

15145 Uppsatser om Social support. - Sida 13 av 1010

Identitet, modernitet och Twitter : Hur sociala är egentligen sociala medier?

Social media on the internet allows both public and private actors to communicate with each other. The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the relationship between the public and the private in social media on the internet, specifically with emphasis on the identities which are shaped in this relationship. The social media explored in this study is the micro blog Twitter. Data was collected from the pages of three public and private actors on Twitter, specifically with concern to their interaction with public and/or private actors. The data was analysed with support in sociological theories on modernity, identity, self-identity, socialisation and Erving Goffman's theories on everyday expression.

Får vårdpersonalen bästa tänkbara IT-stöd? : Kartläggning och analys av informationsflödet mellan EPJ systemförvaltning och vårdpersonal

In health care today at Uppsala County Council the daily work involves spending time at the computer. IT-systems were implemented to support and aid the care givers in their work. Around these systems there is a support organization to support the users in using the system. The aim of this thesis is to investigate this organization in terms of how well it works and how successful it is in helping the users. This has been done by investigating the flow of information trough the organization and by focusing at the role of IT-coordinators with responsibility for support, process development, education and statistics.

"Min dotter är mitt arbete nu" : En kvalitativ studie om hur karriären påverkas när man blir mamma

According to statistics, a significant increase in sickness has occurred in the public sector in recent decades in Sweden. Human therapeutic professions is the area where the illness is most prevalent. The purpose of this study was through a qualitative method and hermeneutic approaches explore how conscious six social workers in the social services are on stress and how they cope with it. Further it investigates and analyzes how these results affect their daily work.One important result due to stress is that the social workers ability to treat their clients is impaired and they are less able to be empathetic. Inadequacy in the work environment leads to a sense of insufficiency by social workers, and a reduced quality of life.

De ensammas sjukdom : tankar och önskemål kring stöd vid viktreducering

Obesity and overweight is the worst public health related disease today, and it is a constantly increasing problem in societies all over the world. In Sweden the number of overweight persons has been doubled in the last 20 years. Today about 500 000 persons suffer from obesity and overweight.The aim of this study was to investigate obese and overweight people´s thoughts and wishes regarding what support they would like, in order to be able to successfully manage a weightreduction. The study is qualitative and conducted through six interviews, the material was analysed with content analysis. The result of the analysed interviews led to four categories:offered support, wished support, are you strong enough to find support by your own and mental wellbeing.The conclusion of this study is that overweight person?s biggest wish is to get continuous and personal support from the health care system.

Samverkan och stöd för närstående till personer med schizofreni

Background: Relatives to people with schizophrenia often experience a great burden and inmany cases takes a lot of responsibility for the person suffering from schizophrenia. Nationalguidelines emphasize the importance for relatives to be involved in mental health care, butunfortunately that is not always the case. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigateand describe how relatives to people with schizophrenia have experienced collaboration andsupport from mental health services, and what requests they might have for the futureregarding the design of collaboration and support. Method: Qualitative approach. Interviewbased study with qualitative content analysis as a method.

Sexuallivet efter en radikal prostatektomi - upplevelser, information och stöd hos opererade män och deras partner

The aim was to describe the experiences of couples where the male partner had undergone radical prostatectomy due to prostate cancer. Furthermore, the study explored how the operation had affected their sexual life, whether the couples had received enough post surgical support and information concerning these issues, and to describe the kind of support and information these couples desired. Twenty men and ten partners participated. All the men experienced a varying degree of post surgical erectile dysfunction and only five men had received support concerning their sexual life. Eleven men desired professional visiting support activities.

Hur upplevs datorrelaterad support från extern serviceleverantör?

Vid tillfällen då det uppstår driftsstörningar i ett informationssystem (IS) kan personalen som ansvarar för drift och förvaltning av IS vara i behov av externt teknikstöd för att eliminera dessa störningar och därmed säkerställa verksamhetens tillgänglighet till IS (Brandt, 1998). Det som är av intresse i detta arbete är att undersöka hur personal i drifts- och förvaltningsorganisationen upplever datorrelaterad support från en extern serviceleverantör samt vilka faktorer som påverkar denna upplevelse.Undersökningen har genomförts som en fallstudie med intervjuer som informationssamlande teknik. Resultatet visar på att kunderna i stort sett är nöjda med den support de erhåller men att det finns delar av dervicen som inte är helt tillfredsställande..

