

12985 Uppsatser om Social standards - Sida 11 av 866

Fildelare-en social bandit i vår tid

We examined why file sharing is such a widespread phenomenon and what drives the persons that using file sharing, and what consequences it has on their consuming and ownership. We reached our goal by interviewing ten people who download files, using a qualitative method. We present the internet community where sharing files, copyright and the IPRED law are important ingredients for how the new generation consumer?s patterns look like. Today you can travel all over the world with a push on a button in just a few seconds.

Sambandet mellan social kompetens och stress på arbetsplatsen

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att ta reda på om det finns något samband mellan social kompetens och stress. I uppsatsen presenteras vad social kompetens är och vad stress är. Sambandet har undersökts med hjälp av enkät med 16 slutna frågor, 8 som handlar om social kompetens och 8 som handlar om stress och en öppen fråga på slutet. Urvalet, som var ett bekvämlighetsurval, var 60 anställda på olika arbetsplatser i Karlskrona, av dem erhölls 52 svar. Med hjälp av en Pearsonkorrelation och en fenomenologisk analys visade det sig att det finns ett samband mellan social kompetens och stress.

Anhöriga till spelberoende Vilket stöd och vilken hjälp kan socialtjänsten erbjuda

The aim of this essay was to examine what kind of help and support social services departement can offer gamblers and their relatives. We also want to examine what the relatives to the gamblers think about the help and support they have got from the social services departement. Central questions we asked were: What kind of help and support can social services department offer the gamblers and there relatives? What kind of help is there to get for children respectively adult relatives? Do the relatives consider that the social worker have enough knowledge about the problem? Do the social workers consider that they have enough knowledge about the problem? This is a qualitative study of three women relatives to the gamblers, three social workers and one specialist in this problem. We have delimited the study to one big city in Sweden.

Internationell redovisning av FoU : En studie om hur några finansiella nyckeltal påverkas av rekommendationerna i IAS 38 och FAS 2

I Sverige infördes år 2005 nya regler för redovisningen i börsnoterade företag. Från och med den 1 januari blev dessa företag enligt lag tvingade att följa det regelverk som International Accounting Standards Board författar. Dessa standarder blev då gällande i hela EU.I vår uppsats inriktar vi oss på en av dessa standarder och dess amerikanska motsvarighet, nämligen IAS 38 som behandlar redovisning av immateriella tillgångar. Vi fokuserar på den typ av immateriell tillgång som uppstår genom forskning och utveckling. Den amerikanska motsvarigheten till denna standard heter FAS 2.International Accounting Standards Board är ett av två ledande organ som på ett internationellt plan definierar hur redovisningen ska se ut.

Gråzonens barn -En studie i gränslandet mellan normalitet och avvikelse, mellan individen och kollektivet

The purpose of this study is to research into the role of the citizen and the educational system in Sweden throughout periods of time based on previous theoretic works, and also to deepen the understanding of students with special needs in Swedish education focusing on the primary school years. This shall be carried out by illustrating the different points of view and choices within the educational system that are at hand for students with concentration difficulties and social difficulties.I will analyze these points through a cultural and social perspective on contemporary society in order to contribute towards today?s discourse on the norm. The result of this empirical investigation presents a dilemma existing in the democratic educational system of today. Nationally and internationally, the educational system has been structured around a normative system containing both rights and duties that effect everyone working within it.

Att utveckla medicintekniska informationssystem på rätt sätt : En studie om regulatoriska aspekters påverkan på systemutveckling och IT-innovation inom hälso- och sjukvård

IT is often seen as a solution to many problems concerning effectiveness in organizations. Information systems within the healthcare sector is often viewed as medical devices rather than just systems or services. These medical devices are thoroughly regulated by laws, standards and certifications. In this study I participated in an innovative project that aimed to bring new life and use to the old fashioned patient journal by giving it a visual representation through the use of an avatar. I aimed to study the effects of regulators connected with the patient journal as a source of information for the innovative project.

