

17807 Uppsatser om Social cognitive theory - Sida 50 av 1188

Alla vägar leder till fantasy: en studie av hur fantasyläsande BHS-studenter går tillväga för att få tag på skönlitteratur

Fantasy literature has a rather strong position in countries with an English-speaking population but not in Sweden. The supply of fantasy in Sweden is much smaller than that in for example United Kingdom. Does this affect the Swedish readers of this genre? If it does, how does it affect them? The aim of this thesis is to find out how a few fantasy-reading students at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science get hold of the fiction they want to read and who and/or what influence their decision of which book to read. In order to avoid confusion we are also going to try to find out how they define fantasy since it varies from person to person what is included in the genre.

Erfarenheter av kognitiva hjälpmedel : En intervjustudie av personer med kognitiv funktionsnedsättning

Bakgrund: Närstående synes ha en central roll i den palliativa patientens vård. Kommunikationen mellan de närstående och sjuksköterskor är en viktig del i omvårdnadsarbetet. Syfte: Att belysa kommunikationen mellan den palliativa patientens närstående och sjuksköterskor. Metod: Litteraturöversikt där 14 vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar funna i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultat: De närstående synes ha ett stort behov av delaktighet i den palliativa vården.

Det tredje könet : om intersexualism och olika diskursers användning av kön/genus

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the concept of gender identity is constructed, by doing a discourse analysis of texts from two different perspective discussing intersexuals, and to define the areas where the discourses doesn't agree. The two perspectives were; feminist- and medical perspective.How are sex/gender identity constructed in the chosen articles?What themes can be seen in the discourses?My method was discourse analysis. A discourse can be described as a way of talking about and understanding a part of the world. The analytics task is to define the discourses, which the world is constructed by.The areas of conflicts have been found.

Stressat vardagspussel i Sverige : - individens upplevda stress i relation till sociala förbindelser och ny individualism

This essay addresses the issue of stress by income earners in Sweden 18-64 years old and any possible relationship to their social ties and the individualization process. The data were collected through a questionnaire, sent out to about 185 working men and women. The results showed a relationship between fewer social ties in everyday life and perceived stress of the individual. The result also showed a relationship between higher degree of individualization and stress. Both of these correlations is confirmed by previous research on the concept of work-life and theory of the new individualism.One of the most interesting results the study showed was that there was none relationship with gender and perceived stress in the individual.

Styrelsen och CSR : En studie om hur en styrelses sammansättning påverkar företags rapportering av CSR

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida bolagsstyrning har en påverkan på ett bolags rapportering av CSR på den svenska marknaden. Liknande studier finns utförda i andra länder men det finns ett kunskapsgap i Sverige och förhoppningen är att komma med ett resultat som är mer tillämpbart för svenska förhållanden. Eventuella resultat kan komma till nytta för företag som vill förändra sina CSR policyer.Metod: Vi använder oss av en kvantitativ ansats för att med hjälp av statistiska metoder svara på vår problemformulering. De metoder vi har använt är korrelationsanalys, för att undvika problem med multikollinearitet, och därefter en multipel regressionsanalys för att testa sambandet mellan beroendevariablerna (CSR rapportering) oberoende variablerna (styrelsens sammansättning) och våra kontrollvariabler.Slutsats: Vår slutsats är att en bolagsstyrelses sammansättning påverkar företagets rapportering av CSR. Fler kvinnliga ledamöter i styrelsen leder till en ökad rapportering av både miljömässig och social CSR.

Fängslande ord Om genusgörande i BUP-socionomers psykosociala utredningar

The purpose of this study was to examine how girls and boys are described by social workersin psycho-social assessments in child and adolescent psychiatry. The questions at issue wereif girls and boys are described in different ways and if gender related patterns could be found.The study was both qualitative and quantitative. I used textual analysis as a method anddiscourse analysis as theory.Results: Sexes were generally described differently. Girls are depicted from how they are andhow they look and boys are described by what they do and their behaviour. The mother isdescribed as the person who is most responsible for children of both sexes.

Samverkan mellan lärare och socialsekreterare : En kvalitativ studie i två kommuner

The intension of this study is to investigate the interaction between teachers and social workers in two diffrent countys. The study is focused on how teachers act upon suspicions when there are children at risk and what kind of support the teacher gets from social workers. Another importent question is if the teachers know what kind of rules regarding to confidentiality and if it would be better for the pupils if there were no confidentiality.To get answers to my questions, i have interviewed teachers and social workers in both countys.In this study I assume that the power has three dimensions and that there are four levels of interaction.Due to the law about confidentiality the social worker has the power over the teachers. Because the law about confidentiality it is difficult for teachers and social workers to interact.If the teacher want help from social services, she or he must call the social worker because the social worker will not call the teacher. If the social worker want to help the teacher and give her advice, the social worker can do that without breaking confidentiality.

Social isolering. En studie om a?siktspolarisering och normativ press i sociala medier

The purpose of this study was to look for tendencies that social media can contribute to exposing users to a stronger perception of opinion polarization, and further to see if the daily presence of social networking sites can put normative pressure on the users. The study was made using a survey with participants from Umea? University during the time frame of november-december 2014. The theoretical framework behind the study was mainly drawn from The Spiral Of Silence by Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann and was further supplemented with more current research, studying the effects from The Spiral Of Silence in the modern and more fragmented media landscape that exists now then when her theory was written. Further theoretical tools for analysis of the results came from Michel Foucault and his discussions in Discipline and punish, specifically his views on how surveillance can be discontinous in practice, but still permanent in it?s effects.The results of this study indicates that social media users tend to isolate themselves from uncomfortable opinions, and do not follow or read opinions they do not already agree with.

