

12914 Uppsatser om Social presence - Sida 5 av 861

Död ved i vatten - funktionella strukturer och dess påverkan på öring (Salmo trutta, L.)

The background to this work was to see if there was a connection between large woody debris (LWD) and the presence of brown trout in our Swedish forest streams. Previous researches by Degerman et al. (2004) have shown that there is a strong correlation between the amount of dead wood and the presence of brown trout. The goal was then to find a way to restore, maintain and increase the trout habitats by constructing and adding manmade wooden structures that would mimic natural deadwood and its features in flowing water. The inspiration was partially taken from a water restoration program in the Klamath River of northern California, USA.

Samtalet på Facebook : En studie om IKEA Sveriges kommunikation i sociala medier

IntroductionIn this study, we have explained the complexities of social media, as it is still a relatively unexplored area. With the rapidly growing use of social media in recent years, companies have chosen to establish themselves in social networks to advertise themselves and communicate with their customers. In this study we analyze IKEA Sweden and their use of social media on the national market, where focus lies upon IKEA Sweden Facebook-page. The study intends to find out how the company uses social media as a marketing and communication tool and also analyzes the relations and conversations that occur on the Facebook-page. Purpose and research questionsThe purpose of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of how a large Swedish company as IKEA has chosen to use social media and how it's perceived by them. We also intended to find out how IKEA Sweden uses social media in their daily work and how the company communicates through this media channel.

?Vi blir som en liten ambassadör i Facebooklandet? : En uppsats om Sveriges Radios närvaro på Facebook

Title: ?We become like a little ambassador in the country of Facebook? ? an essay on the pres-ence of Swedish National Radio on Facebook. (?Vi blir som en liten ambassador I Facebooklan-det? ? En uppsats om Sveriges Radios närvaro på Facebook)Number of pages: 34 (46 including enclosures)Author: Nina WillénTutor: Christian ChristensenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2010University: Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: My purpose is to examine what the presence of the Swedish National Radio on a commercial network like Facebook means and how the editors themselves argue about it. For the analysis I use critical political economy as a theoretical point of view.Material/Method: The material consists of interviews made from a qualitative method.

Charterturismens sociala effekter på lokalbefolkningen : Svenska charterresenärers medvetenhet om de sociala konsekvenser som drabbar lokalbefolkningen på olika turistdestinationer.

In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.

Implikationer av tjänsteföretagets utfästelser för kunders reaktioner i felsituationen

The characteristic of services as an effort carried out in a "moment of truth" implies a risk for failures. This study sheds new light on how alternative offerings that customers are initially exposed to can affect satisfaction and loyalty in the service failure and recovery context. More specifically, two aspects of the initial offering are studied: promised general service quality and the presence of a promise about a specific product attribute. Based on a presentation of the main theoretical perspectives, hypotheses are formulated and a scenario-based experiment in a hotel setting is designed to explore these. The results indicate that a higher level of promised service quality can result in more positive evaluations of satisfaction and stronger word-of-mouth intentions than for a lower level of promised service quality.

"Folk brukar vilja falla här" : En studie om religiösa kroppsliga upplevelser hos kristna karismatiker

In this paper I aimed to explore the bodily experiences and expressions that Christian charismatics interpret as religious.  The so-called presence of God and the so-called gifts of the spirit were in focus in the gathering of information. My purpose was to find out how the social community of the Christian charismatics affects the subjective bodily experiences that are interpreted as religious by the individual. The main questions were:1: How do Christian charismatics describe religious experiences and their effect on the body?2: What bodily expressions of religious experience can be observed in Christian charismatic contexts?3: Is there a common way of expressing the experience of God's presence (individually or in a group) and how, in this case, can any resemblance be explained?The methods used to answer these questions were qualitative interviews and participant observations, which then were analyzed by the anthropologist Thomas J. Csordas theory of embodiment.

Pappors närvaro under förlossning - Barnmorskors upplevelser och erfarenheter

First during early 1960s fathers got access to the labor room in Sweden. Theirparticipation are a relative new trend and it`s not thoroughly described in theliterature. Midwives? responsibility is to give a good and medical safe care, and tocreate a positive childbirth experience for the woman and her partner. No previousstudies have paid attention to midwives' experiences of fathers' presence duringchildbirth.

Gemeinschaft eller Gesellschaft? Biblioteksfilialerna i Kalmar kommun och det globaliserade IKT-samhället

This masters thesis aims to explore the branch libraries in Kalmar municipality and their relation to the Information and communication technology ICTsociety. How do they adapt to and assimilate with, the ICT-society? What are their roles in local social networks and do they make a difference there? To answer these questions, critical discourse analysis, CDA, as founded by Norman Fairclough is applied to four interwievs with branch library managers. Other theorists used are Michel Foucault, Chaïm Perelman and Ludwig Wittgenstein. A solid description of todays society on different levels is also given.

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

Mundo mortus ses, sed Deo vivas? : en osteologisk studie med avsikt att bedöma klostret i Ny Varbergs karaktär

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Stress i omsorgens vardag : Personliga assistenters och boendestödjares upplevelser och hantering av stress, samt hur deras stress kan påverka brukarrelationen.

The focus of our study was to examine personal assistants and group home assistants experiences of stress at work, how they cope with stress and how it affects the relationship with the care recipient. The study is made out of a qualitative frame and based on interviews with two personal assistants and four group home assistants. Our theoretical perspectives consist of Aaron Antonovsky?s SOC theory, Richard Lazarus theory about coping and also sociologist Johan Asplund?s theory about social interaction. The result indicates that the experiences of stress are individual and varied among the participants while the presence of stress at work is a shared apprehension.

Occurrence of Verotoxin-encoding phages in mussels grown downstream the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil

The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence of Verotoxin-encoding bacteriophages in mussels, cultured downstream the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil.Mussels were collected in three growing areas from April 2008 to March 2009. Real-time PCR was performed for detection of vtx1 and vtx2 genes and enrichment of bacteriophages on non Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157: H7 was carried out. All samples in real-time PCR analysis were negative; no presence of Verotoxin-encoding phages was shown. No plaque was formed on blood agar base plates, indicating that no bacteriophages had been taken up by E. coli bacteriaThe levels of Verotoxin-encoding phages and E.coli outside the sewage treatment plant in Lysekil were not high enough to be able to form VTEC in mussels, indicating that the faecal contamination was low.

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Ståndort och växtval på takterrasser

In the country of Jordan, egg production is very important economically, but several bacte-ria are involved in food borne diseases transmitted from eggs or other poultry products. The most important are Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni and Escherichia coli. In Jordan two different housing systems are used for hens in large scale egg production; con-ventional cages and litter floor systems. Eggs from four different farms were analysed and compared to see if a difference could be found regarding the presence of pathogenic bacte-ria on the egg surfaces between these two systems. Total number of aerobic bacteria was analysed, the presence of Salmonella spp., C.

Predatorinducerad fekunditet hos Daphnia pulex vid simulerade årstidsbundna temperaturvariationer

Female growth, number of eggs and egg growth of Daphnia pulex were studied at four temperatures, 12, 16, 18 and 20°C. I hypothesized that female growth and number of eggs would be lower and the size of the eggs larger in the presence of a predator (kairomones) than in its absence. This effect was expected to be more evident at lower temperatures. I could not find any effect of kairomones on female growth, number of eggs or egg size, although there was a weak tendency for an effect on number of eggs. There was, however, an effect of temperature, regardless of predator treatment (i.

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