oriented concentration .

Barn på väg till utbrändhet : Hur pedagogerna i fritidshem kan hjälpa drabbade barn

Thiswork is about the parents ' perception of their children's schooling and schoolsituation. It also addresses the important and fundamental conditions when itcomes to parenting and caring of children, which is an essential andcontributory basis for children's school situation. The work also deals withthe importance of good cooperation between school and home for the children tocome to the school grounds and with the desire to learn and develop. The aim ofthis work is that through a survey get a picture of how parents feel abouttheir child's school situation. But also look at how important interplaybetween school, parents and children to the school situation to be good.

CSR och B2B, olja och vatten? : En undersökning av CSR som konkurrensfördel inom Business-to-Businessmarknaden

The aim of this thesis is to examine how secondary teachers in the subject of history are using the textbook in their teaching. Four questions are being dealt with in this thesis. What importance is being placed on the use of history textbooks by the secondary teachers? What priorities do the secondary teachers have? How do they deal with student interests? And what is the importance of the secondary teachers? work experience? I have interviewed four secondary teachers with different work experience to complete this thesis. A Dictaphone has been used in all the interviews. Research has shown that textbooks now have a central role in teaching and the lack of alternative materials and reduction of teaching hours has made it difficult to replace. The main conclusions of the thesis are that the history textbook has a dual role depending on the teacher you ask, and that the history book is used differently by the teachers.

Gymnasiebibliotekarien ? informationsspecialist och pedagog: om gymnasiebibliotekariens yrkesroll och dess angränsningar till lärarrollen

The purpose of this study has been to examine different aspects of the professional role of the high school librarian, especially the educational role, and its delimitations to the teacher's role. The methods that were used were studies of literature within the subject area and qualitative interviews with high school librarians and high school teachers of social studies. Andrew Abbot's theory on the system of professions was used in the analysis of the results of the study. The high school librarians who were interviewed enabled access to information, both intellectually and physically. They helped students develop information seeking skills and they functioned as educators and counselors.

Språkutveckling i en förberedelseklass : En studie gjord i en förberedelseklass i Södertälje

I have chosen to write this essay on language development in a preparatory class due to the fact that I live in a city where diversity is big and newly arrived students from different countries are constantly increasing in schools. My study has been made in a preparatory class in Södertälje. The National Agency for Education highlights the deficiencies in preparatory classes and believes that education is not adapted to each student's knowledge and maturity and it is therefore difficult for students to reach the goals in school. According to studies by the National Agency for Education, it appears that many newly arrived students do not recieve study guide in their native language, a resource that they are entitled to. Teachers and principals do not take charge of  students knowledge from previous school attendance in their home countries such as mathematics, history and other subjects.

Bibliotekets roll i studenternas studier: Användarundersökning vid Linköpings universitetsbibliotek hösten 2005

The aim of this master thesis is to examine the opinions of the students of Linköping University regarding the role of the university library in their learning process. The study addresses the student?s expectations and satisfaction regarding the library services. The questions we seek to answer are: What are the students? conceptions of Linköping University Library as a part of their learning process? What expectations do the students have regarding Linköping University Library? Does the library fulfil the students? expectations? In what way has the library?s pedagogical ambition reached the students? What are the students? opinions about the user education? The study is based on a web survey complemented with interviews.

Staten och socionomen. En kvantitativ studie av social bakgrund och välfärdspolitiska attitydmönster bland blivande socialarbetare.

The North-American sociologist Michael Lipsky has characterized social workers as street-level bureaucrats with a substantial discretion in the relationship between the welfare state and its citizens. Within Lipsky´s theoretical framework social workers appear as a powerful group that socializes the citizens to uphold certain expectations towards the welfare state and its (re)distributional programs. From this point of view, it is important to learn more about social workers and the attitudes they express towards the welfare state. The aim of this study is to analyze how the welfare-political attitudes of future social workers are affected by their social background (e.g. class background and ancestral homeland).

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