Medicinen är kryckan, inte lösningen: personals upplevelser av de psykosociala inslagen i läkemedelsassisterad underhållsbehandling

The meaning of the concept of psychosocial treatment is ambiguous. The purpose of this study was to examine how professionals within some care institutions, which provide methadone, buprenorphine or naloxone treatment, regard and carry out the psychosocial features of such treatment. Central issues discussed were; how personnel approach the psychosocial features of the treatment, what personnel regard as a focus in the psychosocial treatment, what conditions personnel consider affect treatment positively in order for it to be successful and how personnel see the relation between the medical and psychosocial features of the treatment. The method used was interviews with nine professionals in six qualitative interviews. The theoretical perspectives and concepts used in our analysis were; the theory of biological dependence, an organizational perspective, Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model, the concept of individual reality and the concept of marginal conflict.Results show that the conditions most important for successful treatment are; that the patient has a place to live, an occupation, motivation, that the patient take responsibility for his/hers progress and have realistic expectations about the effects of the medicine.

Bloggen: ett effektivt marknadsföringsverktyg? : en studie om bloggen som IT-strategi

Background: The background shows that since the consumption patterns constantly are changing and the Internet usage is growing it creates more opportunities for the companies to interact through new media. There are two ways to go for companies that intend to use social media as a marketing strategy, to be in the possession of their own information or get help from a third party.Problem definition: What factors are important in the long term survival of the companies when choosing a social media?Objective: The objective of this essay is to analyze and evaluate the personal blog and the company blog as an information technology strategy.Method: The essay will have a hermeneutic and quantitative approach in the form of a survey. Theories: Consumer Behavior, The Buying Decision Process, Involvement Theory, Business Concept, Branding, Total Communication Theory, Word-of-mouth/web and Service Profit Chain.Empiric: The empiric will consist of the results from the survey.Results: The result shows that the blog is effective as an information technology strategy however the companies should adapt their choice of blog to the products that they sell.Conclusion: Important factors for companies that seek long-term survival are involvement, communication and loyalty. It is also important to use a relationship marketing approach. .

Att mäta fattigdomsbekämpning - En studie av social performance-rapportering inom mikrofinans

This study has a double purpose. First, it explores and maps out the use of quantitative key indicators in social performance reporting within a microfinance portfolio. This was done on behalf of Storebrand Asset Management, who would like to aggregate and report the social results of their microfinance investments to their customers. The study concludes that the extent of social reporting and types of indicators used varies, meaning that it is hard to aggregate data for use in further reporting. Thus, the work towards the goal of social reporting has only just begun.

ATT VÄLJA, VÄLJA OM OCH VÄLJA RÄTT: En kvalitativ studie av vad det är som styr kommuners utformning av öppenvårdsinsatser för ungdomar

The aim with this study was to examine what it is that govern the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth. An extensive development of non-institutional care for children is a visible trend in municipal social service and probable reasons for this development are, among other things, research that show inadequate results of the institution care and economy. Our main questions at issue were how the municipalities argue the priorities that have been done within their youth care services with regard to the non-institutional care and how they reason considering this? Furthermore we asked why the municipalities have chosen to develop their non-institutional care for youth the way they have and on what grounds they make their choices? This study consists of eight qualitative interviews with politicians and employees in four different municipals along with analysis of relevant documents. We have found that what governs the way that municipalities develop the non-institutional care for youth has to do with that the municipalities found it vital to find alternative solutions to the expensive and ineffective institutional care, that they comprehend that the quality of non-institutional care are higher then of the institutional care and that the non- institutional care is seen as more effective with regards to economic results and achieved treatment results.

Jag trodde aldrig det kunde vara så bra att vara pensionär : En intervjustudie av äldres tankar kring åldrande och livsstil i ett seniorboende

The aim for this thesis is to illuminate expectations and conceptions of senior housing from an individual perspective of seniors and how senior housing is put in relation to the process of ageing. Safety, community and accessibility are main notions for the seniors and therefore also in this essay. The method used for writing, analysing and interviewing is Grounded theory, with basis from social constructionism. Theoretical background comes from theories developed in social gerontology and gerotranscendence. These theories helps to give perspective to the analysis of the interviews.

Äldre kvinnliga undersköterskors upplevelser av betydelse för bibehållen arbetsförmåga

Bakgrund: Kvinnor har högre sjukfrånvaro än män och inom undersköterskeyrket, som är kvinnodominerat, märks detta tydligare. Det finns därmed anledning att uppmärksamma och kartlägga vad som upplevs främja kvinnors arbetsnärvaro och arbetsförmåga i detta yrke. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utforska äldre kvinnliga undersköterskors upplevelser av betydelse för bibehållen arbetsförmåga inom kommunal äldreomsorg. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en beskrivande kvalitativ intervjustudie med kvalitativ manifest innehålls-analys. Sex friska undersköterskor mellan 55-58 år i kommunal äldreomsorg valdes genom ändamålsenligt urval till semistrukturerade individuella djupintervjuer.

CSR och företagsstrategier : En kvalitativ studie om den paradoxala strävan efter CSR och vinst

From a historical perspective, Sweden is a classic example of a social democratic state in view ofits early development of labor movements, democracy and focus on the welfare state. Today, as amember state of the EU, Sweden has however come to be influenced by America?s neoliberalpolities, where companies need to deliver more and better products/services while the consumerawareness and sensitivity has increased about company?s way to invest. Research shows thatScandinavian companies, primarily in Denmark and Sweden, has a leading position when it comesto responsible corporate behavior which has been the reason to our choice of studying howSwedish companies do to achieve success in CSR. To carry out this study, we have usedqualitative analysis, using semi-structures to interview companies in different industry sectors.

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