

12939 Uppsatser om Social rights - Sida 5 av 863

Mänskliga rättigheter i postkonfliktuella samhällen : en studie av Etiopiens och Eritreas efterlevnad av grundläggande rättigheter sedan 2001

This essay is aimed at exploring how governments inclination to adhere to international human rights law develops in the wake of interstate conflicts. It examines how human rights in Eritrea and Ethiopia has developed after the war in 1998-2000 by examining the historical background to the war, and reviewing country reports from United States State Department and Amnesty International between 2001-2005.The result of the paper shows that Eritrea's adherence to human rights suffered setbacks, and that some of these happened due to the aftermath of the war. Ethiopia also had some lesser setback primarily due to internal turmoil. The essay concludes that states adherence to human rights in postconflict situations depend on if the war severely weakened the state, in which case the state becomes more repressive in order to cling to power..

Kan inhyrning av personal utgöra ett otillåtet kringgående av företrädesrätten?

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the issue of preferential rights in relation to the increased practice of hiring temporary staff. The object is illuminated from a diversity perspective by seeing what a circumvention of the preferential rights may have consequences for vulnerable groups on the Swedish labor market. The question of preferential rights to reinstatement is controlled in  The Employment Protection Act. The preferential right is for the protection of workers made redundant due to redundancy. The use of agency workers has increased significantly in the Swedish labor market since the industry's legalization in 1993. This has created some problems in terms of preferential rights. To a circumvention of the law, shall exist requires that the measures constitute circumvention is justified, measures should have been sought to circumvent the law and been unfair in view of the particular case.

Must I move to be with my family? The right to family reunification in EU law and the problem of reverse discrimination

The Court of Justice of the European Union has progressively revised the rule of purely internal situations to ensure a wider scope of application of the economic freedoms as well as the EU citizenship right to move and reside freely within the Union. This development, combined with the increasing importance of fundamental rights, has strengthened the family life protection of those EU citizens who come within the scope of EU law. The limit between the individuals who may benefit from a EU right to family reunification and fundamental rights protection and those who find themselves in purely internal situations has, however, become more legally uncertain. The disadvantage suffered by those who fall outside the scope of EU law is known as reverse discrimination.The 2011 case Zambrano confirmed the trend towards an increasingly generous EU law protection of family life in cases where the exercise of freedom of movement and enjoyment of EU citizenship rights is potentially restricted by a Member State measure. By contrast, in the subsequent McCarthy- case, it became clear that families in purely internal situations may only rely on national immigration and procedural law to obtain family reunification and protection of their fundamental rights.

Jämlikhet, frihet och kulturell mångfald - en studie om normativa ideal och kulturella rättigheter i offentliga utredningar

To create fair conditions between the majority and minorities in a cultural diverse society poses a challenge for both the makers of government policy and the political theorist. The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish government official reports concerning integration and minority rights, with a special interest in values and cultural rights. As a methodological tool a theoretical model that classifies cultural rights is developed and the three normative doctrines lockean libertarianism, comprehensive liberalism and multiculturalism are distinguished from the discussion about how politics ought to be in a multicultural society. Through this perspective rights and values in the official reports are identified and analyzed. The result shows three different standpoints in the reports concerning which cultural minority group they are discussing.

Jämlika villkor? En diskursanalys av LOs presentation av arbetskraftsinvandring under åren 2000-2006

Central labour market actors have come to an agreement ? Sweden is going to need labour migration. In spite of the agreement the actors disagree upon how the labour migration should be designed. This essay examines how the union organisation, LO presents labour migration in their rapports during the years 2000-2006. This is done through Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory and a merge with postcolonial theory.

Impact of Regulations on Innovation Performances in EU:

Innovation has been identified as one of the key factors for economic growth long ago. However, the emergence of ?knowledge century? further strengthened the role of the concept since proper management of the knowledge is essential to make the best out of the innovative capacity of the companies as well as the countries. This necessitates a balanced intellectual property rights (IPR) systems, since these rights provide the basis to solve the market failures faced by innovating firms by creating property rights over knowledge. There is an inherent dilemma between invention and diffusion.

Kvinnors roller i det vikingatida samhället : Spår av kvinnor i text och ting

This paper deals with rights of women and their social role during the Viking Age. The method is to compare things and written material.In the written material, three cases of rape have been identified. How each of these cases where looked upon differs; legally the punishment for rape was exile. Violence against wives implied their right to divorce, whereby they were entitled to take with them a great part of the family´s capital, namely their dowry and morning gift.A husband and wife did not inherit each other but a widow could inherit from her children if they died without offspring.Women buried in boat graves indicate that they had a function or were closely involved in the cult. From two graves, the Aska Grave and the Oseberg Grave, the findings can be interpreted as indicating a change in the social behaviour.

