

13328 Uppsatser om Social relations - Sida 46 av 889

A Good Education?: A descriptive study of the implementation of critical thinking, international cooperation and sustainable development in Gy11 and SAMSAM01b

This thesis provides a descriptive study from a pedagogic perspective that analyzesobjectives, directives and content related to the social science core class, SAMSAM01b, atGothenburg public high schools. The purpose is to further explore the role of education inrelation to global development and international relations. The study is built aroundcurriculum representation and course implementation of three aspects considered importantfor global development and knowledge of the operating environment: critical thinking,international cooperation and sustainable development. Knowledge theory and likemindedideas of what constitutes a good education form the core of the study?s theoreticalperspective.

Socialt företagande i Europa - - En fallstudie av Sverige och Storbritannien

A relatively new sector in the world is the one concerning social enterprises and their development. Social enterprises are enterprises that are working with social objectives, their goal is not to make as much money as possible. This essay is looking at the development in social enterprises in two countries; Great Britain and Sweden and how the employee numbers in the enterprises have changed over time. The result shows a large increase in the number of employees in the enterprises in Sweden, however the enterprises in Great Britain does show a declining number of employees. This essay also tries to examine whether a couple of external factors, taken from a series of already existing theories, are affecting the possibility of development in these enterprises.

Att vårda den inre hälsan. : Kan stödjande samtal vara ett nytt friskvårdsalternativ?

Arbetsmarknaden står inför ett generations- och paradigmskifte, när den äldre generationen går i pension och de yngre förväntas ta över. Samtidigt ökar den psykiska ohälsan och sjukskrivningen främst bland de yngre och stress rapporteras vara den stora bakomliggande orsaken; känslan av otillräcklighet och svårighet att få balans i livspusslet. Undersökningar poängterar att förebyggande arbete och tidiga insatser gynnar såväl medarbetares hälsa och arbetsplatsens ekonomi. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om samtalsstöd som ett nytt subventionerat friskvårdsalternativ uppfattas positivt, i synnerhet av Generation Y (födda 1982-1999). Resultatet av enkätundersökningen, genomförd på ett kommunkontor med 76 deltagare visade att 60% skulle boka samtal idag om det erbjöds som ett friskvårdsalternativ.

Social kompetens i ett föränderligt samhälle

I dagens samhälle talas det mycket om social kompetens. Social kompetens innebär en förmåga att umgås och kommunicera med andra människor i sin omgivning. Begreppet har fått ökad spridning på grund av att vi nu lever i ett alltmer globaliserat samhälle där individen har fått allt större inflytande, och därmed också större krav över sig att kunna uppföra sig på ett passande sätt i rätt situation. Det förväntas av individen att hon ska kunna samspela med andra människor i exempelvis skola och arbetsliv. Social kompetens är något som mognat fram under tidens lopp och ingår i den så kallade civilisationsprocessen, som kan delas in i fyra olika faser, där social kompetens är den fjärde och sista fasen i denna process.

Beslut utanför lagens gränser. : En kvalitativ studie om äldreomsorgens bristande lagstiftning.

The aim of the study is to investigate how social workers relate to the self-determination in cases that involve people who have dementia. To investigate this we have chosen to build a qualitative study. The study is based on four interviews with social workers in elderly care in Sweden. To analyze our material we chose the concept autonomy, and legal texts from the Social Services Act (SFS 2001: 453) and Parental code (SFS 1949: 381). Our results show that social workers are often forced to deviate from the law and guidelines to ensure the best for the person with dementia.

Trygg i stadslandskapet? Ett exempel på genusperspektiv i stadsplanering :

Safe in the cityscape? Gender aspects on spatial city planning In this thesis, theories regarding gender and spatial planning are applied to the comprehensive plan Fortuna och Hemgården in eastern Malmö. Independent of factors like class, ethnicity and age women experience lack of safety to a larger extent than men do. Today, safety aspects on housing projects is scarcely a controversial issue, quite the contrary. However seldom are the central terms such as safety and security defined. Research has shown that women feel safe when they experience little risk of being subjected to violence; security is deeply interconnected with feeling safe.

Säg något intressant! : En kvalitativ studie av marknadskommunikation på Facebook

ABSTRACTElin Johansson, Hanna Johansson, Camilla Nilsson Say something interesting! A qualitative study of marketing communication on Facebook                               Pages: 36With the emergence of social media, new ways has been created for companies to reach out to its audience. From being dependent on journalists to provide information, companies today have the ability to self-publish information in the open media channels. The use of social media should not replace traditional marketing communication though, but works best as a complement. It is a new environment that requires the company to adapt its working methods. Although the work is different, it is important that companies see social media as part of the overall marketing communication and not as a separate project. The purpose of this paper is to study recipient?s experience of company?s communications in social media. We have chosen to relate this to the instructions on methods of marketing communication and social media marketing as found in literature on the subject. This is to examine whether firms achieve the desired effect of the methods that are considered most appropriate. Does the message reach out? The focus of this study is marketing communication in the social media Facebook. The study consists of qualitative interviews to illuminate the recipients' views and experiences, as well as a literature study from the theoretical perspective of the sender of marketing communication in social media. The results showed that business as well as audience must interact in a functional relationship in social media. Companies should be more like the customer they are trying to reach. If companies choose to expose themselves in social media, time must be given to this, which is what the audience expects. Key words: Marketing communication, social media, social media marketing, Facebook, recipients, sender.

