

12985 Uppsatser om Social standards - Sida 7 av 866

Sociala kategorier och stereotypa uppfattningars inverkan vid bedömning av gymnasieelever

Stereotypa uppfattningar om människor grundar sig på egenskaper somassocieras med sociala kategorier. Denna tillhörighet ger olikareferenspunkter, så kallade standards, vid bedömning av andra. Utifrånteorin om shifting standards och antagandet att gymnasieprogram kan sessom sociala kategorier, undersöktes om och hur bedömningar av elever frånolika typer av gymnasieprogram varierade och påverkades. Åttiotrepersoners enkätsvar som analyserades. Antingen bedömdes en typisk elevsamt en specifik elev, eller enbart en specifik elev, från ett studie- elleryrkesförberedande program.

Elförsörjningen i det hållbara samhället

Enligt IAS 40 ? Förvaltningsfastigheter, definieras förvaltningsfastigheter som ?mark eller byggnader eller del av byggnad som innehas i syfte att generera hyresinkomster eller värdestegring?. Onoterade fastighetsbolag i Sverige har idag möjlighet att välja mellan att värdera sina fastigheter till anskaffningsvärde eller verkligt värde.IAS ? International Accounting Standards är en internationell redovisningsstandard inom EU som började tillämpas i januari 2001, men blev obligatorisk för börsnoterade bolag år 2005. Dessutom har alla medlemstater möjlighet att lagstifta om IAS-redovisning i icke-noterade bolag.

Digitalisering av biblioteksmaterial : En kvalitativ undersökning av åtta biblioteksanställdas attitydertill digitalisering

This study aims to examine the views on digitization of eight respondents, all working at different libraryinstitutions in Sweden, and how their views are reflected in their library's digitization strategies. The poll wasconducted on the basis of Ingrid Mason's theory of information standards, their structure and sociopoliticalnature. The informantion standards are divided into three aspects, curatorial, semantic and technical, and theyaffect selection of, intellectual and physical access to the digitized material, which in the end is what constitutes the digital cultural heritage.The background to the study is that the Swedish library institutions in the current situation lacks a nationalstandard or a common strategy for the digitization of cultural heritage, while it is still implemented digitizationprojects at many library institutions. The method used is qualitative, structured interviews with open-ended questions.The study shows that one of the main motives behind the libraries' digitization projects is to make librarymaterials available in a new way, creating greater opportunities for the users to take advantage of the material.The library users are the ones who mainly control what is digitized, although aspects of preservation ismentioned. Furthermore, it appears that the respondents believe that digitization offers improved capabilities tosearch and learn more about the collections, but the actual work of image capture, the addition of metadata,presentation to users and long-term preservation is very complex.Views on what it is to be digitized, how the material should be selected and provided with metadata and howit should be presented to users is what creates the standards that libraries use when they digitize their materials,and digitization of library materials creates new conditions for new users to access and use library material.This is a two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies..

Ingen reklam tack! Men gärna Ikea-katalogen : En studie kring vad som händer när marknadsföringen kliver in i sociala forum på Internet

The social network services (SNS) on the Internet are becoming more common, and are starting to have a higher range of users, which is affecting Internet marketing. We (the authors) have a feelingthat a growing online marketing within social networks could interrupt the order of Social standards. That is why we in this paper have tried to figure out what position marketing has ? and might have ? within SNS, and what impact it will have on social relations.During qualitative interviews along with both representatives of public relation offices as well as with SNS users, we became aware of the occurring strategies of online marketing, and the usersunderstanding of it. In the information from the interviews, we found some interesting contradictions on which this paper underlies.

Vi och dom och valdeltagande. En studie kring valdeltagandet hos naturaliserade svenskar och invandrare.

This thesis focuses on the problems involving immigrants and their voting behaviour in Sweden. We presuppose that immigrants vote in a far less extent than Swedish citizen according to general statistics. We try to explain and give solutions to this problem. To our help we use both integration theory focusing on multiculturalism and electoral participation theories.Starting off in these two theories, we have further analyzed a number of policies issued to solve the participation dilemma. The policies were issued in order to elevate the socio-economic standards, inform citizens and close the distance between voters and politicians.Our results show that what work best is long term ventures aiming at integrating immigrants to the Swedish society.

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Invandrarprat och skam: en kvalitativ studie av retorikens betydelse

The purpose of this enquiry was to study how the rhetoric about immigrants (invandrarprat) influences the interpretation of reality in regards to new swedes. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews with eight new swedes who, apart from their country of origin, by Swedish Social standards would be considered average. Two questions were examined for the purpose of this study:1. How do new swedes react to rhetoric about immigrants?2.

