

22039 Uppsatser om Social work students. - Sida 10 av 1470

"Hälsa skall vara kravlöst" : En webbenkät om studenters önskemål, intressen och behov gällande en hälsowebbsajt.

??The aim of this study was to define students? needs and wishes about the content of a health website. A questionnaire was distributed to 531 students at three different Universities studying two different education programs, of which 98 participated. The research was based on relevant articles, studies and literature. The study shows that students are interested in a health website and there seems to be a demand, among students, to improve their health.

Studenter och informationssökning Fem studenters upplevelser av informationssökning i samband med uppsatsarbete

The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of five students searching for information in the context of writing a bachelor thesis. The main questions regard what strategies they use whilst searching for information, their relevance judgements and their feelings. The method used is the qualitative interview. The students were doing their third term in psychology. All the students were interviewed twice while working on the thesis.

GA-elevernas integration på Elinebergsskolan

The purpose of this essay was to find out whether the students, which had moved from the school of Gustaf Adolf to the school of Elineberg, had been integrated into their new environment. We chose to analyze the degree of integration concerning their schoolwork, how they interacted with the students from the new school, the school of Elineberg, and their level of wellbeing in their new school. We have used two methods, surveys and interviews, to be able to obtain the general picture of how the integration of the students has succeeded.Our conclusions are that the student has adapted well in their new school despite many obstacles along the way. Our essay shows that the students get along well with their new school friends during class, but they don´t socialise in their spear time. Although they seem to have accepted the closure of their old school some students express that they wish the school would be reopened.

Matematik : Hur motivera elevens lärande i köksmatematik?

In Adult Education-Restaurant students often have a negative attitude towards the subject of math. Often mathematics is associated with what experiences the students had of this subject in elementary school - experiences that many times reduce the motivation for the same that is so frequent in the catering industry, in different contexts. Mathematics more or less unconsciously permeates restaurant profession at large, and as a chef you must realize the importance of mathematics in your daily work in the kitchen. The purpose of the work is to develop the mathematics lesson weight and volume by planning and designing more stimulating lessons accommodated in the kitchen - combining calculation problems with the work in a real kitchen environment. The aim is to help increase the students? motivation for and understanding of the importance of mathematics in the kitchen work. An action-oriented research method was used where students in a survey were asked to answer questions about their previous experiences with mathematics and how they themselves thought that motivating lessons on mathematics in cooking should be designed. The survey revealed that the majority of the students thought that the mathematics lessons weight and volume preferably should take place in the kitchen.

Evidens eller referens?: vad påverkar rektorers beslut?

Today the school is a given place for preventing social problems. The school struggles continuously to live up to the expectations of balancing preventive social work with pedagogy in a satisfactory way.The purpose of this essay is to get a picture of priorities of social work in school. I want to know what it is that affects and controls the principal's decision about what kind of social project they will accept and be a part of.This essay shows that only one of the eleven principals interviewed apply projects based on evidence when they decide about participation in a social project. Instead, the decisions are based on references from other schools. The reason why the principals do not base their judgement on projects which are based on evidence is because they consider the search for results too time consuming.When there is no requirement that a certain part of the social work in a school must be based on evidence, it leads to the children taking part in different social projects which we can not guarantee are good for them.One solution can be to guide the principals through a national social teachingplan, which can assure that social work based on evidence are being applied in the municipality schools as well as the independent schools..

Individuella utvecklingsplanens inverkan på undervisningen vid högstadiet : Specialpedagogers uppfattning om den individuella utvecklingsplanens integration vid högstadiet

The aim of this essay has been to find out whether the individual development plan does make it easier to teachers to discover any needs of the students to get education or material changes and by that make adjustments in the classroom. I chose to seek information by interviewing special educators at four compulsory schools, since they have an overall apprehension of how the work is carried out at the school, especially the work with students in need of any form of extra support.All students at the Swedish compulsory school shall have an individual development plan. The purpose with the plan is, besides that the student is to be given possibilities to form his own pedagogical and social goals, that the teacher shall get early signals if a student may be in need of getting education and materials changed and adjusted for to easier manage his studies. The individual development plan of the student should have the function as a tool to the teacher to facilitate for his students.The answer of my question can be sum-up in a no, the inherent potential in the individual development plan is not utilized by the teachers that seem to have the apprehension that the plan is for the student all by him/herself. The teaching staff has obviously not understood the use they can get out of it. .

