14971 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 39 av 999
Skolprestation, genus och psykisk (o)hälsa: en kvalitativ studie av gymnasieungdomars förhållningssätt
The aim of the study was to explore the psychological well-being of a group of adolescents in relation to how they regarded achieving in school, in a gender perspective. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted with students aged 17-19 at a high-achieving school in a big city in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed thematically and the results showed that the adolescents acted differently as well as regarded achieving in school differently depending on gender. The young women were driven by ambition, they were high-achieving and planning for the future. The young men cared less about achieving and thought more about the present.
Mobilen den är alltid med: En användarundersökning av elektroniska mediers påverkan på ungdomars livsstil
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how the lifestyle of youth between the ages of 15-17 is influenced by electronic media and also what view and opinions youth has regarding electronic media and lifestyle. We intend to examine how and when the youth use electronic media in their everyday lives, what purpose the electronic media has in the life of the youth, and finally what views and opinions regarding electronic media and questions regarding lifestyle the youth express. We as librarians and adults need more knowledge on how youth use electronic media and also what thoughts they have regarding media and lifestyle. We would like to bring some knowledge to the discussion in this area with our study to librarians as well as parents.
Life Cycle Cost : Studie om LCC som verktyg att utva?rdera geoenergianla?ggningar
Life Cycle Cost, often abbreviated as LCC, is a common tool for comparing the total cost of different alternatives, such as heating and cooling methods. Common heating and cooling methods in Sweden are geothermal energy, district heating and district cooling. This report aims to evaluate how different heating and cooling methods differ from each other while being applied on three different types of buildings, using selected LCC-models. Information about the selected LCC-models wasretrieved from each separate model and its website. Reports and agencies were used as sources for information about the heating and cooling methods.
Individer med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL) kämpar varje dag att undvika andfåddhet och andnöd. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka kroniskt obstruktiva lungsjuka patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet, med särskilt fokus på andfåddhet och social isolering. Metodavsnittet beskrivs genom Goodmans sju steg (1996). Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudteman: Andfåddhet och andnöd, livskvalitet och det dagliga livet, social isolering och miljön och stigmatisering och samhället. I resultatet framkommer det att andfåddhet är det mest besvärande symtomen, vädret och miljön påverkar individernas förmåga att röra sig utomhus.
Det förlovade folkhemmet? : en studie av svensk civilreligion speglat i socialdemokraternas retorik 1928 - 2008
The aim of this paper is to apply Robert N. Bellahs theory of civil religion, within a Swedish societal context. Bellahs theory was designed in, and influenced by American culture. Therefore, the ?translation? of Bellahs theory does not come without problems.
Kattens naturliga beteende och hantering av katt på klinik
This literature study investigates the natural behaviour of the cat and handling of cats in the clinic. A presentation of tactile, olfactory, visual and acoustic communication is given. The reproductive behaviour of the cat is explained and the development of kittens is described. The study highlights hunting behaviour, territory structures and Social life of cats. The report also includes practical instructions to how the environment and handling of cats in clinics can be improved..
-Omanligt kan man säga... : Socionomstuderande mäns perspektiv på yrke, karriär, status och att tillhöra en könsminoritet
The purpose of this study was to enlighten the views of male social work students on; the social work profession, social work status and their career options. Also, the study aimed at getting these students angles of approach on the fact that they, being men, are a minority group within the profession of social work. Some of the main questions were: Why does not social work as a profession seem to attract men? What about the status of the profession of social work? What were the thoughts of male social work students about this? What advantages or disadvantages did they recognise, being a minority in the profession? The method used in this study was doing separate interviews. All of the interviewed students were convinced that they had a better chance of getting a job.
