14971 Uppsatser om Social life - Sida 27 av 999
Patienters upplevelser av att leva med fibromyalgi
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder. It affects muscles and connective tissue. It's a very complex disorder that has no adequate treatment or cure. The research has progressed but there are still some questions to be answered. Quality of life for these patients is decreased and leads to suffering.
Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden
The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..
Säkerhetsventilen i ränteavdragsbegränsningsreglerna : En analys utav rekvisitet huvudsakligen affärsmässigt motiverat i 24 kap. 10 e § IL
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Äldre och relationsskapande på Facebook : Hur äldre använder och förhåller sig till Facebook
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Livet efter 60: en kvalitativ studie om åtta 40-talisters funderingar kring livet efter 60 år samt vilka strategier de har inför pensionen
The purpose behind our study was to analyze people who were born in the 1940s' reflections on life after the age of 60, as well as examining which strategies they had before retirement. The study built on the themes; leisure pursuit and social networks,retirement, life after the age of 60, the future care and the care needs and its mediums. These themes have also provided the base for our interview guide. In order to answer our aims and issues we chose to use a qualitative method. We have interviewed eight people born in the 1940s in order to provide a varied picture of their reflections and strategies for the future.
EN VÄG BORT FRÅN SOCIAL EXKLUDERING? - Fyra deltagares upplevelser av ett holistiskt projekt
The intention of this essay was to describe and analyse the participant's experience in a work project based on a holistic model. The main purpose of the project was to integrate homeless people back into society. My main questions were: 1. What meaning did the project have in the participant's life? 2.
Jag är hel! Detta ska ingen ta ifrån mig. En berättelse om drogupplevelser
The aim of this study is to highlight drug experiences and the significance our interviewee?s ascribe to their drug experiences in conjunction to their everyday lives. In the concluding chapter of this study we have used the collective experiences of the participants to allow us to engage in a dialogue of why it is important to acknowledge the attributes and needs an individual attaches to his/her perspective drug in the field of social welfare in Sweden. Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical approach is used as the framework for understanding responses of participants in this study. The word ?experience? is a comprehensive concept for the sensations that an individual feels.
Tvåsamhället : Om att förhålla sig till normer som skaver
This study focuses on single peoples construction of their lifes in relation to normative heterosexual coupledom. It is based on five interviews made with single women and men at the age of 24 to 51 who live by themselves. The queer theory which puts the heteronormativity in question is used as a theoretical framework. Discourse psychology functions as an analytic approach. It focuses on the use of language in the construction of reality in a world of determinant discourses.
Riskfri marknad? : En kvalitativ studie av bostadsköpares attityder i Umeå
AbstractIT can facilitate communication among individuals and connect people across geographical distances. On the contrary, citizens of the society who do not use communication technologies to some extent might feel excluded from the information society. As elderly citizens are already in a vulnerable position for the digital divide, communication technology becomes an important tool for interacting with friends and family. The social situation of elderly, 60 years of age and older, is a topic of current interest since they are the fastest growing age group in the world today. Further, social interaction becomes more important among elderly since it has a positive effect on well- being.
Bostadsgården : att se till de boende vid utformningen av bostadsgårdar - en litteraturstudie kring bostadsgårdens betydelse
This candidate essay is built on literature studies and discusses the meaning of the residential yard along with what you, as a landscape architect, should think about when you are designing functional residential yards. To do this I found it necessary to figure out what it is that makes people step outside their own apartment and out into the
city?s public places. The reasons for this are numerous and many times individually affected. Something that plays a role in people?s outdoor life and prevents them from spending time outside is the lack of time, the technique of today and the feeling off insecurity.
Vad tror blivande religionslärare? En livsberättelsestudie om sex lärarstudenters syn på religion
With this thesis I have examined the views of religion among six comparative religion teacherstudents, with the perspecitve of their life stories. I have also examined what stance they want to take due to their personal beliefs in their forthcoming teaching. To achive this I have used in-depth interviews among the six soon examined teacher students, and within the interviews I have had a particularly focus on turning points of the students? life stories. Later on I have used their turning points in an analysis with the hypothesis of ?Rites des Passage? and ?Structure and Anti-Structure?.In my survey I have found a significant relationship between the students? life stories - inparticularly their backgrounds and tourning points - and their views of religion.
Från Bomull till Byxor Livscykel Inventering och Ansvarsfullt Företagande En MFS i Södra Indien
A growing number of companies realise that to achieve their environmental goals and satisfy stakeholder expectations, they need to look beyond their own facilities and to involve their suppliers in environmental initiatives. A life cycle approach means that the production system should be optimised as whole, across national boarders and individual organisations taking part all the way from extraction to disposal. This study is a Life Cycle Inventory of resources used when producing a piece of cotton garment and the method is based on the standardisation series of ISO 14040-43. The area of study, Tamil Nadu the most southern state of India, accounts for more than 90% of India?s knitwear exports to Western Europe.
The Workers the Work Environment Discourse Forgot - a critical analysis of the official psychosocial work environment discourse in Sweden
Purpose: To explore how the changes in work life, here represented and depicted through the concepts of knowledge work and knowledge worker, have been incorporated in the official psychosocial work environment discourse in Sweden. Methodology: Critical discourse analysis, contrasting the official psychosocial work environment discourse to literature on knowledge work and knowledge worker, to explore how employees, employers and their relations are constructed within these two discourses; focusing identity, autonomy and power. Using the constructions to make visible how they are articulated, used and dealt with in a real life case from the Work Environment Authority. Theoretical perspectives: Our social world is socially constructed and language is the main tool for constructing it. Discourse analysis is thus not just a tool for deconstructing texts but also for enhanced understanding of our construction of the world and our ability to communicate about it.
Specialpedagogers användning av styrdokument och förväntningar på kommande läroplan, Lgr11
Women today feel that their urban surroundings are unsafe, and because of that they use different strategies to reduce the risk of being exposed to criminal acts towards them. The focus of this study is to develop an understanding of the insecure feeling that women feel and what that feeling might originate from. By using previous research and theories we have been able to incorporate a gender perspective on the study this because the gender role is central to understand women?s feelings of insecurity. The purpose of the study was to develop a deeper understanding of women?s sense of safety and insecurity.The central questions of the study are1.
En implementeringsstudie om samhällsorientering i Sverige : Preliminära erfarenheter från tre län
The aim of this essay is to investigate the implementation of The Social Orientation inSweden. The Social Orientation is a part of the new, one year old, establishment law and isaimed at all newly arrived refugees and immigrants. The aim of the law is to help establish allnew arrivals into the Swedish society by providing knowledge about life in Sweden. Theeducational program is at least sixty hours long and covers: the public authorities in Sweden,laws and regulations, work and education, healthcare, children and family issues in a person?smother tongue.In order to achieve my aim I have chosen two questions: How has the law been implementedin Swedens three counties: Stockholm, Sörmland and Uppsala? What conditions are there fora successful implementation?In order to answer these questions I have used the traditional, ?street-level bureaucrats? andnetwork perspectives and issues for my study of implementation.