

12516 Uppsatser om Social representations - Sida 63 av 835

Transdiagnostiska faktorer vid samsjuklig kronisk smärtproblematik och social ångest : - en tvärsnittsstudie

Denna tvärsnittsstudie syftade till att undersöka samförekomst av smärtrelaterad rädsla och social ångest i ett kliniskt sample med kronisk smärtproblematik. Syftet var också att beskriva och kontrastera samvariation av transdiagnostiska faktorer i eventuella subgrupper. Datan bestod av enkätsvar från 196 deltagare i Social ångest smärta-projektet som leds av Örebro universitet och Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala. En klusteranalys fick fram fyra subgrupper bland deltagarna. En subgrupp utmärkte sig för hög komorbiditet.

Övervakning, finansiella belöningar och effektiv kunskapsöverföring? : En fallstudie i social kontroll och dess inverkan på kunskapsöverföring

Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur ett företag på ett framgångsrikt sätt kan ha ett fungerande system för kunskapsöverföring genom en stark kontroll från huvudkontoret. Detta är en fallstudie på ett företags kunskapsöverföring mellan huvudkontor och filialer, där den traditionella agencyteorin och den moderna resursbaserade forskningen testas. Fallföretagets styrka i kunskapsöverföringen är social kontroll som leder till en stark sammanhållning och öppenhet i kommunikationen samt låg förekomst av hierarkiska hinder. Studien är begränsad till ett företags kunskapsöverföring mellan huvudkontor och filial och kan därför inte helt generaliseras. I studien framkommer att kombinationen av finansiell- och social kontroll är ett bra verktyg för en framgångsrik kunskapsöverföring mellan huvudkontor och filial..

Användargenererad livestreaming, nätgemenskaper & social interaktion : En kvalitativ undersökning gällande interaktion mellan tittare och streamare på plattformen Twitch

The popularity of video games has been boosted by the rise of user-generated live streaming platforms, and the biggest of them all is Twitch. The popularity depends on Twitch alignment of live streamed video games. The stream is created by a player who broadcast and streams the video game online. The video game can then be watched by a viewer that is interested in the video game. In every stream there is an implemented live chat that allows the viewer to interact with the streamer while the stream is online.

Studenters konsumtionsvanor kring restaurangbesök : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsklasser

The purpose of this essay is mainly to study the reason behind students' visits to restaurants, and also their restaurant habits. The study also intends to find a possible difference in students dining habits among the different social classes; working class and middle class.  This study contains qualitative methods. The qualitative research method is in the shape of deep interviews with ten students from different social classes who?s registered at Södertörns  högskola. The results of this investigation show that the consumer society along with the respondent?s habitus and access to capital, has influenced and created their opinions and habits around eating out. This has also created the similarities and differences between them. Keywords:Habtitus, consumption, restaurant, social class, consumer society.

The controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time: a literature study.

The purpose of this study was to examine the controversy surrounding the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program over time. Which course has the Swedish methadone assisted rehabilitation program, and the controversy surrounding it, taken since the start? Which arguments have been for and which have been against a methadone assisted rehabilitation program in Sweden, and what are these arguments based on? We chose to write this thesis as a literature study to get a broad and in depth picture of the development of the program in Sweden. In our analysis we used social constructionism and a medical aspect on substance abuse as theories.It is clear that it has been, and still are, differences in opinions when it comes to the effects of the program. As early as in the 1980's the methadone assisted rehabilitation program was scientifically proved effective and approved by the Swedish Board of Health and Social Affairs.

Moral över lag : beslutsfattande dilemman

The purpose of this paper has been to reach a greater understanding in how moral inflicts social workers way of handling everyday situations. In what way, if in any way, moral comes to play a part in the making of decisions. In order to reach this understanding we have interviewed two different groups of social workers which we also later on came to compare . One of the groups contained six interviewees and the other group contained five interviewees. Both of these groups were in the ages between 27 ? 52.To shed some light over this phenomenon did we use two theoretical perspectives, first Kant?s morale theory and second, consequentialistic utilitarism theory.As a result from the interviews we?ve made, we came to an understanding that the meaning of morale and in what way it can be applied in the everyday work differs between these two professional groups.

Det mörka hörnet? Ett förslag till en relativistisk postmodernism

abstractThe aim of this essay is to try to convince the reader that relativism and postmodernism (the latter implying the former, but not the other way around) can be reasonable methods for the social sciences, rather than the irresponsible play of ?extremes? theories of this kind sometimes are made out to be.The intention is to do this by way of the later Wittgenstein, the philosophy of whom is the foundation for what is termed relativism and postmodernism in this essay (definitions of a kind that are here claimed to be missing from the discourse of the social sciences). The essay also contains an empirical presentation/analysis, displaying the Wittgensteinian theory through an aspect of the American Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and -60s..