Promotionsarbete med unga i förorten : - En kvalitativ fallstudie av RGRA, Rörelsen gatans röst & ansikte
This studie explores how a promotive youth movement that aims to activate adolescents in economically and socially exposed areas, can affect the youth?s participation in society and oppose their experience of stigmatization. The youth movement, whom is being studied, uses urban art expressions as a mean to engage and motivate the adolescents. The empirism has mostly been collected by a limited participatory observation, and through qualitative interviews with staff and adolescents in the movement. The result has been analyzed through Pierre Bourdieus field theory.
Mötesplatser i små tätorter : funktion och gestaltning
This bachelor thesis in Landscape Architecture is about the planning and design of public spaces in small towns in Sweden. My opinion is that the small towns often are overlooked and my determination is to see if that is right.
The purpose with this thesis in Landscape Architecture, with focus on a durable society is to find the central public places in small towns and evaluate their function. This thesis has a focus on good design of central public spaces, designed for the inhabitants of the small towns.
A small town, which is the focus of this thesis, is defined to have 200-2000 inhabitants. The small towns, which often are built around industries or the railway, have since the nineteen seventies a problem with people leaving them for the cities in the urbanization. Currently there is also the opposite trend with people moving out from the cities, but to live on the country side, not in the small towns.
?Jag kommer ju alltid att ha den där ryggsäcken? : en kvalitativ studie av individers upplevelser av sin tillvaroefter att ha lämnat en kriminell livsstil
The aim of this study was to examine how individuals who have left a criminal lifestyle may experience their present life. A symbolic interaction approach was the theoretical framework for this research. Qualitative interviews were conducted with seven individuals who have stated having had and left a criminal lifestyle. The results showed that how individuals experience their present life is highly dependent on individuals? own view of themselves as well as on how others view them.
Upplevelser av att leva med KOL : En litteraturstudie
Karlsson. A (2015). Importance of spirituality and social support for quitting narcotics - Experiences of the12 step program. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.
Bara, bara vara "vänner" : En explorativ studie av den professionella socialarbetarens användande av sociala medier inom socialtjänsten
The aim of this study was to enlighten social workers experiences of social networks direct influence in Swedish social services, and in which ways those influences are manifested. Some of the issues that are being explored in this study are: The separation of the private sphere and professional duties; boundaries and dual relationships that occurs inside social networks; the use of social networks as a control-instrument in authority exercise towards clients; and social networks arising impact on social work. The empirical material was collected with nine qualitative interviews with social workers stationed at different social service departments in a Swedish municipality. Also one qualitative e-survey was sent out to, and answered by four social workers with a managerial position in the same municipality.The results reveal that several informants have experienced different problematic situations involving clients within the social networks. This study shows that the informants are very restrictive with what information (text and pictures) they publish on their facebook-profiles, because of their position of authority and the awareness of the possibility of always being watched.
Social konflikt: en sociologisk studie av konflikten på Nordirland
Denna uppsats tar upp ämnet social konflikt i samband med Nordirlandskonflikten. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida social konflikt kan verka främjande för samhället, samt att titta på de orsaker som gör att konflikten på Nordirland vidmakthålls. Detta har utförts genom en litteraturstudie av teorier utvecklade av Coser, Simmel och Merton.Slutsatser jag har dragit utifrån denna studie är bland annat att social konflikt i detta fall, parallellt med de nedbrytande faktorerna, också kan verka för en gynnande samhällsutveckling på vissa områden..
Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler
Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles. Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..
?Antingen f?r man sitta ensam och vara nykter och drogfri, och det ?r ju ingen som orkar det ?ver tid. Eller s? f?r vi skapa sammanhang d?r man kan g?ra p? ett annat s?tt? - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av sociala n?tver
This study examines the opinions of social workers regarding the social networks of people with a substance addiction. The intention was to get a more nuanced understanding of what characterizes a positive or negative social network, as well as which functions different types of social networks serve. Data were collected through qualitative interviews with seven social
workers. More specifically the social workers were oriented towards working for social services with clients that struggle with substance abuse. The empirical material has been analyzed with a thematic analysis.