

13328 Uppsatser om Social relations - Sida 10 av 889

Tweet, tweet, promotionmixens nya kla?der : En underso?kning till vad Twitter anva?nds till, sett utifra?n promotionmixen

Twitter används av ett brett spektrum av företag, alltifrån stora bolag såsom Google, till mindre företag såsom lokala caféer. I den här undersökningen ser vi på användningen av Twitter i tre små? och medelstora företag. Promotionmixen användes som plattform, vilken består av reklam, sales promotion, personlig försäljning, public relations och direkt marknadsföring, för att kunna fastställa till vad Twitter används. Syftet är att beskriva och skapa en förståelse för hur Twitter används, med hjälp av promotionmixen.

Från blogginlägg till nyhet : ???????En kvantitativ studie om hur journalister använder sociala nätverk för att hitta nyheter

The aim of our study was to examine how Swedish journalists use the three social networks Facebook, Twitter and blogs to find news. We wanted to study which group of journalists that were using these networks most frequently and why. We also wanted to find out which of the three networks they use the most.We made a questionnaire which we sent out by e-mail to 400 Swedish journalists. 215 of them participated in our study.We analyzed the results of the responses from the questionnaire and discussed patterns and relations between them.The study establishes that the majority of the respondents believe that the networks are very useful and effective in their work.Our results show that out of the three social networks the journalists who participated in our study prefer to use blogs as sources in their line of work, as they are full of information from individuals and contain unique facts and stories.Alongside the results we discussed how social networks might be used in the future of journalism. Most of the respondents are aware of the possibility that they may need to increase the usage of them eventually, and that they will be an important part of the journalistic work process in the future. .

Hur personer med smärta av WAD upplever vardagen.

The aim of this study was to describe how persons with Whiplash associated disorder experience how the pain affects them in their daily life. The design of the study was descriptive with qualitative, individual interviews, questionnaire with background facts of the examination group, and diary notes from persons with pain of WAD. Method for selection was convenience. Through contact with the association of whiplash group in a county in middle of Sweden, the majority of the examination group for the study was found. Five persons where given information about the study, one of them choose not to take part of the study, and one of the persons did not complete the study.

Socialisation och livsval : en hermeneutisk, fenomenologisk intervjustudie inriktad på socialisationsprocesser inom jordbruksfamiljen

The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the early process of socialization and its influence on the choices in life, with the example taken from the agricultural family. The question is considering how the process of socialization within an agricultural family has influenced on the choices in life of four women. A qualitative method with a hermeneutic, phenomenologic perspective is applied and four interviews have been done with women who all grew up in an agricultural family. The results have been analysed through social constructive-, psychodynamic-, attachment- and cognitive theory. The results indicate that socialization is a complex process.

Varför sociala medier? : En undersökning av folkbibliotekens arbete med extern marknadsföring.

In our thesis we investigate how public libraries are working with external marketing via social media. The study aims to found out what the reasons are and how public libraries are using social media to market themselves. Furthermore, how they evaluate the success of these marketing efforts. We limit ourselves to public libraries and its staff. The theory that we have chosen to use to analyze our data is the marketing mix of the 4 P'S (product, place, price and promotion), but we have replaced the ?price? with ?staff? because ?staff? is more relevant for library management.

(O)sociala medier? : En jämförande kvalitativ attitydundersökning om människors användning av sociala medier och dess inverkan på deras liv och umgänge

This essay aims to find out what impact social media have on the daily lives of Swedish people in regard to their usage and sociability. In order to find that out we have performed four group interviews with a total of 16 people from two different age categories that were later compared. To analyze the empirical data we?ve used the theories on the Network Societies by Jan Van Dijk as a help of understanding. The results show that social media have become an integrated part in the lives of our informants and that a consdierable amount of time is spent on them everyday. In the younger group Facebook was considered the most useful medium as it makes the planning of events easier and can be used as a way of keeping oneself updated on news as well as on the lives of others.

Radisson SAS - Varför har deras företagskunder valt dem, och varför stannar de kvar

Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study how the hotel chain Radisson SAS works with prolonged customer relations with their business clients, with other words the clients that have business agreements with them.Methods: This study will contain an inductive approach and qualitative methods. The qualitative research method is in the shape of a deep interview with the sales manager of Radisson SAS and qualitative interviews of chosen business clients to the hotel.Results: The results of this investigation show that business clients are controlled by what kind of agreements their company has.The companies sign agreements with hotels and hotel chains that are able to satisfy big parts of their needs, if not all of them.With the help of flexible solutions, a well known brand, and good relations, Radisson SAS has made sure that their business clients have prolonged their agreements.They are a global hotel chain near transports, and business clients feel secure with Radisson SAS..

Ett nödvändigt begränsat agerande - En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelse av handlingsutrymme

Social workers in the Social Services are seen as professionals and they are associatedwith a substantial degree of freedom to carry out their work in order to interpret theSocial Services Act and make decisions. This freedom is referred to as discretion andis a central aspect of the role of the social worker. But the social worker is employedwithin an organisation that exists in an environment influenced of political decisionswhich sets boundaries to how far the freedom stretches. The general aim with thisthesis is to gain insight in how social workers within the Social Services experiencetheir discretion. Secondary this thesis also aims to explore how discretion is shapedand negotiated.

