14971 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 35 av 999
CSR i sociala medier - Möjligheter och risker med att kommunicera CSR i sociala medier
This B.Sc. Thesis examines how Swedish Large Cap companies communicate CSR in social media. We describe the current state of CSR communication in four different social media channels, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, and blogs. This research, supported by interviews with stakeholders and a quantitative survey, analyses the potential risks and benefits from communicating CSR via social media and provides concrete advice on the development of a CSR communication strategy for social media. Although some benefits have been realized, many companies have failed to truly reap the potential benefits from an effective social media strategy for CSR.
Barnets bästa : En studie av socialsekreterares tolkningar av barnets bästa och barnperspektivet i vårdnadsutredningar.
In Sweden the divorce rates has increased during the latter part of the 20th century. For many children it?s everyday life growing up with parents no longer living together. The Parental Code states that "The child's best interests must be central to any decision in custody, residence and access." But what does the child?s best interest really mean and how do we investigate it? We decided to investigate its meaning by interviewing social workers regarding their interpretations of the child's best interests from a family law perspective.
Äldres vardagsliv i Namibia : En kvalitativ studie om äldres upplevelser av vardagslivet
AbstractThe aim of the thesis was to examine some older people's experiences of everyday life and how it is to grow old in Namibia today. Because everyday life is a broad concept, we chose to focus on some specific parts of everyday life. These are chores, family, work/education, elderly past and present and the government/society. Furthermore we chose to look at the similarities and differences between the experiences on the basis of gender, race/ethnic groups and class.We chose to use a qualitative research method and to be inspired by life stories. We used a semi-structured interview guide and interviewed six people between 70 and 89 years.
Egen och social påverkan på perfektionsim hos individuella idrottare
The main purpose of this study was to examine own and social influence on perfectionismwith individual athletes. The participants (n= 96) of this study represented ten different sportsand their ages was between 15 and 44. An interview with four of the participant wasconducted. The instruments used for this study was the Positive and Negative PerfectionismScale (Terry-Short et al., 1995) and for the interviews questions was based on own and socialinfluence. The results showed that there was a relationship between positive perfectionismand own influence, negative perfectionism and own influence, negative perfectionism andsocial influence.
Evidens eller referens?: vad påverkar rektorers beslut?
Today the school is a given place for preventing social problems. The school struggles continuously to live up to the expectations of balancing preventive social work with pedagogy in a satisfactory way.The purpose of this essay is to get a picture of priorities of social work in school. I want to know what it is that affects and controls the principal's decision about what kind of social project they will accept and be a part of.This essay shows that only one of the eleven principals interviewed apply projects based on evidence when they decide about participation in a social project. Instead, the decisions are based on references from other schools. The reason why the principals do not base their judgement on projects which are based on evidence is because they consider the search for results too time consuming.When there is no requirement that a certain part of the social work in a school must be based on evidence, it leads to the children taking part in different social projects which we can not guarantee are good for them.One solution can be to guide the principals through a national social teachingplan, which can assure that social work based on evidence are being applied in the municipality schools as well as the independent schools..
Faktorer som underlättar för invandrarungdomar att komma in på högre utbildning
SummaryThe numbers of students in higher education with foreign background are still lower than expected. The universities around the country are increasingly committed to attract students among this group. Many of investments and researches have been done to explore new approaches. There is need to understand how students evaluate their choices. These studies will help marketing the educations which are more responsive to student's expectations.
Religionsskiftet i Skandinavien under vikingatid och medeltid i ett kvinnoperspektiv
The conversion in the Viking Age and the High Middle Agea in Scandinavia and how this affected women is discussed. Did women get a better life when the people had converted to Christianity or not. Our written sources are later than the conversion to Christianity. Instead the material culture, graves, grave goods and runic stones, can help us understand the life of women. Nordic mythology presents a contrast between faith in the Viking Age and Christianity..
Olika mastitpatogeners inverkan på mjölkkvalitet och juverhälsa
Integration policies have failed to make diversity into anything more than occupying the same physical space. People of different cultural background still do not share their lives to any real extent. Attempts made within planning and landscape architecture to catalyst the integration process have mainly been focused on structural measures, such as residential policies. As for outdoor environments, non-verbal casual encounters in the shape of crossing paths are assumed to lie at the heart of urban social integration.The aim of the thesis is to question this assumption and, as the thesis will show, there is literature supporting this aim. Looking at the works of Gordon Allport, Lewis Coser and some of their followers, I find intercultural contact to require more complex ways of interaction in order to reduce prejudice and to generate tolerance and understanding.
