

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 16 av 1010

Att arbeta med biologiska mödrar i Lunds kommun; ur en organisatorisk synvinkel

TO WORK WITH BIOLOGICAL MOTHERS IN LUND FROM AN ORGANIZATIONAL POINT OF VIEW ALEXANDRA BERTRAM Bertram, A. Degree project in social work 15 Credits. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of Social Work, 2014. This essay deals with biological mothers whose children are placed in foster care within the municipality of Lund. This essay aimed to describe how social workers in Lund deal with biological mothers from investigation, to treatment. In this essay social workers whom meets biological mothers on an everyday basis have been interviewed about their experience in the field, to gather information.

RAMVERK FÖR EFFEKTIV KUNDSUPPORT : Utifrån ITIL, CRM och supporthantering på mjukvaruföretaget Medius AB

The goal of customer support is to help clients achieve maximum value in their services and products. Customer support is the public face of a company, which means that it is important to give the customer a positive experience and live up to customer expectations. Efficient customer support has become more important and studies show that customers who leave a company do so because of poor service. Customers' growing demands for higher quality and easier access to services means that companies must recognize the need to satisfy each customer. It is important that each customer receives the attention required and that customer needs are met quickly and flawlessly.

Icke-farmakologiska metoder för behandling av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid symtom demenssjukdom

ABSTRACTBackground: People with colorectal cancer undergoing rectum amputation get a permanent colostomy, which affects the social life. It may be valuable for health care what these people experience living with colostomy in order to provide the greatest possible support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how people who received a colostomy experience their daily lives and the support they have received from the health services.Method: Qualitative interview study with six people, with a descriptive phenomenological approach.Results: The analysis of the interviews about how it's like to live with a colostomy resulted in three themes: 1) Living with a colostomy gives an uncertainty that affect the social life, 2) Physical and psychological impact of getting a colostomy and 3) Support for health care and relatives.Conclusion: Subjects had a positive attitude towards life, which contributed to that they could adjust to living with a colostomy and feel a meaningfulness of life. The study shows that all the interviewed people overall were satisfied with the information provided by the healthcare personnel. It was good with both oral and written information and very appreciated with repeated information. One aspect that could be improved was the information given aboute the closure of anus during surgery and the following complications.

Hur ofta hälsar du på din granne? : En kvantitativ studie av integration som förklaringskraft beträffande befolkningssammansättning och radikala högerpopulistiska åsikter

A logical cause of migration is of course immigrants which is a topic always creating discussions. When arriving in a new country a process of integration with the goal to adapt to the environment is started. This study will explore the need for integration and seeks to examine the connection between population composition and radical right opinions.To fulfill the aim, a multivariate regression analysis is done on aggregated level in Sweden with statistics concerning the year of 2010. The relation between ethnic composition and voters support for the Swedish radical right party Sverigedemokraterna is studied as well as integration as an explanatory intermediate factor operationalized through unemployment, financial assistance and trust.The results of the study indicate a positive connection between immigrants from EU/EFTA and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna. A negative relation is identified between trust and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna.

Näringstillförsel och omvårdnadsdokumentation vid svår sepsis och septisk chock : En journalgranskning

Background: Insufficient nutritional support is associated with prolonged hospitalisation, impaired wound healing and impaired survival for patients in intensive care. In severe sepsis and septic chock, calculation of nutritional need is complicated since the metabolism is affected by decease. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate nutritional support and to examine the quality of nursing documentation of nutritional status and nutritional support in patient records in severe sepsis and septic chock.  Method: The study was conducted as a retrospective investigation where 64 patient records were studied. The quality of documentation was examined in 10 patient records using an examinational model.Findings: Calculation of average nutritional support showed insufficient supply particularly in the two first days of intensive care. During the next five days nutritional supply was higher but individual variation was seen, why a clear picture of nutritional support is hard to detect.

Barnets rätt till försäkringsskydd : En rättsvetenskaplig studie  av  barnets  möjligheter  att täckas av privat och allmän försäkring

Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.

Att både stötta och skydda : en diskursanalys av barnavårdens arbete med hedersrelaterat våld

The purpose of this essay has been to study the different discourses that are expressed in social welfare secretaries? assertions when they assess cases with elements of honour-related violence, intimidation and oppression. To do so I have used a discourse analysis theory and technique, based on three qualitative interviews with social welfare secretaries. The interviews were focused on vignettes, which were all fictitious cases with various elements of honour-related violence. One of the interviews was a focus groupinterview with four participants, while the other two interviews were individual.