Mot ett ledningsperspektiv : I segmentrapportering

Bakgrund och problem: Från och med 2005 är det obligatoriskt för alla börsnoterade företag inom EU att tillämpa IFRS, International Financial Reporting Standards, vid upprättandet av koncernredovisningen. En av dessa standarder är IAS 14, segmentrapportering. Den reglerar hur rörelsegrenar, affärsområden och marknadsområden ska redovisas. Nu finns ett utkast till standard från International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) som är tänkt att förändra och förbättra gällande standard avseende segmentrapportering, IAS 14. Syfte: Att undersöka vad revisorer, företag och analytiker tror om den föreslagna förändringen av segmentrapporteringen och vilka konsekvenser det kan medföra.

Stress i socialt arbete : om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av stress i sitt arbete.

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.

Möte och bemötande : handläggarnas känslor i deras profession

The focus of this research is to investigate how the client's emotions can affect the social worker and how the social worker manages these feelings in order to make the right decisions. We have used a qualitative approach in our investigation. We have interviewed six social workers at social welfare bureaux in southern Sweden. Our theories are ?Nai?ve Theory? and ?Affect Theory?.

CAN-understödda FMS-tjänster för entreprenadbranschen

The comprehensive purpose of this Master of Science thesis is to examine which fleetmanagement services for engineering vehicles, ?Fleetech? preferablyought to develop inorder to reach a broad market and meet the demands of contractors.Scanty explained, fleet management is the management of a company's vehicle fleet and theservices can include a range of functions such as driver management and fuel management. Inshort the thesis encompasses four sections:1.Survey of the general contractor industry: The survey has been preformed toevaluate the potential size of the market for fleet management services in the generalcontractor industry.2.Needs analysis: The needs analysis aim was to define what contractors tasks andgoals are, and to determine what functions they want and need from a system.3.The use of CAN and the technical premises: The prerequisite for developing asophisticated and generic system is that vehicle data can be accessed from the CANbuss.The use of CAN standards in construction equipment has therefore beenexamined.4.Specification: An explicit set of requirements have been set to be satisfied by a fuelmanagement service, based on CAN standard protocol J1939.Important conclusions: The use of CAN protocol standards are extensive and the prerequisitesfor developing elementary and CAN based services good. The services should be compatiblewith different manufacture?smachines.

Socialarbetare : professionell medmänniska eller byråkrat?

The purpose of this study was to examine how social work professionals view their professional role and how they think about the concept of social work. I also wanted to investigate what they believe characterize a professional social work. For the purposes of this study, I chose a qualitative approach in which I interviewed five people linked to the social work. The theories which I have assumed in the analysis of the results are power theory, organization theory and professional theory. The results of this study show that the respondents believe that a professional social work is performed by someone who has training and experience in the field.

Hållbart samhälle, hållbart liv : Om konstruktioner av ideal och problem kring social hållbarhet ur ett landsbygds- och äldreperspektiv

Social sustainability is often regarded as a solution to social problems in general. In this study, on the contrary, social sustainability is conceived as a socially constructed concept and the result of a certain way of looking at the world, the human being and the ideal society. The study centers around Kinda municipality in the southern region of Östergötland and a few of its elder inhabitants. What meaning and substance social sustainability is contained with as well as the effects that are produced by these conceptualizations is explored and analyzed. Also, the study examines the encounter between political policy?s and judgments on the one hand and the experiences and preferences held by the municipality?s elder inhabitants on the other..

När elev och vårdnadshavare blir-de andra

One of sociology´s to assess the effects of political decision. According to sociologist Anders Persson the society is changing, and in that change social fear appear. In the reaction of social fear some people are being excluded. In that more narrow frame for normality laws are created that makes some parents and their children ?the other?.

Den paradoxala internkommunikationen : En studie om den interna förändringskommunikationens roll i ett gasellföretag

For some time researcher has focused their interest on how women are being treated in sports and what impact it has on the development of the sports movement. Researchers in the field have tried to clarify where the problem lies, if it is gender or sex. Are the differences between the sexes caused by how society portrays women or because women and men are built for different purposes. This research paper studied how women in the sports of snowboarding and freeskiing perceived their possibilities to practice their own sports. Furthermore, the study tried to answer if the problems are originated from the culture of the sports, what the possibilities and opportunities women had to make ?it? and what women think is the reason why there are so few female athletes in their sports.

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