

12561 Uppsatser om Social ljussättning - Sida 30 av 838

Socialtjänstlagen i mötet : Socialarbetarens möjligheter för att stärka individens egna resurser

The purpose of this study was to examine the resources and barriers that social workers have incorporating the Social Service Act states during meetings with clients, using and developing the client's skills and knowledge, develop their own resources and to promote the use of self-determination. A qualitative study was done by interviewing six social workers working within the in social service?s department for family and individual welfare. Social workers were encouraged to describe and discuss the key aspects of cases that developed positively respectively negatively. Motivation theory, evidence-based practice, empowerment, and expert-expert relationship are the theories and concepts that we used to analyze the material.The study's main conclusion is that the most important prerequisite for positive development of cases is that the social worker emphasizes and stimulates the client's own resources during meetings.

Bemötande inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialtjänstens bemötande gentemot unga lagöverträdare

Author: Nina Ekberg and Therese LjungTitle - Within the social services approach: A qualitative interview study of the social services attitudes towards young offendersSupervisor: Melker LaboryAssessor: Ulf DruggeThe purpose of this study was to see the social workers attitude towards young offenders and how this can affect the teenagers. The theoretical perspectives have been the theory of street-Level Bureaucracy, social constructivism and Stages of change. The material has been collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews and email-interviews with the social workers. The aim of this study was to examine if the social workers uses their theoretical experiences about their attitudes in their practical work and if their response can raise or reduce the young offenders motivation to change their behaviour. To collect information it was chosen that this study would only concentrate on the social workers opinions.

"Min dotter är mitt arbete nu" : En kvalitativ studie om hur karriären påverkas när man blir mamma

According to statistics, a significant increase in sickness has occurred in the public sector in recent decades in Sweden. Human therapeutic professions is the area where the illness is most prevalent. The purpose of this study was through a qualitative method and hermeneutic approaches explore how conscious six social workers in the social services are on stress and how they cope with it. Further it investigates and analyzes how these results affect their daily work.One important result due to stress is that the social workers ability to treat their clients is impaired and they are less able to be empathetic. Inadequacy in the work environment leads to a sense of insufficiency by social workers, and a reduced quality of life.

Kommunikation i sociala medier : Nya utmaningar för organisationer

AbstractTitle: Communications through Social media ? new challenges for organizations Kommunikation i sociala medier ? nya utmaningar för organisationerAuthor: Jenny Lilius Location: University of Kalmar Language: Swedish Number of pages: 46 (62 including appendix) Level: BA Thesis in media and Communications StudiesAim: The main purpose of this thesis was to explore what kind of challenges organizations face when communicating through social media. Because social media is a new phenomenon the thesis also examined how organizations active in Sweden today looks upon, defines, monitoring what is said about them and uses social media today.Method: The thesis was based upon the qualitative gathering of empirical facts. Through deep interviews with five organizations and literature studies the author was able to gather the results.Theories The analysis is primarily based upon theories about organizational communications such as PR, Rogers?s diffusions of innovations and the marketing mix.

Familjen är den enda vägen tillbaka hem. : En kvalitativ studie om personalens syn på familjens delaktighet i behandling av ungdomar.

ÖREBRO UNIVERSITYDepartment of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesProgram of social workSocial Work CC-essay in Social Work, 15 creditsAutumn term 2013The family is the only way back home? A qualitative study on staff?s view on family involvement in the treatment of adolescentsAuthors: Cakici, Nahrin and Claesson, SandraAbstractThe aim of this study is to investigate how the staff at residential treatment centers works to involve the family and the social network in youth?s treatment and how they experience that the involvement affects the young person. The aim is also to study the difficulties the staff experience in their work to involve the family and the social network. In this study, staff from two residential treatment centers in Sweden participated. The study is conducted based in on qualitative method in which four semi-structured telephone interviews and one group interview have been conducted.

Men problemet är att man aldrig har facit i handen : Några socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras arbete med barn och ungdomar

The opinion of social workers towards their work with children and young persons wasstudied in this essay. Even their point of view with reference to the term the child?s bestinterest has being considered and special focus was laid on the social workers attitudestowards media coverage and its criticism towards their work. A qualitative approach was usedconsisted of six interviews. The theoretical frameworks were based on the theory aboutfreedom of action and the theory of social representations.

Det sociala och det tekniska: Möjligheter för Aktör-nätverksteorin inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

This thesis discusses and analyses the existence of two different perspectives, a social and a technical one, in Library and Information Science (LIS). Most of the time the division between these perspectives seems to result in research only using either of them. This can be a problem when studying complex phenomena. We therefore see a need for a metatheory that unites the social and the technical. By presenting and analysing all doctoral dissertations published at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) 1993-2005, we try to detect and critically discuss the dichotomy between the two perspectives.

Empowerment: ett flytande begrepp?

