13433 Uppsatser om Social services. - Sida 39 av 896
Sociala spel på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ studie om sociala spels påverkan på arbetsplatsrelationer
Social games have become a digital phenomenon over the last few years, affecting a lot of peoples everyday life. This paper focuses on how social games can affect workplace relationships. Through qualitative interviews I investigate how people who play with their colleagues experience the social games and their influence on the social interaction in the workplace. 10 interviews were carried out with people from four different organizations. The findings from these interviews were then put in relation to previous research and existing theories concerning workplace relationships and social games.
"Lika enkelt att pröva den där kärleksgrejen" : Svenska mäns erfarenheter av relationer som inletts med sexköp i Thailand En kvalitativ studie
The aim of this study in social work was to investigate, describe and analyze six Swedish men?s description and experiences of relationships with bargirls in Thailand, whom the men initially paid for sexual services. We also aim to find out how these men look upon prostitu-tion, masculinity and gender and we analyze these themes in relation to the men?s description of their relationships. The theoretical approach was social constructivist theories of masculini-ty in combination with gender theory.
Dynamate Industrial Services ? En framgångssaga : Examensprojektet beskriver industriorganisationen Dynamate Industrial Services (DIS) arbete som faller inom ramen för innovation. Utifrån innovationsteorier och empiriska studier av företaget, föreslås för
BakgrundDynamate Industrial Services (DIS) är en organisation som levererar tjänster till produktions- och tillverkningsindustrin. De arbetar inte uttalat med innovation men intresset och vetskapen om dess relevans för organisationens överlevnad i dagens ekonomiska samhälle ligger till grund för det här examensprojektet.ProblemformuleringUtmaningen är att identifiera och visa kopplingar till teorier om innovation och vilka konkurrensfördelar de ger. På så vis kan DIS uttalat utveckla innovationsarbetet och stå sig bättre på marknaden.SyfteHuvudsyftet med examensprojektet är att tydliggöra de interna processerna på DIS som potentiellt faller inom ramen för innovation och eventuellt ge förbättringsförslag kopplade till innovation. Syftet kopplat till lärandemålen är också att få kunskap och förståelse för innovativa processer och hur dessa tar sig uttryck i arbetslivet.MetodDet empiriska materialet i examensprojektet inhämtades genom en kreativ övning samt fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den empiriska informationen har därefter vägts mot den teori som selekterats och är av relevans för denna typ av studie.
Objektivitet i socialt arbete
Swedish law is very keen on the fact that every person should be treated equal when facing the legal system. When it comes to cases concerning children, social workers and judges are expected to strictly obey the rules of the law but at the same time make individual judgements based on the best interest of the child, something that requires a great deal of empathy and knowledge. Is it possible to live up to the maxim about equality and to simultaneously see the individual needs? With so many different parties and angles in the case, how does one manage to make a solid appraisal of the situation that truly serves the best interest of the child?The purpose of this study was to examine the capability within the social services with focus on objectivity. More specifically it's aim was to find out how the social workers and judges see their capability of being objective in the investigations concerning children.
Social kompetens - What?s the point? : En kvalitativ studie om hur begreppet används inom bemanningsbranschen.
The term ?social competence? is widely used by organizations in job advertisements, despite the problems of making a unified definition of it. The purpose of this study is to investigate which features the organizations require, why organizations require them and how the assessment is implemented for recruitment. To answer the purpose of this study, eight qualitative interviews conducted with recruiters from four different staffing agencies. Further a literature study was performed to define the concept of ?social competence? and its meaning, in order to later connect this to the result.
En kvalitativ studie av Social Enterprise som fenomen - Motsättningar i Social Enterprise bolag bottnar i marknadens bild av socialt företagande
A Social Enterprise is a business that features a mixture of characteristics that originates from the third and private sector. A general conception of Social Enterprises is that they aim to improve social welfare by the use of sustainable business models. The mixture of social and business features has created ambiguity about how to define Social Enterprises. The purpose of this study is to clarify Swedish Social Enterprises as a phenomenon and to examine antagonism that arises from mixing the two different sets of organisational characteristics. This is achieved by conducting a qualitative study of ten Swedish companies that the market considers to be Social Enterprises.
Ett folkbibliotek och dess användare: användares uppfattningar av service relaterade till verksamhetsintentioner
The aim of this MA thesis is to examine how users regard and receive the services offered by a specific public library. We also examine what the conception of service means to the users and how they perceive this service being offered by the library. We look upon if and to what extent the service conception depends on contact with the library staff. The methods used are qualitative interviews and analyses of documents directing the library activities. The public library we have examined in this respect is the public library of Västerås.
"Så länge man kan motivera ett beslut": en vinjettstudie av variation i bedömning om ekonomiskt bistånd
The purpose of this study was to examine divergences in assessments of social assistance in one big and one small social welfare office in the municipalities of Malmö. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We held interviews with social workers and their superiors. At the end of the interviews with the social workers we presented two vignettes, describing different cases of first time applications of social assistance. The social workers was asked to assess whether the application should be granted or not, and motivate their decisions.
