

13418 Uppsatser om Social services. - Sida 8 av 895

Kriterier för säkra betaltjänster på nätet

This report has a purpose to identify the payment methods available for e-commerce, tosee if they fulfill certain requirements. By investigating thirty of the most popular webshops, a few primary services have been found and revised. Security requirements fore-payment systems include authentication, non-repudiation, integrity and confidentiality.Other requirements considered to be important are usability, flexibility, affordability,reliability, availability, speed of transaction and interoperability. Advantages and disadvantageshave been identified to see if the services fulfill the requirements. Also surveysof consumer payment habits have been investigated to identify the factors of decisive importanceto the usage of payment services.

Är man motiverad till behandling finns alla möjligheter i världen : Socialarbetares syn på motivationsarbetet med misshandlade missbrukande kvinnor

This is a qualitative study which purpose is to examine how the social workers in a medium-sized municipality in southern of Sweden are experiencing the different forms of housing that the municipality has for disposal. The purpose is also to examine opinions - belonging to the social workers? representatives - concerning the value of motivational work in changing the lifestyles of assaulted and addicted women. The questions we have decided to examine are; how is the social services' work with assaulted and addicted women designed, how do the social workers experiences the situation on these forms of housing and what the social workers believe is promoting and inhibiting factors for motivation with assaulted and addicted women. The results in this study are built on qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers where both sexes are represented.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - Socialsekreterares upplevelser

The purpose of this study was to examine how social services in Örebro working with young people vulnerable to honor- related violence and oppression. Further the purpose was to investigate recognition of guidelines that could act as support in the work with honor- related violence and oppression, and also however the work with these honor-related cases could have an emotional impact on the social worker. To answer these questions a qualitative study using interviews was performed with four social workers in Örebro. The results have been analyzed and interpreted in relation to previous research conducted in the field of honor research. Further three theoretical perspectives have been used in the interpretation of the results; implementation theory, sociology of emotion and coping.

Balansgången mellan forskning och praktik : En kvalitativ studie av familjebehandlares kunskapsinhämtning- och tillämpning i evidensbaserad praktik.

AbstractAuthors: Carolina Magnusson and Johanna MagnussonTitle:  The balance between research and practice. A study of family therapist?s knowledge retrieval and the application of evidence-based practice.Supervisor: Jan Petersson Assessor: Peter HultgrenDuring our research we discovered that a very small amount of research had been conducted about the effect of the Social services. It inspired us to fulfill this study. The aim of the study is to describe and analyze what knowledge family therapists in two Swedish municipalities use in family therapy work.

Sociala medier och skolbibliotek ? En användarundersökning av efterfrågan av sociala medier på ett skolbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the role social media canplay in a school library context, based on a theoretical model,called ?A new model for the public library in a knowledge andexperienced society? by Henrik Jochumsen, Dorte Skot-Hansenand Casper Hvegaard Rasmussen.The bachelor thesis aim to answer three research questions, theyare as follow: Which request of social media is there by teachersand pupils at a high school library? Which social media is the mostrequested by teachers and pupils at a high school library? Andshould the library services for teachers and students be improved ifsocial media were used at a high school library?The methodology used for this study was an inquiry investigation.My findings are presented in a context of previous, relatedresearch and the study shows that teachers and pupils are wellinformed of what social media is and they use social media whenthey are at school.The thesis also shows that the unit I study, a vocational trainingunit, is more or less interested in what the school library can do forthem with social media.They seldom are at the school library and they seldom use theteach platform were they can find library services.This result can open up for the school library to meet the users at anew arena with for example social media..

Släktforskning på nätet : Onlinetjänsters påverkan på släktforskares informationsbeteende

With the technological development of the last decades, an increasing number of genealogists are carrying out their research online. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how and why genealogists' information behavior has been influenced by the use of online services for genealogy. Using a conceptual model of genealogists' information behavior as theoretical basis for the study, I examine how the use of online services affect genealogists? search process, what information they are looking for and what information resources they use.

Hur hanteras web services inom fastighetsautomation?

Detta examensarbete är en studie kring hur säkerhetsaspekter för web services hanteras inom fastighetsautomationsbranschen utifrån W3C:s riktlinjer. W3C är en organisation som godkänner och administerar nya Internetstandarder. Dessa riktlinjer omfattar säkerhet inom web services, men kan även fungera som en mall för både utveckling och användning. Dessa riktlinjer låg till grund för de intervjufrågor som skapades för undersökningen. Undersökningen genomfördes på sex organisationer med en intervjustudie, på grund av arbetets begränsningar användes telefonintervjuer.Studien syftar till att ge en närmare inblick i säkerhetstänkandet samt de för- och nackdelar som kan associeras till web services, samt utvecklingen av tekniken inom fastighetsautomationsbranschen.Studien visar att synen på säkerheten och tillämpningarna skilde sig mellan organisationerna och att riktlinjerna inte direkt kunde uppfyllas.