The purpose of this study was to analyse the concept of empowerment and its meaning in the political document "En Förnyad Folkhälsopolitik" from the present Swedish government, containing guidelines and politics in the area of public health. The underlying question was if it could be considered as representative for some kind of general "empowerment approach" since the concept is central to the very definition of social work by the International Federation of Social Workers IFSW and International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW).By comparing its definition and consequences in the document with a historical review of different contexts of empowerment the conclusion was made that such a common approach doesn´t exist at all. The meaning of empowerment in the central document showed some similarities with the "northamerican" version of the concept represented by the social scientist Charles Murray, which is just one of the political meanings of empowerment. Alternative ways of understanding the concept was also presented such as being a tool of a constant conflict between central political principles or as a fashionable but not important word. Another alternative was to consider it a means of power through witch different political discourses tries to dominate the world..

Emotionerna stolthet och skam och de divergerande multiplexa sociala banden : En intervjustudie av tre ungdomars sociala nätverk av sociala band och dess oscillation mellan att existera på och utanför Internet

The purpose of this qualitative study has been; how social bonds are interlaced between thesocial worlds contained within the analytical division of ?outside Internet? and ?withinInternet?. What happens with the social bond as the individual oscillate between this analyticbisection? This purpose raises important questions of the use of Internet in everyday life.A new stance is taken toward studying the Internets integration into everyday life. The focusis adjusted to the importance of emotions.

Äldres behov och tillgång till aktivitet och social samvaro - Ur vårdpersonalens synvinkel

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur vårdpersonalen på ett äldreboenderesonerar kring äldres behov av aktivitet och social samvaro. I arbetet undersöks hurvårdpersonalens rutiner ser ut och hur social samvaro och aktivering prioriteras för deäldre. Jag använt mig av tidigare forskning, semistrukturerade intervjuer och tre teorier ?disengagemangsteorin, aktivitetsteorin och signifikanta andra för att svara påfrågeställningarna. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre personer som arbetar på ettäldreboende fann jag att respondenternas svar överensstämmer med tidigare forskningbeträffande att aktivering och social samvaro är viktigt för de äldre.

Vägen från ungdomars IKT-användning till skolstress

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

Att stärka barnens sociala förmåga i förskolan. : Pedagogers arbete med barn i svårigheter i socialt samspel och hjälpmedel i arbetet.

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how seven Swedish preschool teachers and two special education teachers think and work with children who show a lack of social skills. The study method has been semi-structured interviews with the educators which have been analyzed and sorted under different themes/categories. The theoretical framework used in this study is sociocultural, relational and categorical perspectives. These perspectives have been chosen in order to better understand how teachers see their role in supporting children in need of special support. The environment in the preschool is found to be of great help and the teachers? approach is of great importance.The research emphasizes the importance of integrating thinking, feeling and behavior.

?Fortsatta reformer ska bidra till varaktigt ho?g sysselsa?ttning, fra?mja ho?g produktivitetstillva?xt och sta?rka Sveriges konkurrenskraft." : - En studie av svenska politikers syn pa? utbildning

Denna uppsats har sin utga?ngspunkt i Martha C. Nussbaums tes om humanvetenskapens utsatthet i en va?rld da?r beslutsfattare alltmer stra?var efter ekonomisk tillva?xt. Nussbaum menar att de medborgerliga kompetenser som kra?vs i en fungerande demokrati ba?st tra?nas inom ramen fo?r humanvetenskap, men att denna disciplin nedprioriteras till fo?rma?n fo?r a?mnen som pa? ett till synes mer ma?tbart sa?tt fra?mjar den ekonomiska tillva?xten.

Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Hur väl efterföljs den?

Detta examensarbete syftar till att ge en o?vergripande uppfattning om hur man kan arbeta med barn fo?r att introducera flersta?mmighet. Jag har tagit del av relevant litteratur samt utfo?rt intervjuer av tre pedagoger med erfarenheter ba?de inom undervisning i vanlig skolklass samt musikklass och ko?r med antagningsprov.Jag har underso?kt hur man kan ga? tillva?ga i arbetet med flersta?mmighet, vilken betydelse den unisona sa?ngen har fo?r flersta?mmighet, och vad som avgo?r om undervisningen baseras pa? geho?rsinla?rning eller med hja?lp av noter.Av min underso?kning kan jag dra flera slutsatser. Den unisona sa?ngen anses vara en fo?rutsa?ttning fo?r flersta?mmighet, men flersta?mmighet tycks a?ven vara ett sa?tt att fo?rfina den unisona sa?ngen.

Frihamnen - en ny stadsdel i centrum av Göteborg

Social housing in Northern Europe and the importance of social and political consideration in planning. Focus of the essay lies on the "burning suburbs" of France, based on literature studies combined with a study visit to Les Minguettes outside of Lyon..

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