

13328 Uppsatser om Social relations - Sida 61 av 889

Effekten av organisk belastning på avskiljningsegenskaperna hos aktivt slam

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

Postanställdas konstruktioner av arbetsmotivation: En jämförande studie mellan postsorterare, lagledare och brevbärare

In order to broaden the understanding of work motivation the aim of the study was to compare how three different teams within the same organization constructed motivation. The three teams consisted of post sorters, team leaders and mailmen. Three focus group interviews were conducted with three men and eight women. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed with QSR NUD*IST. The result showed both similarities and differences in the construction of work motivation in the three teams.

Kundrelationer : En jämförande intervjustudie av Sverige & Spanien

The way you address people is depending on the existing culture, to be on familiar terms with people you don?t know or elderly people is totally unacceptable in some cultures. Some behaviour might be acceptable in one culture, and unacceptable in another. Culture exists on different levels in the society, and what combines people within a culture are that they share the same norms and values.This study identifies and deals with the resemblances and the differences in the customer relationship within one specific organization with activity in several different countries. Two of these countries, which can be seen as each others cultural contrasts, were chosen for the study, Sweden and Spain.

Trossamfundens makt i Sverige : En uppsats om stat-kyrka reformen och dess inverkan på trossamfundens maktposition

The aim of this paper is to describe and explain how the separation between state and church effects the power relations between state and religious groups and organizations. Former state church, The Swedish church, is in this paper, not included in the definition of religious groups. The reform (?stat-kyrka reformen?) took place between 1995 and year 2000.I?m examining if religious groups had any influence on the reform. My expectation is to give a clearer picture of religious groups and its power position in Swedish politics and society.

Social Kompetens ? Vägen till anställning?

Vårt syfte med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur personalrekryterare ser på begreppet Social Kompetens i samband med rekrytering, framförallt vid rekrytering av människor som i sitt yrke arbetar för människor, tillika serviceyrken. Innan vi påbörjade uppsatsen antog vi att den Sociala Kompetensen var viktig för att kunna få anställning. Vi har i studie 2, som är vår huvudsakliga studie, genomfört sju intervjuer med människor som i sitt yrke rekryterar och genomför anställningsintervjuer. Då det existerar liten forskning kring förekomsten av Social Kompetens i platsannonser valde vi även att göra en sådan undersökning, studie 1, som till viss del även låg till grund för urvalet av intervjupersoner till studie 2. I platsannonser efterfrågas Social Kompetens främst för tjänster där man arbetar för människor, vård/omsorg/läraryrken, men även inom serviceyrken.

Geometri, språk och idealitet : en studie av Geometrins ursprung av Husserl med fokus på geometrin som idealiserat objekt mellan intersubjektivitet och skriftspråklighet

This thesis is basically an attempt to discuss the intrinsic intersubjective nature of the so-called ideal sciences, i.e. geometry or arithmetic. Based upon a thorough analysis of Husserls The Origin of Geometry and Derridas Edmund Husserl's Origin of Geometry: an Introduction this thesis takes geometry as an example of an ideal science. The main question of the thesis is how an ideal science or object is constituted. The thesis consist of two main chapters - ?Geometry and Historicity? and ?Language?- and a concluding discussion.

En lyckad affärsrelation? : två fallstudier

This study has investigated what makes a business relation satisfactory. The purpose is to distinguish the factors that are relevant to a functioning cooperation relationship between sawmills and DIY-stores. The theoretical framework is primarily based on long-term business relationships. The study is based on two case companies and their relations with wood-suppliers. - Case company 1 is a relatively new established and still growing company.

Våld i hederns namn - en fråga om hederskulturens existens: en studie om hanteringen av hedersvåld i Sverige

Uppsatsen syfte är att bidra med en diskussion till det omdebatterade ämnet hedersrelaterat våld. Den debatt som har förts på området analyseras samt granskas utifrån dess inverkan för de insatser som syftar till att motverka våldet. I uppsatsen förekommer tre intervjuer med offentliga aktörer som arbetar för att motverka hedersvåldet i samhället. Min slutsats är att ordet hederskultur fortfarande är relativt bannlyst och att detta haft negativa konsekvenser för hanterandet av problematiken. Min teoretiska hållning utgår från tesen - kultur som ett medel i förändrade livsomständigheter och hur det kan förstärka en hederskultur i exil..

