

23013 Uppsatser om Social work education - Sida 12 av 1535

Barnfattigdom i Sverige : En studie om hur socialsekreterare uppfattar barnfattigdom samt hur de kan arbeta förebyggande.

The aim with this study is to understand how social workers at the individual- and family sector think about child poverty and how they work with and reason about the preventive and facilitate work they do for financial vulnerable families. We have in our study used qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with social workers at the individual- and family sector to answer our purpose. The results showed that child poverty is a concept hard to define and not well established. The social workers have divided views on child poverty but still at the same time mean that it exists amongst the families they meet. There is also a big difference between municipalities and their reasoning on what a reasonable standard of living is for a financial vulnerable family and how they work with preventing child poverty.

Elevdemokrati och elevinflytande i vardagen : En kvalitativ studie om lärares föreställningar om demokrati och inflytande i klassrummet

Through qualitative interviews with six teachers at a school an understanding of teachers´ conceptions of, and conditions for their work on pupil democracy and student participation are sought.Formulation of questions were as follow:What does pupil democracy and pupil influence mean for selected teachers?How do selected teachers´ work with pupil democracy and pupil influence?What opportunities and complicatedness?s do selected teachers see with this work?Through this the selected teachers views on children and their thoughts on their role as a leader also are investigated.According to the curriculum the Swedish school should aim to transmit primary democratic values and pursue the education through democratic work models. Further the pupil should acquire influence of their education. The theory exposes several approaches on democracy and influence. These approaches are further on applied on the school.The result of the study evinces that selected teachers´ practice both pupil democracy and pupil influence.

Handläggning & Kunskap : En kvalitativ studie om barnhandläggares kunsakpsanvändning i handläggning av LVU-ärenden.

The focus of this thesis is on social workers? knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014.

Skolan - klassfrämjande eller klassutjämnande : En undersökning om vad tre lärare tänker om elevers hanterande av den ansvarstagande elevrollen.

Children from different backgrounds, cultures and home environments attend school everyday. The educational system of today focus on the importance for every individual pupil to take responsibility, in order to gain knowledge. From an early age should the pupils learn how to work independant and take responsibility for their education. My questian, and what I have decided to discuss in this paper, is wether everyone has the same opportunity to gain knowlwdge and learn trough this method. In preperation for this essay I read litterature where the authors claims that this kind of educational system is not for everyone, but it benefits those pupils that comes from a middleclass background.So, is our school system fair and equal? Can everyone, no matter what social and cultural group they belong to, get the education thay have right to? In order to get a deeper understanding I interviewed three teachers that works in different schools.

Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete och behovet av utbildning inom H&M

The purpose of this study was to make a survey of a larger company in Sweden to analyze if it complied to the stipulated Systematic Work Environment Management rules in Sweden. The company chosen was Hennes & Mauritz. The key question was to see if the company was examining and judging the risks, developing handling plans and if they were making yearly follow ups so that problems could be attended to. Further, I also wanted to examine if there was lack of competence within different departments as well as give some substantiate proposals on educations in Systematic Work Environment Management. The method used to investigate this was interviews and observations on how the Systematic Work Environment Management was handled in the company.

"Jag tror att det är ärftligt och att det är biologiskt.. och så tror jag att det är.. eller ja.. jag tror att det är biologiskt". Konstruktionen av ADHD och DAMP i skolans och vetenskapens värld

The purpose of this study was to investigate the understanding of the diagnoses ADHD and DAMP within different professional categories in the educational system, how it is being addressed and how this affect their work with children diagnosed with ADHD or DAMP. We also wanted to shed some light on the debate between Kärfve and Gillberg, about whether the diagnoses of ADHD and DAMP are social constructed problems or biological and genetic disorders. More specifically, our study was of a qualitative nature and consisted of interviews with seven persons working in six different professions within the educational system. The respondents all worked in school environments but with varied roles and thus varied experience of children with ADHD/DAMP. The interviews and literature studies revealed the complexity of ADHD and DAMP and also the diversity of the debate regarding the diagnoses.

Samverkan kring mobbning på högstadiet. Intervjuer med rektor, skolkurator och lärare

The purpose with this essay is to describe how the principal, social worker and the teacher work to prevent bullying at school. The following questions have been discussed:Does the school have an action plan for bullying, and if so, what does it say? Who has the practical responsibility for making sure that the plan is followed, and how does that responsibility work? How is the responsibility divided between the different professions? Are the children in any way active in the planning of the work against bullying? What does the children think about who has the main responsibility for stopping bullying?The method I have used in the essay is individual interviews with principals, welfare officers and teachers from two schools.My results show that the schools have different ways of handling bullying, and different forms of cooperation within the staff. One school have active students in the work against bullying in the form of classmate support (kamratstödjare). The social worker is used in different ways in the work against bullying.

