

13018 Uppsatser om Social påverkan - Sida 42 av 868

Social taggning: En studie av en webb 2.0 tjänst i OPAC

The aim of this thesis is to study social tagging in an OPAC by looking at the tags of Ann Arbor District Library?s catalogue. In this thesis I analyse the possibilities of social tagging. The main questions to be answered are what is the distribution of tags in different categories, what are the differences between fiction and non-fiction and how do the social tags differ from the terms of the professional indexing practice. Studying 500 tags I find that subject matter was the most frequent category for tags assigned to fiction and non-fiction.

Är klassröstningen fortfarande signifikant? - en studie om kommunalvalen i Stockholm och Göteborg 2002

The association between social parameters (i.e. socio-economy and level of education) and voting behaviour has been reviewed and analysed based on data from municipal council elections in Stockholm and Gothenburg in 2002. Some social scientists argue that the class voting is in decline and that new social cleavages have emerged. However, by using regression analysis techniques, this study implies a strong dependence of voting behaviour on social parameters, such as socio-economic status (SES) and level of education. Socio-economy appears to be a dominant predictor in the analysis.

Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool : klimatpa?verkan fra?n samha?llsplaneringsprojekt

With the climate change issues growing in importance on the social agenda, the field of urban masterplanning is of no exception when it comes to minimizing the carbon footprint in a variety of projects. The aim of this thesis has been to prepare the Carbon Critical Masterplanning tool, a software plugin for carbon dioxide emissions assessment developed by Atkins, to be used in Swedish conditions. The main targets were to improve the areas of the tool associated with energy conversion and renewable energy sources, and to test the tool in a real case. A planned construction of a new campus in Albano, Stockholm was chosen for the pilot study. A 3D model was built in the tool and the carbon footprint was calculated for a variety of combinations for energy supply to the future area.

Kamp för överlevnad och drägligt liv hos HIV-positiva kvinnor i Bukoba

The aim of this study was to examine how Tanzanian HIV-positive women experience their socioeconomic situation. Semistructured interviews were carried out and the number of interviewees was 15. Collected data was analysed according to a qualitative content analysis and resulted in an overarching theme; Struggle for survival and tolerable life. Important in the lives of the informants was the access to economic and social resources. The informants described access to economic resources as important because of the possibilty to support oneself and the possibility of a lower level of physical strain.

Bevisprövning gällande s.k. osanna fakturor : vad har hänt efter HFD 2012 ref. 69 I-III?

Kolonisationen har format ma?nga la?nder, men i vilken utstra?ckning? Detta a?r ett aktuellt a?mne eftersom kolonialism fortfarande finns idag. I den ha?r uppsatsen underso?ks da?rfo?r kolonisationens pa?verkan pa? ekonomisk utveckling. Med hja?lp av tva?rsnittsdata och OLS-regressioner visar resultatet att brittiska kolonier i va?rlden, relativt franska kolonier, i genomsnitt haft ho?gre BNP per capita a?r 2000 och att detta tycks bero pa? skillnader i humankapital, demokrati och institutioner.

Internationell beskattning av personaloptioner : ett examensarbete med fokus på en personaloptions intjänande

Kolonisationen har format ma?nga la?nder, men i vilken utstra?ckning? Detta a?r ett aktuellt a?mne eftersom kolonialism fortfarande finns idag. I den ha?r uppsatsen underso?ks da?rfo?r kolonisationens pa?verkan pa? ekonomisk utveckling. Med hja?lp av tva?rsnittsdata och OLS-regressioner visar resultatet att brittiska kolonier i va?rlden, relativt franska kolonier, i genomsnitt haft ho?gre BNP per capita a?r 2000 och att detta tycks bero pa? skillnader i humankapital, demokrati och institutioner.

Nivåreglerad iKBT via elevhälsan - går det?

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

När spelen blev farliga: konstruktionen av dataspel som ett socialt problem i svensk press 2000-2006

This essay focuses on the construction of so called "computer game addiction" or "computer game abuse" in the Swedish press during 2000-2006. During this period computer game addiction went from an obscure phenomenon to a legit reason for the involuntary commitment of a fourteen-year-old.The study's theory is based on several social constructionist ideas. Kitsuse and Spector's theories about constructing social problems as claims-making activities are used for understanding the actions of the individual and groups involved. Hewitt and Hall's article about quasi-theory is used to explain the construction of explainations for the new social phenomenon. Blumer's five-stage model is used for categorizing the construction of the new social problem.