Dockteater som mediering : En handgjord handling
The aim of this study was to shed light on the phenomenon of sex purchase amongst men from the perspective of professionals working at KAST*. Our main research questions concerned who the sex-purchasing men are, what their incentives are and furthermore how the professionals depict their work with these clients. In order to examine this we conducted three qualitative research interviews. The theoretical framework used to examine our results consisted of social constructivism and professional acting space. Main results show, contrary to research, that the ?typical? sex buyer does not exist, nor do specific motives.
Internet som samtalsrum : En studie som undersöker videosamtal över Internet som samtalsarena för stödsamtal
Internet's entry into our home has changed our communication capabilities. As a result more and more services in the digital world are available. Besides e.g. shopping, gaming and general information, different social networks now offer preventive and therapeutic health-oriented services. When being asked by several young people, with whom I have been working in a clinical setting, to offer conversations over the Internet that enables both to see and to hear each other in real time, I decided to conduct a pilot study which is presented in this paper. The aim was to investigate the feasibility of offering supportive therapy using video calls over the Internet.
Varför företag tackar nej till SLA:s tjänster : En studie om kundkontakt, relationer och motstånd till förändring
AbstractProblem: This thesis was made by a commission from Svensk Logistikanalys AB (SLA). SLA is a relatively new firm who is working as a freight broker for firms that wants to lower their freight costs. SLA contacted Jönköpings international business school because they experienced a problem with too many firms, that had SLA?s concept introduced to them, but turned down their services. On the basis of this, following purpose of the report has been stated.Purpose: In this thesis we will study companies that have said no to the services of SLA.
Ungdomar och social integration i Malmö: En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser av och syn på social integration i deras vardag
This paper examines, through questionnaire, how young students in upper secondary school in Malmo experience social integration. It also contain what they think should be done in order to improve the integration between youth that are ethnic Swedish and youth that have a foreign background. To understand the subject we started with a review over Swedish integration politic and its influence over Malmo and social integration in the country. We have used such theoretical starting points as identity and ethnicity in relations to the social surroundings, social affinity theory and flexible mindedness, making of groups among youth and factors to promote social integration. Our conclusion is that the experience of social integration between the two groups depends on how you experience yourself.
Köpa konsulter via konsult, en tuff match för bemanningsbranschen -Fallstudie av konsultmäklares förmåga att matcha bemanningskonsulter med konsultuppdrag
During the last two decades, temporary staffing has been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. The latest development within this industry is the integration of third-party providers of temporary staffing. Client organizations outsource the process of recruiting temporary workers to intermediaries with procurement management expertise. The concept is called Vendor Management Services (VMS) and aims to standardize decision-making and lower costs through improved efficiency. However, studies have shown that VMS intermediary functions have negative impact on placement matching.
?MÅLET FÖR ALLT ÄR NORMALITETEN? : En studie om politiska beslut, implementering och legitimitet kring insatsen skyddat boende i jourlägenhet i Jönköpings kommun
This thesis is a case study that examines what political decisions have been taken and how these policies have been implemented. Further this thesis discusses how legitimacy of local policy makers and implementors is affected. The subject studied have been the social service of Jönköping municipality and the intervention of safe-housing aimed at women who have been, or are subject to violence by person close to them. In our study we have examined local policy within the territory of the intervention and how this policy is implemented. A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used in combination with quantitative methods to examine protocols from the social welfare board and an action program named "Skydd och stöd för misshandlade kvinnor och deras barn? [Protection and support for abused women and their children].The purpose of this study has been to highlight how the social services implemented the local policy of safe-house accommodation in Jönköping municipality from the legitimacy and discretion perspectives.
"Förut visste jag inte riktigt vem jag var..." : Om projektet Ungbos betydelse för ungdomar och socialsekreterare i Kalmar kommun
The purpose of this essay was to examine what Ungbo in Kalmar has meant for the adolescent from their point of view and to examine the social workers opinions of Ungbo.My questions were: What expectations did the adolescent and the social workers have on Ungbo? How has these expectations been fulfilled? What expectations does the social workers think the adolescents has on Ungbo? How is the impact of involvement for the adolescents when planning the living environment in Ungbo? What changes has Ungbo brought to the adolescent? What changes has Ungbo brought in the work of the social workers? What does Ungbo mean for the adolescent? What does Ungbo mean for the social workers and what experiences does the social workers have on the importance of Ungbo for the adolescents? How has the teamwork been working around the adolescent during the time at Ungbo?The questions were answered by asking four adolescents and two social workers with their experiences of Ungbo. My study showed that Ungbo was of importance for the adolescents that has been a part of the project, but it is also important in the work of the social workers. The adolescents noticed a change in them selves after their stay in Ungbo. The social workers were positive to Ungbo but they felt a need for others resembling activities in Kalmar..