Regaining power through construction of identity? Experience of Multisystemic Therapy from a Youth?s Perspective

Literature and studies exist on how to create services in the best interest of the client or how these services have an impact on individuals. They are however mainly from a social work professional stand point and rarely from how clients would develop and create the services that can imply a life change for them. Especially when working with children under 18 years old issues of agency and age that can result in the disregard of the Convention on the Right of the Child (UNCRC). The target group of this study is therefore youth between the ages of 15 to 17 years old in three cities across Sweden to allow them to voice their opinion and experience of being in treatment. Resulting from that is the aim of this study ? to investigate how an intensive treatment method like Multisystemic Therapy is described from a client?s point of view.

Socialtjänstens arbete : Med kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld

The aim of the current study was to highlight the social service work with domestic violence against women. In this study, we examined whether there was a difference in the way the social service works and if their effort differ in terms of domestic violence. Moreover, this study investigated how social workers work to prevent future violence against victims also what method they use to find out the causes behind men?s violence against women.A total of four administrative officers were interviewed from two different municipalities. All four officers were actively working with questions concerning domestic violence against women.

Sexuella övergrepp mot barn : barnutredares erfarenheter av barnförhör

The aim of the study was to examine how child investigators in the police force interpret and apply the notification of preliminary investigation (FuK) and the po-lice act in their child investigative interviews with alleged victims of sexual abuse. Questions at issue were how child investigators relate to FuK 17-19 §§, re-garding child investigative interviews and to FuK 16 § and the police act 3 §, re-garding their co-operation with Social services. The theory and method used in this study was Sociology of Law. Qualitative interviews were conducted with eight child investigators, one from each police district in Stockholm. The results of the study conclude that despite special qualifications, child investigators may find themselves in difficulty in receiving or interpreting information from chil-dren, therefore they may need to consult a person with expert knowledge.

Den reflekterande ledarrollen i sociala organisationer

Abstract Author: Annika Sjögren ArvidsonTitle: The reflective leadership role in social service organizations Supervisor: Anders GiertzAssessor: Jan Petersson  I have studied the leadership role of unit managers in social service organizations and their relationship to the concept of reflective approach. I started from a curiosity about how and if unit managers within social services use the concept reflective approach in their leadership role, and how their organizations look upon this and what the consequences are. If in the long term, this affects the individual receiving assistance. All the interviewed persons come from different places, services and organizations. The study is qualitative, with a number of interviews conducted with unit managers.

Det är ju en familjehemlighet : En studie kring hur socialsekreterare förhåller sig till barn som upplever våld och deras behov av stöd

In November 2006 and July 2007, changes were made to the Social Services Law and the Criminal Injuries Law, defining children who have witnessed domestic violence as crime victims. The objective of our study is to examine if these changes have affected how social workers responsible for child protection inquiries interact with children who have witnessed domestic violence, and to what extent these children?s need of support are taken into account. Qualitative interviews have been carried out with five social workers, with the aim to evaluate how they meet and become aware of these children. Our problem-formulation is based upon the question how social services implement the recent changes to the law.

Genusperspektiv på barnavårdsutredningar : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att ta hänsyn till könsperspektiv i utredningsarbete av barn och unga

The purpose of this study was to examine social worker?s own experiences of dealing with gender perspectives in child welfare cases. With a constructionist perspective, this study is based on a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six social workers were asked to reflect on their work and their methodology, and how it relates to gender perspectives when assessing children and adolescents in child welfare services.The result shows that there is a lack of control and review that children are given a gender neutral treatment. It also shows that there was no explicit protocol for how to take a gender perspective into account when assessing children and adolescents needs of welfare services.

Skatterådgivning: En studie av skatterådgivningstjänster utifrån ett kundperspektiv

The purpose of this thesis is to achieve an increased understanding of factors and considerations of importance to larger companies? purchases of tax consultancy services. Based on a qualitative case study, the thesis more specifically analyzes purchasing companies? perception of quality in tax consultancy services, how the companies organize their purchases of such services and the relationship between purchasing companies and tax consultants. The study suggests that tax consultancy services constitute a heterogeneous group of services which are normally purchased by people in charge of either accounting or tax matters in the purchasing company.

Företagsbibliotek i förvandling : företagsbibliotekens tjänster i informationsåldern

A company library can only exist if it contributes to a positive result for the company. As endusers are beginning to perform searches on the Internet and have access to databases and electronic documents via their desktops it becomes important for company librarians to thoroughly think through what services should be offered to the users so that the library still contributes to the company s profit. The aim of this dissertation was to try to define the services that the company library offers its users having in mind the changes that have taken place concerning the availability of information. I also wanted to explore whether the librarians had the necessary competence to perform the services offered. Six information specialists were interviewed to give their view on the services their libraries offered.

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