

12724 Uppsatser om Social norms - Sida 2 av 849

Självmedicinering med cannabis för posttraumatiskt stressyndrom. En normanalys av individers upplevelser och professioners uppfattning

The purpose of this study was to examine people's experiences of self-medication with cannabis in relation to post-traumatic stress disorder and professions? opinions of cannabis for medical use. The study focuses on norms and values as well as its impact on individuals. A qualitative approach was used with thematically open interview questions, in order to gain an insight into the interviewees? reality and their experiences.

"Jag är inte homofob, men rör mig inte och prata inte om det" - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om normkritiskt skolsocialt arbete

This is a qualitative study based on interviews with teachers, social workers and school counselors ? with aim to analyze how norm critical social work is in schools. Gender and sexuality norms are in focus which is analyzed in a intersectional and queer theoretical perspective. The study shows that what is defined as a norm in the society varies both socially, historically and culturally. School is a reflection of its society and therefore also reflects its norms, such as heteronormativity and gender roles.

Den moderna matens uttryck : en etnologisk studie om modernitet i Husmoderns Köksalmanack

The aim of this study is to point out different aspects of modernity in the cookbook Husmoderns Köksalmanack. It is a publication that has been published annually since 1933. The books have been studied in the light of Anthony Giddens´ theoretical perspective on modernity. The study is based on three different themes that all can be linked to modernity. These themes are; Time and space, Locally, regionally and globally, and Advice.

Den reproduktiva heterosexualitetens maskulina man och feminina kvinna : En queerteoretisk normstudie av fyra biologi-/naturkunskapsläroböcker producerade 1957-2008 för grundskolans år (3) 4-6

Though still well used in Swedish schools, textbooks are no longer under any governmental control or inspection. It is now responsibilities of the teacher, thus, knowledge is considered crucial. Therefore, the aim of this study was firstly to investigate if and how four biology/natural science textbooks, produced 1957-2008 for primary school years (3) 4-6, expressed any sex, gender and/or sexuality norms. Moreover, due to thoughts of queer theoretic Judith Butler, the study also investigated if and how these three norms interacted. By examining what the textbooks mediated, the purpose was finally to find out if and how the norms differed or not.

Att hantera sexualiteten i det tjugonde århundradet : en studie av sexualrådgivningen på ungdomsmottagningen och förmedlingen av normer från personal till ungdom

The subject of this paper is the mediation of norms about sexuality, from personnel working at the Swedish ?ungdomsmottagning? (youth centre for service and counselling about sexual health), to the visiting teenagers. The purpose of the empirical study is to investigate how the staff understands the part of their work that implies giving advice about sexuality; how they work, which norms they have about youth sexuality and how they see their roll as advisers. To answer these questions, I have interviewed six staff members working at different youth centres. Three of them work as social counsellors and three as midwifes.The main area of work at the centre consists of individual appointments, but another important task is meeting with school classes visiting for purposes of study.

Översättning enligt normer : En kommenterad översättning av en IT-text

This thesis is comprised of an annotated translation of an English IT-text into Swedish. The source text is the installation manual for the software SDL Trados Studio 2014 and the thesis also contains a text analysis of the source text. The goal of the translation has been to use norms in the target culture and thus move the translation toward acceptability. The thesis therefore discusses norms based on Toury's (1995) framework.The thesis also contains an empirical study of the translation of three different IT-texts. The study shows that, when it comes to the specific norms investigated in the study, Swedish translations of IT-texts are guided by norms in both the source culture and the target culture..

LVU i ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tillämpningen av LVU 3§ Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga

The aim of the study learn about if the court assesses boys and girls on an equal basis, or if there are norms of gender constructed in society that appears in the Administrative Court of Appeal. And we want to find out how norms, in this field, are different between boys and girls. We used the judgments of the Administrative Court of Appeal and went through the descriptions of the girls and boys. What basis was used in the judgment of LVU, to do this, we used discourse analysis. We summarized all judgments and then described the outcome of each requirement in LVU, we categorized the results for three requirements, other socially destructive behavior, criminal activity and abuse.

"Byt babyrösten mot dirty snack"

The overall aim of this study is to examine how Swedish women?s youth- magazines describes women. Through a social constructivist perspective, this essay particularly focuses on how the magazines deals with issues of gender and sexuality and what norms they reproduce. The magazine?s image of the young Swedish woman is a somewhat complex one, although one thing is strikingly clear: she is very different from men.