Stöpt i kulspruteolja en litteratursociologisk studie av den unglitterära tidskriften 40-tal och dess idéklimat.

This masters thesis is a study of the ideas brought forward in the literary magazine 40-tal. The methodology involves the adaptation of a literary sociological perspective where the ideas of the young literary avantgarde in the magazine 40-tal interplays with the established philosophy of the Swedish society during the period 1944-47. The main purpose has been to examine 40-tal as a product of supreme individuality that originates a unique climate of ideas which exceeds the involved collaborators individual writings. I have thereby related my analysis to the Marxist oriented theories of Raymond Williams. This has been done in order to see how the external pressure of the social structure and the market acts together with the internal pressure of keeping up with the times and how this affects the individual authors and the process of creating.

Men det är väl bra för själen tänker jag, även om det inte är det för plånboken - En studie om Generation Y och deras ideella arbete

A new generation has entered the labour market. The group is presented as Generation Y andis described as egocentric, spoiled, unloyal and money oriented. Lecturer advice companieson how to understand and lead this new generation. The advisement creates stereotypicalcharacteristics of the group, which then reflects on the generations own identity development.But aside the stereotypes that are created on the labour market, the generation puts a lot oftheir spare time into volunteer work, which is seen as altruistic. This gives us a contradictoryportrayal of the new generation.The purpose of this paper is to understand the factors that contribute to the voluntary work ofGeneration Y and how the group experiences their own commitment.

PR och trovärdigheten : en studie av PR-byrån Four C och dess kund Akzo Nobel

PR appears to be an indistinct division and a complicated resource for companies to value. The current circumstances are negative to the credibility and reliability of PR. This study emphasizes how an application of return on investment contributes to a more strategic use of PR and increases the status and credibility for the division.We experience that measuring the economic value of PR is of great importance and of current interest with few prior studies made. The purpose of this study is to find out how a PR-agency and one of its clients relates to and works with evaluation of PR-activities and to which extent the economic contribution of the activity is measured.The foundation which the theoretical reference grounds on is theories of Delusions of PR and the use of benefit-cost analyzes, Stages and Levels for Evaluating Public Relations Programs, Marketing Return on Investment and PR Return on Investment. The theoretical reference serves as a base during the analyze of the study.The conclusion, based on the empirical body of information, is that an application of return on investment could contribute with a higher status and credibility for the PR-division.

Kan osynliga händer hälsa? En analys av Vårdval Stockholms konkurrensmodell.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Silkesvante eller piska - Socialtjänstens och polisens insatser och samverkan kring kriminella ungdomsgäng

The purpose of this essay was to study social workers´ and polices contributions with criminal youth gangs and get an insight in how co-operation in the contributions between these governments comes to rank and works.To find out, we carried out a study with a qualitative design based on document studies and interviews with social workers´ and polices who were meeting youths in their work.Our findings were that it's hard to define a criminal youth gang. The social workers´ and polices have both individual and common contributions with criminal youth gangs. One of their most important lining is to prevent new recruitment of young people to criminality. The social workers´ and polices both have an intention to cooperate but they can?t agree about the method of work they shall use, ?the kid-glove or the whip?..

Data inom den sociala spelmarknaden

The phenomenon of social gaming is essentially an IT-service that people worldwideuses on a daily basis. This particular market is also young and generates tremendousamounts of data, which, from a data managing perspective, makes it naturallyinteresting. Throughout this thesis the social gaming market is described from the datamanaging and different actors perspectives. This is done by using literature reviewing,interviews with companies and analysis based on that information. The thesis initiallypresents important and central terms as well as different techniques.

Investor Relations - en agentkostnad

Syfte: Vårt syfte med föreliggande arbete är att undersöka, såväl teoretiskt som praktiskt vilken roll IR spelar på den svenska aktiemarknaden. Vi vill öka förståelsen för dess roll på aktiemarknaden och vi bör kunna dra slutsatser om hur informationen används och vilket värde den tillmäts av mottagare och av givare. Metod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som framför allt bygger på information från en enkät skickad till investerare samt djupintervjuer med företagsledare. Vi använder också data från IR-symposium 2002. Utifrån teorier analyseras sedan det empiriska materialet.

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