14989 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 52 av 1000
Kriminalitet : En studie om faktorer som orsakar ett kriminellt liv bland unga män
Criminality is a very normal problem that occurs between youths within today?s society. In this study we will be accentuating and therefore be focusing on how young men are living their lives with criminality. In this study we have analyzed the underlying factors for what the causes and reasons are for young men to be part of the criminal life. One basic and underlying factor is families, growth, friendships and economic resources.
De kan, de vill, de vet - Barns tankar om utbildning, yrken och framtid
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka skolbarns tankar kring framtid, utbildning och yrken. Följande frågeställningar har formulerats: vilken beredskap har barn att diskutera frågor om utbildning, framtid och yrken? Vad är det som gör att barn tänker som de gör kring utbildning, framtid och yrken? Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ metod och genomfört sex intervjuer med elever på en F-6 skola och tre intervjuer med lärare. Tidigare forskning visar att det inom detta område finns sparsamt med undersökningar och att det även är svårt att hitta karriärteorier som specifikt handlar om hur barn resonerar och utvecklas. För att analysera det empiriska materialet har Supers teori om life span, life space, Gottfredsons teori om begränsningar och kompromisser och Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT) använts.
It takes a new way to think to solve the problems we created by the old way to think ? Social welfare secretaries thoughts about family-placement on institution
The purpose with this essay is to take part of the process when a family is placed on the family-institution, Trollbacken. We want to know what makes the social welfare secretaries place a family in institutional care. Has Trollbacken lived up to the social welfare secretary expectations and are the social welfare secretaries following Trollbackens recommendation regarding the follow up treatment. We also want to know to what value the social welfare secretary assigns Trollbackens investigation and are they able to see changes in the family due to the placing on Trollbacken. The method is qualitative and is based on interviews from six social welfare secretaries that work around and in West Sweden.
Rekrytering 2.0 : - En fara för arbetssökandes personliga integritet?
This paper examines how recruiters use social media during their recruitment process. The paper focuses on the staffing industry and will further examine how recruiters are handling jobseekers personal privacy when they are using social media in a recruitment process. The paper are trying to understand the meaning of what personal integrity means and how or if recruiters show consideration to this in a recruitment process when they are using social media as a recruitment tool. Our result demonstrates that, today recruiters use social media daily to conduct background checks on job applicants. There are no clear instructions and rules on how recruiters should handle background checks through social media. Recruiters believe that job seekers are responsible for the information contained on the their social media.
Mäns upplevelser efter en hjärtinfarkt
Background: In Sweden approximately 37 000 individuals are affected by myocardial infarction every year. It is important after an infarction to investigate and make preventive changes of lifestyle to prevent another event. Patients have different conditions on how to manage a myocardial infarction and the new life situation they are put in. Through Kim?s domains men?s experiences after a myocardial infarction are separated.
Battle of Life : Spelprojekt till Swedish Game Awards
Vi beskriver i denna rapport hur vi, som två studenter vidÖrebro universitet, utvecklade ett nätverksbaserat action-spel för datorer i Windows-miljösomsedanvarmed ochtävladei nordens största spelutvecklar-tävling, Swedish Game Awards. I spelet,som vi döpt till Battle of Life, tar sig spelaren an en farlig och oförlåtande värld och måste slåss mot andra spelareför att överleva. Vi förklarar i denna rapport hur vi, under tio veckors tid,utvecklar ett spel från grundenoch vilka verktyg och metoder vi använde oss av för att genomföra uppgiften. Vi beskriver projektets mot-och framgångar samt hur vi löste de problem vi komi kontakt med under utveklingens gång.Vi går in djupare på varför vi gjordevissa designbeslut och hur de påverkade vårt slutliga resultat.Avslutningsvis diskuterarviom utveklingsprocessen och spelets eventuella framtid, både från vårt eget perspektivsom utvecklaremen även från ett samhällsenligt perspektiv..
Utformning av sidoområden med hänsyn till vägens livscykelkostnad
Single vehicle accidents are one of the most common types of accidents that occur on the Swedish road network. Depending on the design of the road, the presence of a crash barrier and embankment on the roadside, the outcome of a roadside collision can lead to serious injuries and even deaths.The aim of this project is to investigate the possibility of improving road safety by designing the optimal roadside area based on the results of a life cycle cost analysis (LCC).The questions that have been answered during the duration of this project are:1) Describe the current technical solutions for roadside area design and the various barrier types used in Sweden.2) Complete an existing mathematical model that has been developed by Hawzheen Karim, for calculating life-cycle costs for various roadside areas.3) Calculate and compare the life cycle costs for the side area with a barrier and without a barrier.By performing an analysis of the documentation on the current guidelines and rules for shaping the roadside, was it possible to describe the current technical solutions for the formation the roadside as well as the current roadside barriers in use today. A mathematical model for calculating the life cycle costs of different barrier types had already been developed by Hawzheen Karim. This model was supplemented so that it could calculate life-cycle costs of the roadside region with and without a barrier. After the model was completed, an analysis was performed to obtain life-cycle costs of a roadside with and without a barrier.The result showed that there is a clear relationship between the slope inclination, fill height, and the rate at which the costs rise.