Att få göra sin röst hörd : Elevers upplevelser av elevinflytandets betydelse för deras motivation i skolarbetet

AbstraktHaving influence over questions that concern us is a part of the society that we live in, where every individual have the right to make her voice heard (Danell, 2006). For many decades, the school has had many different ways to give the students influence. Rönnlund (2013) is giving a historical overview of the history of students influence and enlighten us how the influence has changed over time. The influence from the students is very important and it is the students right to make their voices heard about things that concerns their work environment but also to affect their curriculum. The education in school should be fitted to every individual student (Danell, 2006).   According to Aaron Antonovsky (2007) our wellbeing is based on that we all can take part and deicide about the things we are meant to do.

Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier

A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.

Hur arbetar socialarbetare med prostitution? En fallstudie om socialt arbete i arbete med prostitution och om socialarbetares syn på sexköpslagen.

HOW DO SOCIAL WORKERS WORK WITH PROSTITUTION? A case study on social work in the work with prostitution and perspectives on the sex purchase law from social workers. PERNILLA ELOFSSON MARIA AHLQVIST Elofsson, P. & Ahlqvist, M. How do social workers work with prostitution? A case study on social work in the work with prostitution and perspectives on the sex purchase law from social workers.

Psykisk ohälsa i skolan - Ett kuratorsperspektiv

Mental illness in school ? A counselors perspective - The purpose of the study is to examine school counselors work with students (13- 15 years of age) who are struggling with mental illness. Focus on mental illness is discussed in a school context. From the school counselors perspective questions like, what kind of working methods are they using and, how they collaborate are examined. The research design is based on a qualitative approach, with ten Semistructured interviews with ten different informants who work as a counsellor at 10 different schools around Skåne.

Komvuxstuderandes informationssökning och biblioteksanvändning som redskap i lärandet

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to investigate how students at an upper secondary school for adults use school and public library when searching for information for school assignments. The focus in this investigation is on the feelings and experiences of the process of the information seeking and use. The focus is also on the students experiences of school and public libraries and the help they receive from them in learning. The method used is focus groups interviews. Two groups were interviewed.

Det är ju logiskt, men det är väldigt ologiskt om man jämför med allt annat logiskt.? - En studie om elevers syn på ämnet Gehörs- och musiklära.

Title: "It is logical, but not logical at all compared to every other logical thing." - A study about how students in upper secondary school reflect about their studies in Pitch and music theory.Pitch and music theory is a compulsory subject for music students in the art programme of upper secondary school of Sweden. The aim of the subject is to develop the students? knowledge about music theory concepts in order to help them play and create music on their own. The aim of this paper is to discuss how students talk about ear training and music theory. Qualitative group interviews were carried out with two student groups from the first and second year of the upper secondary school.

Med elevens ögon: resan från grundskola till särskola

Today in Sweden the concept of the greyzone students that stands between the nine-year compulsory school and special school for mentally retarded children is recognised in different studies and reports. It is not obvious for this group of students to decide which category best can comply with their needs. Should they go in nine-year compulsory school or special school for mentally retarded children? In the last years there have been alarming rapports about how the share of students in special school increases. A study shows that the greyzone students are a group that distinctly is on the increase in the special school.

Retorik som verktyg vid talängslan : En presentation av Södertörns Högskolas och Uppsala Universitets arbete med talängsliga

The purpose of this essay is to perform a comparative study of first a pedagogical/rhetorical and then a therapeutic method, to help students overcome their speech anxiety. My choice stayed at focusing on the academic world and the benefits offered to mainly students. I have chosen two institutions with long experience of work with speech anxiety: Instutionen of Swedish, rhetoric and journalism at Södertörns Högskola and Student Health at Uppsala University. I want to find the advantages and disadvantages of the two universities and in no way define what is more favorable..

Entreprenöriellt lärande Utvärdering av ett utvecklingsprojekt

Abstract This study is an evaluation of a development project, seeking to work for entrepreneurial learning, starting from John Hattie's findings on the significant factors for visible learning. The study is based on action research a method together with a questionnaire, focused interviews and observation, by the issue of How do students perceive entrepreneurial learning? The results show that the methodology contributes to a more active learning and greater work satisfaction among students. The results also reinforce the thesis of the formative assessment and the importance of reflection for increased metacognition. The work identifies the project's educational shortcomings and strengths, and lays the foundation for further development towards full implementation of entrepreneurial learning in a secondary activity that works to prepare students with special needs for the labor market..

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