

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 8 av 1010

Förskollärares erfarenheter av särskilt stöd i förskolan

Much of the everyday work of teachers in pre-schools, schools and youth centers is based on experience. This study is a qualitative interview study intended to make visible the experiences of pre-school teachers in situations when children are considered to be in need of special support. I have looked at pre-school teachers? descriptions of the kinds of situations in which a child is estimated to be in need of special support, what teachers look for in a child to identify it as a child in need of special support in a specific situation, and how the teachers define special support. Both this study and previous research show that children?s estimated need of support depends on the situation and context the child is in. The pre-school teachers in this study identify common situations where children are estimated to be in need of special support, namely: in interaction with others, in structured situations, during changes of activities and during free play.

Andlighet och sociala stödets betydelse för att sluta med narkotika : Upplevelser om 12 stegsprogrammet

Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.


The purpose of this thesis is to define and theorise willingness-to-support as a possible measurement of corporate reputation. The knowledge production in this thesis is done through reasoning with companies to gain a deeper understanding of the social world and the respondents? view of their reality. Grounded theory is used as an inspiration for conducting the research. A qualitative method is used in the form of semi-structured interviews with six companies in three different business sectors.

Män som mikroföretagare : Hur beskriver de balansen mellan arbete och övrigt liv?

The aim of this study was to explore how six men who run a micro-enterprisewith a maximum of 10 employees handle the balance between work and otherlife. Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was conducted and thesample consisted of six men with micro-enterprises of varying ages. The themesused in the interviews were boundless work, roles, boundaries strategies anddemand / control - Social support. The results showed that micro- entrepreneursdo not experience any major imbalance between work and other life. The studyrevealed that the division of roles in the home of the elderly respondents was ofthe classical gender character that woman took great responsibility in the home.Among the younger respondents the unpaid work at home was equal divided.Social support was perceived highly by all respondents, and they alsoexperienced a high level of control over the requirements of the job.

Den osynliga uniformen : Boendestödjares erfarenheter av regler och gränsöverskridningar inom socialpsykiatrisk verksamhet

This study is inspired by research about alliance as a common factor. The purpose is to explore the positive experiences among community-based social support workers when breaking the rules with their clients. The study questions in which situations they broke the rules and how they handled these situations related to their clients and colleges. Qualitative, individual interviews were made with four community-based social support workers who had such experiences. The results were analysed through an hermeneutic approach using Johan Asplund's theory of social responsiveness.

Samverkan mellan lärare och socialsekreterare : En kvalitativ studie i två kommuner

The intension of this study is to investigate the interaction between teachers and social workers in two diffrent countys. The study is focused on how teachers act upon suspicions when there are children at risk and what kind of support the teacher gets from social workers. Another importent question is if the teachers know what kind of rules regarding to confidentiality and if it would be better for the pupils if there were no confidentiality.To get answers to my questions, i have interviewed teachers and social workers in both countys.In this study I assume that the power has three dimensions and that there are four levels of interaction.Due to the law about confidentiality the social worker has the power over the teachers. Because the law about confidentiality it is difficult for teachers and social workers to interact.If the teacher want help from social services, she or he must call the social worker because the social worker will not call the teacher. If the social worker want to help the teacher and give her advice, the social worker can do that without breaking confidentiality.

I sökandet efter kärlek : Möjligheter och hinder med att träffa en partner för personer med Aspergers syndrom eller intellektuella funktionshinder

The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of possibilities and obstacles for disabled people to meet a partner. The ambition was to know more about wishes for and needs of professional or other support. The methods have been literature studies, survey research, and interviews. A simple questionnaire was sent to administrative staff and social welfare officers who gave the information that they experienced those persons with intellectual disability or Aspergers syndrome had asked for support to meet a partner. To get a perspective from inside six semi structured interviews were made with disabled people having experience of relationships, love affairs.

Enhetschefers arbetssituation under förändringsarbete : En kvalitativ studie om hur enhetschefer inom kommunal äldreomsorg ser på implementeringen av det salutogena arbetssättet.

The purpose with the study is to see how middle managers in communal elderly care looks at the implementation of the salutogenic way of working in their operations. And how it affects the middle managers working situation. We studied which scope of actions middle managers has in the salutogenic way of working. We had previous knowledge that the salutogenic working way is an ongoing work of development in several communes, and therefore we chose to study in a profound way how this work of development affects the middle managers working situation. To reach a deeper knowledge about how the salutogenic way of working affects the middle managers working situation we conducted a qualitative study with been seven semi-structured interviews with middle managers in different geographical communes.

