

12914 Uppsatser om Social presence - Sida 4 av 861

"Ja men barn kan inte växa upp så. De kan ju bli likadana." : -Familjehemssekreterares resonemang gällande familjesammansättningar våren 2009

  Author: Moa di Zazzo EilertsenTitle: ?Children should not grow up like that. They may turn out the same?: Social workers, working with foster care investigations, reasoning about family and family structures of foster homes. [translated title]Supervisor: Annika StaafAssessor: Norma MontesinoThere has been a change in family structure which shows that the nuclear family, which is still the main form of family pattern, is becoming less frequent nowadays.

Idrottsämnet och ämnessamverkan : Idrottslärares attityder och förutsättningar till ämnessamverkan

Our interest about interdisciplinary teaching has grown during our time at Högskolan Dalarna and especially during the subject physical education. It became clear that people learn in different ways. The theoretical education in school benefits the visual and auditory strong learners but the kinesthetic strong learners find it more difficult to absorb the information. We argue that integrating subjects is a good way to mix theory and practice and thus gives more students an opportunity to learn the content of the subject. The intention of this examination paper is to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the teachers regarding interdisciplinary teaching, the practical restrains, possibilities and the presence of interdisciplinary teaching at three different schools.

?Jag tyckte det var la?skigt sa? jag blockerade honom? : Teknikens betydelse fo?r tilla?mpning av motstrategier vid bemo?tande av kra?nkningar pa? na?tet

Instagram is one of the most common used social media platforms among teenagers today. It is not only one of the most common used social media platforms, but as well one of the most common places where cyber bullying takes action. By using focus groups, netnographic studies and a questionnary we investigate the meaning of technology regarding how the bullying on Instagram takes shape and the strategies used by teenagers to handle cyber bullying.Our research shows five different ways that cyber bullying takes shape and ten different strategies implemented to handle those. The findings are compared with previous research. The ten different strategies are then discussed from aspects that are found to have a big influence on how those are implemented: gender, knowledge, experience and awareness, presence of parents and other relatives, personal experience, trust in the technical solutions and the weaknesses of those. .

Nära Frånvaro

The presence of the absentMy project is based on the idea that we all leave something behind, traces which tell stories about us for others to read.I wanted to give these traces a value by collecting them in a book. My aim was to create pictures open enough so others can fill in their own stories.I used different methods to find ways to describe the absence: such as illustrations, installations and photos, oftendescribed in a sensitive way. I also changed the character of everyday objects to add a kind of awareness left by an earlier user of the object.By using my own imagination with inspiration from people I talked to, I created lyrics and pictures for the book. It has resulted in a 112 paged book containing my own interpretationsof other opinions about absence, along with short lyrics of various characteristics.Hopefully the book will make others more aware of the traces left in their own surrounding and bring up questions about human contact and how it can be identified.My question at issue was following:What kind of traces do we leave noticable for others?How can I translate an emotion to a picture?How will the choice of method affect the feeling of the absent?.

Förekomst av parodontit och karies hos typ 2 ? diabetiker

The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of gingivitis, periodontitis and dental caries in individuals with type 2 ? diabetes. The study was conducted in a form of a general literature review with the restricted to the following conditions: human studies, English, and articles published between 2007 - 2012. Articles lacking a control group were excluded. The data were collected through searches of the medical database PubMed. A compilation of 11 scientific articles was examined.

Förekomst av Lawsonia intracellularis och Brachyspira spp. hos häst i Sverige :

Proliferative enteropathy (PE) caused by Lawsonia intracellularis has been reported in horses in the USA, Canada, Australia and Great Britain. Diarrhoea caused by Brachyspira antigen-containing spirochaetes has been diagnosed in a horse in Japan. The presence of Lawsonia intracellularis or Brachyspira spp. have neither been investigated in healthy nor in sick horses in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to survey the occurrence of the two bacteria in Swedish horses. Faecal samples were gathered from 108 foals without any clinical signs of illness in the age of four to eight months.