En bransch med bristande förtroende : - PR-konsulter om sitt eget ansvar och hur de själva kan bidra till ökat branschförtroende

AbstractTitle: An industry with a lacking trust ? PR-consultants about their own responsibility and how they can contribute to an increased trust for their profession (En bransch med bristande förtroende ? PR-konsulter om sitt eget ansvar och hur de själva kan bidra till ökat branschförtroende)Number of pages: 68 (79 including enclosures)Author: Ebba GöranzonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the Swedish PR-industry and the distrust that is directed towards it. The starting point is different PR-consultants opinion about their profession and industry. What do they think needs to be done to increase the trust for the industry and what kind of responsibility do they think they have?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitative method has been used and five in-depth interviews with PR-consultants have been conducted.

Pantrarna - En social rörelse i förorten

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka Pantrarna genom att se på vad för typ av social rörelse Pantrarna är. Sociala faktorer som låg bakom bildandet, deras förebilder, metoderna de använde, hur de organiserade sig och vad de ville uppnå undersöktes. Bakgrunden till bildandet av en social rörelse som Pantrarna var komplex och flera teorier och begrepp fick därför användas för att försöka förklara kontext såväl som Pantrarna som social rörelse. Uppsatsen är gjord genom en kvalitativ metod bestående av intervjuer, innehållsanalys på filmen om dem, observation vid deras festival, netnografisk studie av rörelsen där Facebook,Youtube och deras hemsida studerats. De viktigaste resultatet som hittades var att Pantrarna är en social rörelse som bygger på ett konfliktperspektiv där de använder metoder som att storma politikers möten och genom demonstrationer.

EN SKOLA I FÖRÄNDRING : En studie av en ny åtgärd - språkregeln

Focus of this study is an examination of the Swedish school today, its transformation and complexity when also the community outside of school undergoes changes in shape of among other things a different population composition and new political ideas. More specific the aim of the study is to understand how Gustav Adolfsskolan in Landskrona, a compulsory school in south of Sweden, legitimates the language rule that is in effect in the school. It?s a relatively new measure undertaken in the school and both the problems in the school and this measure have been widely discussed in the public media. The theoretical sources of inspiration have come from Weber, Galbraith and Elias and include power relations and dynamics within social mobility when people establishes in new places.

Barns behov i centrum ? ett dokumenteringssystem som utvecklar socialtjänsten? : En studie i hur uppföljningarna av placerade barn har förändrats efter att Barns behov i centrum har införts

After repeated criticism of the social services about how they manage family care, the National Board of Health and Welfare decided to solve the problem by importing a model used in England (Integrated children's system). This was translated into Swedish conditions and named BBIC (Barns behov i centrum = Child?s needs at the center). Our study aims to investigate whether BBIC will contribute to more and more extensive follow-ups of children placed than before, with a focus on the child's best. This has been studied through qualitative interviews with six social workers who work with children investigations.

Socialsekreterares kompetens i arbetet med ensamkommande barn

The purpose of this study was to investigate what competence social workers have, don´t have and ask for in the work with unaccompanied children, how a lack of competence and guidelines has been compensated in the practical work and how the social workers view the future work with unaccompanied children. This has been done through eight semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with unaccompanied children. The result has been analyzed with help of the theoretical perspective globalization connected to social work and showed that none of the social workers felt not having the competence to work with the children. However, everyone mention one or more areas where they ask for competence development. The study showed that lack of education has been compensated through practical experiences, knowledge exchange with others and that guidelines now have been formed.

Lärares användning och integrering av IT i undervisningen : En studie med sex verksamma lärare i grundskolans tidigare år

This study is about conception in the evaluation of financial assistance within the social services. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how social workers reason about variation, conception and local norms and its significance in the evaluation process. To reach this purpose we have conducted semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in which different themes were discussed and reasoned about. In order to understand and analyze our results we have studied/used the knowledge about tacit knowledge and street-level bureaucracy. Our results showed, as previous research states, that social workers do have conceptions about clients.

Snacka går ju - eller? : En studie om påföljden ungdomsvård inom socialtjänstens öppenvård

The purpose of this study was to examine young offenders? attitudes towards crime, and to the penalty they have been sentenced to as juveniles. More specifically its aim was to examine an intervention program called Galaxen, specifically used  to deal with  juveniles  in Växjö. This intervention program consists mainly of conversations with social workers from social services,  aiming  towards  better  self-awareness  and  the  ability  to  understand  the  consequences  of one?s actions.

På ungdomars uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers tankar om och erfarenheter av möten med ungdomar

The aim of this study was to investigate how counselors who work at youth clinics relate to the question of the integrity of adolescents who are under 18 years old in relation to the parents rights to information. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with eight counselors from youth clinics in the StockholmCounty. We have analyzed our empirical material by categorizing the statements from the counselors and by using two different theories. The first one is a consequential ethics theory and the second one is a cognitive theory. These two theories have helped us to understand the thoughts and actions of the counselors.

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