"För barnets bästa" : Skolkuratorers samarbete med övrig skolpersonal gällande anmälningsskyldigheten i Socialtjänstlagen vid misstanke om att barn far illa

The purpose of this essay was to study how school welfare officers cooperate with other school staff, regarding children in vulnerable positions, and how the school staff apply their obligation to report to the social services if they have concerns regarding children at risk, according to the law of social service, SoL.We have especially focused on questions concerning cooperation, both between the school staff, and between the school and the social services. We also wanted to identify some of the restraining factors and dilemmas that could come up during the process of reporting children at risk to the social services. The study was based on qualitative interviews with ten school welfare officers from the same municipality.Our conclusions of our study are that there exists a well-developed cooperation between several organizational levels, including the school welfare officers, other professions in the schools and the social services. There were though opinions among the school welfare officers that they wanted to increase their professional claims in relation to the school nurse, due to their larger competence in talking to children. Regarding the formal responsibility to report to the social services, a majority of the school welfare officers felt they had access to the support they needed from both their principal and the students healthcare-team, and that they were not left alone in the process..

Faktorer som påverkar barns läsutveckling

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to examine if manual signs used as support to spoken and written language can be a god mnemonic for learning of word-pictures. I performed my study as an experiment in which I made a Memory game with word-pictures. I played the game with the children twice. The first time, we played without manual signs and the second time I used sign as a support. I observed the children and noted the words they learned to read with and without the support of manual signs.

Information, anknytning och stöd till föräldrar med ett nyfött barn med diagnosen Downs syndrom : - litteraturstudie

The birth of a child marks a new era for the parents. It is the beginning of something that will never end, because they will always be the child´s parents. This study investigates what happens when an infant is born whit Downs syndrome (Ds), and thus does not resemble the child the parents had expected. The purpose of this literature study was to describe the information and the support that the parents of a newborn child with Ds think that they need. The literature search was made in the database of Medline (via Pub Med), Academic Search Elite and manual search.

Vilka kategorier av ord/uttryck i läromedelstexter orsakar flest problem för andraspråkselever? : En undersökning bland pedagoger och andraspråkselever

According to statistics, a significant increase in sickness has occurred in the public sector in recent decades in Sweden. Human therapeutic professions is the area where the illness is most prevalent. The purpose of this study was through a qualitative method and hermeneutic approaches explore how conscious six social workers in the social services are on stress and how they cope with it. Further it investigates and analyzes how these results affect their daily work.One important result due to stress is that the social workers ability to treat their clients is impaired and they are less able to be empathetic. Inadequacy in the work environment leads to a sense of insufficiency by social workers, and a reduced quality of life.

Inkludering ? en studie om lärares syn på och erfarenheter av klassrummets mångfald

The aim with this thesis was to study how primary school teachers perceive their mission in working with inclusive education. The aim was also to study their thoughts and experience of the Special education support. To conduct the inquiry twelve primary school teachers from two different communities in Sweden were asked to give their views of inclusive education. The central issues was how the primary school teachers interprets the concept of inclusion, the opportunities and obstacles they perceived and how the Special education support was formed in the work with inclusion in their schools. The result shows that the majority part of the primary teachers interprets the concept as a spatial or social inclusion.

Kartläggning och jämförelse av träning i neonatal återupplivning på svenska sjukhus

The purpose of this study was to survey the occurrence of and obstacles to team training inneonatal life support in Swedish hospitals and, accordingly, to compare university hospitalswith other hospitals. The study included all the managers in 37 pediatric wards whoparticipated in telephone interviews with the aid of a questionnaire. The results showed that81 % of the Swedish hospitals that have a paediatric ward train the staff in neonatal lifesupport. All of the university hospitals and 74 % of the other hospitals are running training insome form. The methods of training varied and so did the occurrence of training.

Goodwill. IFRS3 & IAS36  - ?Big Bang? utifrån en revisors utgångspunkt.

The study aims to illustrate how women victims of male violence in intimate relationships are treated during the legal process and with professional perspective describe what women?s experiences considered to be in the legal process. The study also aims to draw attention to the interventions for abused women during the legal process.The results are based on interviews with professionals in the justice system, and on observations in the courtroom. Overall our results show that abused women are in need of a great quantity of help and support before, during and after the negotiation. The legal process is very stressful for the women.

Formandet av yrkesidentiteten: socionomen i en hälsofrämjande skola ur ett professionsperspektiv

As a school welfare officer you are often alone of having your perspective and must struggle to preserve that perspective. At the same time, there are very little defined what role a social worker should have in a school. This makes it nessesary to form and develop your role of profession independently. According to the Swedish school law, the schools are not required to employ a welfare officer. This makes the school welfare officer inferior to the other branches of occupation in school.

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