Socialarbetares syn på datorspelande ungdomar : En intervjustudie om socialarbetares problematisering av ett nytt fenomen

The purpose of our study is to describe and understand whether, and if so, how social workers in school and in social services construct computer gaming adolescents as a social problem. We chose social workers who encounter adolescents with different problems. We have conducted qualitative interviews with vignettes to capture the social workers' reasoning about computer gaming adolescents and how they handle this in their work. The study shows that all social workers we interviewed had encountered adolescents with troubling computer gaming habits. In the study, all agree that computer gaming becomes a problem when it leads to deviant behaviour such as not going to school, staying up all night and so on.

Förskolepedagogers uppfattningar av sitt arbete kring energiomsättningen

The aim of this study is to examine the understanding, preschool teachers, have about their work related to energy conversion in the human body. Through individual interviews, answers have been sought to the following questions: What do the preschool teachers believe they need to know about the link between food and energy? What are the different methods preschool teachers use to workwith the area of energy conversion in the human body?The results show that preschool teachers have knowledge in terms of food and its nutrients as an energy source for the body to cope with. However the more thorough and detailed questions become all the more uncertainty there is about the topic. Preschool teachers on their own initiative do bring up the topic with the children and begin conversations as well as ask questions, perform experiments and demonstrations.

Gruppdynamik och social gemenskap inom fallskärmssporten : ett elevperspektiv

The aim of this study has been to examine what students within the sport of skydiving think about their education and the social spirit of the community. The purpose of the study is thereby to answer the study's aim through the following questions; how does group dynamics and social solidarity work within the skydiving community, how do the students feel about group dynamics and social solidarity within the skydiving community, and what factors makes the students feel included or respectively excluded from the spirit of the togetherness?The theoretical part of the study focuses on group dynamics and groups overall. Further on earlier research within adventure sports and skydiving regarding group dynamics and community spirit is presented. My survey is based on 35 interviews with skydiving students.The result shows that the community spirit within skydiving sports is described by the students as very special, unique, and strong among the members.

Högutbildad och anställningsbar? - en studie av klassbakgrundens betydelse på den svenska arbetsmarknaden

Since the 1950s new laws on higher education have led to a ?mass education phenomenon? in Sweden. This has led to a surplus of people with a university degree measured against available positions on the labor market. As a result of that development it must be assumed that in this over qualified society it is not anymore the degree but additional factors which are decisive for getting a job. In this respect the importance of the class background for getting a jobb that is equal to once level of education shall beexamined.The research was carried out by means of a Quantitative Analysis based on data from anational database called Undersökningar av Levnadsförhållanden (Survey of LivingConditions).

Stress: En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik

Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.

Det finns ju utrymme för tolkningar : En kvalitativ studie om handlingsutrymme i socialjoursverksamhet

The overall purpose of this essay was to provide a better understanding of the importance of discretion for social workers in direct social services. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: (1) How do social workers define and describe their discretion and their ability to independently accomplish their work? (2) How do social workers experience that workplace organization, policies and economic conditions interact with their discretion and (3) How do social workers experience that the interaction with the client can affect how they use their discretion in the individual case? The method used was qualitative interviews. The theoretical framework was Michael Lipskys (1980) Street-level bureaucracy and the four themes organization, professional role, skills and interaction.The results showed that the respondents, although they did not consider themselves to be affected by the economy still adapted to budget restrictions when they said that they were cost conscious in their work. This adjustment to budget framework could possibly be what made them not feel limited in their work.

Studenternas utbildningsval : En kvalitativ studie om nedärvda och förvärvade resursers betydelse i utbildningsvalet

This essey aims to investigate how inherited and acquired resources has influenced the choice of education. It is in this essays ambition to understand how the recources operates in a process from childhood to a certain education. The study was conducted using eight qualitative interviews with firstyearstudents in nursing and economics courses at Linnaeus University. By using Bourdieu's theories about habitus, capital and horizon of possibilities I wanted to understad how the students inherited and acquired recoures had operated in their choise of education. The main conclution is that the educational choice is strongly influenced by the individual's social belonging and must be understood as a result of the individual's history.

?Jag känner personligen att jag ibland är så mättad av de här berättelserna att jag inte orkar höra ett ord till om våld? ? Hur socialsekreterare upplever och hanterar våldsberättelser

The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the potential effects on a number of social workers that may arise from listening to stories of domestic violence, and how these social workers deal with the potential effects. The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven social workers that work with domestic violence. The theoretical perspective that we used was the theory of coping. The results of this study have indicated that the respondents have been affected of listening to the stories of domestic violence. Examples of different impacts that the work has had on some of the social workers is that they avoid movies and/or books with elements of violence, they are more aware of the domestic violence in the surroundings and there has also been changes in their cognitive schemas.

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