

13628 Uppsatser om Social konstruktion. - Sida 35 av 909

Socialsekreterares kompetens i arbetet med ensamkommande barn

The purpose of this study was to investigate what competence social workers have, don´t have and ask for in the work with unaccompanied children, how a lack of competence and guidelines has been compensated in the practical work and how the social workers view the future work with unaccompanied children. This has been done through eight semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with unaccompanied children. The result has been analyzed with help of the theoretical perspective globalization connected to social work and showed that none of the social workers felt not having the competence to work with the children. However, everyone mention one or more areas where they ask for competence development. The study showed that lack of education has been compensated through practical experiences, knowledge exchange with others and that guidelines now have been formed.

Lärares användning och integrering av IT i undervisningen : En studie med sex verksamma lärare i grundskolans tidigare år

This study is about conception in the evaluation of financial assistance within the social services. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how social workers reason about variation, conception and local norms and its significance in the evaluation process. To reach this purpose we have conducted semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in which different themes were discussed and reasoned about. In order to understand and analyze our results we have studied/used the knowledge about tacit knowledge and street-level bureaucracy. Our results showed, as previous research states, that social workers do have conceptions about clients.

Snacka går ju - eller? : En studie om påföljden ungdomsvård inom socialtjänstens öppenvård

The purpose of this study was to examine young offenders? attitudes towards crime, and to the penalty they have been sentenced to as juveniles. More specifically its aim was to examine an intervention program called Galaxen, specifically used  to deal with  juveniles  in Växjö. This intervention program consists mainly of conversations with social workers from social services,  aiming  towards  better  self-awareness  and  the  ability  to  understand  the  consequences  of one?s actions.

Socialarbetares förståelse av våld i nära relation : En vinjettstudie med barnavårdsutredare

Social workers ideas about what domestic violence is influence their ability to recognize vio-lence in cases where this occurs. Social workers awareness and understanding of domestic violence can also influence the handling of these cases. Education on the subject domestic violence can increase social workers knowledge about, awareness and handling of violence. The present study aims to investigate how social workers in child protection investigations understand, recognize and interpret domestic violence and which interventions the social workers suggest. This is a qualitative vignette study in which semi-structured interviews was carried out with social workers working with child protection investigations.

Konstruktion av pressfixtur : För sidoplåtar till gripare G40HD

Det här examensarbetet gjordes för Cranab i Vindeln. Cranab tillverkar gripare för det mekaniserade skogsbruket, som används för att samla upp och förflytta avverkat timmer. En gripare består av två huvuddelar, gripklorna samt en vagga. Vaggan är uppbyggd av flertalet olika delar, varav två sidoplåtar, en höger samt en vänsterplåt. Sidoplåtarna skärs ut i en laserskärprocess och bockas i en pressmaskin, för att sedan svetsas samman.

Marknaden för utsläppsrätter : En empirisk analys av vad som styr prisvariationerna

The aim of this study is to through six interviews, with six experienced, social workers?, in three cities, understand how the child?s position in the Swedish child protective services? enquiries has change, and the factors behind it. The aim is also to compare if the social workers? view of the child?s position in the enquire has change accordingly to Socialstyrelsens intentions of BBIC. The theoretical approaches that was used is the new institutionalism, the Shier?s pathways to participation and the term discretion.

"En liten stackare som man ska tycka synd om" : Om socialarbetares syn på prostitution ur ett offer- och aktörsperspektiv.

Author: Jessica Liljekvist and Emmelie Wiss CedergrenTitle: A miserable wretch that you should feel sorry for ? If social workers see persons who prostitute themselves as victims or agents. [Translated title]Supervisor: Marie ErikssonAssessor: Anders GiertzOur purpose with this study was to examine if social workers see persons who prostitute themselves as victims or as agents. We also wanted to examine how social workers see male and female persons who prostitute themselves. This study is based on the qualitative method and the result was analyzed with social constructionism, postmodern feminism and labeling theory.

Teorier om socialt liv på offentliga platser : med applicering på Selma Lagerlöfstorg

The undergraduate thesis "Theories on Social Life in Public Places - Applied to Selma Lagerlöf's Torg" consists of two parts: the first part presents theories concerning social life in public places; the second part presents a program for developing Selma Lagerlöf's Torg (a center in a suburb to Gothenburg) into a well-functioning social environment, i.e. a place where the social life has positive consequences on its participants and on society..