Ansvarsfullt företagande bortom landets gränser : En studie om svenska företags internationella CSR-arbete

The purpose of this study was to investigate how Swedish retail companies work with CSR internationally.The study also sought to explore the opportunities and challenges that exist, and the stakeholders that motivate companies CSR commitment.The theoretical framework is composed of international CSR guidelines of the OECD and the UN, Carroll's CSR pyramid and three-stage model and Freeman's stakeholder theory. Furthermore a qualitative research approach was applied where four in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from Axfood, Löfbergs Lila, Oriflame and CSR Sweden.Finally, the study demonstrated the conclusion that the companies CSR strategies are structured in a similar way regardless of the market. CSR attract and retain workers, create a good reputation for brands and results in working conditions, living standards and environmental improvements. Difficulties, however, are the complexity of being able to control each partner and manage differences in language, laws and culture between countries. Finally there are a number of stakeholders that motivate companies to work with CSR, of which shareholders are considered the most important..

Studenters riskuppfattning och beredskap i hemmet : En kvalitativ studie om kopplingen mellan riskuppfattning och beredskap i hemmet

The focus of this thesis is on what is considered to be a suitable foster home. For the study to be carried out an application had to be made to get access to the foster home assessments in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden. With the support of attachment theory and theory of standards different categories have been picked out and analyzed in foster home assessements that have been approved. The conclusion to what is considered to be a suitable foster home is a complex issue, as there are many factors that are interacting. Social workers seem to focus on the importance of a family?s ability to provide some kind of stability and security for a child who is considered to be placed within their home.

Ur ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av två utbildningsprogram: Home Farm Twins och Rena rama forntiden

Our aim with this study is to investigate whether or not Utbildningsradions - which is a public broadcasting agency - educational programmes reproduce the existing gender patterns of the female and male genders. We have chosen to analyse two educational programmes, Home Farm Twins and Rena rama forntiden.We use a social constructionist theory regarding the construction and reproduction of gender and the method we have chosen to use is a qualitative content analysis to study the educational programmes.Our conclusion is that in the case of Home Farm Twins, it reproduces the current stereotypes that exist in society. Rena rama forntiden on the other hand does not, the program has got a clear gender perspective in regards to its content. Though it can be said that in some ways it does not reflect upon the gender patterns that exist in society today, to a satisfactionary extent.Utbildningsradion does not achieve its policy concerning Home Farm Twins, but on the other hand it shows that in the case of Rena rama forntiden they do own up to the standards regarding cultural diversity and creative aim..

?Passar inte galoscherna kanske vi får hitta en stråhatt i samma storlek?? En undersökning om bibliotekariers syn på inköp av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to accomplish an understanding for how librarians purchase fiction literature in public libraries. To answer these questions, we have performed four qualitative interviews with librarians in three Swedish municipalities. We have also performed a smaller document study to give us an overview of the used guidelines at the selected libraries. The results of our survey have been analyzed on the basis of our revised version of Sanna Talja?s model The Interpretative Repertoires of the Music Library.

Vaddå socialt arbete? : socialarbetare och den vetenskapliga diskursen om begreppet och praktiken socialt arbete

Social work is a social phenomenon, existing in most societies, that has given rise to a multitude of special organizations and professions. For that reason social work is dealing with a complex identity. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social workers and the scientific discourse interpret the concept of social work. In addition to that the study intends to show similarities and differencies. The research process containes two studies, one based on qualitative interviews with five social workers and the other consisting a surway of academic litterature.

Tillämpning av IAS 40 i onoterade fastighetsbolag

Enligt IAS 40 ? Förvaltningsfastigheter, definieras förvaltningsfastigheter som ?mark eller byggnader eller del av byggnad som innehas i syfte att generera hyresinkomster eller värdestegring?. Onoterade fastighetsbolag i Sverige har idag möjlighet att välja mellan att värdera sina fastigheter till anskaffningsvärde eller verkligt värde.IAS ? International Accounting Standards är en internationell redovisningsstandard inom EU som började tillämpas i januari 2001, men blev obligatorisk för börsnoterade bolag år 2005. Dessutom har alla medlemstater möjlighet att lagstifta om IAS-redovisning i icke-noterade bolag.

Övergångsprocessen till IAS/IFRS i svenska dotterbolag till EU-noterade företag

Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkat acceptansen hos användare, inom den kommunala verksamheten, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Med acceptans menas att användarna ska kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter på ett bra och lätt sätt. Studien har gjorts utifrån användarnas perspektiv.Genom att genomföra en intervjuundersökning på ett flertal kommuner där användarna använder systemet Vabas/Duf, har undersökts hur användarnas upplevda acceptans påverkas av faktorerna delaktighet, användbarhet och lättanvändhet, vid införande av ett datoriserat system. Delaktigheten vid införandet av ett system innefattar även information och utbildning.Resultatet från undersökningen visade att delaktigheten ökade användarnas acceptans. Ingen avgörande slutsats kunde däremot dras mellan acceptans och faktorerna användbarhet och lättanvändhet, då resultatet från de båda grupperna inte visade någon märkbar skillnad..

Stubbskottsbruk - historisk hävd som framtida bioenergiresurs?

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2012.

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