Social rekrytering ur arbetssökandes perspektiv ? en känslomässig upplevelse.

Ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv visar tidigare forskning en alltigenom positiv bild av rekrytering via sociala medier, vilket kan förklara dess ökade popularitet. För en arbetssökande däremot kan social rekrytering upplevas som ett hot mot integriteten, eftersom personlig information exponeras för arbetsgivaren. Syftet med denna enkätstudie var därför att öka kunskapen om arbetssökandes inställning till och emotionella upplevelse av social rekrytering utifrån demografiska aspekter. Resultatet från de icke-parametriska testerna visade på en något ambivalent inställning, men med positiva förtecken. Ett samband framkom mellan upplevd nytta och den generella inställningen, men även ålder hade en inverkan på attityden.

Ensamkommande flickors migration : En komparativ analys av Afghanistan och Somalia

Sweden is the country in Europe that receives most applicants from asylum seeking unaccompanied children. The majority of all unaccompanied children are boys and the two biggest sending countries are Afghanistan and Somalia. There is however a big difference between the proportion of unaccompanied girls between the two countries, Somalia with a big proportion of girls and Afghanistan with a low proportion of girls. Previous research has shown that there is a big knowledge gap about unaccompanied girls? migration.

Sociala Medier : Interagera, engagera och komplettera

Social media has made it possible to have a conversation in real time through audio, images and text, with anyone worldwide. The easy availability of social media has created a new society. Companies and organizations have the opportunity to interact with their audiences and their target in a way not previously possible. Welcome to the Web 2.0 world!Social media is a collective name for the communication channels that allow users to communicate directly with each other in real time through text, image or sound. Examples of social media are blogs, SMS, Skype, Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Linkedin and Myspace.The purpose of this essay is to explore social media's role and opportunities in terms of being able to influence companies and organizations marketing communication. We have used a qualitative approach and our thesis is based on a qualitative text analysis study where we have analyzed 13 articles (the articles are from scholarly journals, magazines and trade/professional) from 2007 to 2009.

Att rösta annorlunda: Fyra förklaringar till varför väljare röstar på ickeetablerade partier prövas.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Hot och våld inom socialtjänsten: socialsekrterares uppfattningar om hot och våld

The purpose of this essay was to investigate socialworker's perception of threats and violence in their daily work from the perspective of power. In order to obtain as clear and distinct responses as possible, I used qualitative interviews for this study. The respondents represent a "socialförvaltning" that handles financial assistance in a medium-sized city. This department was chosen because the socialworkers that handle financial assistance at this department have been identified by the media as particularly vulnerable. The study showed that verbal threats are commonplace but physical violence is rare.

Erfarenheter, samarbete och ansvar kring orosanmälningar : En kvalitativ studie med tre förskollärare, två förskolechefer och en socionom

The purpose of this essay is to find out what experiences three preschool teachers, two preschool directors and a social worker (BSc) from the social service have of reporting suspicion of child abuse done by preschools. What perceptions do these individuals have of each other, what experiences do they have regarding cooperation and how do they perceive their responsibilities regarding filing reports on suspicion of child abuse? This investigation is based on qualitative interviews with open ended questions on the basis of an interview guide. The theoretical approach of the essay lies in the phenomenology philosophy, which revolves around the individual?s experiences and perceptions of a phenomenon.

Äldre invandrares kanaler för representation med fokus på föreningsliv

AbstractThe aim of this study was to highlight who represents elderly immigrants and apply the theory of social exclusion. We chose channels for representation that we found important in relation to this group. The first part is a study of available litterature of the subject. We found three main arenas: participation in elections, participation in associations and clubs and representation in political institutions. The findings showed a democratic deficit among elderly immigrants, which gave an indication of social exclusion from the political arena and from participation in associations.For the second part we decided to concentrate on the arena of participation in associations and clubs that represent the elderly and/or immigrants.

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