Arbetsmotivation i äldreomsorgen: en explorativ studie av uppfattningar hos medarbetare och chef vid ett äldreboende

An explorative study on the work motivation of employees at a retirement home. The three main factors are internal motivation, external motivation and control. A comparison between how important they estimate the different factors to be and how they experience them today reveals which factor is their key motivator and which areas that need improvement. Results indicat that internal and external motivation are slightly more important than control. And the amount of perceived control reflects the amount of creative and initiative behaviour of the individual.

Hur tränas social kompetens med hjälp av utomhuspedagogik? : Kan utomhuspedagogik vara en möjlighet för att öka den sociala kompetensen hos elever i gymnasieskolan?

Syfte med detta arbete var att undersöka om och hur utomhuspedagogik kan främja social kompetens och om utomhuspedagogik kan vara en möjlighet för att träna social kompetens i gymnasieskolan.Dagens ungdomar har färre vuxenkontakter och blir influerade av det tekniska samhället samtidigt som sociala färdigheter tränas mindre. Därav blir ungdomars brister i social kompetens mer påtaglig för samhället. Gymnasielever befinner sig i en känslig utvecklingsfas där social kompetens spelar en omedveten roll för sociala interaktioner. För närvarande finns ingen aktuell forskning om sambandet mellan utomhuspedagogik och träning av social kompetens på gymnasieskolan.Min empiriska studie har med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer av fyra verksamheter som arbetar med utomhuspedagogik tagit reda på om och hur utomhuspedagogik kan användas för att främja social kompetens. Respondenterna är verksamma i grundskolan, försvarsmakten, polisutbildningen och företagskonsulting.

Anhörig : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att arbeta med anhöriga till missbrukare

The aim of this study was to examine and analyze the experiences which social workers have of working with relatives of substance abusers. This included examining how they work with relatives who are in need of care and support and how the social workers identify their needs. We have also investigated how well informed the social workers are when it comes to approaches to helping relatives of substance abusers. A qualitative method has been used in this study in order to analyze the experiences of the social workers from a phenomenological point of view. This study was based on six semi-structured interviews.

Social ångest och dess samband med alkoholanvänding och depressiva symtom hos tjejer och killar

Den sociala ångesten många känner i olika situationer kan leda till undvikande, isolering och ibland även kompliceras av depressiva symtom och/eller alkoholanvändning. Huruvida ett samband mellan dessa problem kan visa sig i 16-17 årsåldern undersöktes genom en enkät om nedstämdhet, alkoholanvändning och social ångest. Resultatet visade att nedstämdhet hade en inverkan på grad av social ångest hos båda könen. Dock var tjejer i högre grad än killar mer nedstämda. Tjejer som drack mindre uppvisade en högre grad av social ångest.

Vem vill bli socionom? - en studie om social snedrekrytering på Socialhögskolan i Lund

This essay aimed to give a basis for the departement of social work in Lund in its task to recruit students from underrepresented parts of the population to the departement and to the university by presenting which social groups are underrepresentated. The research also aimed to give an explanation of how the backgrounds of the student´s have influenced them and lead them to undertake studies of social work. The main questions were: - What background do the students at the departement of social work have as seen from the variables; sex, age, national background, class, parents' educational level, society of childhood and direction of upper secondary school? - How can the background of the students at the departement of social work be explaned by the theories of Pierre Bourdieu? The research was performed with a quantative method based on a questionnaire. The data received by the questionnaire were compared with data of the general students population and of the population of Sweden at large.

Är sociala medier mest ett hinder? Ungas lärande i sociala medier

A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions that occur there. The accessibility which social media brings, means that you can reach and be reached in several ways and there are many different ways in which information can be disseminated. Social media supports the learning process. The aim of this study is to examine how upper secondary schools students' use of social media and how it can be used as a tool for informal learning. Our study is based on the socio-cultural perspective where interaction and social cohesion is a big part.

Utveckling och konstruktion av mobil personlyft anpassad för bariatrivård

Studier visar på att befolkningen i världen blir allt mer överviktig. Denna utveckling leder till att nya krav ställs på att sjukvårdsutrustning och hjälpmedel ska vara anpassade för att kunna hantera dessa personer.Det här examensarbetet har syftat till att utveckla en mobil personlyft anpassad för tunga brukare. En mobil personlyft används för att lyfta och förlytta brukaren med hjälp av en sele eller bår. Ett typiskt användningsområde är att förflytta en person från säng till rullstol eller toalett. Fokus har legat på att ta fram en produkt som lyfter och rymmer en person som väger 350kg samtidigt som den är unikt lätt att hantera och manövrera för användaren.Mobillyften utvecklades genom ?Ulrich & Eppingers? metod för produktutveckling.

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