?Vad gör bibblan på Facebook?? En studie av ungdomars uppfattningar om bibliotekens marknadsföring och kommunikation i sociala medier

The purpose of this study is to examine young people?s opinions about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes. There are three research questions: What do young people think about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes? Do they want to interact with libraries in social media and, if so, in what way? Are their opinions and their will to interact influenced by what kind of relationship they have with libraries, their reading habits, and whether or not they use libraries? digital services? Prior research is divided into three themes: library development, marketing, and young people. The theoretical framework is made up of a combination of relationship marketing, using Evert Gummesson?s three catchwords relationships, networks, and interaction, and the engagement pyramid, as depicted by Brit Stakston.

Hotells internetnärvaro : En jämförande studie mellan Karlstads kedjehotell och oberoende hotells exponering på Internet.

In today?s society Internet is evolving the tourism industry and it?s the pioneers that use this marketing channel to further their brands that?s that reap the benefits of early adoption. In this essay we research how well two kinds of ownership structures, private ownership and chain ownership, in the hotel market match up against each other in Internet presence and the steps they have taken to encourage guests too book via their websites. We determined that the hotel market in Karlstad was sufficient to study the different kinds of ownership structures as it?s small enough to see the competition between private ownership and chain ownership clearly instead of as normal in more densely populated cities where chain owned hotels dominates the marked due to sheer size. The scientific research consists of two types of methods.

NNN... Nostalgi: Om effekterna av nostalgi vid konsumtion

The presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption is often seen as something purely positive to a product. To evoke these emotions has become a very common tool in marketing and advertising. Paradoxically very few studies have focused on the effects of nostalgia. The purpose of the thesis has been to understand how the presence of nostalgic emotions during consumption effect consumers. The research model used is a quantitative study with testing of hypotheses generated from theory.

Social and economic consequences of wolf (Canis lupus) establishments in Sweden

Wildlife contributes with many benefits to humans but also brings economic costs. From being eradicated in Scandinavia the grey wolf (Canis lupus) is returning to South-Western Sweden and people are not used to its presence. In Scandinavia carnivores have to co-occur with humans in a landscape used for many different interests. Consequences of wolf establishments are e.g. competition for moose, depredation on sheep and attacks on hunting dogs.

Sociala Medier som kommunikationskanal för B2B-företag

The purpose of this thesis is to show what advantages and opportunities social media offer for B2B-companies (business-to-business), and how they can be used for marketing communications.We have studied how companies can use social media, for example evolving the organization, developing products/services, staying up-to-date, building relations, creating customer loyalty and engagement, building the company?s identity and image, and affecting the buying decisions. We have also studied how B2B-companies can choose media channels, set goals, and measure the results.We have carried out interviews, through phone and visits, with four chosen companies that fit our criterias: Swedish B2B-company that is successful in social media.The result of the interviews show that B2B-companies use social media for various purposes, for example networking (to create and build long term relations with other companies) and to improve the company?s image among the end customers. Most of our interviewees reach their end customers (consumers) in first place and customers (companies) in second place, since many B2B-companies do not yet use social media.Half of our respondents mention that social media should not be used for advertising and campaigns (one way communication).

Modern, Intim, Beskrivande

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Agentrelationer och styrning i familjeföretag

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the competitiveness of family firms is affected by governance mechanisms. The thesis addresses four governance mechanisms: inefficient labor markets, inefficient capital markets, self control and altruism. We have conducted an abductive method to be able to perform a qualitative research study. In this study two family firms have been examined, ROL and Indiska Magasinet. We conclude that the presence of inefficient labor and capital markets within the studied family firms give rise to negative effects in terms of difficulties of hiring talented employees.

Bilden av Mörk och Ljus turism : En semiotisk analys av destinationsmarknadföring

In this essay we have been trying to get an understanding of what Swedish charter tourists cares for when they are going on vacation. The Tourism industry is a major field with a lot of winners, but it also comes with consequences. The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how aware the Swedish charter tourists is of these consequences. We would also like to get a perception of how the tourists themselves believe that their presence effects the locals at the destinations they are visiting (if they assume that they are). There are several different types of consequences that can appear in the context of tourism, but we have decided to focus on one kind.

Effect of low light intensities on dairy cows? behavior

The animal welfare act in Sweden states that dairy cows need to have at least a dim light present at night, but there are no recommendations for what intensity the light should have. It is unknown how cows perceive and react to low light intensities and earlier studies on this topic are limited. Red light as night light has also been suggested, based on the cows? inability to perceive red light. This have however been questioned. The aim with this study was to investigate how four different light intensities affect dairy cows behavior.

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