Var är biblioteket? En användarstudie om distansstudenters biblioteksbehov

The aim of this Master's thesis is to investigate the library needs of distance students. This user study has a student perspective and concentrates on the main question of which way library needs might be expressed by distance students. Associated topics addressed by this study include; the problem of learning centres lacking their own library support, how distance students look upon library support as a concept and whether distance students prefer public libraries or university libraries, and why they make this choice. These questions may give the answer to how distance students deal with information literacy. Theories chosen by the study are in the fields of pedagogical and library science, the social cultural theory by Roger Säljö and in Tom Wilson's theories on user studies and information needs.

Ingen riktig feminist : Om bilders betydelse för bloggar och bloggare

The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe through a quantitative study the extent of support received by foster families, their opinion of the support and any areas that might need improvement. The foster families receive foster care support through a private agency. We concentrated on the following areas of support; education, health, contact with the children?s biological relatives and behavioral difficulties. These four areas have, in previous research, shown to be problematic for foster children.

Barn med ADHD-diagnos : En studie om den sociala miljöns inverkan på beteenden som föranleder ADHD-diagnos

The purpose of this study was to illustrate how professionals, who work with psychosocialproblems among children, look at the impact of social factors on behavior that causes ADHDdiagnosis and at the relationship between social factors and the increased diagnosis that hasoccurred in recent years. To answer our purpose, we chose a qualitative approach byinterviewing six professionals who had different professional affiliations. We analyzed theresults using systems theory and attachment theory. The results showed that the professionalssaw various social factors that influenced the behaviors that cause ADHD diagnosis, particularlytroublesome growing environment and the school environment that requires greater cognitiveability and social skills of children today. They also saw that social factors could have an impacton the increase of diagnoses, particularly that the diagnosis can result in that the understandingchanges and that it is considered easier to get extra support at school with a diagnosis..

Diagnosens betydelse : En kvalitativ undersökning om gränsdragning, kategorisering och fördelning av resurser i det sociala arbetets praktik ? exemplet ADHD

The aim of this study is to examine if and how the diagnosis of ADHD is important for the social practice delimitation to obtain an understanding of how the sorting and categorization of clients affects the distribution of resources. In a qualitative approach, the study is based on eight semi-structured interviews in five different social practices. Young adults diagnosed with ADHD who need society's help and support, constituted our focus in the study. The selection is based on gaining an understanding of how the client process proceeds. The interviews were supplemented with documents, such as legal and internal methodological support.

Ideella organisationer - självständiga samhällsaktörer eller kommunens förlängda arm? : En studie om homogeniseringstryck och kontroll

This thesis examine if social voluntary organisations are independent or if they are being regulated by the public sector. We ask how free the organisations are since they get so much support and funding from the municipality. This is examined by looking at the homogenisation pressure, which means that organisations are being exposed by a pressure to become more similar. The control that the municipality has over the organisations is another aspect in this paper. The study focuses on the relation between the municipality of Linköping and three social voluntary organisations and their characteristics.

Att konstruera hjälpsökande : En studie av sociala akter

A foundation of our welfare state is that we have a social safety net. This safety net is designed to pick up individuals who are in need of help and support to manage their way of life. This essay regards people who need help with care or people who need help with an addiction. This essay is a qualitative text analysis, which aims to see whether, and if so how, help-seekers are constructed in 40 social service documents within a municipality in central Sweden. We have endeavored to illustrate the power that the written word possesses and which categories of people are constructed depending on the language and content of the social documents.

Elever i behov av särskilt stöd

This is a qualitative study whit purpose of showing how teachers work whit students in need of special support in school. The purpose has been to study what teachers mean whit special aid, and if the support is individually adapted for each students needs. I have trougt interviews, observations and examinations of diverse documents found paradoxes where teachers and the scool leaders claim that they work whit the integration of all the students at school, while the teality shows a different picture. I have found a clear segregation of students, where they have on repeated occasions had to leave the classroom to receive tuition. The school stuff has a wide iiew of wich students are included in the term "students in need of special tuition".

Aggressioner hos barn : Pedagogers syn på bemötande och stöd

Aggressions in childrenPedagogues wiew of treatment and support.

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