Att bara vara barn - En studie i hur fysisk bestraffning av barn är kopplat till det juridiska klimatet för unga i USA

United States is one of the two countries in the world that have not ratified the convention on the rights of the child, and one of the few countries that sentences children less than 18 years to life in prison without parole. Besides this, corporal punishment is legal in all the states of USA. This essay is aimed at researching how these three factors affect one another in the American context and what consequences may come out of it. By the use of reports from NGO's and UN treaties together with various theories about the subject in question, I have looked into the juridical climate for today's young Americans.The conclusion of the essay shows that there is a tendency in the United States to control violence with violence, from a local level and further to a state level. As long as this attitude proceeds, the situation for children at risk for being sentenced to life sentence will not improve..

Identitetens språk : Svensklärares attityd till dialekt i Värmland

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze laws that completely prohibit abortion through a legal philosophical perspective. To demonstrate that abortion blanket bans cannot be seen as legally legitimate, the author has completed a literature study where she uses Robert Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? to analyze abortion laws both in general, and in Nicaragua in particular.Based upon Alexy?s ?Concept of Law? the author has identified three relevant key elements ? social efficacy, the argument from injustice and correctness of content - which she uses in her analysis. In order to apply these three elements on the total abortion ban, she then uses four different analysis tools - feminist theory, Human Rights, deontology analysis and right analysis. This has enabled a thorough analysis of the total ban on abortion that has demonstrates that such laws cannot be considered legitimate.By highlighting the human rights violations the law entails, one can conclude that the law has a social impact.

Mellan tvång & frivillighet : Förebyggande insatser i LVU

The purpose of this paper is to determine the established law and make researches into non-institutional compulsory care (?mellantvång?) paragraph 22 The Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (from now on called LVU) and examine whether the administration of the law is in harmony with the best interests of the child.This paper combines two methods : traditional judicial method and a social science method. In the juridical part the sources of law have been studied and in the social sciences part semi-structured interviews have been conducted with five respondents. The theoretical framework consists of ideas and theories about the best interests of the child, a concept which is one of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's core principles.This study shows that the legislator has identified a problem and an existing need and found a solution to this by introducing a non-institutional compulsory care, paragraph 22 LVU. The problem is that Social Services do not make use of the restraint.

Att säkerställa rätten att nyttja utrymme/anläggning i annans fasta egendom - exemplet Trafikverket

A property is owned with ownership which in turn may be granted limited rights to acquire the use of land or space in another's property. Tenancies and easements are the most common limited rights. Trafikverket has a range of different rights that are linked to its properties. There are rights that work in favour of Trafikverket?s property as well as against them.

Fader Vår : om fäder med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar

Most studies on parenthood and learning difficulties focus on mother and child, and very little is know about fathers with learning difficulties. Moreover, people with learning difficulties are rarely asked to tell their own narratives. The aim of the current study is to identify the role of the father in families where one or both of the parents have learning difficulties. Laws and regulations concerning the rights of people with learning difficulties in Sweden are accounted for and the he social support system for all parents in Sweden are described .The empirical study is a qualitative phenomenological interview study, inspired by narrative traditions, and describes how fathers with learning difficulties experience these support systems. The main data are two life stories of fathers with learning difficulties and one observation in a family.The findings suggest that although Sweden has a highly regarded disability policy and social support system, and even though fathers with learning difficulties are assured equal rights as members of the society and as parents by the Act of Human Rights, they are not treated equal but still faces structural inequalities.

Surfplattan som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel

This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with staff from three Egyptian NGOs in Cairo during the spring of 2013. The study examines how three Egyptian NGOs discuss the woman?s situation within the Islamic legal discourse in the contemporary Egypt. The empiric material was analysed through a theoretical framework of gender in Islam, and a discussion of the concept of human rights laws in a local context.The respondents emphasize the societies gender stereotypes as obstacles in the discussion regarding women?s rights.

Bekämpande av barnfattigdom : hur fyra aktörer i det civila samhället i Uppsala kommun uppfattar och hanterar barnfattigdom

ABSTRACT Poverty, and in particular child poverty, is a serious social problem. Statistics show that the number of children living in poverty has increased over the last ten years. Earlier research shows that there are huge gaps in our knowledge of how the actors in civil society handle child poverty. With this study we hope to help fill this gap. The aim of our study is to look at how four different organisations working in the civil society in Uppsala perceive and handle child poverty.

Rättsenlighet och ansvarstagande i de ensamkommande flyktingbarnens asylprocess

Earlier this year the Swedish migration board gave a part of their responsibility for the separated children to those municipalities that have signed an agreement with them, so that the children can get the best handling of their matters and also to lift the heavy pressure of the Swedish migration board. Our aim in this paper is to see how this division is made and which areas of responsibility they have. We want to see how this process is being handled in relation to these children?s rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Swedish law. To get the best information possible we used a qualitative method.

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