16278 Uppsatser om Social science visualization techniques - Sida 25 av 1086
Sin egen lyckas smed... :en kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares drivkraft för att stanna kvar i yrket
The purpose of our paper was to understand the motivators that kept the social workers within the profession. Social workers' have a profession that, to the greatest extent, means high working load and difficult problematic issues. On the basis of this starting point we asked us why so many social workers still choose to remain within the profession for several years. The purpose of our paper is to understand what motivates the social workers to stay within their profession. To understand which are the motivators, we decided to use the theory salutogeent perspective with Aaron Antonvsky's sense of coherence.
Språkutveckling i förskolan : -en intervjustudie om pedagogers arbete med språkutveckling för barn
AbstractIn my work on language development in preschool the purpose was to examine how and to what extent the pre-school supports children with special needs in their language development. Trough qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers, I wanted to see how they work with language development in preschool. In the study, Main questions asked in the inquiry :How do teachers and support children?s language development?What techniques, resources and tools available to facilitate language development? The conclusion that I made from my inquiry is that the primary language stimulation methods teachers use to encourage children?s language development are rhymes telling, books reading and song singing based on active selection of pieces that match the children?s maturity level.And how they are using different language stimulation techniques Karlstad model, TAKK (Signs of augmentative and alternative communication) and TRAS (Early registration of language development) to promote children?s language development. Keyword: Language development, language stimulation, treatment, communication, methods..
Kvalitetskontroll och kvalitetsutveckling i Utredningshemmets utrednings- vård- och behandlingsverksamhet : Vad tycker socialtjänst, föräldrar och ungdomar?
Utredningshemmet in Hässleholm, Sweden, is a special residential home for acute management and investigative evaluation of juvenile delinquents.Utredningshemmet has, since 1991, used an investigative model, which is based on systems theory. The investigative work is done in close co-operation with social workers, youths and their parents.This study takes into account the youths, who have had a commissioned placement to carry out an investigation of their needs of care and treatment, 71 juvenile delinquent cases. They are divided into three one year intervals: 17 cases in 1993, 28 cases in 1998 and 26 cases in 2003.The purpose of this evaluation is to illustrate changes in the social workers, parents and youth's level of satisfaction during the development of the special residential home's investigative model.Approximately one to three months after discharges social workers, youths and their parents completed a level of satisfaction questionnaire. The results demonstrate no significant difference in the level of satisfaction between different time periods. There are, however, differences in satisfaction levels between social workers, who have the highest level of satisfaction, parents, who have the next highest level and finally the youths level of satisfaction..
Ungdomar och narkotika : En litteraturstudie om varför en del ungdomar prövar/använder narkotika
The purpose of this essay was to study factors that influence some youth to use narcotics. I wanted to increase my understanding and knowledge about these factors. I believe it is good to have such knowledge when you are working with youth who are using narcotics but also for a good drug-prevented work. It is a literary study, which covers the most frequently quoted results in the field of research.The questions for my study were:· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a individual level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a group level?· Which factors influence youth to use narcotics on a society level?My conclusion of this study was that youth often use narcotics because of many different factors and it is youth from all social groups in the society who are testing and using narcotics..
Lika barn leka bäst : En jämförande studie av Socialdemokraternas och Moderaternas partiprogram 1990-2013
C-essay in political science by Dennis Callejas Gidlund, ht-14. Supervisor: FreddyKjellström.?Great minds think alike. An comparativa study of the Social Democrats and theModerates parties programme 1990-2013.?The purpose with the essay is to examine if the Social Democrats and the Moderates havegotten closer within labor market policies, education policies and also within the view ofmigration and integration.
Implementering av entreprenöriellt lärande
The implementation problem refers to the situation when political decisions are not implemented as intended by the decision makers. In this thesis I examine how one part of the new school reform GY11 has been implemented in Social Science in high school in Sweden. The part that interests me is entrepreneurial learning. Using implementation theory, and the actor properties understand, can and will, as described by Lennart Lundquist, I have interviewed five high school Social Science teachers in Malmö and Lund. The result was that they all understood the concept of entrepreneurial learning.
Islam i det svenska samhället ur ett integrationsperspektiv
The role of Islam in integrative work in Swedish societyThe main purpose of this report was to describe the role of Islam in integrative work in Swedish society. Questions connected to the purpose were: Is Islam a possibility or an obstacle to integration? Which arguments are used to describe Islam as a possibility or an obstacle? How are the different views on Islam expressed in integrative work? Which are the consequenses of such views?A qualitative method with an empirical research and a thematic analysis has been applied to the material. The empirical research consists of interviews.The results of this report describe Islam neither as a possibility nor as an obstacle from a political view. By muslims and researchers Islam can be regarded both as a possibility and as an obstacle in integrative work.