Självskadebeteende : En studie om identitet och självuppfattning

The purpose is to illustrate the phenomenon of self-harm from a social psychological and sociological perspective. The purpose is furthermore to examine the role Social relationships play in the individuals´ self- imagine and what role does identification play for anyone who harm themselves? We want to examine in what way Social relationships are important and how they function for individuals who harm themselves, both once they have started to harm themselves, and if the relationships in any part caused the cutting to begin with.Questions:How do individuals shape their identity based on self- harm? Which self-image do individuals have who self-harm? Is there anything in the person's previous Social relationships that have caused them to begin to hurt themselves?Method:In this paper we have analyzed five autobiographies. We have used open coding from grounded theory as analytical method and subject positions based on discourse analysis.Theory:We have used the Cooley concepts looking glass self, Foucault's theory of power, Giddens' concept of ontological security and existential anxiety.Results and Analysis:We found six different categories that we thought were central. These were negative self-image, guilt, lack of family support, negative experiences of others' views, the protective identity as self- harmer and insecure Social relationships in school.Conclusion:The self-harming is a very complex behavior.

?Attack är bästa försvar? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie med före detta mobbare

The objective of this study was trying to understand bullying focusing on the bully. The questions at issue were: What can contribute in the making of a bully? What are the benefits and losses in bullying? What are the former bullies? thoughts on bullying, now in comparison to in their youth. This was investigated with a qualitative approach from a former bullys perspective, hence three former bullies were interviewed. The result was presented in themes and was then analysed from a social psychological and social constructionist perspective.

Lycka och livskvalitet ? Vägen till välbefinnande : En studie om den subjektiva upplevelsen av psykiskt välbefinnande

The main purpose of this study was to examine how people who have felt mentally bad, describe their subjective experience of what leads to a mental well-being. The overall research questions were; how does the individual define mental well-being, how does the individual describe the turning-point during her tough period, and in what way does the individual consider that her own effort has influenced her well-being? In order to answer these questions, qualitative research interviews were conducted with persons who?ve felt mentally bad and who?ve got some kind of professional help, and who think that they have a mental well-being today. The empirical material was analyzed from a theoretical resilience perspective. The study?s result showed first of all, that there are different ways to define well-being.

Tjackhoran - finns hon? : en studie av föreställningar om den amfetaminmissbrukande kvinnan

The object of this study is the female user of amphetamines and the characteristica which she is often described by. Many of these descriptions regard the female amphetamine user's sexuality which also have come to form the assumption that these women make a living from having sexual relations with men in exchange of drugs.In order to be able to draw any kind of conclusions regarding this, we found it necessary to investigate how the stereotypical female user of amphetamines makes a living and also whether it is possible for a female drug user to decide for her self how to support her habit.The disposition is a qualitative study of literature and the perspectives that we focused on in this study are gender roles, relationships and sexuality, criminality and finally the drug using woman as a victim. The theories used deal with social constructivism, respectability and shame.The main discussion of our study has been how women amphetamine users are moulded to become victims through interaction with other people but also with the society as a whole..

Finns kvinnor i säkerhetspolitik? : En undersökning av den svenska säkerhetiseringsprocessen avseende svenskt deltagande i den militära insatsen Minusma i Mali utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv

Scientists argue that gender affects foreign policy and security policy, that ideas of gender are inconstant and that there is a lack of feminist perspectives in International Relations. The changes seen in the global security context may have challenged the way politicians and scientists understand war and its impacts, and led to increased gender awareness.Using securitization theory and feminist international relations theory, the aim is to examine how women and men are being spoken of in the Swedish foreign policy discourse regarding participation in the UN-led stabilization mission Minusma in Mali. By applying a feminist perspective on the securitization process, the intention is to increase the knowledge of whether there is gender awareness in this context.The result shows that there is limited gender awareness. There is minor consideration for the conflict?s different implications on the situation for women and men.

Making Money in a Dirty Business

Academic research concerning how to determine the power situation in a supply chain where an investment product supplier is involved did not exist. Therefore new models has been developed that analyses the power relations and maps out the power situation in a supply chain. In the future these models can be applied on similar cases by modifying the included parameters. The new models show that case company FAS should focus on the big producers of garbage bag which are Trioplast, Rullpack and Miljösäck. By strengthen the brand FAS can make more money in these relations.

Så tyckte jag det var... en retrospektiv studie av åtta ungdomars upplevelser av att vara på Staple behandlingshem

The aim of this university paper was to understand how eight former clients at Staple reformatory had experienced their stay there. The clients at Staple are young people between 13-20 years old, both boys and girls.The basic questions were: What picture do the clients have of the treatment they received?What has been, from their perspective, the most important during their stay? Do the clients think the time spent at Staple has helped them? And how do they describe their change, if there was any?We gathered the information from the youngsters with qualitative interviews based on a manual divided into covering different themesWe found that the time at Staple had been very positive for all the former clients that we interviewed. They described the relations with the staff at Staple as central for their rehabilitation. The most important task for the people that work there is to set a good example for the client, and to be role models.

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