13921 Uppsatser om Social structure - Sida 61 av 929
Barn som utsätts för våld i nära relationer : Vilken hjälp bistår socialtjänsten med?
The main purpose of this study is to find out what kind of help social service in one selected municipality in Sweden can provide for children who have witnessed or been victims of domestic violence. Using focus group interview this study investigate how the social workers meet the needs of these children. The bases for our analysis are the Organization Theory and the Attachment Theory, as well as previous research. Important results are that the social services are dependent on notifications in order to do their work and that the most common interventions are foster care, emergency foster care and/or family therapy. The difficulties that social workers perceive their work are unjustified families and heavy workloads.
Korruption, inkomst och Miljökvalitet. En kvantitativ analys.
Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.
STUDENTERS INFORMATIONSHORISONTER: Användning av Google och sociala nätverk i informationsökningsprocessen
The theses discuss information seeking with a focus on Google and social networks. Students attending the librarian program in Lund have been examined by means of two methods; diaries and information horizons, where they had to solve a specific assignment. The information horizon as a method contributes to getting a structural perspective on the information search process instead of viewing information search as a procedure. Information horizons use social network analysis.The aim of the theses is to investigate the importance of the social network in information search, with a particular focus on Google as a search tool. Our hypothesis is that Google acts as a compensator to the social network when the students search for information and in the educational program.The research indicates that there is no direct correlation between usage of the social network and usage of Google.
Pedagogiska datorspel - Designandet av en teoretisk applikationsmodell för pedagogiska spel ämnade för gymnasieskolan, med elevperspektivet i fokus.
In this work we?ve been focusing on how to adjust educational computer games in order to make them suited for the educational context of upper secondary school. Our opinion and entrance to the study is that the related developers of the subject, in some ways, have failed to successfully combine and find the balance between the entertaining and pedagogical aspects in the games. Our main questions is which aspects in the games game developers need to take in consideration to satisfy the pupils, but also what qualities that is needed for them to function in their educational context. In order to do that we had to investigate the people of the target groups own perspective on what technological and social aspects in the computer games they assess as important.
Social redovisning i Gemenskapsföretag
Syftet med uppsatsen är dels teoretisk i form av att reda ut begreppet social redovisning samt hur social redovisning och hållbarhetsredovisning förhåller sig till varandra, och dels empirisk då jag ämnar undersöka huruvida denna redovisningsform bättre kan visa en verksamhets effektivitet bättre än traditionell redovisning där verksamheten har sociala verksamhetsmål. Studieobjektet i denna undersökning är KulturAkademin, vilken är ett gemenskapsföretag vars primära verksamhetsmål är att driva musikskolan i Storuman.För att uppnå detta syfte genomfördes fyra intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet av social redovisning eller företag med sociala verksamhetsmål eller en kombination av de båda.Undersökningen visar att det finns två olika uppfattningar om vad begreppet social redovisning innebär. En mening är att begreppet kan likställas med begreppet hållbarhetsredovisning som är en redovisning i tre dimensioner ? ekonomisk, social och miljömässig dimension och en mening är att det är en redovisningsform som visar de sociala effekterna av en verksamhet dvs en av de tre dimensionerna i hållbarhetsredovisning.Vad gäller det empiriska syftet är undersökningens resultat tydligt. En social redovisning skulle visa KulturAkademins effektivitet bättre än en traditionell redovisning då den traditionella endast visar ett verksamhets resultat ur en ekonomisk aspekt.
"Folkvagnsmotorn i min Rolls Royce kropp" : En fenomenologisk intervjustudie om att leva med hjärtsvikt och kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom.
The progress of chronic disorders such as heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affects various aspects of life. They have an deep impact on patients´experience of health and wellbeing and their functional qualities and quality of life. Several studies have in an extensive way described heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in its own domain but few qualitative studies consider coexistence of the disorders from a caring science perspective. The aim was to describe the meaning of living with heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from a lifeworld perspective. With a phenomenological and reflecting lifeworld approach it´s possible to describe eight patients daily experiences of living with severe and chronic disorders from their own narratives.
?Re:Regional? is a diploma work by Sanna Alm and Ylva Hedin, for the Master?s
Programme in Spatial Planning presented at the Blekinge Institute of
Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden. ?Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 ? International
Ideas Competition? was the starting point of this study. The competition was
launched the 15th of December 2006 and the closing date was the 31st of May.