Valet inför valet : En studie om hur svenska förstagångsväljare väljer att ta del av politisk information
Problem statement and purpose:The purpose of this study was to analyze in what way first-time voters chose to take part of political information. The questions we aimed to answer was how first-time voters use media and other information channels for political purposes, what importance and trust the first-time voters give the different information channels and finally which indicators there is for that structural or individual factors affect the media consumption and political interest.Method and material:We did interviews with twelve 18 years old first-time voters from six different high school programs in Sundsvall, Sweden.Results:The study showed that the premier source of political information were traditional news media, in particular the debates on TV. It?s also in the debates the first-time voter?s trust the most. Even though the social medias are constantly present in their everyday life and even though the first-time voters believe the social medias have potential for engaging young people politically, the possibilities are only taken in advantage by people who are already politically interested.
Hur påverkar spårvägen rumsligheten i staden?
Integration policies have failed to make diversity into anything more than occupying the same physical space. People of different cultural background still do not share their lives to any real extent. Attempts made within planning and landscape architecture to catalyst the integration process have mainly been focused on structural measures, such as residential policies. As for outdoor environments, non-verbal casual encounters in the shape of crossing paths are assumed to lie at the heart of urban social integration.The aim of the thesis is to question this assumption and, as the thesis will show, there is literature supporting this aim. Looking at the works of Gordon Allport, Lewis Coser and some of their followers, I find intercultural contact to require more complex ways of interaction in order to reduce prejudice and to generate tolerance and understanding.
Stress : En gransking av studenters stressnivå - Praktik och icke praktik
Practical and theoretical learning are methods that are used in schools as a way to prepare students for the working life. Within the practical learning knowledge is not only acquired to learn in practice, but the students must also be able to apply their theoretical knowledge to what he/she does. Against this background, the aim of the study was to investigate the importance of practical learning for students in college / university level and how they are experiencing the stress that may arise out of the loss of practical learning during their education, as well as their vision for working life after completing their education. The population of the study consisted of N = 36, which 18 of these had used both practical and theoretical learning and the remainder had only used theoretical learning. The method was a questionnaire survey with a high proportion of fixed alternative answers according to likert scales.
Stark, stolt och finsk : En studie om finska kvinnors liv i Sverige
The purpose of this study is to illustrate and analyze what the socializing process of the Finn ish woman looks like ant to discuss what contributes to the feeling of inclusion, or the feeling of exclusion. The questions asked in the study aim to classify what influenced the decision to move to Sweden. Furthermore they aim to describe what the life in Sweden has been like and what the socialization process for the Finnish woman looks like. Finally I will study what kind of impact the change of life has had for the feeling of inclusion and for social identity. Initially the Finnish immigration to Sweden, through time, is described and then earlier stud ies relation to this study is accounted for. Then the role of social pedagogy in this study is presented.
Twittra, gilla, mäta - En studie av åtta företags arbete med sociala medier
This thesis investigates and analyses the social media strategy of eight companies. How the companies measure and evaluate their activity and investments in social media channels in general, and Facebook in particular is studied through qualitative interviews. The findings are then compared and analysed. Findings indicate that companies' social media presences to a large extent are dependent on individual employees with high levels of interest for the area and that companies that have integrated social media into their others operations see more value from their efforts..
Vikten av att fatta rätt beslut
Under 2010 var nästan var tredje VC investering i Sverige riktat till Life Sciences.Life Sciences är en bransch som täcker områdena bioteknik, medicinteknik, medicin och sjukvård. Branschen kännetecknas av att företagen arbetar mycket utifrån framtida förväntningar och ej framställda produkter. Därför är det viktigt för VC företagen som agerar inom Life Sciences att kunna identifiera den potential och de problem som kommer med en investering. För att bekräfta potentialen och problemen genomförs en due diligence. Due diligence är till för att finna styrkor och svagheter.
Implementering av "Life Cycle Management" i svensk läkemedelsindustri
It generally takes 10 to 12 years for a new drug to hit the market. The pharmaceutical industry invests huge sums in these early stages of research and development. In spite of the rapidly rising research and development expenditures fewer and fewer blockbuster drugs are being developed. Longer lead times and aggressive generic post-patent competition have narrowed the timeframe for the pharmaceutical companies to profit on their investments.In the face of these threats the pharmaceutical industry has developed a battery of strategies to prolong market exclusivity and to maximize return on investment. These emerging strategies are commonly known as Life cycle management (LCM), which actually is more of a concept than a method.