Sen så kommer den och förklarar vid bänken; alltså bara för mig : Om elevers upplevelser av stöd och hjälp i matematik

The study's purpose is to describe students' experiences of help and support in mathematics. To investigate this, I adopted the questions: What does it mean, according to the students, to get "help and support in mathematics?" Are there differences in the description of help and support depending on the age of the students? What different kinds of help and support do students feel that they get from their math teachers? What different kinds of help and support would they like to have? The study is based on a qualitative method, group interviews, with three groups of students, one from each stage of primary school in one municipality in Sweden. The students were at the time of the interview in grade 3, 5 and 8. The interviews were analysed from a sociocultural perspective. The results show that what the students primarily consider as the meaning of help and support it is to get individual support from their teacher.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - Socialsekreterares upplevelser

The purpose of this study was to examine how social services in Örebro working with young people vulnerable to honor- related violence and oppression. Further the purpose was to investigate recognition of guidelines that could act as support in the work with honor- related violence and oppression, and also however the work with these honor-related cases could have an emotional impact on the social worker. To answer these questions a qualitative study using interviews was performed with four social workers in Örebro. The results have been analyzed and interpreted in relation to previous research conducted in the field of honor research. Further three theoretical perspectives have been used in the interpretation of the results; implementation theory, sociology of emotion and coping.

Vårdpersonalens behov av stöd i sitt arbete med vårdtagarna i demensboende

This study will examine if caregivers, working with people with dementia problems, is in need of support and in what way they see how the support should be designed. Previous research shows that there are many factors in elderly care that affect all of the caregivers. Working with people in this sort if dependence, requires a lot of the caregivers, both mentally and physically. To study if the caregivers consider themselves to be in need of support, and in what way they see how the support should be designed, the study employs a qualitative approach using to types of interviews, one focus group with four assistant nurses, and two individual in-depth interviews with the administrative personnel and one nurse. The results show that the need for support for the caregivers exists. Caregivers working with people with dementia problems, daily face difficulties, some more difficult to handle than others.

Det Kommunala LOK-stödet : En kvalitativ analys av kommuners värderingar kring det kommunala lokala aktivitetstödet och dess utformning i Västerbottens län

This bachelor thesis aim to highlight the values that form the basis for the formulation of the municipal local activity support to sports clubs. Key questions was, what are the criteria for the distribution of support, what are the conditions for the support in the municipalities, and what thoughts on development of the local sports club are behind these criteria. The study is based on one policy document from each municipality and 15 interviews that revealed a large spread in mindset and resources between the municipalities, but also similarities in the supports criteria and evaluation work. 14 out of 15 municipalities distribute the support, but the conditions are different. One interesting result the study shows is how little some municipalities really know about the money that goes out to the clubs.

Socialarbetarens livspussel - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie

The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the various factors that influence the balancebetween the working lives and family lives of social workers. The research questions posedwere: Do social workers consider there is a conflict between their working lives and familylives? Which factors make maintaining a balance between working life and family life moredifficult and which make it easier to do so? How do social workers describe equality betweenthe sexes in their own family? Regarding methodology, the selection method is strategic andcombines data sources with quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The material collectedand via online survey, targeted to 120 municipal employees social workers in a district councilin a big city, and through interviews with four social workers in a rural community. The studywas performed using gender theory and the demand-support-control model.

Adoption: professionellas och ideellt engagerades tankar kring samhällets beredskap för adoptivfamiljer

The Swedish legislation (Socialtjänstlagen, SoL 5 kap 1§ 6 st.) state that the social welfare committee is particularly responsible for those children whom are in need of support and help after an adoption or custody matter has been decided. "Adoption - but at what price?" SOU 2003:49 is a state report with the purpose to investigate different aspects around international adoptions, which brings up and discusses what supports there is for adoptive families in Sweden. With this background and a special attention towards adoptive children's health conditions when arriving to their new country we decided to study the subject adoption. By interviewing different professionals and volunteers that work with adoptive families in Sweden the aim with this study was to acknowledge how they look upon the support the Swedish community offers for adoptive parents and also how they consider the knowledge about adoption among those who in their line of work can meet adoptive children is.

Barnen - ett gemensamt ansvar En kvalitativ studie om familjehemsföräldrars motivation och upplevelser av socialt stöd i Paraguay

This qualitative study is about motivation and experience of support among non-kinship fosterparents in a child welfare agency (NGO), in Paraguay. The empirical data where collectedthrough out six semi-structured qualitative interviews, with totally eight foster parentsparticipating. The aim of the study was to describe and analyze what motivates foster parentsand how they experience support from their formal and informal network. Further theobjective was to investigate how support (may) affect motivation and enable good foster care.Theoretical concepts such as solidarity, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as well as socialsupport where used to analyze the data.The results show that there are many different motives and motivations (intrinsic andextrinsic) that correlate in the decision to become and continue to be a foster parent. Amongthem social involvement, the wish to make a difference in a child?s life, have something tooffer as a family and personal satisfaction seems to be the most frequent reasons.

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