Morgondagens arbetsledare
There is a lot going on in the construction business right now. It feels like everywhere you turn there is a building sight. Furthermore the business is heading a generation change and the need of recruiting new construction engineers is huge. How is the business going to handle the transition that they are facing? The question has been in progress for at while and I wanted to find out what the current students feel about taking the step into the working life and replace the veterans.A research is made about student?s opinion about their education and future work life.
Lycka: nyckeln till en önskvärd socialpolitik - en begreppsanalys
This essay deals with the same task that utilitarians have tried to solve for a long time, what is happiness? In the eighteenth-century utilitarians suggested that happiness should be the base for social political decisions. But the lack of definition disposed so that GDP became the measurement of happiness, which proved to be wrong when the unhappiness continued to increase. More than two hundred years later scientists came up with a new definition of happiness and new ways to measure it. And during the last decade economists have taken the discussion to a higher level.So once again we?re dealing with the same old issue, if happiness ought to be the base of social political decisions.
Finns det några skillnader mellan Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna? : en studie om kommunalt självstyre på lokal och nationell nivå
The Social Democratic Party and the Moderate Party are two parties with different ideological background. The parties have different opinions in issues of public and private matters. The Social Democratic Party profiles it self, through the local and national party programs, as a party for solidarity and security. The Moderate Party, on the other hand, profiles it self through their programmes as a party with a possibility for the individual to shape his or her own life. Through a survey on members in the local government, and two key persons at national level, the view of municipal self-government has appeared.
Dödens vara eller icke-vara i individens vardag : Om individuella och kulturella uppfattningar om människans förgänglighet
Though death and mortality is an inevitable part of our lives it seems like both the society with its culture and the individual in some way repress death. This study was set to explore how and why the individual holds back thoughts on his/her own death and in which way society affect the individual?s repression of death-thoughts. Using a hermeneutic approach I have interviewed five informants about death and thoughts about death in everyday life. Also for the analysis of the empirical material a hermeneutic approach was used, and the works of Bauman, Giddens, Heidegger, Fromm and May served as a theoretical starting point.
Vem Tar Vem?: en undersökning om den sociala bakgrundens betydelse vid bedömning av vård vid alkoholproblem
The purpose with our essay was to examine which clients/patients get treatment for alcohol problems from either health care units or social service units. We also wanted to find out how staff in these units considers the importance of social background in the assessment of treatment. The questions we have focused are: How do the clients/patients get in contact with the units? How does staff in these units consider the importance of social background in the assessment of treatment? How is the social background like for the present clients/patients? To fulfil the purpose with our investigation and to get answers to our questions, we performed an explorative examination and applied a qualitative method in the form of a semi-structured interview with six persons. The investigation showed that clients/patients get in contact with the units by looking for treatment by themselves or by relatives and other organisations.
Att leva med socialbidrag : Ensamstående mammor berättar om sina upplevelser
People recieving social assistance is today very common in Swedish society. Of those receiving social assistance single mothers is one ofthe largest groups. The purpose of this study is to examine how single mothers with social assistance experience themselves to be treated by social services, how this treatment affects their confidence in the social services and how they experience it is to live with social assistance. To answer the question, we use qualitative interviews with three clients. Previous research has shown that single mothers receiving social assistance experience vulnerability, and how they perceive it is affected by how they are treated by their social secretaries.
Dolt under tröjärmarna: om elever med självskadeproblematik utifrån gymnasiekuratorers perspektiv
The main purpose of this study was to examine, and illustrate, highschool social workers experiences of pupils with self-injurious behaviour. Self-injurious behaviour in this study refer to individuals who harm them-selves, with physical injury as consequence, without purpose to commit suicide. A qualitativ method was used and five highschool social workers, in the south of Sweden, were interviewed.The main questions were:- What kind of experiences have highschool welfare officers of pupils with self-injurious behaviour?- What view, and personal opinion have the welfare officers at the problem, and how do this affect them in their work with these pupils.The school social workers experiences of pupils with self- injurious behaviour, were for instance that the pupils often feel ashemed over their behaviour and that they often have lowe self-esteem. The social workers seemed to imagine the behaviour as a copingstrategy.It turned out that the social workers personality and their personal opinion regarding self-injurious behaviour, were of great importance in their work with these pupils..