

13418 Uppsatser om Social services. - Sida 21 av 895

Bokbussen kommer och går ? men består? En undersökning av hur bokbussverksamhet skildrats i Biblioteksbladet 1945-2006

The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate a possible connection between the development of mobile library services in Sweden and the development of cultural policy during 1945-2006. Our main question is: is there a connection between the development of the mobile library services in Sweden, as described in Biblioteksbladet, and the development of cultural policy as portrayed by Anders Frenander and Dorte Skot-Hansen? In order to answer this question, we formulated two secondary questions: - How are the mobile library services described in Biblioteksbladet between 1945 and 2006? - Are there any similarities or dissimilarities between the development of the mobile library services and the development cultural policy as described in our theoretical models? If so, in what way? Our study covers the entire time period since the start of the mobile library services in Sweden in the late 1940s. The final year for our investigation is 2006.

Förändringen av barnets ställning i barnavårdsutredningen : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnets ställning förändrats i socialtjänstens barnavårdsutredningar sedan BBIC:s implementering

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Consumers' behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it-a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job databases

The thesis deals with consumers behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it. It is a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job data bases. The thesis is based on a quantitative study. A questionnaire were used sent out to 80 Swedes and 80 Danes. The theory concerns areas of online consumer behaviour, decision making and services theory as well as theories within culture in relation to services and behaviour.

??... att alltid ge bifall. Slippa avslagen. Men det funkar ju inte.?? : Frontlinjebyråkrater och handlingsutrymme

This investigation aimed to shed light on the terms of the dispensing and the retaining of municipal social benefits granted by Swedish social services, this in regard of a less visible societal subgroup; citizens who cannot attain or retain housing of their own.Through qualitative interviews with six municipal social workers in Skåne, the plight of these citizens is revealed from a policy-making perspective in respect of views on discretion and individual appreciation. How may the applicant impact the application process and how does social subletting operate as a service effort?Further analysis of the accounts of informants? views on change and the reasons for change, sketched an image of a society where public acceptance and tolerance are crucial factors for citizens hoping to achieve a homestead through means of municipal intervention.In conclusion, flexible attitudes towards job description are of major import to the possibility of offering client support in under-staffed municipal environs. Furthermore, reflexive social workers allying with the applicant throughout the process, from application to intervention are decisive for efficacious, long-term social work..

Internetbaserade abonnemangstjänster : Tillgänglighet, delaktighet och kontroll

This thesis researches the value creation process in Internet based subscription services in accordance with service dominant logic. The aim of the paper is to identify the characteristics of these services and to envisage the future of Internet based subscription services. The authors have utilized a qualitative method in their research which consists of personal interviews as well as a focus group. The main theoretical subjects that are discussed are value creation, customer participation and service dominant logic. The paper analyses the empirical findings by matching them with the theoretical framework.

Tjänst eller björntjänst? En studie av europaparlamentarikernas röstningsbeteende gällande EU: s tjänstedirektiv

When studying the voting behaviour of the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) concerning the Services Directive within the EU, what patterns can be observed? With a starting point in previous findings about voting behaviour, this study analyses the results of the given Roll-call votes in the European Parliament in regards to the Services Directive. Here I focus on the division of votes within and between the member states and the parliamentary political groups; with the aim to identify patterns that might show clash of opinion concerning this issue. I found that ideology seems to play a role in the MEPs voting behaviour. Parties on the far left reach the highest level of cohesion and together with the party on the far right, they voted against the Directive, but due to different reasons.

Skolkuratorers samverkan med socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelse av samverkan och möjligheten att utveckla samverkan utifrån den egna yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to investigate how school counselors experienced collaboration with social services and whether they felt they have the ability to improve upon this collaboration. The empirical data consists of qualitative interviews with eight school counselors from public schools, ages 13 to 15, in eight separate municipalities in the Stockholm area. The main results showed that the school counselors recognized the positive benefits from collaboration, but that they in practice experienced difficulties turning this into a high-quality collaboration. The school counselors experienced that due to uncertain expectations in the collaboration it led to unclear distribution of areas of responsibilities. The school counselors expressed small or no possibilities for them to improve upon collaboration but pointed out that higher commitment and a positive attitude are valuable attributes to improving collaboration.

Hedersrelaterat våld : En studie om socialarbetares förståelse av hedersrelaterat våld

After the honor killings of Fadime and Pela, an extensively discussion started in the media, debating honor-related violence and oppression. This debate also made us, the authours of this paper, to pay attention to the problem. As a professional in social work, there are several good points to be made by having an in-depth knowledge in the field, both to discover individuals exposed to honor-related violence and to be able to protect them. The study was conducted by four qualitative interviews with professionals in social work with a professional experience of honor-related problems. Through the interviews, the social worker's view of honor problems emerged.

