

12953 Uppsatser om Social economy - Sida 1 av 864

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of Social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the Social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into Social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

Krigsekonomi? : Hur den privatägda ammunitionsfabriken Norma Projektil AB i västra Värmland påverkades av staten under perioden 1938-1943

The topic of this essay is whether the private owned ammunition factory Norma Projectile AB was a part of a war economy system from 1938 to 1943. This is done by analyzing specific documents from the company´s archives that expose the connection with Swedish authorities. The selection and analysis of these documents are based on four main criteria?s of the concept war economy. These criteria?s are based on Ivan T.

Informationssäkerhet och autenticitet i elektroniska arkiv

The topic of this essay is whether the private owned ammunition factory Norma Projectile AB was a part of a war economy system from 1938 to 1943. This is done by analyzing specific documents from the company´s archives that expose the connection with Swedish authorities. The selection and analysis of these documents are based on four main criteria?s of the concept war economy. These criteria?s are based on Ivan T.

Är klassröstningen fortfarande signifikant? - en studie om kommunalvalen i Stockholm och Göteborg 2002

The association between social parameters (i.e. socio-economy and level of education) and voting behaviour has been reviewed and analysed based on data from municipal council elections in Stockholm and Gothenburg in 2002. Some social scientists argue that the class voting is in decline and that new social cleavages have emerged. However, by using regression analysis techniques, this study implies a strong dependence of voting behaviour on social parameters, such as socio-economic status (SES) and level of education. Socio-economy appears to be a dominant predictor in the analysis.

Elevers syn på hållbar utveckling

The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av mötet med patienter med ett annat modersmål : - En litteraturöversikt

Background: Running economy is one of the key factors to achieve top performance in endurance events. Little evidence exists for improving running economy using high-intensity interval training while running. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how HIIT affects running economy and VO2max. Method: 14 well-trained athletes (age 35 ± 8,9 years, height 175 ± 11,7 cm and weight 69 ± 12,2 kg) were divided into two separate groups (HIIT and Control). HIIT group performed 3 HIIT exercises every week for 4 weeks and Control group continued with their separate training programs consisting of mostly traditional endurance training. Results: Running economy showed no improvement in HIIT (pre 38,62 and post 38,62 ml/kg/min, p=1.00) but Control improved (pre 45,41 and post 43,37 ml/kg/min, p=0,03). VO2max decreased in HIIT (mean 61,32 to 60,84 ml/kg/min) and in Control (mean 61,99 to 58,47 ml/kg/min)..

HIIT och dess effekt på löpekonomi hos vältränade löpare och triatleter

Background: Running economy is one of the key factors to achieve top performance in endurance events. Little evidence exists for improving running economy using high-intensity interval training while running. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how HIIT affects running economy and VO2max. Method: 14 well-trained athletes (age 35 ± 8,9 years, height 175 ± 11,7 cm and weight 69 ± 12,2 kg) were divided into two separate groups (HIIT and Control). HIIT group performed 3 HIIT exercises every week for 4 weeks and Control group continued with their separate training programs consisting of mostly traditional endurance training. Results: Running economy showed no improvement in HIIT (pre 38,62 and post 38,62 ml/kg/min, p=1.00) but Control improved (pre 45,41 and post 43,37 ml/kg/min, p=0,03). VO2max decreased in HIIT (mean 61,32 to 60,84 ml/kg/min) and in Control (mean 61,99 to 58,47 ml/kg/min)..

Hållbar avfallshantering : Ur ett ekonomiskt- och miljöperspektiv

Economy and environment has for a long time been studied separately and seen as incompatible. With a growing society and increasing pressure on environmental issues the need of a new economy with the environment included is necessary. This study examine if European Union´s picture of the waste hierarchy match the reality. Since the purpose with the waste hierarchy is to benefit environmental and economy. A survey was made over Käppalaförbundets waste from 2013, to see where the waste falls in the waste hierarchy.

Leverantörsvalets kriterier i SME : I en bytesekonomisk kontext

The European economy today is built on small and medium sized enterprises (SME?s) and SME?s recieve a lot more attention in the litterature now. Even though SME?s have earned more attention in the litterature there is a significant lack of information regarding purchasing and supplier selection in these companies?. This report aims to create bigger understanding of SME?s and their purchasing by showing how seven swedish SME?s select their suppliers.

Att förändra och förändras med tecken : En kvalitativ studie om uppleveser av teckenekonomi

The token economy program, which is a method for behaviour modification, has been used worldwide for different groups within different settings in order to vhange behaviour.Research has found the token economy program to be effective. However, research is limited to quantitative and experimental studies, and Swedish research in this field is brief. Nevertheless, the program is used in several institutions n Sweden. A qualitative study in Swedish settings could therefore be useful. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experiences of a token economy program using qualitative interviews.

Arbetsmarknadens parter och globalisering.

The focus of this thesis is upon how conceptions of globalization is created by the labour-organizations Lands-organisationen (LO) and Svenskt Näringsliv. It is possible to discern two arguments for globalization in the texts, economy and democracy, and it is around these that the discourses of globalization are being constructed. Economy turns into a basic logic in the discourses of globalization. How to perceive the role of economy, as positive or negative, differs. Still, there is an agreement of the influence of economy.

Upphovsrätten i det generella intellektets era

This text examines the ideological positions, as they appear in texts of central importance, of four Swedish protagonists ? Antipiratbyrån, Konstnärliga och litterära yrkesutövares samarbetsnämnd, Creative Commons i Sverige and Piratbyrån ? in copyright issues. The critical analysis is focusing on three themes ? economy, culture and civic rights and responsibilities ? and poses the questions of how the ideology of the protagonists relates to the changing processes between culture and economy in the society of today, and which interest of classes, understood in Marxist terms, they favour. Before defining the theory and method of the inquiry the authors give their understanding of the changing processes between economy and culture.

De tre vise männen - En fallstudie av Kinas övergångsperiod

When Deng Xiaoping introduced his reform program, he began China's transition from a plan economy to a socialist market economy. Liberal theorists often argue that there is an automatic link between ?free market? and ?democracy?, however this link is not evident in China. This contradiction constitutes the problem area of this thesis.With a theoretical framework containing ?totalitarism? and ?Tang Tsous culturalist approach? I have analysed the leadership of CCP (China's Communist Party) and its strategies to maintain the Chinese political system.

?Roll up! Roll up for The Magical Mystery Tour!? : om upplevelseindustrin i The Beatles Liverpool

During the 19th centaury Liverpool was an industrial city of great magnitude owing to the well-established communication and infrastructure in the area. During the 1950?s the industry decrease swiftly - and although Liverpool as a city gain interest as a result of the sensation of the Merseybeat and The Beatles - the reduction continued through the 70?s and during the 80?s the people of Liverpool suffered from great unemployment. Today Liverpool is a post-industrial city with a growing experience economy that mainly benefits from The Beatles tourism and the Merseybeat-era. The focus of these studies is the experience economy in Liverpool as a result of globalization and production in the late modernity.

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