Utveckling av Flashapplikation - "Avatarskapare"

This report describes the development of an application in collaboration with Designingenjörerna AB. The company has worked for a long time with a community platform and they required an application where users can create their own unique profile representations, called Avatar Creator. An Avatar Creator is computer based application, which makes it possible to create a virtual character. The problem area behind this is that, large websites require a lot of administrative work when people upload profile pictures on different community pages. They can contain abusive material or pictures of other people rather than those who created the profile.The questions in this report are, how can an Avatar Creator help user to get a unique profile of himself? What are the advantages and disadvantages of an Avatar Creator? How to create a user-friendly application?To understand how an Avatar Creator works and get ideas to create an application, exiting Avatar Creators were reviewed on the Web.Collaborative work with Designingenjörerna AB was done to pin down the requirements for the Avatar creator application.

Är det ett varande eller ett görande förhållningssätt som har betydelse för att må och fungera bättre?

Abstract Integrated mental training is a method that entails a systematic and long-term training of mental processes (thoughts, images, emotions) that aims to enhance performance as well as gratify feelings and improve thought processes. This training develops an alternative system of control by using substitute state of consciousness and self-hypnosis. The method is concerned with both mindfulness and performance approaches, which is crucial in order to feel and function better. The intent of this study is to highlight the experience of the different steps of integrated mental training to gain an understanding of how, where, and when changes occur. To achieve the objective of this study, a qualitative empirical method was used.

?Vi har haft tur här på Gotland?? : en studie om socialsekreterares psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The exposed position of a social worker entails serious demands to their working environment. The experience of the working environment is coherent with various circumstances such as physical, technical and psychosocial factors. The aim of this study is to investigate how social workers in Gotland experience their psychosocial working environment. As a theoretical ground we describe the working environment regulations and it´s framework. Previous national and international research enlighten issues such as definitions of threat and violence, the significance of education and policys within social work, social support and riskfactors.

Socialt entreprenörskap som varumärkesprofilering

AbstractInterest in the subject appeared from real events. We seemed to discern a trend in society. Wehave noted that the amount of social enterprises to a greater extent is formed in Sweden.Companies like GodEl, Postkodslotteriet and DEM Collective are typical illustrations ofcompanies included in the category of social enterprise. It seemed as socially profiledcompanies is the new generation companies. The purpose of this essay is to make aninventory of possible competitive advantages that arise from social branding.

Ledarskap i framtidens idrottsförening : En kvalitativ studie om samhällsförändringars betydelse för föreningsledare och deras förening

Change is a recurring element in society and for sports clubs. When there is a change in society, this change may have an impact and change the condition for sports clubs and its leaders. Changes can be degraded into trends. This study has been delimited to study four social trends that research shows may have an impact on sports club, which are; Increased commercialization, changing demographics, changing communication patterns and increased individualization. To help sports clubs in their development it is of value to find out how these changes are perceived.

Värderingar och villighet att betala extra : En kvantitativ studie gällande miljömärkning och social produktmärkning av mobiltelefoner

Värderingar är ett centralt begrepp inom psykologin och handlar om vad man anser vara viktigt i livet. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på hur värderingar påverkar människors vilja att betala mer för livsmedel som har miljö- eller social produktmärkning. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka värderingar och viljan att betala extra för en mobiltelefon med miljö- eller social produktmärkning hos personer i Uddevalla, Vänersborg och Trollhättan. Resultaten påvisade att de deltagare som var villiga att betala extra för mobiltelefoner med social produktmärkning lade störst vikt vid värderingen solidaritet och de deltagare som var villiga att betala extra för mobiltelefoner med miljömärkning lade störst vikt vid välvilja. Detta resultat ligger i linje med tidigare forskning.

Social kompetens: ur rekryterares och arbetssökandes perspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och beskriva social kompetens ur rekryterares och arbetssökandes definition av begreppet. Syftet är även att undersöka hur rekryterare mäter en arbetssökandes sociala kompetens och hur detta begrepp sedan bedöms i jämförelse med andra kompetenser och erfarenheter vid en tjänstetillsättning. I denna undersökning har jag använt mig av intervjuer med personer som arbetar som rekryterare på privata företag i Luleå kommun samt en enkätundersökning med arbetssökande i Luleå kommun. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är socialisering, individualiseringen, social kompetens, rekrytering och rekryteringstester. Resultaten visar på att begreppet social kompetens är en förmåga, vidare handlar begreppet om att individen ska kunna fungera i grupp och kunna samarbeta och möta nya människor på ett respektabelt tillvägagångssätt.

Unga lagöverträdare - Samhällets kompromiss? : En studie av socialtjänstens yttranden

AbstractIn Sweden all persons under the age of 18 are considered children. The age when it is possible to be held responsible for a criminal act, and therefor convicted in court, is 15. Society?s and, perhaps first and foremost, the authority?s attitude towards juvenile crime is that they should not be equal adults in the process within criminal law. Because children are considered essential for the society of tomorrow, it is important to pay extra attention to crimes committed by juveniles.

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