CAN-understödda FMS-tjänster för entreprenadbranschen

The comprehensive purpose of this Master of Science thesis is to examine which fleetmanagement services for engineering vehicles, ?Fleetech? preferablyought to develop inorder to reach a broad market and meet the demands of contractors.Scanty explained, fleet management is the management of a company's vehicle fleet and theservices can include a range of functions such as driver management and fuel management. Inshort the thesis encompasses four sections:1.Survey of the general contractor industry: The survey has been preformed toevaluate the potential size of the market for fleet management services in the generalcontractor industry.2.Needs analysis: The needs analysis aim was to define what contractors tasks andgoals are, and to determine what functions they want and need from a system.3.The use of CAN and the technical premises: The prerequisite for developing asophisticated and generic system is that vehicle data can be accessed from the CANbuss.The use of CAN standards in construction equipment has therefore beenexamined.4.Specification: An explicit set of requirements have been set to be satisfied by a fuelmanagement service, based on CAN standard protocol J1939.Important conclusions: The use of CAN protocol standards are extensive and the prerequisitesfor developing elementary and CAN based services good. The services should be compatiblewith different manufacture?smachines.

Kvinnojourerna och myndighetssverige. Kvinnojourernas ställning i det svenska samhället.

The violence against women is an important matter. In Sweden there are several organisations that takes care of the women and children in need.One of the many organizations you can turn to is women's shelter organizations. They are nonprofit organizations. They depend on the contribution of peoples free time and on the government's awareness of the work that the organization do. The social services has the main responsibility to take care of women and children in need.

Svenska statens inköp av finansiell rådgivning: Ramavtalsupphandlingen för finansiell rådgivning avseende statligt ägda bolag 2004

This study finds that the Swedish Government has a process for purchasing financial advisory services that is more transaction-oriented than the corresponding process at a Swedish private equity firm. The conclusion is supported by previous research comparing public and private sector purchasing processes. However, the differences between the two purchasing processes are not as significant as one might believe given the fact that the Government, unlike the private equity firm, has to operate under the Public Procurement Act (LOU). The tendency of the Swedish Government to apply a more relationoriented purchasing approach than expected is most likely driven by the fact that this represents the established professional norm for purchasing of professional services in the private sector. As LOU and the professional norm impose contradictory influences on the Swedish Government?s purchasing of financial advisory services, the final outcome depends on which of the two forces that dominate..

Klienten som kunskapskälla : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares kunskapskällor och kunskapsanvändning

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze how social workers working in social services using evidence based practice with special focus on the clients? experiences and wishes as source of knowledge in collecting information, assessment and decision. To get to the social workers experiences and descriptions we used a qualitative method with semistructured interviews. The empiric material of the study consists of eight interviews with social workers working in different social offices in different areas, in southern Sweden. The main result of this study was that social workers use clients? experiences and wishes differently in different parts of the investigations.

Streamingtjänster av film och dess framtida utveckling som substitut för illegal nedladdning : Konsumenternas syn på digitala tjänster och de förbättringar som krävs för ett hållbart paradigmskifte

In this paper we aim to delve deeper into the film industry and how their approach to streaming services such as Netflix might be the solution to the problems with piracy (people downloading illegally instead of paying for the products) - but before they can change the mindset of people, they have to overcome some issues that might make it hard for the film industry to adapt a fully functionable streaming sollution in the veins of Spotify. To come up with some conclusions regarding this matter, we focused our study on the consumers rather than the industry in order to get a better understanding about what the consumers think about the streaming services of film that are offered today. We used both surveys and interviews in order to gather information regarding the consumers thoughts on how the landscape of film distribution has evolved to a point where Video-on-Demand offers the opportunity to watch movies and TV-series whereever and whenever they want. Our research shows that the majority of consumers are willing to pay for streaming services of film and hold the new technology in high regard. However, the concensus among the consumers that were involved in our study shows that the streaming services offered today have to evolve even further in the future before it can fully work as a substitute for illegal downloading.

Barn och ungdomar som begår sexuella övergrepp : Socialsekreterares perspektiv

Introduction: The National Board of Health and Welfares conclusion was that today there was a low awareness about children who act sexually toward others and how their problems can be handled. This requires extensive work by school personnel and social workers to give the children the support they need. Aim: The aim was to investigate social workers perception in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Method: A qualitative method was utilized with semi-structured interviews to describe social workers perceptions in cases concerning children and adolescents who committed sexual assault. Four social workers from different communities were interviewed in southern Sweden.

Sociala medier som strategisk kommunikationsresurs för varumärkesbyggande inom hotell- och turismbranschen

The social media arena is rapidly growing and more and moreorganisations take part in the daily ongoing conversations indifferent social media channels. Conversations are being heldacross borders on every available topic and ratings and reviews ofconsumer products and services is one of them. This focus onglobalisation is also the reality of the hospitality- and tourismindustry. Their customers travel across borders and are eager,given the opportunity, to share their experiences with each other.As organisations within the hospitality- and tourism industry meetthese demands in terms of providing technological infrastructurefor information sharing and involve themselves in theseconversations there are some issues that need to be addressed.What does the logic of social media look like? How iscommunicating in social media any different from traditionalmarket communication? And how can hospitality- and tourismorganisations adapt their communication to fit into the logic ofsocial media?To conclude how organisations within the hospitality- and tourismindustry can benefit from the use of social media, I haveinterviewed representatives from a number of organisations andstudied their communication.

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