Forskningsfronten inom informationsvetenskap ? en bibliometrisk analys
The aim of this study is to analyze and describe the research front within information science. To reach this purpose we ask the following research question: Which research themes can be identified within the subject field of information science by using bibliographic coupling in combination with cluster analysis.The data for our study consists of articles from the journals Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Journal of Documentation throughout the years 2004-2006. The bibliographic information from the articles was analyzed with the combined methods of bibliographic coupling and cluster analysis. This gave fifteen clusters within which we identified research themes. When analyzing these results we found four main fields of research within the research front of information science: Information retrieval, bibliometrics, knowledge organization and information science as research discipline.
Att bryta isoleringen - sociala faktorer i nätbaserad distansutbildning
Detta projekt fokuserar på distansstudenter och deras studiesituation i tre
nätbaserade kurser. Genom en empirisk studie bestående av samtal med studenter
och lärare, samt deltagande observation, har vi försökt finna lösningar för att
förbättra studenternas lärandemiljö. De sociala faktorerna visade sig vara av
stor betydelse i en studieform som tidigare kännetecknats av isolation mellan
studenter och lärare. Projektet visar på hur en nätbaserad utbildningsplattform
genom enkla tekniska lösningar kan ta hänsyn till studentens behov i fråga om
att stödja kommunikation och samarbete..
Alla ser såren, men det är inte där det gör ont: en studie om varför flickor skär sig och adekvat behandling
The aim with this study was to examine professional peoples' view on the reason why females, under the age of 18 years old, self-harm and the professionals view on their treatment. The study is qualitative and based on eight interviews with professional personnel who work with young females with self-harm behavior in the region of Skåne. To be able to analyze our qualitative interviews we used two theories; the attachment theory and trauma theory. The results of this study show that there are many different functions with the self-harm behavior and that the cause of the behavior can be different among the females. Most of the young females seem to self-harm to reduce anxiety but some also do it to punish themselves, to feel alive or to belong to a group of friends.
Den manliga heterosexuella normen En analys av SAB-systemet utifrån ett feministiskt och queerteoretiskt perspektiv
The aim of this Masters thesis is to conduct an analysis of the Swedish classification system the SAB-system from a feminist and queer theoretical perspective. The theoretical framework of the study is feminist and queer theory as well as theories from Library and Information Science, mainly classification theory. The study takes its departure from the idea of classification systems as social constructs, reflecting their time, place and society. Paul Ricoeurs critical hermeneutics is used as methodological guidance. This gives room for a critical perspective in the interpretation.
Medverkan och inflytande : om brukarnas roll i socialtjänstens kunskapsutveckling
The main purpose of this essay was to study the program "Nationellt stöd för kunskapsutveckling inom socialtjänsten" ("National support for knowledge development within the social services") from the National Board of Health and Welfare on the basis of how such a development, as represented by the program, could affect clients' possibilities to participation and influence within the social services.To respond to the purpose I used the following questions at issue:* How is client participation and client influence defined in the program?* What arguments for and/or against client participation and client influence are stated?* Which patterns and similarities/differences are possible to discern between the municipalities and universities that participated in the program when it comes to client participation and client influence?The study was conducted as a document analysis. I studied documents from the program both on a national and a local level. The essay uses empowerment theories and theories concerning client participation and client influence. The main conclusions were that on the national level the authors of the documents spoke with caution about their view on client participation and client influence and expressed that it had to be balanced against the rights of the citizens and the social workers for example.
Politisk organisationsform i ett informationssamhälle: Kan globaliseringsrörelsen lära från näringslivet?
I denna uppsats behandlas ämnet politisk organisering. Frågorna som tas upp är huruvida globaliseringsrörelsen bör organisera sig i partier eller agera utomparlamentariskt i sociala rörelser och om deliberation är ett effektivt påverkansmedel för att förändra de institutioner de vänder sig emot. Utifrån en teoretisk diskussion om hur företag de senaste decennierna omorganiserats som en följd av bland annat 60- och 70-talens uppror och framstegen inom digital informationsteknologi samt debattmaterial från globaliseringsrörelsen diskuteras frågorna.Uppsatsens resultat är att den mest effektiva organisationsformen i dagens läge är nätverk av sociala rörelser. Deliberation framstår inte som särdeles effektivt kanske främst på grund av att det skulle innebära att rörelserna tvingas anpassa sig och bli mer lika de hierarkiska institutioner de vill förändra..
Kreativitetens olika ansikten i psykosocialt arbete
The purpose of this study was to examine creativity in psychosocial work. The aim issues where to find out how creativity develops in social work, why the relation is important for the innovativeness and how the creativeness can change a person. Through a qualitative method with interviews of four persons in psychosocial work and with one man who's a professor in philosophy, four relevant themes were identified. The themes are about the relation, the meeting, the dialog and the changing. All four themes are related to creativity and I used existential, philosophic and also psychoanalytic theories when I analyzed the material.
Lust och disciplin: Medelålders kvinnors konsumtion i det senmoderna samhället
The purpose was to look into the pattern of consumption among middleage women. Our questions were how women experienced the need to consume, how they defined the expression of consumption and if there was a difference between "shopping" and "buying". The research has been done through eight qualitative interviews and searching in litterature, illuminating our questions.All women defined consumption as satisfying basic needs. According to them everything bought on a daily bases is consumption. More difficult to define was the experience of "need".