Försörjningsstöd och lokalsamhälle : En explorativ studie om låga försörjningsstödskostnader i Säffle kommun

The purpose of this study is to illustrate if structural factors to welfare indicators and the internal organisation of handle social assistance in combination with dominating ways of living with their values and norms can be used to explain why the costs of social assistance are low in Säffle township. The character of this study is exploratory, though important aspects in this case was unknown. The empiricism come from descriptive secondary statistics and from qualitative interwievs with three inhabitants in Säffle, whom are experts which means they know the township of Säffle and it´s inhabitants well. Säffle has been studied from four perspectives, of which the first two have a top- or macroperspective. In the study appears two divergent pictures.

Biografier om gangsters och åldrande rockstjärnor som snortar myror : en diskursanalytisk undersökning av litteraturförmedling i livsstilsmagasin för män

 The aim of this thesis is to examine men's attitudes towards literature, and how Social norms affect their book reading, in order to contribute to the knowledge of why men's book reading is decreasing. This is realized through a discourse analysis of literature recommendations in men's lifestyle magazines.Two magazines, King of Sweden and Magazine Café, are examined through critical discourse analysis. Theories of discourse are combined with theories of gender to explore how gender stereotypes affect men's reading habits.The analysis shows that ideals of masculinity have a great influence on the book recommendations. Social norms, associated with gender, also seem to have significance to whether or not a book is considered suitable for men to read. These are, inter alia, norms of heterosexuality and violence.

?Jag är ingen pojke, jag är en flicka!? : en studie om hur pedagoger beskriver könsnormer, könsnormkritiskt arbete och barn som bryter mot könsnormer

The subject of this study is gender norms in the preschool and children who oppose those norms. The aim is to investigate how the discourses are linked with the way in which preschool teachers and teaching assistants talk about children?s gender identity. This study is founded in feminist post-structuralist discourse analysis, which was a basis for the interpretation of the results. My research questions are:? How do educators express themselves concerning gender norms?? What do educators need to work with a gender critical agenda?? How do the educators describe their work concerning gender, gender norms and children who oppose those norms?? For educators who have experience with children who do not identify with the gender they was given at birth, how do educators describe their own treatment of said children, and how would they describe the treatment from the other members of the teaching team?The study consists of qualitative interviews with five educators who were asked questions relevant to: norms, gender, gender criticism and how they work with those topics.I found both positive and negative aspects of gender work in preschool.

Den varierande bedömningen av ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om hur handläggare resonerar kring föreställningar och lokala normer

This study is about conception in the evaluation of financial assistance within the social services. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how social workers reason about variation, conception and local norms and its significance in the evaluation process. To reach this purpose we have conducted semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in which different themes were discussed and reasoned about. In order to understand and analyze our results we have studied/used the knowledge about tacit knowledge and street-level bureaucracy. Our results showed, as previous research states, that social workers do have conceptions about clients.

Uthållig Demokrati med exkludering? En analys av diskursen om strukturell politisk exkludering i Demokratiutredningens slutbetänkande

The purpose of this study is to analyse the discourse on political exclusion in the official report Demokratiutredningen. It has been my ambition to relate the analysis of the report to a critical academic discourse on political exclusion and thereby make visible hidden norms and structures which functions to exclude certain individuals and groups from political participation.My paper point out that the report establishes a strong link between democracy and participation and that it, therefore, makes a strong case for a process of democratic inclusion. Though, in my study I suggest that that there is an unawareness of the importance of norms, hegemonic conceptions and structures and that inclusion, therefore, is unlikely to take place. Furthermore, I criticize the focus on deliberative democracy in the report. With insights offered by Mouffe in her argumentation on the necessity to acknowledge the dimension of antagonism present in all societies I underline that the focus on this democratic model is problematic.My conclusion is that the analysis presented in the report is insufficient if we want to create a democratic system characterized by equality..

T-Shirt med budskap : Iklädandet av en roll

This work has treated the subject of gender, with demarcation against the norms regarding appearance and beauty, conveyed by the media and how it affects society. This is expressed through social satire cartoons. This work has also led to an exploration of the importance of a personal drawing style and how it manifests itself..

Mötet med den svenska välfärdsstaten - En intervjustudie om hur europeiska barnfamiljer som migrerat till Sverige upplever mötet med nya familjevillkor i välfärdsstaten

This bachelor essay studies families that have migrated from countries in Europe to Sweden,and their experiences of adapting to new conditions of the Swedish welfare state. Theirexperiences are studied firstly from an institutional point of view, which refers to the family?s experience of adapting family life to Swedish family social policy. Secondly it focuses how the families experience new norms and values connected to Swedish family social policy. The main aim is to seek what problems families migrating to Sweden might be confronted with when adapting to new conditions of the welfare state.

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