Är man motiverad till behandling finns alla möjligheter i världen : Socialarbetares syn på motivationsarbetet med misshandlade missbrukande kvinnor
This is a qualitative study which purpose is to examine how the social workers in a medium-sized municipality in southern of Sweden are experiencing the different forms of housing that the municipality has for disposal. The purpose is also to examine opinions - belonging to the social workers? representatives - concerning the value of motivational work in changing the lifestyles of assaulted and addicted women. The questions we have decided to examine are; how is the social services' work with assaulted and addicted women designed, how do the social workers experiences the situation on these forms of housing and what the social workers believe is promoting and inhibiting factors for motivation with assaulted and addicted women. The results in this study are built on qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers where both sexes are represented.
Kan Olikheter ena? En studie om sociala rörelsers potential att skapa dialog
In the process of globalization, identity has become one of the central factors.An understanding of the difference that makes up our society has made thequestion of weather is it possible to envision a society where difference is thecommon ground, one that has been up for contest. To answer this we need to seeif this kind of democracy is possible at all. For this I?m turning to the socialmovments who while they are working close to the reality also can give us somereal answers. Therefore I have looked at how social movements adress identity,difference and conflict and concluded that three things are crucial in organizing ongrounds of difference.
Assessment methods for corporateresponsibility on the fashion scene : a case study of Hennes & Mauritz, Lindex, Kappahl and MQ
Assessing the outcome of corporate responsibility is often argued to be complicated due to long-term effects and qualitative aspects. Epstein (2008, p.261) establishes that: ?Though many think that sustainability is too difficult to measure, companies have found that unless the impacts are measured, they are commonly ignored in the resource allocation process?. Corporate responsibility is often referred to as a business case, i.e., that social and environmental concern add value to the business (Heikkurinen, 2010; Porter & van der Linde, 1995). Hence, for corporate responsibility to be a business case a strategy, corporate structure and systems, programmes and actions linked to performance measures need to be in place to assess the outcome; environmental, social as well as financial.
System, stabilitet och makt - informationsdiskursen i Organizing Knowledge
TitleSystems, Stability and Power. The Discourse of Information in Organizing Knowledge.AbstractThe aim of this Master's thesis is to inquire into the consequences of an unequal distribution of power between information discourses in the field of knowledge organisation. A deconstruction of Jennifer Rowley's and John Farrows introductory textbook Organizing Knowledge from 2000 is related to the major discourses of information in LIS. Questions posed in this study are: What meaning is ascribed to information in the material studied? Which information discourses are given a dominant position? Which are excluded? and: How does this affect the construction of the library and information science student's identity, in relation to practices of knowledge organisation? The theoretical framework is provided by Ernesto Laclau's and Chantal Mouffe's theory of discourse and combined with techniques for text analysis originating from the work of Norman Fairclough.The analysis reveals a strong domination of a cognitive discourse of information that underlines the importance of information systems for the organisation of knowledge.
Socialt kapital : Skillnad på stad och landsbygd?
This study examines the connection between social capital and urban and rural areas. The study divides the environments into two categories; metropolises and rural areas. Metropolises are defined as any of Swedens largest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö. The study also examines if there is a difference between these groups in how high social trust they have to people living in the same areas as themselves versus people who live in other areas. The studie also focuses on the urbanization that the world is going through, where people move from rural areas into the cities for work and education.
Det är lite gambling, man kan aldrig veta hur det blir i slutändan : Socialsekreterares erfarenhet av bedömning av en viss insats för barn och ungdomar
Social workers in this study describes various experiences of the assessments of interventions for children and adolescents. Social workers experience of the many different situations where an assessment of best effort must be made on the basis of BBIC, which is the Social Services investigation records. To make this assessment, the Social workers need social assistance and support of their colleagues and manager. Knowledge mixed with experience is also an important part when it comes to being professional and not let emotions control that could otherwise be happened when the social worker meets and builds relationships with clients. Social workers are also those who will decide which achievement the client needs from the needs.
KBT som behandlingsmetod mot social fobi och depression utifrån behandlarnas perspektiv
Kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) avser att hjälpa personer med problembeteenden så att fokus ligger på nuet och framtiden, vilka mål som bör sättas upp så att en positiv förändring kan ske. KBT syftar till att människor ska kunna leva i samhället utan begränsning och med bättre livskvalitet. Denna kvalitativa studie visar hur KBT kan användas för social fobi och depressionsproblematik. Fem deltagare intervjuades, två psykiatrisjuksköterskor och tre psykologer. Alla arbetar utifrån KBT och studien visar deras upplevelser av metoden samt hur behandlingarna kan se ut.
Varför blir flickor utsatta för digital mobbning?
Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.